Out Of Time (Fred Weasley)

By Enigma108

81K 3.4K 482

Iris Evans's parents have been lying to her, her entire life. But, deep secrets have a steep price and it on... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter 7
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter 15
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 19
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter 23
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter 27
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter 31
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter 35
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter 39
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter 43
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter 47
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter 51
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter 55
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter 59
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
A/N -Sequel
Pranking Little Percy
A/N- Alternate Ending

Chapter Thirty Three

999 46 7
By Enigma108

"Any updates on Iris?" Remus asked when Fred returned from St. Mungos. Fred just shook his head and went up to one of the spare rooms. It had been two days since the battle in The Department of Mysteries and Iris was comatose. The healers had told them that it was highly unlikely she would ever wake up again.

The tension in Grimmauld Place was so thick one could slice through it with a knife. George tried to talk to Fred, but he was getting nowhere. Fred would sit in their room all day staring out the window or be at St. Mungos visiting Iris hoping for something to change. The only time he was pretty much around other people was when George would drag him down for meals. No one knew if and when she would wake up.

"Oh, I forgot to mention." Fred began one day when he went to visit her.

"George and I are working nonstop to get our shop up and running. I hope you'd be there for the opening. It won't be the same without you."

There was a loud crash. Fred looked up to see Remmy stumble into the room.

"Hiya, Fred." He said scratching the back of his head.

"Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

Remmy gave him a look.

"But, you dropped out. Why does it even matter to you?"

"What are you even doing here?"

"She's my sister you know." Remmy said, annoyed. He started walking over to his sister's bedside only to trip over his own two feet nearly knocking Fred off his chair. He sprang to his feet.

"Sorry about that." He said. Fred gave him a look. Remmy reached over and took his sister's hand. Fred watched as Remmy's face filled with pain.

"What on earth are you doing?" He demanded.

"What does it look like I'm doing, Yoga? I'm taking some of her pain."

"I didn't know you could do that." Fred said.

"It's not all that it's cracked up to be. It really hurts." Remmy said through gritted teeth.

"Then why are you doing that?"

"If I could help her, even a little bit, I will."

Remmy let out a gasp, let go of his sister's hand and stumbled backwards.

"Are you alright?"

"Quite dandy." Remmy said dreamily before he passed out.

"Remmy." No response.

"Remmy." Fred said frantically, shaking him.

"I'm awake, I'm awake." Remmy said pushing Fred's hand off of him. He tried to get up, but he lost his footing and fell flat on his face.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Now could you possibly point me to where the toilet is. I think I'm going to be sick." Remmy mumbled his face going green. Fred sprang to his feet, grabbed a hold of him and helped him to the bathroom.

"Is this a normal occurrence?"

"No, I'm in a lot of pain here. I don't normally do this." Remmy replied leaning back against the wall of the bathroom.

"Do you want me to go get someone?"

Remmy shot up.

"No, definitely not. It's going to pass, I know it."

Over the next two weeks it became routine. Fred would aparate Remmy to St. Mungos where Remmy would try to take his sister's pain. Every time Fred would have to help him to the bathroom where he proceeded to throw up.

"Is it really that bad?" Fred asked one day while Remmy was hovering over the toilet.

"It is that bad. I don't even think I'm making a dent." Remmy moaned.

"You can't keep doing this to yourself."

"Why not? I could heal."

"Remmy you're pretty much causing yourself self harm. Don't make me tell Remus or Sirius." Fred warned.

"She's my sister. You didn't see Ron sitting around twiddling his thumbs when Ginny was taken to the chamber of secrets." Remmy shot back.

"I care about her too, Remmy. But, she wouldn't want me helping you do this to yourself. She'd have my head."

"Speaking of my sister, where is she?" Remmy inquiried. Fred spun around and saw Iris's bed empty.

"Oh, boy. We are in trouble." He muttered. He grabbed onto Remmy's arm and apparated to Grimmauld Place.

"We have a problem." He began. He froze when he saw Iris standing there.

"Iris." Remmy yelled, tackling his sister into a hug.

"Are you out of your mind? She just woke up from a coma." Someone said.

"Enough with the chit chat." Iris began with a worried look on her face.

"Iris, what's the matter?"

"They're going after prongs." She blurted out causing Sirius and Remus to jump.

"How would you possibly know that?"

"My father one time mentioned that someone attacked my babysitter and me when I was a baby nearly leaving us for dead. He's mentioned the date a few times. I've read up on the case, yes Remmy I read dad's case files and everything seemed very peculiar."

"What was peculiar?" Remus asked.

"There was no sign of forced entry, no fingerprints, no DNA. The bruising looked more like movement of a wand and not a fist or blunt objects."

The next moment people began bombarding her with questions.

"How could you possibly know the date?"

"Why did you look it up?"

"Is it a coincidence that you woke up now?"

"Stop bothering my girlfriend. She literally just woke up." Fred ordered.

"Since when were those two back together?" Remmy asked Theo. Iris smacked her little brother in the back of the head.

"Ow, abusive." Remmy shot his sister an annoyed look as he rubbed the back of his aching head.

"Anyways there is only one person who would know where they are." Fred pointed out turning to Charlie.

"What are you looking at me for?" Charlie asked.

"You're my mum's best friend, uncle Charlie. I know you've been visiting my parents every so often so you could see your goddaughter. That's where you were headed when you dropped me off at the train in the beginning of the year and when you showed up in the Burrow last year at the start of school because you knew my mum had given birth. You know where they are uncle Charlie and you're the only one who could possibly save them."

Charlie stared at his goddaughter stunned.

"Did you ever think of becoming an auror?" He asked.

"I was thinking of becoming a defense against the dark arts professor. Now can you please give me the address so I could go save my parents?"

Charlie looked around the room and let out a sigh.

"I'm warning you that Harry might come outside to see what's going on." He began shifting nervously.

"Why would Harry be there?"

"Because your parents address is one Privet Drive."

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