The LEGO Ninjago Movie [Lloyd...

Autorstwa HoomanTree

301K 7.5K 14.9K


Our Story Begins「✔」
Welcome to Ninjago City「✔」
Happy Birthday Lloyd!「✔」
Ninjago High「✔」
Garmadon is Attacking...Again...「✔」
Garmadon's New Plan「✔」
The Ninjas' Elements「✔」
The Ultimate Weapon「✔」
Caught by [Name's] Dearest Mother....「✔」
Garmadon's Attacking...Once Again...「✔」
Garmadon Was Right!「✔」
Ninjago Getting Conquered「✔」
Lloyd Being The Definition Of 'C H I L L'「✔」
The Attack of the Cat!
He's Won....
The Ultimate Ultimate Weapon
The Journey Begins
Revenge From The Former Generals
Got The Arm!
The Temple of Fragile Foundations
I've Got the Power!
Found My Place
Bloopers and Outtakes

Garmadon is Just Being.... Garmadon....

9K 248 590
Autorstwa HoomanTree

The ninjas, except [Name] and Lloyd were carrying Garmadon's cage, walking along on their journey.

Garmadon decides to start a conversation. "You know what's funny? I had La-Loyd when I was 158 years old."

This seemed to amaze them.


"Wait a minute. You're 174?" Nya asked, a bit unsure.


"Master Wu says he's 167, and he's your younger brother?" Cole asked, wanting to make sure that what he said he was correct.

"He's my younger brother. Correct." Garmadon leaned against one side of the cage, standing up as well.

"How is that possible? You look much...." Cole began.

"Younger." The ninjas chanted together.

"Thank you." Garmadon smiles thankfully.

"Yeah, do you moisturise?"

"Yes, that's when I got the upper hand on Master Wu."

"'Upper hands.'" Jay repeats to him.

"Yeah, upper hands."

Now, it was Kai's turn to speak up. But, can we just have a moment of silence, for the series version of Zane because they ruined him in the movie.

"How did you gain two arms?" Kai points out.

"Oh, don't put it like that." Jay says, shaking his head in disappointment at Kai.

"I don't know if that's the best way to say it." Nya facepalms in embarrassment.

"Well, he's got four arms." Kai said trying to say it in a more respectful way.

"Correct!" Zane piped up.

"I mean, yeah but, why is it all of a sudden you guys are like, Garmadon's best friends?-" [Name] questioned, walking beside Lloyd, crossing her arms in concern.

She then got cut off by Garmadon. Bruh- Rude much?

"You know, a lot of people don't ask me about it. So, I'm glad that he's comfortable asking. Lloyd's never asked me once about my arms. Have you Lloyd?"

"Don't talk to me." Lloyd says, gritting his teeth. [Name] rolls her eyes at Garmadon's antics because Garmadon is just being....Garmadon. She holds Lloyd's hand and he fortunately, doesn't let go.

They both blush at the affection and smile softly at each other. All of a sudden, because it's cliché, they both felt themselves leaning forward. But, they soon stopped when Garmadon started talking again and they sighed deeply in annoyance. Garmadon, you coc-

"I was bit by a snake."

"No!" Kai says in shock. Even Zane had a look of shock, but it was a stereotypical one for a robot.

"Yes." Garmadon answered.

"So, the snake had a bunch of arms?" Jay asked. Honestly, he sounds so innocent like Lloyd as well. Soldiers, attention! You are assigned to protect both Lloyd and Jay. You have one chance, don't ruin it.

"They don't have arms." Kai corrected.


"Do you mean like a spider?"

"Oh no, I was bit by a snake. And the snake had been bitten by a spider. And then the snake had bit me."

Lloyd decided to butt in since he had had enough of this. "Are you guys actually buying any of this?"

"How else would explain it, La-Loyd?  You weren't there." Garmadon snapped back.

"But, you not remember fully as well, Garmadon. It might juts all be fuzzy to you-"

"Yes, thank you. Thank you very much, Cappuncinco." Garmadon sarcastically remarked.


[Name] once again, got cut off by Jay and just sighed. At this point, it's just getting sad for how she keeps on getting cut off. 

"So, when you grow extra arms started growing, were you like, 'Yes, this is awesome!' Or were you like-"

"No, at first, I was like, totally freaked out, and sometimes I get self-conscious about it."


It was silent for a bit after Garmadon said that. Wait, did he just cut Jay off?! It's one thing to cut [Name] off, but to cut Jay off. Even, when he is actually enjoying the conversation. I hope you all raid the comments about this.

Jay then speaks up again saying, "Hey, uh, Garmadon. Can I ask you another question?"

A bear was popping its head out and watching them walk by on their journey. Other creatures were busy  doing their own thing or just looking at the protagonists on their journey.

"Yeah, go ahead."

Lloyd was getting a bit irritated at the fact that it seemed like his former friends, excluding [Name], left him for his evil father.

And now they are having a chat with Garmadon as if they were now becoming friends.

That's rough buddy.

[Name] rubbed her thumb over his knuckles to calm him down a bit and it worked. His eyes softened when he looked at her, but then hardened when he looked back at his ex-friends and father.

"It's about the arms. Um, can you shake your own hand?"

Garmadon proceeds to shake his two lower hands with his two upper hands. "Look! Check it out ninjas."

They laughed at what he was doing. Man, they've gone wild now that the Wi-Fi's gone down.... They'll literally try everything to get themselves entertained, that's just.... sad.

"Oh, my gosh."

"Oh, he's his own best friend!"

"Oh, the double shake!"

"I love your bad boy charm." 

Garmadon decided to do another one. I actually need Holy Water for this one.... "Look at this. This is one of my favourite things. I look like I'm making out with two people, don't I?"

He turns around and wraps his four arms to his back, making it look like someone else was holding him. At the top, it looked fine. But, the lower one is what got to me.....

"I'm impressed."

"Wonderful amusement!"

This was somehow funny to the five ninjas. [Name] looked back in curiosity and remember the quote, 'Curiosity killed the cat.'? Well it killed her on the inside. Oh wait, she is already dead on the inside-

I can relate....

"Hey, you know what? We should, uh. We should be practicing silence right now." Lloyd stated in hopes of them actually listening to him.

"Um, yeah. What he means is shut up and not scar us for life. I don't need to be scarred this much that I'll have a dramatic backstory like Batman." [Name] interjected, shivering in fright of what she saw Garmadon do.

Jay then blurted out, "Sorry. It's just, when you talk, I don't wanna listen, but when he talks,I wanna listen."

They other ninjas carrying the cage or by the side of the cage agreed with Jay, much to Lloyd's dismay.

[Name] facepalmed at this in disappointment, knowing that this would only boost Garmadon's ego more.

"I've always said he's weak-voiced."

"I think we're getting off point a little bit, just a little bit." Lloyd disclosed and used his hand to exaggerate how off point they were.

"You see what I mean about the weak voice?" Garmadon once again, leans against the cage and nods to the other ninjas.

"'Like a little bit!'" Garmadon tries to imitate Lloyd in a weak high-pitched voice. "That's how he talks."

"Um, actually that's obviously wro-"

"Do it again."

"'A little bit!'" They started laughing as soon as Garmadon did that again.

"Annoying Orange is more funny than his impersonation and that says a lot...." [Name] mumbled.

"Oh, that's not how I.... That doesn't sound like me!" Lloyd asserted.

Kai then had the guts to imitate Lloyd as well. "He sounds more like this."

They all laughed even more at this.

"Look what he's doing to us! We have to focus. He's turning our minds." Zane claimed and made exaggerated movements.

"Thank you, Zane." Lloyd and [Name] chimed in. They looked at each other, smiled and shouted, "Jinx! Jinx again!"

They laughed at their moment and Lloyd spoke up, "You get it."

Zane makes some whirring noises and states, "My sensors indicate a fork in the road."


They all come across two different paths. One to certain doom and the other to certain joy. It's obvious for which path they should take.

Nya hummed in consideration, "The right path is long, and arduous and enlightening. And the left.... A shortcut!"

The other sign is just stating how it's the usual evil cliché shortcut.

"Why would they say 'possible'? They would know, right?" Jay questions in fright.

"I don't know, Jay. It just goes to show that they just wanna attack the people who make two paths of one being a usual peaceful, long one and the other being a dangerous, short one. They do this in a lot of movies." [Name] shrugged.

"We're taking the shortcut. Let's roll!" Garmadon declared without having a second thought.

"No, no. Okay. Just wait. Master Wu said we should stay on the right path." Lloyd forewarned, pointing to the right path.

"What?" Garmadon exclaimed in shock and regained his posture. "You wanna listen to the guy who fell off the bridge, or the guy who didn't fall off the bridge?"

Lloyd glares at his father and [Name] just sighs in defeat, patting Lloyd's back in a comforting motion.


They walk through the dark, dangerous route. Even horror movie characters are smarter than that and they are stupid. That just says a lot....

Jay decides to break the silence. "Hey, Zane, could you record this and then never play it back to me?"


Jay chuckled nervously at the sight of the area they were in.

"We are going to dieeee~" [Name] sang boredly.

Jay starts hyperventilating a bit and [Name] tries to calm him down a bit.

"[Name], don't scare Jay." Lloyd elbowed her.

"What? It's true." [Name] shrugged.

The ninjas look skeptical of the area.


"Maybe this isn't such a great idea."

"Ya think?"

They come face to face with what seems to be a temple in ruins.

Gasps were heard from Lloyd as he witnesses skeletons laying on the floor. Thunder is heard cracking and lightning striking different areas. [Name] runs up next to Lloyd in fright.

"This is my least favourite place I've ever been in."

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what? I already get shouted at too much, by my mum for me to here sh-"

Indistinct growling was heard as two figures appeared in the dark, waving their spears.

The protagonists start backing up slowly. "We're backing it out."


"We're backing out." Lloyd repeats in a whisper.

"What did you just say?"

"We're backing out because we will die, if we don't leave."

"Go, go, go."

"Back it. Continue to back it out."

At this point, they were backing up really fast. [Name] turned around and laughed in relief, "I see the light. I see the light- Oh, that ain't a light, ya'll!"

They all stop and turn around in fear.

"Alert. More danger."

"I'm gonna throw up."

"What do we do?"

The teens whimper in fright and nervousness. [Name] holds Lloyd's hand in hopes that feels a bit more better. Lloyd grips her hand to encourage her, smiling at her in a reassuring way.

"There's too many of them."

More figures emerge up from the hill and stalk towards them. Garmadon looks at them, having a hint of deja-vu, as if he's met them before.

"Wait a minute. Oh my gosh, La-Loyd and Cappuncino, they look like former General Number Ones."

Now that we can see them, they look horrible. They held their torches up and staggered towards them. Why do they look like a garbage monster ate them, threw the up and dipped them into a volcano, like as if they were dipping a chip into sauce?

"You guys look great." Garmadon complimented hoping to ease the tension. "Your skin has such a lovely glow. Have you all been tanning lately or something?"

"We were fired." One of the former generals manages to growl out, bringing out a spear on one hand and a torch on the other. He chuckles wickedly, knowing that now him and the other generals could get revenge on Garmadon.

Another general emerged from the crowd, slurping on her drink. "Out of a volcano." She finishes, gritting her teeth in anger and hatred.

"Oh! Right, right, right." Gamadon says in realisation. "Yeah, but other than that, you're well?"

"Uh, Garmadon, did you fire all of these generals out of a volcano?" Lloyd asks in concern.

"No! Not all at the same time. Don't worry. These guys are like family. They love me. Right, Generals?"

The generals just laugh manically at what Garamdon suggested about them being his 'family'. 

"Oh, we're family alright." One of the generals brings out a chainsaw.

"Ninja go!"

"Guys, wait! We need to use our ninja powers." Lloyd suggested, but the others had already gone and started fighting the henchmen, leaving Lloyd standing there by himself.

"What do we do? We're worthless without our mechs." Jay swings some punches, but one of the generals jumps onto his shoulders.

"Come on, remember what Master Wu told us. Nya, you can make a flood to wash these guys outta here." Lloyd pushed some of the generals away and ducked from any other weapons making contact with his head.

"The only hope for water is if Jay has another accident in his pants." Nya slam-dunks two generals onto the floor and uses her arms to shield herself a bit from the punches getting sent towards her.

"Yeah, she's right. We gotta get outta here!" [Name] struggles a bit against a general trying to strangle her, but she kicks them in their no-no square.

Zane  gets whacked in the head by a spear. "Ow, that hurts."

"Let's go."

"No, no guys. Use your elemental powers. We have the power!" Lloyd yells.

More generals yell and run towards Lloyd and tackle him, as he yells.

"Lloyd!" [Name] struggles against the generals as well and gets knocked out.

"[Name]!" Lloyd screams in fright as he sees her get knocked out.

Then everything went black, as we now know that both Lloyd and [Name] are now knocked out.

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