Hostage of Your Heart - A Lar...

By SilverShadow96

42.9K 1.2K 454

Harry Styles led a perfectly normal life until one day he was forced to live a new one. After being taken awa... More

Author's Note
Prologue - So Long
Chapter 1 - Day 1: Say Something
Chapter 2 - Day 2: Who Are You?
Chapter 3 - Day 3: Just A Whisper
Chapter 4 - Day 7: I've Been Here For Days
Chapter 5 - Day 60: The Two Voices
Chapter 6 - Day 61: Nicknames
Chapter 8 - Start of Something New
Chapter 9 - Rude Awakening
Chapter 10 - The Aftermath
Chapter 11 - Unspoken Words
Chapter 12 - Consequences
Chapter 13 - For the First Time
Chapter 14 - The Place I Belong
Chapter 15 - Giving Answers
Chapter 16 - I Need Somebody
Chapter 17 - Letters from Beyond
Chapter 18 - First Thought
Chapter 19 - Filling in the Gaps
Chapter 20 - Stockholm Syndrome
Author's Note - New Story
Hello again!

Chapter 7 - Day 100: Set Free

2.3K 56 14
By SilverShadow96

As promised, here is my second post of the week! Sorry again about the delay on Chapter 6. Chapter 8 will be posted next Friday xx.


Harry had not been eating. Since the incident with Louis, he was hardly responsive to anything the boy did, and to say that Louis was getting both anxious and aggravated was an understatement. As a result of his refusal to eat much of anything, Harry was becoming dangerously thin and had contracted a dangerously high fever.

“You have to eat,” insisted Louis, trying to force-feed him.

“I’m not hungry,” Harry countered, his voice weak from lack of use and malnourishment over the past month.

“If you don’t I’ll have to start injecting you with food,” Louis warned.

“See if I care.”

Louis grunted and left the room. Counting this as a temporary win, Harry continued to stare vacantly at the shadowed ceiling behind his glasses. He had not bothered asking Louis to remove them even though he was sure that his eyes would be plenty adjusted by now.

He heard the door open again and groaned when he saw Louis’ form re-enter.

“I said I’m not hungry,” he mumbled into his sheets.

Louis did not say anything and instead caught Harry off guard by removing the glasses. Harry blinked several times, his eyes adjusting to the sudden change of lighting.

“Why –?” Harry began, but froze when he noticed how close Louis was to him.

“Louis…” he breathed, staring into the older boy’s crystal blue eyes.

“Yes, H-Haz?” stammered Louis, equally as breathless. He had never seen eyes as breathtaking as Harry’s. There was not a doubt in his mind that green was his favorite colour for a reason.

“Your eyes… they’re gorgeous.” Louis flushed.

“I could say the same for yours.”

Harry just shook his head though and continued to stare into Louis’ depths, completely and utterly mesmerized. He felt himself swelling at the sight of them.

“Please, Haz,” murmured Louis. “Won’t you eat for me?”

Harry sighed. How could he refuse those innocent, beautiful eyes.

He nodded slowly and Louis smiled gently. Harry continued to stare at the beautiful boy, soaking every bit of him in as he leant towards the nightstand to grab the tray that he had brought in earlier. He did not break eye contact, even as Louis fed him.

“What?” asked Louis softly.

“You’re just beautiful,” said Harry, his voice barely above a whisper. He smiled when Louis flushed.

“So you’re not still mad with me?”

“Oh, I am. But there’s no point in denying the obvious fact that I’ve never met anyone as breathtaking as you.”

Did I really just say that out loud?

Louis was now bright pink and trying to keep his hand steady as he fed Harry soup.

“You’re a real charmer, Haz. I hope you realize that.”

“So I’ve been told.”

The pair of them fell into a comfortable silence, only broken by the sound of the spoon dancing with the bowl and the pitter-patter of rain on the windowsill. Harry’s eyes searched the room.

“It’s not nearly as dank as I imagined it to be,” he commented, and Louis looked at him skeptically.

“What’d you expect? For me to put you in a dungeon?”

“Would it have been unreasonable to assume so given the circumstances under which I was brought here.”

Louis bit his lip.

“Fair enough.”

“Still,” continued Harry. “It’s nice in here. Kind of homey.”

“It could be,” said Louis before he could stop himself. Harry’s eyes widened. “I mean…”

“I think I’d like that.” Louis’ eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.


“Yeah,” said Harry uncertainly. “I’ve been denying it to myself for a while now but… I really do like you, Lou. I know how we came to meet isn’t exactly… erm – traditional… but I can’t imagine leaving all of this –” he pointed between the two of them, “ – behind.”

“Me either,” replied Louis honestly, swelling at Harry’s use of his nickname. “I’ve been a right git though, Haz, and I’m sorry. You’re not meaningless or some conquest for me. Sure, my motives for getting you here may not have been pure but once I got to know you… I don’t know, there’s something inevitable about us, you know?”

Harry nodded, and Louis could see the desire building in his eyes from where he was sat. He put the empty bowl down on the nightstand and laid a hand on Harry’s forehead. Harry’s eyes closed and he let out a breath at the sudden contact. Louis tried not to notice the feelings that stirred within him at the spontaneous contact as well.

“Your fever seems to be breaking,” he said, cheerfully. “You should be healthy in no time.”

Harry smiled gently, then his smile faltered.

“What is it? What’s wrong, love?”

His term of endearment caused butterflies to erupt in Harry’s otherwise knotted stomach. Harry was uncertain whether or not he should say what was on his mind.

“It’s not important…”

“Of course it is, it’s bothering you. Tell me, Haz.” Harry sighed.

“It’s just… I was wondering if I would be able to be untied soon.”

Louis’ gentle smile faltered and Harry felt his heart sink.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have –”

“No, you’re right. It’s not right for me to keep you like this given our changing relationship with each other. It’s just… I’m worried you’ll leave and I don’t think I could survive not living with you anymore.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Lou,” said Harry, his hand attempting to reach for Louis’ own. Louis moved his hand to allow him to hold it and Harry began to trace circles on the back of it with his thumb. “There’s no where I’d rather be than with you.”

And as Harry spoke the words aloud, he realized the truthfulness behind them. Life without Louis, although once being something he desired more than anything else, was now horrifyingly impossible to him. This is where he belonged, with Louis. He wanted to be by Louis’ side, learning his likes and dislikes, showering him in hugs and kisses when the other boy was distraught, making love to him while looking into his beautiful blue eyes the entire time. These things, while once seeming ridiculous, were now all Harry wanted, so much so that he could not remember how he had lived life before meeting this wonderful boy.

Louis looked into his eyes, searching for fault or deception, and as he searched, his saw a whole life for them unfolding, making his stomach do backflips. Harry was rapidly becoming his everything and as he looked into the meadow-like depths, he could see that, much to his happiness, the feelings were more than reciprocated.

So without another word, he began untying Harry’s limbs one-by-one, as if freeing him from the cage he had been trapped in, and setting him free and into the new life that both of them yearned to create with one another.


Since Harry had been tied up and unable to properly exercise for nearly four months, the process of rehabilitating him was not an easy one. Louis had to constantly support Harry as his legs were prone to giving out underneath him, and that meant helping Harry do menial tasks.

“This is humiliating,” grumbled Harry.

“Haz, you have to pee some time.”

“I can do it myself.”

“Last time you tried you were practically a water hose gone wild.”

Harry could not help but snort at that, causing Louis to smile with success. He loved putting a smile on the younger boy’s face. It brightened his day more than he cared to admit.

“Still,” said Harry sobering up. “Let me try again.”

“You’re getting there, Haz,” said Louis softly. “But let me help you so you don’t hurt yourself.”

“You don’t have –”

“Yes I do,” interrupted Louis with a guilty expression. “It’s my fault after all…”

“Don’t do that,” said Harry, placing two fingers under Louis’ chin to lift it up. “Hey, look at me.”

Louis met Harry’s enchanting eyes, feeling his brain go fuzzy.

“I don’t blame you anymore. Sure, this isn’t an ideal way to meet someone and I would’ve preferred if you had gone for the mainstream ‘Hey, can I have your number?’ but it’s you and you’re wonderful.”

Louis smiled softly, melting from Harry’s words. Harry always knew what to say.

After finally giving in to Louis’ protests, Harry permitted the boy to help him use the toilet. When he had finished, it was time for them to broach another topic.

“So showering,” said Harry awkwardly, and Louis laughed uncomfortably.

“Well, if it helps I’ve already seen it all.” Harry smirked.

“So I take it you’ll help me then?”

“If it means preventing you from falling and cracking open your skull, certainly.” Harry rolled his eyes. “However, I think what may be slightly more practical would be a bath.”


“Mhm,” said Louis, leading Harry over to the tub. He looked at the boy’s articles of clothing. “May I?”

Harry nodded and Louis wasted no time in discarding the t-shirt that Harry had on, throwing it to the other side of the lavatory near the door. He then worked on unbuttoning the curly-haired lad’s trousers until finally, the only thing left were his boxers.

Louis, momentarily distracted by the toned chest of the boy in front of him, heard a throat being cleared. He looked up, face flushed, to meet Harry’s amused gaze.

“See something you like?”

“Very much so,” replied Louis, his voice deeper than usual.

Harry felt a twitch in lower regions but chose to ignore it. No need to go there when he was practically naked. He waited for Louis to do something but seeing as the boy was practically frozen in awe, he decided to take matters into his own hands and sitting down on the edge of the toilet, lowered his boxers, leaving himself completely vulnerable.

Louis eyed Harry hungrily, wanting more than anything to feel all of Harry inside of him. Harry, despite being certain that he should feel more uncomfortable under Louis’ scrutiny, felt more aroused and showed it.

Realizing what was happening, Louis choked on his own saliva and Harry chuckled.

“Your turn,” spoke Harry, his voice more gravelly than usual. Louis looked at him questioningly.

“Come again?”

“It’s only fair that you strip down as well,” explained Harry, and Louis raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah? How’s that?”

“You got your show. And now,” growled Harry, standing up uneasily and supporting himself on Louis, “it’s time for mine.”

Louis let out a shaky breath and nodded. After insisting that Harry sit back on the toilet so that he would not exhaust himself, he shed himself of his own shirt. He tried to ignore Harry’s eyes that were feasting on him, soaking in every last bit of him.

“You’ve got tattoos,” Harry noted. Louis nodded. “I like that one.”

“The arrow?” Harry nodded. “Thanks. I figured… never mind, it’s stupid.”

“No, what is it?” asked Harry, genuinely curious. Louis flushed.

“I… I figured once I found the one they’d be the heart to my arrow. Lame, right?”

Harry simply smiled.

“I love it.” Louis smiled shakily before continuing what he had stopped doing moments ago.

After shedding himself of his trousers, he finally gained the courage to lower his boxers as well, letting them pool around his ankles. Harry soaked him in.

“You’re beautiful,” Harry whispered, his voice full of desire and maybe just a little…

No, Louis would not go there.

“Quit lying,” said Louis shamefully. “I’m nowhere near as toned as you are. Look at this.” He grabbed his tummy and Harry frowned, standing up unsteadily again.

“Stop it,” he insisted, grabbing Louis’ hands. “Don’t talk about yourself like that. You’re more than your stomach and you should be reminded every day about how beautiful you are.”

“So should you,” whispered Louis. “You deserve so much Haz, you've given me so much.”

“Yeah? What?” asked Harry disbelievingly.

“A sense of home.”

“You’d better stop all this sweet-talking Lou, or…” Harry trailed off, mentally smacking himself.

“Or what?” whispered Lou, bringing Harry’s hands up to his lips.

“Or you’ll make me fall madly and deeply in love with you.”

Louis stared up at the taller boy and Harry suddenly felt even more nervous and self-conscious than earlier.

“Who said that wasn’t the plan all along?”

Harry felt chills running down his spine, though they were not unpleasant in the slightest.

“Shall we?” Louis finally said, breaking the silence. He directed his gaze towards the bathtub. Harry nodded shakily.

Taking Harry’s hands in his own, Louis led the pair of them over and after turning on the water and getting in himself, he helped Harry do the same.

“How are we going to do this?” asked Harry.

“Like this.” Louis sat down, pulling Harry down with him, and pulled the boys back flush into his front, laughing when Harry let out a squeak.

“Relax,” soothed Louis. He massaged Harry’s tense shoulders and felt the boy moan. He closed his eyes, trying to focus on not getting a hard on while he was doing this.

“Where did you learn to massage so well?”

“Like you said, I know a thing or to,” said Louis cheekily, and Harry chuckled.

“That you do. Though I seem to recall that being a very different course of action.”

Think of wrinkly old grandmas, wrinkly old grandmas though Louis.

“Erm – Lou?”

“Yes?” Louis squeaked.

“Doesn’t one typically wash themselves when taking a bath?”

Louis froze.

“Y-Yeah, of course. Sorry.” He quickly grabbed a washcloth and after lathering it with soap, turned Harry around and began working his way across his chiseled chest. His eyes widened slightly.

“You have four nipples,” he stated, and Harry raised an eyebrow.

“I do,” Harry affirmed.

“How did I not notice this before now?”

“You usually had other things on your mind, I’m sure.”

Louis looked Harry in the eyes.

“Are you trying to make me hard, Haz?”

Harry smirked.

“Is it working?”

“Tremendously well.”

“Good,” Harry whispered, reaching forward to stroke Louis’ own chest. “Because I heard shower sex is one of the best types.” This time Louis’ eyes practically popped out of their sockets and rolled onto the floor. Harry burst out laughing.

“Relax Lou,” he choked, tears running down his face. “It was just a joke. Though,” he added, “I wouldn’t mind finding out one day.”

“That’s it,” grunted Louis. He tossed the washcloth out of the tub and in a moment of passion, pulled Harry flush against him once more and sent their lips crashing together.

Harry immediately responded to the kiss, moving his own lips in surprising sync with Louis’. Soon, their kissing became sloppy and needy but both refused to be the first to pull away for air.

“So beautiful,” Harry panted when they finally broke apart, his forehead against Louis’. “You know that right?”

“How could I forget? You keep reminding me.”

“Way to ruin the moment.”

Louis grinned.

“The moment is ours.” He brought their lips together again, using his tongue to lick Harry’s bottom one. Allowing entrance, Harry parted his lips and his tongue fought Louis’ for dominance.

As they continued to explore all of each other, one thought infiltrated Harry’s mind.

“Need you.”

Louis froze and looked at Harry.

“Not like this Haz,” he whispered, breaking apart. “I want our first time to be special, preceded by dinner with candles and all that cheesy romantic nonsense that you’ll always remember. I don’t want it to be just a meaningless hook-up.”

Harry’s eyes filled with joyful tears. The words Louis spoke were ones he had been afraid that he would never hear.

“Why are you crying babe?” asked Louis worriedly.

“I’m not upset,” sniffed Harry as Louis thumbed away the tears. “I’m just happy.”

Louis smiled sweetly, kissing away any remaining tears on his almost lover’s cheeks.

“And Lou?”

“Yes, love?”

“It could never be meaningless. It’d be with you.”


Thanks for the views/votes in the past 2 days! You have no idea how excited I get when the view count goes up in only a couple of hours! Please more of the same and let me know what you think because I particularly liked writing this chapter. Have a nice weekend xx.

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