Fatima And Aisha

By Baby_BuB

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Join us as Fatima Zarah, Aisha Ummi, Asmau, Hauwa and Hajara unravel the mystery of an Uncle trying his utter... More

The Accident
Exams and Packing Time


94 16 32
By Baby_BuB

I woke up with a pounding headache that didn't promise to leave anytime soon. I looked at the time to see it was only four in the morning. I only had roughly two hours of sleep.

I groaned and rolled onto my back as I looked up at the ceiling. Thinking how much has happened in less than a year.

From the accident down to now where a family member betrayed us. I still can't wrap my finger around the fact that Hajar could do this.

It was so unlike her. It scared me to think she did it and I'm not ready to believe it yet myself. I'm not even sure she did it and it wasn't just an illusion we saw.

My heart was telling me to stand up but my body said otherwise. It was as though I was pressed down to the bed by someone strong.

I settled to doing zikr as I turned to my right and this time manages to submerge to sleep.

"No please don't do it I'm begging you. For the sake of family please release them" I sobbed on my knees as I looked at my whole family held at gunpoint.

I felt a hand cover my mouth and the next thing I felt was my head colliding with the concrete floor underneath. My sight turned hazy and breathing hard.

I see three things before I left my body go limb, blood gushing from my head, the gun holder laughing sinisterly and my family being shot.

"No!" I shot up from my bed drenched in sweat as I rocked back and forth. No, no, no they aren't dead. That's not true, right?

"Shh shh Baby it was just a nightmare," I heard a male voice. I looked up to see the same person that killed my family. I scooted away from him to the far end of the bad and screamed.

This time I heard a soothing voice calling my name. I opened my eyes slowly to see Jiddah crouched over my body with a worried look on her face.

I hugged her and cried into her shoulder. "It's okay. It was just a nightmare. No need to be afraid okay? Now get up its time for Fajr prayer, channel your worries to Allah," she whispered into my ear.

I closed my eyes momentarily and opened them again. I hugged her tighter one more time before I let go of her and went to the bathroom to perform ablution.

When I came out a few minutes later Jiddah wasn't there. I was guessing she went to pray. I prayed and prolonged my last sujud pouring all my worries to Allah.

I left my prayer mat with a light heart, all my worries gone. I don't know howw or why but thinking about the dream didn't make me afraid rather it made me want to laugh.

I did dua before laying back down to sleep. This time I had no nightmares whatsoever just a dreamless sleep. Now three hours later I've had my bath and I don't know what to wear.

I settled on the lightest thing to wear a simple white long sleeves shirt and a pleated long skirt. I draped a pink veil across my head and picked the black sling bag I had placed all my necessities in.

I slipped into my white stiletto and made my way out of the room and the apartment as a whole.

I walked the short distance to the main house where everyone was waiting. Asmi, Jiddah, Ya Mahmoud, Umma, Abba, Ammi, Inna, and surprisingly Mina.

I greeted everybody and made my way to where Asmi and Jiddah were standing. "Now that everyone's here let's go!" Ammi said.

Everyone went to where the cars were all lined in front of the mansion suddenly Munafiq came running out while wearing her heels and waving her hands frantically in the air.

I watched Mina through my side-eye as she cringed at how her friend was behaving. She finally arrived where we were standing in front of the cars panting heavily.

I internally groaned this two-faced b**** will be coming along. Abba, Ummah, Inna, and Ammi entered the first car, Jiddah, Asmi, Ya Mahmoud and I entered the second car while the last two goats entered the last car with a car filled with guards in front of us and a police patrol car behind us.

Is it just me that hates convoys and guards? Soon enough we arrived at the court. So many people were outside and the media were all over the place.

We struggled to get in but we made it and we were shown to our seat upfront.

As soon as we were seated the judge picked his gavel and knacked it three times then said "the court is in order!" After that, the place was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

"Bring forth the defendant!" Hajar was brought on stage as her head was downcast.

"Evidence?" The lawyer defending Hajar brought the tape where the proof was.

A Qur'an was brought to Hajar and her hand was placed atop. "Repeat after me," the person that brought it said.

"I swear to speak the truth and nothing but the truth,"

Hajar hesitated first but repeated, "I swear to speak the truth and nothing but the truth." The person looked at the judge and nodded before leaving the courtroom.

The judge studied the video for a few minutes before he turned to the audience and gave the defense lawyer a chance to speak.

"My Lord this is not at all enough evidence for my client to be wrongly acclaimed. For all we know that person might be an impostor trying to harm her."

The judge held his hand up. "The court is adjourned till next week Friday,"

We just sat there shocked. That was too fast and too easy something must be wrong. Has Hajar somehow manipulated the judge? Or did the judge see something we missed?

I still couldn't understand. Until Jiddah whispered in my air "The Judge had asked us to stay back for a bit," I looked up to see Hajar being restrained but there was no sign of them taking her back to her prison cell.

As soon as the last person had stepped out the doors were closed immediately and every single security left even the ones restraining Hajar left.

I looked around me and back at Hajar, but she wasn't there. Rather standing where Hajar was meant to be was a sinister-looking woman.

The judge or more so "judge" removed his attire revealing a dagger and a gun. I looked to the woman to see her holding a tab and there we saw Hajar and beside her Asmi.


Hey guys!!!!
Yes I know I know I went MIA for a long time and im sorry 🤧 and I know y'all deserve a double update and I promise I wanted to but I couldn't thanks to my big-headed brother 🤧🤧💔

This chapter is dedicated to hot_pinks for motivating me to write this babiyomb for sharing my boom to loads of people Amnarhhhh for updating her book and lastly to everyone single person reading the I love you guys so so much.😭❤❤❤❤

P.s: I promise you guys an update before I go back next week in sha Allah❤

P.p.s: what is the meaning of p.s?????????😳


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