
By QueenTeacupKittyyy

141 22 44

Rosalinda, a girl with super powers from the planet of Lucencyria, joins a spy agency, Pravda, to stop the pe... More

Authors Note(Please Read)
Chapter 1 - The day it all started Pt. 1
Rosalinda's Outfit
Chapter 2 - The day it all started Pt. 2
Tamika/Miki's Outfit


29 3 21
By QueenTeacupKittyyy

As many of you know, I haven't updated. As I said in my authors note at the beginning, I dont like discontinuing things, leaving them halfway. 

I am going to be rewriting  this book, so for the time being, this will be up. But when I am ready to publish the book, I will undo all of this.

Another reason I am rewriting this is that well... n..o..   ..o..n..e.. seems to like this. 

I will probably also update what ever i have rewritten, IF I have at least 150 views, 30 votes, and 50 comments.

I know it seems like a lot, but it will actually help me. By having this, it shows me that people actually want this book. 

Also, if only one person is reading this, I'm fine with it. Just don't spam comments, and votes, and just read this book 150 times, because people have feelings.

Most of this is to encourage myself, and if anyone has suggestions, I'm open. 

Since we are back to school, I can be on watt pad a lot more. You might not see me on weekends, so that's that. 

Any messaging done between 2:00 pm - 8:00 am, I might not answer just as fast. So keep that in mind.

I pull lots of all-nighters, and right now I am trying to break out of that habit. Especially since we have school now. 

If you are reading this, know that you are kind, taking your time to read this. Most people won't, seeing as how this is a little bit about 600 words. 

I will be checking comments. Replies will count, just don't spam just to get me to update. To those of you who participate in helping me update, there are prizes.

*There are no prizes for being a silent reader, because I can't see who reads, but if you add to your reading list, that can also count as viewing.

Adding to Reading Lists: I'll read one of your works in return

Adding to Reading Lists Voting: Ill vote on 1 book, whichever you want me to read and a shout out.

Adding to Reading Lists & Commenting: A Shout out and read your choice of book

Voting & Commenting: A shout out and read one of  your books ( If you don't have works then you can choose which book. ) 

All three: Ill read, vote comment on your pick of two books, a follow and a shout out. 

So far,

@Smart_Lola has voted, and commented - A shout out and read one of your books ( If you don't have works then you can choose which book. ) 

@Luminous_Dark has voted, and added to reading list- vote on 1 book, whichever you want me to read and a shout out.

@stronggirlsclub added to reading list - I'll read one of your works in return

@GympieGympie800 added to reading lists and commented - Shout out and read your choice of book

53 views, 5 votes, 8 comments.

Recorded 10:22 am, Jan. 5 2021

@WiseGirlME read and voted - vote on 1 book, whichever you want me to read and a shout out.

Recorded 11:17 am, Jan. 5 2021

And that is it. If you read, I am sorry, because I can't see who reads and who doesn't. So doing the above lets me know who reads and who doesn't. I will be updating this everyday.

If you are a person who is able to choose which book I read, please say which one as soon as you can

Thanks to everyone, I really appreciate it. :)

Word count: 596

Bye Bye my Owlets!!!

All the best,

Miss Night Owl

99 views, 15 votes, 44 comments  

*Reminder - 150 views, 30 votes, and 50 comments, at the least.

Recorded 11:35 am, Jan. 6 2021

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