The Pawn

By SnazzyJazz19

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Aria was born into a noble bloodline. Resenting the bloodline and family she was born into, Aria enlists int... More

Chapter One: Noble Bloodline
Chapter Two: Moving On
Chapter Three: Living Hell
Chapter Four: A New Life
Chapter Five: Hidden
Chapter Six: Prepartion
Chapter Seven: Reunited
Chapter Eight: Intro
Chapter Nine: The Expedition
Chapter Ten: Aftermath
Chapter Eleven: The Last Straw
Chapter Twelve: Stubborn Brat
Chapter Thirteen: The Fallen Wall
Chapter Fiftteen: Out of Hand
Chapter Sixteen: Conflicted
Chapter Seventeen: The Trial: Part One
Chapter Eighteen: The Trial: Part Two
Chapter Nineteen: Realization
Chapter Twenty: The Advantage
Chapter Twenty-One: The Plan
Chapter Twenty-Two: Lust

Chapter Fourteen: Black Out

542 20 0
By SnazzyJazz19

The overwhelming metallic scent filled my nostrils before our squad was dispatched to scale the wall. I had learned to suppress my feeling and emotions, especially after all the psychological abuse that I had experienced living with my father as a child. Yet, once my leather boots planted themselves on the highest peak of the reinforced wall behind Maria, I felt a rush of emotions explode in the depths of my chest.

The entire Shiganshina District swarmed with tons of Titans, wandering the city's ruins for no doubt the last remaining citizens that managed to survive the damage the "Colossal and Armored Titan" Erwin titled them had caused. My eyes had never beheld so many Titans in one setting before, each ranging in different sizes and shapes.

The adrenaline coursed through my veins as my eyes landed upon the humanoid cannibals one last time before Levi gave a small gesture, signaling our squad to branch off into two men pairs and descend.

To my dismay, I was paired with Levi. I deemed the decision quite strange considering he often liked to work alone. Any other time, I would've protested and refused to work with the fractious man, but as the haunting screams filled the air of the city beneath us I couldn't scramble together any other thoughts other than eliminating every Titan that crossed our path.

I had to admit that Levi and I were an unstoppable force as we moved together in synch, slashing the napes of numerous Titans and assisting to clear a path for the last few straying citizens trying to escape the hell they just experienced.

Panting and struggling to regain my breath, I landed on a nearby crumbled statue of what used to be someone's home. I could feel the calluses on my hands start to crack and bleed as I tightened the grip on my blade handles. My hair was tousled, falling in waves around my shoulders as I tossed my head back shaking the loose strands away from my face to clear my vision.

I noticed Levi's solemn expression from the corner of my view, a small flicker of admiration reflected in his eyes as I turned to face him.

I could feel myself flustering under his gaze, the butterflies in my chest rising once more as his hand slowly rose to my face, tucking a loose strand of hair of hair that I had missed behind my ear. The sensation of fingertips brushing against my cheek was enough to make my breath visibly hitch.

He took a few steps back to distance himself from me, as he shook his head softly and occupied himself with wiping his blades free of the titan blood and debris.

He's just as shocked that he did that, as I am.

Our moment was short lived, as Erwin gave the signal to retreat. Glancing behind my shoulder, I could see more Titans swarming the wall, that we had just managed to clear. Scattered remains of citizens and soldiers could be seen in the distance, and I could only envision the devastating loss that we had suffered in our attempt to reclaim the Wall.

I gave another quick glance to Levi before enabling my gear, readying myself to scale the wall before me. It was then my eyes caught a familiar glimpse of Oluo on a frantic search at the top of the Wall, grabbing and twisted people to face him. I could see his mouth widening as he seemed to be calling someone's name.

My eyes widened as my heart dropped as his lips formed the familiar sequence of a name that I was all too familiar with.


Disabling my gear, I fell backwards letting my green cloak to become a meal to a Titan only meters from my body. I could hear the muffled echo of my name being called, maybe it was Erwin? Levi? No, Hange?

It didn't matter, I was trying to rewind the last few moments of my time with Charlotte in order to locate where she was dispatched too. I continued to fall, almost as I was in slow motion. Regaining my senses I quickly spurred myself around, only seconds before a Titans jaw snapped shut before me. Swinging my blades I blinded the creature, and propelled myself behind its neck and in one quick slash cut through its nape.

She went to the East, I'm sure of it. What don't think that way.....I've got to find her. Even if she's....I just have to see for myself. I won't leave her out here alone.

Quickly, I used my gas to launch myself forward. I could feel the tanks becoming empty, I would have to use them sparingly as I continued to search for Charlotte.

Two Titans ahead.

I ran my tongue over my lips as I concentrated on the best strategy that would enable me to take out the most Titans at once. The mysterious unique ability I possessed once again overtook my small frame, unlocking my full potential.

I surged forward, managing to leap from one Titans head to another. The creatures waved their lanky limps swinging them violently, only resulting in delivering hits to each other in there attempt to hit my petite form. Granting me full access to their napes as they became tangled in their efforts to grab me.

I never exchanged another passing glance as I continued forward, driven only by my desire to find Charlotte.

Reaching the inner depths of the city, I tried to cover as much ground as possible while keeping my eyes peeled for any oncoming Titans that were currently lurking within the ruins. A small war cry filled the air, capturing my attention as I drove towards the sound.

Nearing the commotion I could make out Charlottes familiar blonde mane, tied back into a thick braid upon her back. Blades were drawn in each of her hands, as she stood braced between a Titan and a another figure that laid motionless on the tile of the platform they were positioned on.

The Titan was an abnormal, by the way it carried itself. Circling itself around Charlotte and the figure as if it was toying with them. Yet, there were no other Titans in a one mile radius.

Did this Titan drive off every other oncoming Titans just so they could have Charlotte and the unknown figure to themself? No...they can't be that smart....

I gave a small whistle gaining the abnormal attentions away from Charlotte.

Charlotte whipped her head to the side, her eyes filled with panic and relief.

"Aria, no!" She yelled weakly, just as the Titan decided to lunge towards me.

"Go!" My voice screamed before I aimed my grapple hooks straight for the Titans neck, sinking them deep within its skin. It was a risky move, charging straight ahead into a Titan but my confidence in my skills were greater than the fear of being devoured alive.

The abnormal jaws snapped numerous times as I reeled myself forward, it's large hands aimed to clasp me between them. My fingers fumbled with the gear, waiting to opportune moment. Alas, they found the trigger, reeling my grapple hooks back to my sides I used the momentum to twirl myself and slashed the Titans hands in two.

I aimed the hooks just a little higher and pulled myself forwards again, maneuvering my hips to swing myself wide and around the back portion of its neck and away from its snapping jaws. The movements were too quick for the Titan, as both blades slashed through the back of its neck.

I gave a sigh of relief, sheathing my blades back into my sides. My hands fumbled once more with my gear, trying to aim my hooks at the nearest structure. That's when I realized I had used the last of my gas to take down the abnormal Titan. Using the last of my strength I tugged at my hooks, trying to free one just enough to cushion my landing as much as possible.

If I can't get this hook to come free, at the rate I'm falling it'll either break every bone in my body or....

I was falling in slow motion, panic spreading throughout my body as I desperately clawed at my gear. It finally sprung free, as a few of my fingernails were torn from their nail beds in the process. Quickly, I made a small loop and set my attention to my survey my surroundings, finally settling on a partial rooftop that had managed to stay intact.

I've only got one shot here....

I swung the wire loop, whispering a small prayer as it left my hands.

If it doesn't catch on something I'm...

I watched as the wire loop soared through the air, and came to rest snuggly between the edge of the rooftop and a fallen piece of debris. My breath returned, as I braced myself. Even if I had managed to stop myself from becoming a splatter in the alleyway, I still would be taking a severe hit.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I felt the wire tighten and jolt my hips upright, swinging me directly into the concrete wall in which a small piece of rock was jutted out of place.


I felt my back connect with the wall, my shoulder smashing against the rock, ripping my the harness of my gear and clothing apart. The jagged edge sunk into the soft flesh of my shoulder, and a loud pop could be heard as much shoulder dislodged itself.

Pain seared throughout my body, deriving a scream from the pits of my abdomen.

"Aria!" Charlotte voice faded through the distance as my limp body hung from the building.

I may had saved myself from the fall, but I had now set myself up as bait for another oncoming Titan.

I've gotta get up, climb up to the roof...something. I can't just hang here...

Yet, even if I did my gear was busted. There would be no way that I could make it back alone.

Moments edged on, as I struggled against the wire. Eventually, I could feel the wire being tugged at from another source. Lifted my head weakly, my blurred vision could make out Charlotte tear stained face screaming my name over and over.

I guess the initial impact had knocked out some of my hearing too....

Nevertheless, Charlotte small frame managed to pull me to the top of the roof. Small familiar arms wrapped themselves around my neck as she buried her head into the crease of my shoulder. Suddenly she stopped and hurried to pull me to my feet, throwing my good arm around her shoulder and tugging the lifeless stranger she had managed to save with her other free hand.

I could only guess she had spotted an oncoming Titan, there was no way we could all three make it out of here alive, especially if my gear was busted.

Struggling, I managed to clear my head enough to stand to my feet and remove my arm from her shoulder.

She tugged at my torn bloodied sleeve, willing me to stop.

"Aria, stop please. I can't lose you. Please." She begged with a strained voice. Tears flying in multiple directions as she shook her head viscously.

The Titan footsteps shook the titles upon the roof as it spotted the three of us lingering on-top of the structure, with two more close behind.

"Thank you, for being there when no one else was. You are the sister I never had, and I will always love you my friend." I whispered, as the tears began to fall from my dark lashes.

I showed no pride, for I knew this was my end.

"No I won't....she began before I stopped her.

"You will. You promised me when this all began, that we would go on.....even if we lost one another." I croaked.

"Aria, we were kids...I...." she cried once more, twisted my torn clothing more between her fingers.

"I won't make it out of here Charlotte. My gear is busted and you can't carry two people." My voice snapped with anger, pushing her to leave before it was too late.

She only trembled, knowing that my words rang true.

My shoulder gave a gruesome pop as I moved it against its will, gripping my blade handles in each hand and unsheathing them.

"I'll hold them off long enough for you to get away. Stay to the East, that's the way I took on my way here. I should've cleared a path long enough for you to make it back." I muttered under my breath, as my eyes were locked with her blue hues.

The footsteps were only a few feet from us now as Charlotte finally dropped her fingers, and gave me one last smile before throwing the stranger over her shoulder and racing away.

Proudly I turned to face the oncoming Titans, my heart thundering against the walls of my chest as the anticipation of my death neared closer and closer.

The overwhelming surge of pain returned, which caused me to lose my footing and stumble to my knees. My body had taken its toll, and I barely had enough strength to stand. I could see the Titans hand closing in on my form, it's menacing grin taunting me as it jaws opened wider.

Closing my eyes, I chose to shift my focus on one last thought that would ever fill my mind.

That thought was Levi.

Just as I smelled the pungent breath of the Titan before me, my ears picked up on the whirling sound of ODM gear and a thundering crash of what I assumed was a fallen Titan.

Fluttered my eyes open, I caught the glimpse of a familiar black undercut flashing before me and landing next to my fallen form, leaving me to only stare in response.

Am I dead? Why is he here?

"Your such a fool, why the hell did you take off like that? Do you know how long it's taken me to find you? His voice rang out above me, as he planted his footing against the slick rooftop tiles.

If I wasn't so dizzy, I could've sworn he was genuinely concerned for me.

My mouth flew open to respond, but the words never formed on my tongue.

He took one look at my crumbled frame, his eyes finally resting on my shoulder. I could only imagine how bad it looked considering the pain I was experiencing.

His eyebrows furrowed together once more, as he kneeled close to my side. Quickly, he shuffled over to my wounded shoulder, taking my arm in one hand and placing the other on the small of my back.

"I'm gonna need you not to scream Aria,  no matter the pain. We don't need to alert anymore Titans than we already have."

My mind struggled to comprehend his words, but I shook my head slightly as they finally processed.

With one swift motion, he gave a small push setting my dislocated shoulder back into its rightful position. The tears brimmed in the corner of my eyes, and blood drizzled from the corner of my lips as I bit down under the force of his action following a small whimper as he released me.

Trembling he helped me to my feet, as my shoulder started to regain some of its mobility.

Another round of footsteps rounded the corner, as Levi tugged me to the corner of the rooftop.

"Listen, I don't have time for you to fight me on this. I'm gonna have to carry you, so fucking hold on and don't you dare fall or so help me I'll leave you here." He stated with urgency, not giving me a chance to respond as I was slung over his shoulder, his arm securing the curve of my waist tightly against him as he enabled his gear.

His cape had been discarded, as I clung to the fabric of his back and focused solely on not passing out as we soared through the air.

"Levi, thank you." I muttered softly against his back as my body fell limp, and I faded into the darkness.

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