Dishonored: Emily And Jasper.

By gokugunslinger

13.4K 203 151

the story of a boy who stayed by Emily's side no matter what. #1 in Corvoattano More

Ch 1: Dishonored 1
Bio and backstory
Ch 3
Ch 4
Dishonored: The corroded man

Ch 2

1.3K 31 51
By gokugunslinger

A couple minutes after Jasper and Emily were kidnapped.

Jasper and Emily were struggling against the Assassins who now blindfolded them. The assassins landed in a alley were a rail car's door was open revealing 2 men who looked exactly alike.

"Hand her over!" the white one barked, but was stopped when the man in the red coat put his hand up.  "Don't dilly Daud! Hand her over!"

"Pay up first." Daud said.  "Bodyguard was there,  so that doubles the price. " The white one just snarled and noticed Jasper trying to get free of one of the Assassins (Whalers) but failed.

"You brought an extra brat! Your pay stays the same! Kill him! "the white one orders, spit making its way out of his mouth.

"I saw this boy playing with the Princess.  Figured taking him would make her more compliment with you. " Daud said with a straight face.  "The price triples now. "

The white one was about to bark at Daud again but was stopped by the Black one.

"By the Outsider Curtis,  just pay the man so we can leave." he said getting annoyed .

The white one known as curtis,  huffed in anger grabbing a suitcase and throwing it at Daud who caught it with ease.

They whalers started to bring the 2 kids forward but was stopped by Daud who put his hand up.

Daud opened the suit case revealing tons of cash. He poked it with his finger, moving it around. Satisfied with what He saw,  he nodded to the Whalers, Closing the suitcase.

The whalers then dragged the children two children to the Railcar.

Emily: "Let me go!" she screamed as she struggled to get free.
Jasper heard her screaming and looked around.

"EMILY! WHERE ARE YOU! " Jasper screamed, struggling to get free, but was lifted up and thrown into the RailCar hitting the seat. He started to move around till he felt a small hand.
"Emily is that you? "he asked and was pulled into a hug. The Railcar's  door shut.

"Jasper! " Emily said hugging him close. "I can't see are you-" the sound of a gun being cocked made itself known as the 2 children hugged each other closer.

"Shut up you Little bastards!" Curtis said pointing a pistol at them. He looked over to the Man beside him. "Where are we taking them again Morgan? " he asked.

"To the Golden Cat,  Curtis." Morgan said. "So we can have fun when we're there. " they heard the sound of crying and saw tears coming from underneath both Emily and Jasper's blindfolds.
"The little shits are crying. " he said in disgust.

6 months later

A bloody Jasper is seen laying his head on Emily's lap, who is
un-harmed. Her shorts and socks were stained with his blood.  He was sobbing as Emily ran her hand through his hair.

"Everything is going to be alright Jasper, I promise." Emily said. During their time at the Golden Cat, which turned out to be a brothel, the two men known as the Pendelton Brothers, beat Jasper every chance they got. The nearly escaped once but was caught. That was for days ago, Jasper hasn't moved since. 

"I'll tell you what.  When everything goes back to normal, ill make sure you have all the cake you want!" she said happily looking down at Jasper. He didn't move. Her smile faded away as she closed her eyes. She then felt him stirring around, she opened her eyes seeing him look up at her with a smile.

"Can I have.... Chocolate please? " he asked giggling a little. Emily smiled, tears forming in her eyes and feel on Jasper's face.

"Yes you can have chocolate cake. " she said.  Jasper sat up and hugged Emily,  borrowing his head in the crook of her shoulder. "Im going to give you everything you want when we get home.  I'll get you a bed in my room, I'll get you pillows of different sizes and ill keep you safe no matter what. " jasper giggled in her shoulder tickling her.

"That sounds nice." Jasper said backing out of the hug and notice her clothes were stained with his blood.  "Sorry about your clothes Emily." Emily just waved it off and looked at him smiling. Then they heard the door open.

Jasper stood up and made his way to the door with Emily. He saw a man dressed in a black trench coat with gold outlines, and was wearing a mechanical skull mask.

The man took one step forward reaching a hand out but stopped when Jasper backed away with Emily behind him.

"Who are you? Why are you wearing that mask?" Jasper asked trying to sound brave, but was shaking nervously. The man got down on his knee and removed his mask,  making Jasper's and Emily's face light up with joy.

"CORVO! " they both yell running to him. He hugged Emily first. Then he looked at Jasper, scanning him for any serious injuries with his hands, moving Jasper's oversized jacket around. When he was satisfied he pulled Jasper in for a hug.

"Jasper what did they do to you? " he asked letting go of Jasper who smiled at him. Which left Corvo confused.

"I didn't let them hurt Emily Corvo. " he said causing Corvo to look at Jasper with a thankful face. "Im just like you. Right?" he asked staring at Corvo. Corvo let out his breath and grabbed Jasper by his shoulders and looked in his eyes.

"Thank you Jasper." he said "For keeping her safe. " Corvo then put his other hand on Emily's shoulder and looked at them both.  "Alright listen, im going to get you both out of here. I heard that you 2 tried escaping that way.  I have the key to the door, were going to escape that way.  So stay quite and keep your heads down. " he explained till he noticed Jasper was losing his balance.

"Jasper? " Emily asked putting a hand on his shoulder. Jasper fell on corvo   his arms over Corvo's shoulders.
"JASPER! " she yelled.

Corvo got jasper off of him and checked his pulse and sighed in relief.

:l"He's out cold. " he picked up Jasper holding him close and looked at Emily. "Emily we need to leave now. Lets go. " they made their way down to the VIP entrance and made it outside. 

The unconscious body's of Curtis and Morgan  laid there,  bloody,  bruised. 

Corvo made his way to the other building about to open the door but notice the absence of Emily. He looked behind him and saw Emily staring at the 2 men with hate.

"Emily, come on." he said but Emily didn't come at all she stood there looking at the men.

"You need to kill them Corvo. " she said looking Corvo in the eye. "You have to kill them after what they did." corvo shook his head and looked at Emily.

"No Emily,  i already have plans for them.  They will pay,  but I won't kill them. " he said, shifting Jasper over his shoulder.

"You would've killed them if they hurt me! Don't they deserve to die for beating Jasper!" she yelled stepping closer to Corvo.  Corvo set Jasper down ,got on his knees, and grabbed Emily's shoulders.

"Yes they deserve it Emily,  but I'm not killing them out of kindness," he says as Emily calms down looking confused. "I know a man who said he would take care of them without killing them. I just have to give him something then they won't bother You or Jasper again. Please understand. " he said as he let go of her.

Emily stood there for a moment before hugging Corvo.

"Im sorry Papa. " she said.
"Im just so angry!  They hurt Jasper and i didn't do anything to stop them. " she said. Corvo looked Emily in the eyes.

"I understand. But we need to get Jasper somewhere safe. " emily just nodded and they walked off carrying Jasper.


Jasper awoke to the sound of a boat engine. He sat up robbing his eyes and saw Corvo and Emily sitting beside him. He then notice a old man driving the boat and made eye contact with him.

"Looks like the boys awake Corvo. " the man said looking at Corvo then back at Jasper.

"Jasper your okay!" Emily basically yelled hugging him as he hugged her back smiling. Corvo chuckled softly as he looked at Emily and Jasper being happy and that he was there for them.

"Heard what you went through," said the old as he was navigating through the water. "I must say you are by far the bravest little boy i met. Im Samuel Beechworth, but you can call me Samuel." he said before looking at corvo.

"Well Corvo lord Pendelton, " Jasper's body got tense and stared at Samuel who quickly puts his hands up. "not the Ones you are thinking of Little Jasp, its their younger brother, he's a good person. "

Jasper looked over at Corvo uncertain till Corvo nodded his head.

"He's one of the good guys who broke me out so I can come save you and Emily. " Corvo said as Jasper loosened up a little,  trusting Corvo's word on the matter.

"so you did the business Corvo?" he asked looking at Corvo. "I'm not one to speak my of betters but if anyone disserved it,  it was those Pendleton brothers. " Samuel said as he started to maneuver the boat around.

"What kind of business Samuel? " Emily asked looking at Samuel. "Yeah, what do you mean by that?" asked Jasper as well , curious on what the 'Buissnes' was. 

"Ah, just grown up buiness girl, i mean you Ladyship. Please forgive me. " Samuel said trying to hide the fact Corvo either Killed the Pendleton's or Gave them to Slackjaw the notorious but honorable gangster (okay lets be honest, slackjaw gas those 2 a fate worse than death.)

"Its okay, " she glanced at Jasper "We heard LOTS of grown up buissnes at the Golden Cat. "Emily said as she and jasper looked at each other and giggled. Samuel had a shocked face and tried to change the subject.

"Oh, well I better focus on driving this boat. " he said as they neared a building that looked abandoned.

Corvo just chuckled looking at the bottom of the boat.  'They know about the birds and the bee's. Shhhhhhiiiiiiiiittttttttt.' Corvo thought to himself as they docked.

Corvo got out first and then extended his hand to Emily who took it happily holding Jasper's hand as well.

When they got out of the boat they were greeted by 2 women and one man.

One of the women bowed to Emily. And the other two followed suit.

"Young lady Emily i am Callista. I'll be the taking care of you and handle your schooling. " she said lifting her head and notice Jasper there, looking at Callista. "And who might this be? "

"Pleased to meet you. " Emily said bowing her head a little. "This is Jasper he's my friend. " she said looking at Jasper with a smile.

"Hello." he said getting behind Emily, hoping to hide behind her.
"nice to meet you."

Callista giggled at this. "As am i. Would you like to see your room at the tower? "

"Can we see it?" Emily asked.

"Yes, you may," she said standing up straight looking around. "You'll get to see it all, the integrity of the Hound pits pub. "

"Good, i think we'll like it here right Jasper? " Emily asked looking back at Jasper who was looking around with wide eyes and a smile.  Jasper turned around and nodded to Emily who smiled. She turned around to Corvo. "We'll go with Callista, Corvo. We'll see you later. " she said waving at Corvo.

They almost walked off before Jasper ran back to Corvo hugging his waist, burying his head into Corvo's stomach. "Thank you Corvo. " he said. Corvo who was shocked by the embrace, just smiled and patted Jasper's head.
"No thank you Jasper, for keeping Emily safe. You would make a good protector. " Corvo looked up and saw Emily waiting  for Jasper. "Run along now,  I'll see you later tonight. " Jasper smiled and walked off with Callista and Emily.

As they walked away they passed a man dressed in a Blue gaurds uniform, who bowed as they walked away.

Jasper looked back and saw the man talking without Corvo.
They soon passed another man that was dressed in a gray shirt, black gloves and black pants and boots. The cuffs to the mans sleeves had Yellow symbols on them.

This man is a Oveerseer.  A member of a religious group that deals with the supernatural and fight of Agents of the Void. They kill anyone who messes with magic. Its known that Overseers take Boys from their families to be future Oveerseer's but the Boy has to show worth. The boys are then sent to a isolated location for trials and a ritual, not all boys pass.

They made it inside the building and walked up the stairs which creaked due to the old wood. Till they made it to a window with a home made bridge to the Tower.

When they got inside, Jasper's eyes widen with Joy.  The room had two beds- since they expected only Emily to be the one rescued- a nightstand between the beds,  a desk with a lamp, a fire place, a window,  and a book case.

The only thing that stood out to Jasper though, was the bowl of fruit on the desk. Jasper was drooling.

Callista notice the boy drooling at the fruit. "Are you hungry? " she asked. "Would you like some? "

Jasper nodded his head Rapidly.
"Yes please!" he said as he picked up a Apple and tore into it.

Callista was shocked by the ferocity the boy used but maintained her posture. Emily just giggled at Jasper. Jasper got done with the apple and only had the core in his hand.

He shyly looked up at Callista, putting one foot behind the other like a child caught stealing a cookie. "May i have more Ms Callista? " he asked.

"Of course Jasper. Have as much as you like. " she said smiling at him. Jasper smiled at Callista and wasted no time sitting down and began eating more fruit.

Emily walked over to the bed on the left side of the room and sat on it looking at Jasper. "There's only 2 beds?  Were will Jasper sleep?" she asked looking at Callista.

"He can have my bed. " Callista said looking at the floor. "I'll make a pad on the floor. "

"no I'll sleep on the floor Ms Callista." Jasper said looking at Callista with a smile. Emily looked at Jasper with a disapproving face.

"No you can sleep on my bed, " Emily stated. "I'll sleep on the floor. " she stated as Jasper stood up.

"No you can sleep on the bed Emily,  I'll sleep on the floor. "  Jasper stated.

Callista just rolled her eyes.
'oh brother. ' she thought to herself.

With Corvo...

Corvo entered the pub about to walk upstairs but was stopped by The Oveerseer.

"Corvo, a word please?" he asked and corvo nodded as they entered a room for privacy.

"What is it Martin?" Corvo asked Martin, who closed the door.

"That boy, who is he? " Martin asked holding his chin.

"His name is Jasper. Why do you ask? " Corvo told him.

"Curious, he's Emily's friend that played with her at the tower correct? " he asked leaving Corvo shocked.

"How do you know that? It was never announced to anyone. " Corvo questioned,  silently grabbing his sword that was folded up.

"It was in Cambell's journal. The one you marked with the heresy burner." he said pulling it out showing small pictures of Jasper and Emily playing, laughing  and hiding together.  "At first i was disgusted,  thinking he was going to..... Well you know what to the boy but i read his notes. " he said handing the journal to Corvo.  "He shows loyalty, determination, and i believe he would give his life away to protect Lady Emily."
Martin said looking out the window.

Corvo closed the book and looked at Martin. "Get to the point Martin. "

Martin looked back at Corvo. "i want to make that boy a Overseer." Corvo threw the journal down.

"Absolutely not!" Corvo said pointing a finger at Martin.  "He doesn't want to be a Overseer, he wants to be Emily's Royal protector. "

"Corvo, you know better than anyone that can't happen. " he said as Corvo just shook his head walking around. "He isn't noble blood or from one of the Isles,  the closets thing he can get is being a Hand maid." Martin said trying to sway Corvo.

"Then he'll become a hand maid!" he said with force. "He won't ever leave Emily's side. And you insult me Martin. I wasn't noble blood and i still became Royal Protector. " he then walked over to the door. "This conversation is over Martin. " he then walked out.

Corvo proceeded to the tower Emily and Jasper where going to stay and opened the door revealing Emily sitting down on the floor reading a book.  Jasper was across from her, holding a book upside down trying to read. Callista just stood there watching the two.

"Hey you two. " Corvo said walking in earning a smile from Jasper and Emily. He sat down looking at them. "What are you two reading?" he asked.

"Im reading the story of a Princess named Buttercup. " She said smiling at at Corvo. "I'm not sure if Jasper knows what he's reading, Since he can barley read. " Emily said which caught Callista's attention.

"I Know what it says! " he said as he looked back at the book squinting his eyes. "It says...It says....Blue's rule.... And Red sucks.!" he said looking back at Emily with a smile.  Corvo chuckled and flipped the book over. Which left Jasper shocked and Emily smiling victorious.

Emily then spoke to Jasper  "The books called 'The Prince Of Tryia'." red flags poped in Corvo's head as he quickly snatched the book from Jasper's hand's.

"This isn't a book for Kids. " he said putting the book in his trench coat. Jasper looked at Corvo with a questioned look, his hair falling over his face and Jasper groaned pushing it back.
Corvo then remembered why he came to the tower. 

"I got something for you Jasper. " he said putting his hand in his trench coat. He then pulled out Jasper's hat.

Jasper smiled and grabbed the hat putting it on, which kept his hair out of his face but his bangs came out along with the hair on the back of his head. "Thank you Corvo! I thought I would never see it again. " he said adjusting it.

Corvo chuckled and stood up becoming a giant how intimidating he was. He looked at the two as he curled his lip up and let it go.  "Alright you two," he said rolling his shoulders ad popping sounds came. "I won't be back till later tonight. So Eat dinner and Listen to Callista." he Said starting to walk out the door,  but stopped. "And Jasper," he said not turning his head back. "Your a real good Protector.  When this is over, we're going to start training in the morning. "
He said before closing the door.

Emily looked at Jasper and saw His face frozen, mouth open and staring at where Corvo was just standing . The only sound was the the firewood cracking in the fire place.

Emily closed her book and crawled to Jasper worried and lightly put her hand on his shoulder, shaking him a little.
"Jasper, are you alright?" she questioned.

Jasper's face turned into a smile As he looked at Emily and,  faster than the eye could follow,  lifted Emily into the air. "Of course I'm okay! Im going to be your Royal Protector!" he said with joy as Emily was lifted into the air, her legs bending backwards and her hands quickly grabbing onto Jasper's shoulders and she was giving the biggest of smiles with a faint blush.

"I knew you would Be my Royal Protector! I just knew it! "She said happily hugging his head as he twirled them around.  Jasper eventually set Emily down and was still smiling.

6 hours later...

It was night time as Jasper and Emily was asleep and In bed.

Jasper layed on the bed on the right side, his hat on the nightstand, his hair layed on the bed going every which way and wore a Large dress shirt that went down his thighs half way, and his grey underwear.
His body was spread out,  one leg nearly off the bed and the other was bent upwards. His right hand was in the form of a claw and the other was flat against the bed. He laid on his back peacefully,  as his mouth was wide open and snoring lightly.

Emily laid on the other bed on top of the blankets. She wore a white nightgown which had some stains on it. She had her now off letting her hair lose as it laid scattered on the bed. She was not sleeping good. Her legs were pulled close to her body, her toes curled up, and she was moving from side to side breathing hard.

Callista was just sitting in a chair between the two beds looking at Emily. The only light source was the dim light of the fire. Then the door opened creaking slowly as The head of Cargo popped in looking at Emily, Callista,and Jasper. Callista looked back at Corvo then back to Emily.

Corvo slowly closed the door behind him and walked over to Callista. "How long has she been like this? " he asks.  "A couple hour's. " Callista responded. "Poor Emily, she has a lot on her shoulders. The death of her mother and becoming a victim of Hiram Burrows betrayal. " Callista said with pity.

Corvo hated to see Emily like this. He looked over at Jasper and notice how peaceful he was.  Then he looked back at Emily.

Corvo then made his way to Jasper and Picked him up slowly.
"What are you doing? " Callista asked but Corvo didn't answer.
Corvo then brought Jasper to Emily's bed and laid him down.

Emily was still moving around till she felt Jasper's presence and latched on to him,  burring her head in his chest as her breathing calmed down.

Corvo backed up, looking down at the two. He then started to walk off before looking at the two children one last time.

'Good night Emily, Daddy loves you. ' Corvo though to himself walking on the bridge, letting the sound of the crickets fill the night.


Wow i think this is the longest chapter i ever written.

Lets see 3839 words.

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