Don't Leave Me... (Mario x Pe...

By AaliyahCurzon

10.4K 126 645

Mario knew Princess Peach for a long time. In fact, it felt like an eternity since he first met her. He wante... More

Choose Your Own Ending! (Please Read...)
~{13}~ → (Bad Ending)
~{14}~ → (Good Ending)


552 7 30
By AaliyahCurzon

The giant reptile had arrived back to Darkland in his clown car. He had still firmly gripped the princess in his giant claw as he held her over rivers of lava and grounds made up of volcanic rocks and obsidian.

Darkland was a sinister land that looked highly similar to the underworld with its intimating lava and fire, along with its dark atmosphere that included evil monsters. The monsters, in this case, was indeed Bowser's minions since he was the king of Darkland, after all. Even the lava (the Magmaarghs, Podoboos, etc) seemed to be at the reptile's commands, as well. The air in this kingdom seemed to be thick and ashy, since the whole kingdom was surrounded by deadly, hot substances. Not a single stream of sunlight nor green grass sprouted anywhere. Bowser absolutely detested happy, cheery or "nice" things, which made sense in a kingdom like this.

The princess continued to squirm and tried to pull herself out of the reptile's grip, however, it was still futile as always. She then realized that it was a good thing that Bowser didn't drop her after all, because if she fell, she would either be plunging into the magma or fall to her death onto the volcanic rocks and obsidian. She still hated to be in the reptile's tight grip, though. It was so uncomfortable that being a cage was more comfortable. Well, for a certain time, that is.

Peach slightly turned her head to get a glimpse of Bowser. He seemed to not pay any attention to her as he continue to stare ahead at whatever was in front of him. He tightened his grip a little bit more as he felt the princess squirm around in his grip, even though there was no way of the princess escaping, anyway.

If he tightens his hold on me anymore, he might break my spine and crush me to a bloody pulp! Princess Peach thought, horridly as she imagined the horrific scene. With fear, she just stayed limp in his hand as she frightenedly and briefly looked around Darkland, waiting to return to Bowser's dark and evil castle. That way, Mario can come and rescue her quickly and everything can hopefully be over in a flash.

Nothing was heard during the flight except for the deep plopping and sizzling sound of lava everywhere and the rapid heartbeats that the princess had. Her deep breathing could be heard as well as she listened to the rapid winds that the propeller sliced in the air underneath them.

The clown car then came down slowly and at first, Princess Peach was confused until she realized why. Bowser and her were in the clown car, hovering above a large, dark bridge that crossed over a large river of lava. The bridge lead up to the one and only King Koopa's (Bowser's) evil and dark castle. Peach knew that castle anywhere.

Bowser then hopped out of the clown car and came crashing on the bridge with his giant, heavy feet. Princess Peach let out a small shriek of terror and covered her ears as she felt the vibration of the bridge shake, unsettlingly. The princess slowly uncovered her ears and wondered how this bridge never collapsed from the giant reptile king's stomping around.

Bowser paid no attention to the terrified princess in his massive claw as he turned around to face the clown car.

With one swift motion, it lifted back up in the air and flew around somewhere to the back of the castle. When it finally disappeared, Bowser began clomping his feet towards his giant, front castle doors. Since the princess was so tiny compared to the reptile, the vibrations shook her like a pop bottle experiment with Mentos. She felt like her head was going to explode, so she grunted a bit and squeezed her eyes shut in pain, while holding her head.

Bowser raised an eyebrow at her in concern. He tried to stomp a bit lighter, but everything still shook, so she'll have to deal with it until he put her in a cage.

Bowser stomped past his castle doors. They closed with a firm 'thud' and mechanisms behind him hissed as they clicked and locked into place. The door was now secured with locks and bolts of all sorts.

Bowser had always been overboard with security. Especially when Mario kept coming back to rescue the princess. He wanted to make sure that the pesky plumber couldn't get her easily and he enjoyed setting up traps to slow him down and hopefully kill him once and for all. Unfortunately, for him though, the man in red seemed be able to dodge and get past all of his traps, hence why he kept on coming back and successfully saving the princess all over again.

This time was going to be way different, though. There's no WAY in Darkland that Mario would be able to get past his gruesome, mischievous plan now! The plumber wouldn't know what hit him. He just couldn't wait to put it into action at the right time... The thought of Mario finally losing made his heart race with excitement and his toothy grin form across his face.

"KAMEK!" He suddenly boomed with great force, nearly making some items knock off of their shelves. Some evil paintings started rocking and shaking from side to side, but then slowly stopped.

Peach squealed and covered her ears again, but of course, Bowser paid no attention to her once more.

I'm surprised that I haven't lost my hearing yet from Bowser's roaring all the time... The princess complained in her mind.

She removed her hands again as she saw Kamek fly quickly on his broomstick towards them.

Kamek is a wizard-like koopa with a silky blue gown and a matching blue, silky hat. He wears large dark orange boots, that resemble the Mario Brothers'. He also has giant glasses with thick lens, that make it impossible to see his eyes. He has been a parental figure in all of Bowser's life, so Bowser highly looks up to him.

"Yes, Master Bowser? What seems to be the matter?" He asked, tilting his head slightly in confusion. He was used to Bowser's screaming and yelling, but still wondered what on Earth he could possibly want at this time.

"Don't tell me that you've forgotten already!" The reptile replied, rolling his eyes and groaning loudly.

"I'm sorry, Master Bowser," Kamek replied. "But it appears that I've been so busy, that I have. Being your main assistant and second ruler does become quite frustrating and chaotic. Not that I overly mind, it's just that-"

"AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!" Bowser screamed so ear damaging loud, that Peach whimpered in fear and Kamek held onto his broom for dear life.

It was a good thing he did though, or else he would've gotten blown away by Bowser's forceful breath!

"Just shut UP! I don't need to hear you blabbering on and on for eternity!" Bowser screeched.

Kamek nodded, respectfully and did what he was asked. He fixed his glasses that were nearly falling off his face and trembled.

"Anyway," Bowser continued, calming down. "I've kidnapped the princess again for like the third or fourth time this week. I need you to lock her in a cage while I go and set up the diabolical plan that is SURE to kill that no good, red tomato, pasta-eating plumber once and for all!"

You say that for every time you kidnap the princess and look how much times those failed... Kamek thought, rolling his eyes.

Luckily, Bowser couldn't see it though because of his thick lens, covering his eyes.

"Alright." He nodded, with a toothy grin, similar to Bowser's. "Pass her over!"

"No!" Peach cried, squirming around and flailing her arms and legs once more. "Stop it! Let me go this instant!!!"

Bowser ignored her cries and placed her near Kamek. Kamek tried to quickly snatch her, but Princess Peach thought ahead of time and ran as quick as a flash as soon as her red high heels hit the floor.

Bowser roared and the whole castle shook, violently. Some objects fell off of their shelves and crashed to pieces onto the tile floors. Paintings even fell off their nails that held them in place and tumbled to the floor with a 'clatter'. Glass portraits cracked as they hit the ground.

Bowser turned sharply in anger towards Peach and stomped his foot towards her. This caused an earthquake and made Peach lose her balance. She screamed as she hit the deck and crashed to the floor, stunned.

Bowser roared with laughter as it deeply echoed in his throat. Kamek joined in, only his laughter was high pitched and cackle-like.

"And just where do you think YOU'RE exactly going?~" He taunted in a sing-song.

Princess Peach groaned and rubbed her head. She quickly got up and started to make a run for the castle doors again.

"Home! What else?!" She yelled in irritation, looking over her shoulder as she continued to run.

When she turned her head back around, the princess gave a sharp gasp in surprise. Kamek had blocked her way, wearing that same toothy grin as earlier.

"Sorry to cut in on you like this, princess, but I'm afraid you aren't going anywhere anytime soon!" He cackled, as Bowser snatched her up from behind her.

"AAAAHHHH!!!! Noooo!!! Please!!!" She begged, near tears.

They both ignored her pleads as Kamek took out his long, yellow wand magically from behind his back and waved it around. Bowser let go of Peach and stepped back to let Kamek do his thing and so he didn't interfere with his magic. Both evil koopas grinned as Kamek shot some magic, colourful, dust shapes onto her. Peach just stood there, frozen in fear. She also knew that there was no point in trying to escape again, anyways. The shapes slowly faded as thick ropes began to appear around her body, wrists and ankles.

She squirmed around for a bit and tried to use her teeth to pull the ropes off of her wrists, but it was futile. They were too thick and strong. Plus, they were tied very tightly all over her.

"Ha, nice try, love!" Bowser remarked, snatching her up before she lost her balance and crashed to the floor, unable to break her fall. "But I just can't let you go. You see, you're the main attraction of the cruel plan towards Mario, after all. You're the most important part; the bait! I can't wait to see that nincompoop's facial expressions when he finds out what I have in store for him!" He snickered, imagining the scenario as he pleased.

"I will never EVER in my whole entire royal life help you hurt him!" The princess yelled angrily in his face. "You can't make me! Mario is going to come and destroy you all over again!!!"

Bowser exploded with laughter like he just heard the funniest thing on Earth.

"Maybe you don't think so, princess, but you'll just have to wait and see the plan for yourself!" He chuckled and whispered harshly in her ear. "And nothing will be able to stop me. Not even that fuzzy-lipped freak!"

"You better leave him alone!" Princess Peach snapped. "Or you'll be sorry! ALL of you will!" Her gazed hardened as she turned to glare at Kamek.

Kamek just stared at her and remained motionless for a few seconds. He then snickered.

"Yeah, suurrreee, princess... Like your empty threats scare us! Puh-LEASE, darling. You can't even stop yourself from getting in Master Bowser's clutches! Plus, your Toad guards aren't very useful, so I don't think you'll be able to do much to us."

"I mean, he does have a point, hun," Bowser smirked, gazing into her eyes. Peach just turned her head in disgust. "You seriously need better guards. I mean, look at us compared to you."

Although it was kind of true, Peach denied it and scowled at the both of them. She then was about to defend herself when Bowser suddenly cut it.

"Well Kamek, let's teach this beautiful lady that it's impolite to mess with an evil king and his best assistant, shall we?" He grinned.

Uh oh. What do they possibly want to do to me? Peach thought, getting worried and frightened. Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good...

Kamek nodded, gleefully and waved his wand in the air again.

"NO!!!" Peach shot out. "Not the wand! Please! I-I'm sorry, just please don't hurt me! I beg you!"

"Relax," Bowser snorted, rolling his eyes. "It's not gonna hurt you."

"Well, these ropes do!" Peach hissed.

Bowser and Kamek ignored her as the colourful dust shapes flew at the princess once more. Peach was about to cry out in surprise, however, she suddenly realized that she couldn't speak at all.

When the dust cleared, her eyes widened in surprise as she realized that her mouth had been tied shut with a black handkerchief. Not only that, but it was as tight and uncomfortable as the ropes. She prayed in her mind that she wouldn't faint from lack of oxygen in her brain and lungs or even die.

"There," Bowser sneered, as Kamek put his magic wand behind his back. "That should keep you quiet until I am ready to put my plan in action!"

Kamek cackled, making Bowser roar with a deep laugh.

"Kamek," The reptile began, panting when they were finished. "Lock her in a cage and take her with you wherever you go. I will be too busy with my plan to watch her. Keep the ropes and hanky tied to her, though."

"Yes, Master Bowser. Will do!" Kamek replied, saluting with one hand, while the other was busy holding the broomstick he was sitting on.

He was actually glad to be able to take the responsibility of watching the princess for once. It meant that Master Bowser had put his full trust in him to do some of his dirty work, and he didn't want to let him down. Especially since he knew that the reptile never let anyone watch the princess besides himself because of overprotectiveness, lack of responsibility, etc from others. Kamek knew how much the princess meant to the king of Darkland.

He then scooped up a seething, petrified Princess Peach and took off with her to find her a cage, so he didn't have to use his right arm to carry her forever.

Bowser watched Kamek until he and the princess disappeared around a corner. He then proceeded to stomp (because Bowser literally never walks) back to his room that he liked to call, "His evil lair". He wanted to begin to start plotting his plan before Mario came. That way, when he did come, everything goes according to the plan, perfectly. Plus, Bowser can double check everything now so he himself doesn't mess things up, too.

Meanwhile, Kamek soon came across a cage that Mario never destroyed or dented while freeing the princess from Bowser's clutches. It was in the same small, empty room with the cage that Mario rescued the princess from the previous day. In fact, there were now a few cages strewn about everywhere, as if they have been tossed aside in a hurry or kicked over. Kamek had no idea how they got there.

Hovering and inspecting some cages, Kamek just sighed and finally went with the one that Mario had rescued Peach from yesterday. It wasn't dented or seriously damaged, after all. It had just been the lock that needed to be replaced and Kamek could do that easily. The thick, strong, metallic chain that it was connected to, still even hung from a large metal hook on the ceiling.

Shoving the pink damsel-in-distress inside, the magikoopa closed the cage door, holding the princess hostage until any further notice. He then took out his wand for the third time and proceeded to cast a spell on the cage, placing a firm lock on it. Kamek also made sure to put extra locks onto it and turn the whole cage fireproof so Mario couldn't try to use a fireflower to burn through the metal bars in an attempt to free the princess.

He thought this would all do for now. It's not like Mario would succeed this time anyway, right? Well, hopefully not for Bowser and his crew. But it's just in case... That plumber in red is quite a strong, smart and determined man, after all.

"Heh heh, let's see that troublemaker get through THAT!" The wizard giggled, mostly to himself.

"MMMPPPFFFHHH!!!" Peach muffled angrily through the handkerchief.

"Sorry, princess. Can't hear you!~" Kamek taunted, cackling.

Boy, did she want to teach him a lesson than to mess with the princess of 'The Mushroom Kingdom'! However, Mario probably would, anyway if she didn't.

The magikoopa then took the cage off its hinge and hung it up to the back of his broomstick. The broomstick was strong enough to hold it, and surprisingly, the cage wasn't overly heavily. Magikoopa secured the hook tightly with some more magic to make sure it wouldn't come off his broom.

He then flew out of the small room and out of the battle room with the flattened, red button. Along with the bridge that crackled and crumbled to pieces into the lava during Bowser and Mario's fight, of course.

Oh, Mario... Please hurry! I don't know what they're planning on doing to the both of us... The princess thought worriedly, fighting back tears and feeling her cage swing side to side as Kamek flew throughout the grand castle walls.
"...annnnnddd that's the story of how my I lost my precious cat, Buttons." Yellow Toad finished.

Toad, instantly bored out of his mind at the start of Yellow Toad's story, just rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Wow, I never knew you had a cat. You never told me until now. Kind of reminds me of my old cat, Pop Tart. Man, she was a handful..." Toad replied, pretending to be intrigued in his story.

"Yeahhh..." Yellow Toad admitted. "I just thought that now was a good time to bring him up just in case Blue Toad is lost too..." Yellow Toad sighed.

"Umm... Okay, then...?" Toad said, blinking his eyes, slowly in confusion on why Yellow Toad would say something like that. "Speaking of Blue Toad, we should actually try to find him now. We've been looking everywhere for like ten minutes and we've been so distracted."

Mainly because of you, though... Toad added harshly in thought. However, he dared not say it to Yellow Toad's face.

"Yeah, I actually forgot about him until now, to be honest."

Toad had no words for this.

Thank goodness he brought Blue Toad up, then or else they'd be in the woods forever and Yellow Toad probably wouldn't even have noticed.

"You WHAT?!" A muffled voice behind Yellow Toad and Toad cried out.

The two Toads whipped around in shock. There stood a figure about their size, covered in mud, leaves and sticks.

"WAAAUUGGGHHHHH!!! IT'S A FOREST MONSTER!!!" Yellow Toad screamed.


The two of them screamed and ran for their lives, looking for a place to hide. They first ran around in circles with their arms up in the air and then crashed into each other in panic. They then both screamed more and hopped into the bush next to them.

"You moron! This is my hiding place! Go find your own!" Toad hissed, in a whisper.

"Nu-uh! I was here first! You get out!" Yellow Toad harshly whispered back.

Before Toad could argue, the two of them heard a twig snap a few feet away from them. Instantly shutting up, the two of them held their breaths and prayed in their minds for the creature to go away.

Footsteps began to grow louder as they drew closer and closer to Yellow Toad and Toad's hiding spot. Their hearts beat at an alarming rate in their chest and they both felt as though they might obtain a heart attack anytime soon.

Just then, the sound of the footsteps stopped.

"I-I think it's gone." Toad whispered.

"Peek your head over and see." Yellow Toad whispered back.

"Are you out of your mushroom mind?!" Toad squeaked, quietly. "I don't want to die!"

"Well, you said it was gone!" Yellow Toad huffed, quietly.

"What if it's not, though?"

Yellow Toad's eyes widened. "Go check!"

"No way! You do it! You're the one who suggested it!"

"I'm not the one that wants to die, though."

"Bruh, I never said that I wanted to die!"

"Don't care! Still look!"

"If you're that concerned about it, YOU do it!"

"Just make the sacrifice and hurry up with it!"

"Why me?" Toad whined, softly.

"Cuz I said so." Yellow Toad replied, grinning.

"Nobody made you boss." Toad snorted, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up! You're gonna get us killed!"

"Well, at least we'd both make the sacrifice."

"I ain't making no dumb sacrifice. That's your job!"

"Says who?!"


Toad facepalmed at Yellow Toad's response.

"Don't worry, though," Yellow Toad added. "I'll make sure that you have a great funeral and everyone will remember you as a hero. Including the Mario Brothers!"

"Yeah, gee, thanks!" Toad replied, sarcastically.

"No problem!" Yellow Toad cheered, quietly. "Now go!"

Toad facepalmed again. He was about to just peek over the bush to stop all of this arguing when suddenly a loud rustle of leaves and twigs being snapped were heard right above them.

As you guessed (probably), it was the sound of their bush being pulled apart with a force just like Mario's from earlier. This time, though, it wasn't the moustached plumber in red.

Quickly but nervously looking up, Yellow Toad and Toad gasped in shock at what they saw.

It was Blue Toad.

Yellow Toad and Toad breathed a sigh of relief and quickly stood up. They squeezed him into a group hug before yelling in his face. Well, Yellow Toad did, anyway.

"WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE CASTLE!!!" He shrieked, shaking Blue Toad back and forth.

"Why?!" Blue Toad asked.


Blue Toad blinked slowly in disbelief at the both of them.


"It's true!" Toad nodded so vigorously, that Blue Toad was worried that his head might roll off. "He tried to eat us whole and turn us into forest monsters just like him!"

"Also, the reason that we have to go back to the castle is because Princess Peach has been kidnapped. Don't worry, though! Mario and Luigi are going to save her." Yellow Toad added.

"I know she got kidnapped! I was there cloud gazing, too, ya know!" Blue Toad snapped. "Remember?!"

"Oh yeah! I forgot!" Yellow Toad giggled.

Blue Toad and Toad facepalmed.

"And I thought I was terrible at remembering stuff..." Toad muttered in his hand as he slowly shook his head back and forth.

"Anyway," Blue Toad sighed. "That "monster" that you speak of, he-"

"You saw him too?!" Toad asked, gasping as his eyes widened.

"Well, yes, but actually no."

Now it was Yellow Toad and Toad's turn to become puzzled.

"What do you mean?" Yellow Toad asked.

"Yeah, man. Explain!" Toad huffed, crossing his arms.

Blue Toad rolled his eyes and started to explain.

"That "monster" was actually me. I was just covered in all that get up because of that rotten reptile, Bowser!"

"Wait... You mean to tell us that YOU were the monster this whole entire time?" Yellow Toad asked in disbelief.

"That's what I said, did I not?" Blue Toad remarked, flatly.

"But how come you have no more twigs, leaves and mud on you?" Toad asked, suspiciously.

"I went to go wash it off in a nearby river. Don't worry, it was already kinda filthy anyway, so I hardly polluted it."

"Don't worry about pollution, we have bigger problems!" Toad cut in, grabbing Blue Toad's wrist. Blue Toad slapped his hand away.

"OWWWWWW!!!!!" Toad complained. "What was that for?!"

Yellow and Blue Toad ignored him.

"Actually, pollution IS a big problem, but it's not something we have to worry about at the moment. We both promised Mario that the three of us will hurry and return to the castle safely when we find you." Yellow Toad explained.

Blue Toad nodded. "I see. Well, let's get going, then. Toads never break their promises! Mario and Luigi will have everything under control like always."

"Yeah, you're right." Toad nodded, in agreement. "Now let's all get out of this creepy forest!"

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