APPARITION - One Punch Man

By anemoneunknown

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After moving back to City Z to claim her deceased parents home, Nysa thought she would live the semi-quiet li... More



351 16 1
By anemoneunknown

***Warning before reading, I havent actually written explicit details or anything but there is mention of sexually explicit material. Just to keep in mind


Nysa fought the urge to smack herself as she finished prepping for the shift. Nysa really hoped desperately that Garou would stay completely. Despite their argument, despite him never giving her any sort of explanation on why he showed up injured, the young woman wished she would wake up that morning, tucked in his embrace as firmly as she was last night.

Of course when she awoke alone, the sheets growing cold with Garou's absence and Juji giving her this sad expression... It really left a bad taste in her mouth.

He did it..Again. "I'm so over this."

Then to make things worse, poor Tenten had to call in sick. Ryuji had called her that morning, apologizing profusely.

"I'm so sorry Nysa! I think Tenten has food poisoning. After we went for dinner last night he started feeling really bad!"

Nysa nearly gagged at the memory of Tenten groaning in the background. The poor sick man had basically spent the night in his bathroom from fear of ruining his bedsheets.

"It's alright, I hope he feels better soon. Keep him hydrated. If you need anything let me know."

"I hope he feels better. But damn did I want someone to talk about this with today!" After releasing a heavy sigh, Nysa slapped her cheeks lightly, "Alright, get it together girl, We're not going to be upset today. We're going to have a good morning and you know what? We're going to close a little early and I'll order fancy takeout and it'll be fine!" Throwing her fist in the air, Nysa cheered herself on prior unlocking the door to the café.


The morning had gone by smoothly, it was busier than the young woman expected, but like most things, she took it in stride. As Nysa had hoped, she sold out of her new soufflé pancakes for the day and for a moment she almost forgot about her morning plight.

The pretty woman had put out the "Closed For Lunch" sign and just finished sweeping when the tinkling of the door caught her attention. Returning the broom to its home, Nysa moved towards the front, "Sorry! We're on bre-"

Nysa froze, the words she intended to say stuck in her throat as she gaped at the familiar man before her. His cocky smirk. His casual posture. His spiky silver hair. Those glowing yellow eyes. "I'm about to lose it."


Garou left early that morning, giving sleeping Nysa a quick forehead kiss while Juji stared at him. The wolf had quietly told the loyal dog to keep quiet before slipping out the window.

He had made a big decision last night. One last day.

Garou knew he shouldn't have come back today, he should have just left. But internally he couldn't leave things the way they were, he wanted to have her smile at him a little longer. He wanted to hear her laugh and see her blushing face when he said something flirty.

No one ever said Garou wasn't a selfish bastard.

So that morning, he had gone to his apartment and showered, dressed in casual clothes and not his usual long-sleeved and martial arts pants. Instead he wore a simple black shirt without sleeves and black denim jeans. His tai chi slippers were replaced with grey high-tops, and everything made him look good. At first Garou thought of just showing back up at Nysa's house, that's when he remembered she owned the café and would most likely be there.

    Then Garou found himself standing in the dainty Ichigo Café, hands in his pockets while smirking at a gaping Nysa. She looked as sweet as her desserts today, dark hair braided with light makeup accentuating her striking features. She wore her main yellow bandeau, black leggings and a pair of flats. As usual, there was a bit of powdered sugar smudged on her face and to top it all off, she wore her cute pink strawberry apron.

    Scanning the empty room, Garou grinned wolfishly at Nysa, "You won't make an exception for me princess?"

    Instead of any kind of smile, Nysa scowled, "What the fuck are you doing here?" Garou shrugged, brushing off her hostile tone like he didn't notice. He knew she was going to be upset, he expected it since he didn't say anything this morning. Approaching her slowly Garou grinned again, "Well princess. I thought I would surprise you. Today you're stuck with me. Wherever you go, I'll follow." When he neared, Garou laid his hands gently on Nysa's hips, pulling her closer to him as she remained, frozen.

    "Why?" Nysa deadpanned before stepping out of his grasp.

    "Because I'm selfish."

    "Because I want to remember your smile."

    "Because I've never had such a hard time leaving someone."

    "Because...I like you. Hell maybe more..."

    Garou wouldn't say these thoughts out loud, despite the itching urge to voice his inner desires. Fighting his internal conflict, Garou just smirked, "Why not? I'll even let you yell at me again. But too late to kick me out,  I'm here."

    Nysa was skeptical of course, why was he suddenly here like this? The young woman didn't understand it. Too lost in her thoughts, Nysa missed the soft almost...sad expression that flashed across his face as he held her.

    "Just..Let me have this Nysa." he begged silently as he watched her contemplative expression. This woman. This woman was the only one who could cause these feelings within him.

    Garou couldn't hide the wolfish grin at the sound of Nysa huffing in defeat. "Fine, do whatever you want... but if you're hanging around, you're helping me with the afternoon shift" She muttered tiredly. The wolf's brow arched as he stared down at her, unsure.

    "Yeah well, I don't know shit about cooking."

    "Then you're going to learn wolf boy."


    "How much longer do I need to wear this?"

    "Until I say so."

    Garou groaned just after the last customer of the day left the shop. True to her word, Nysa made the young man work with her for the afternoon. At first, Garou thought she was joking in attempting to teach him to cook, but no, she actually tried. However, that goal was squashed after the third burnt crepe. Though that didn't stop the pretty woman from making Garou wear the pastel blue apron with little blueberries printed on the fabric. Nysa was equally delighted and surprised that he actually let her put it on him.

    The garment was comically small, Nysa having to get extra string to make sure it remained tied behind his back. Despite all this, the silly apron, the burning food, the mess up drink orders, Nysa was there to help him with skilled hands and a sweet laugh. The wolf wondered if  the young woman had worked double in order to keep today running smooth.

    Garou watched as Nysa flipped the "closed" sign in the door prior to stretching her arms high in the air with a sigh. When she turned around, she flashed that bright smile at him. Nysa was in a much better mood now then when she woke up this morning.

    That's what made the day worth it for Garou.

    And all the more guilty.

    Unfortunately Garou couldn't blame all his mistakes  with the desserts on naturally being a bad temp pastry chef who probably should never have been allowed in the kitchen. The tall man found himself constantly distracted from staring at Nysa all day. The shorter woman was truly a gem, as kind as could be with the patience of a saint during the shift. Her smile was infectious, and Garou found she was returning to her old self each time she laughed at one of his mistakes.

    "Alright, stop staring at me, it's getting creepy. You can take off the apron now."

    Garou wasted no time in removing said apron as Nysa approached. With little hesitation, the wolf dipped down, placing a quick kiss on Nysa's lips. The shorter woman sputtered, her face flushing red as she glared at him, "What was that!"

    "I think I deserve it after working so hard."

    In attempts to hide her flushed expression, Nysa brushes past him to the back before returning and tossing a broom to him, "Whatever! Get to cleaning!"

    Garou grinned wolfishly at her bossy tone, "Yes ma'am."


    After cleaning and locking up the café, Nysa met Garou outside. It was still earlier than usual, the sun still resting high in the sky. Even though her sour mood was long gone, she still chose to close up a little early. "Now for fancy takeout."

    At that moment Nysa's stomach rumbled loudly which Garou chuckled at as he poked her stomach. Giggling, the shorter woman smacked his hand away as he pulled her closer, "Is the bossy Princess hungry?" Garou teased, "come to think of it, I didn't see her eat at all today."

    Nysa nodded sheepishly, "Yeah, I was so busy keeping you from burning the place down I guess I forgot lunch." Shrugging, Garou scratched the back of his head as he released her and looked away, "Listen, you know I can't cook for shit but I can get takeout or something? I'll bring it to your place. I'll even pick up a little treat for the pup."

    "You'd do that? Aw Garou!"

    The wolf wasn't expecting that expression, like a starry eyed angel looking up at him. Coughing awkwardly, Garou whipped to face the opposite direction so Nysa wouldn't see his embarrassed face. "Just head home Princess, I'll meet you there." With a clap of excitement Nysa surged forward, smooshing her face into Garou's back as she hugged him quickly, "Hell yes, okay, I'm going, bye!" Just like that, the short woman phased, fading into a shadow as it darted out of the shopping district.

    After a moment of silence, Garou puffs out a heavy sigh as he heads towards the restaurant he had in mind. As wonderful as the day had been so far, Garou dreaded tomorrow.


    As usual, it took no time at all to reach Nysa's home. The short woman hummed as she entered her house and greeted Juji, who seemed as though he just awoke from a deep nap.

    "Come on boy, let's take a quick walk, Garou is coming." Juji barked, happily grabbing his orange toy in the living room in advance of meeting Nysa at the door. As soon as they stepped out, Juji began his jog on their usual route. Nysa followed behind slower, checking her notifications. Of course, Tenten had messaged her sometime in the morning, apologizing again for being sick that Nysa brushed off kindly.  With a soft grin, Nysa pulled up Metal Bat's tab.

    From Baddy

    I think Tama's gonna have her kittens soon.

    Along with the simple message was a picture of a very pregnant cat. Little Tama seemed ready to burst, the sight making Nysa giggle.

    To Baddy

    Holy shit when she does I want to meet them.

    They hadn't seen each other since the other day at the café, yet Nysa was looking forward to seeing him again. He was definitely not like some of the heroes she had met, and even when their topic was done, he always brought up something else. Whether it just be him responding to a call in another city and telling her about it, or asking about Nysa. Overall, Badd made it very clear he enjoyed talking to her.

    Since Nysa was too lost in her thoughts about the certain Class S hero, she didn't see the luxurious black car parked near her home, and the alerting bark from Juji as she approached made her jolt. Snapping towards her dog, Nysa immediately scowled. Juji whimpered as his gaze flitted between Nysa and the lone man standing by her front door.

    Amai fucking Mask was here.

    Stomping forward, Nysa barged through her small gate as she glared towards the casual Class A hero demanding, "Why the hell are you here?" At the sound of her hostile tone, Amai glanced up from his phone, pausing whatever he was doing while sending the short woman a dazzling smile.

    "Ah, hello Nysa, I missed you dearly. Did you like the flowers?" Amai stepped down, practically towering over Nysa as her glowing eyes burned into his face. If looks could kill, Amai would have been buried six feet under. "Don't even start. Just tell me what you want or get the hell off my porch." Juji growled towards Amai, momentarily shocking Nysa as he hadn't reacted to anyone like this in a while. "I guess he feels  that I can't stand him."

    Despite liking the idea of letting her large dog bite the hero in front of her, Nysa chose to play it safe, forcefully brushing past Amai to unlock and open the front door, "Juji, inside." Immediately said canine stopped growling and confidently strutted into the house.

    Now on the top step, Nysa just barely stood over Amai's head, her posture tense and face set in a glare as she snapped  at him, "I'll ask one more time before I kick you off myself. Why are you here?"

    Amai chuckled, stepping up closer to her tense form, "Isn't it obvious? I wanted to see you."


    After picking up takeout from a small restaurant on the other side of the shopping district, Garou immediately set off toward the abandoned zone. It was the late afternoon and the journey towards Nysa's home was quiet, not too many people were out. At first, Garou was thankful for the quiet, the soft blowing of the wind and the faraway traffic noise letting Garou breathe.

    But like most times with silence, Garou's inner thoughts surfaced. "You should just go now, while she's happy."

    "Just a little longer..."

    Garou cursed himself quietly. He knew deep down this was going to hurt Nysa. And if he was really honest, he wanted to stay. But this was bigger than him. With his goals, Garou planned on changing the world. He wanted the sheep around him to see heroes as they truly are.

    "But when the time comes, would I have to go after her? Even if she won't say it, Princess is still seen as a hero. If she tried getting involved, would I be able to..."

    Garou snarled at himself, "No. She's off limits. I'll never see her again and she'll be out of harm's way." Forcing the uncalled for contemplation away, Garou realized he had hit the entry gate of the abandoned zone.

    Making way into the zone, Garou glanced at the building Nysa's friend lived in, the light was on yet like usual, no one was outside. Pulling out his phone, Garou sent a quick message to Nysa that he was about to be there. Just as he put his phone away, Garou spotted the shiny black car parked near the house, "Is someone here? Never seen that car before," he mumbled prior to turning to face the house, wondering if the unknown driver was here for Nysa.

    However all thinking ceased as the sight before Garou stopped him in his tracks, his grip turning white on the helpless takeout bag with him. Garou was glad he didn't have a Coke with him, the poor beverage would have been annihilated in his grip as he crushed the flimsy plastic bag in his other hand.  On the steps of the humble home stood Amai Mask, holding a red faced frozen Nysa in his grasp.

Amai fucking Mask was kissing her.

Garou felt all pleasantness leave his body at the sight, a wave of anger filling him, boiling and bubbling like an overflowing pot. No, not a stove pot, the rage Garou felt was closer to a volcano, lava pouring out on the verge of decimating anything around him. Amai Mask was kissing her and she was just standing there. "Was it a lie? Were they a thing?" Garou felt a sharp pain at the screaming doubt in his mind, "she's just like the rest of them."

    Obviously the pair hadn't noticed the tall wolf. Snapping himself out of his stationary stance, Garou immediately dove to hide behind a tree on the nearby sidewalk. He watched them, angry, furious, this should've given him incentive to leave. Forget trying to be selfish, Amai was kissing her right on the porch of her home, and it seemed as if Nysa wasn't showing any effort to fight him off. Yet Garou couldn't look away, a small sliver of hope that it's just his head making him doubt anything she said.

    As if the stars above answered his wishes, it took all of Garou's willpower not to laugh out loud when Amai backed off quickly, in obvious pain before Nysa's fist connected with his face. Amai, unprepared for the blow, was sent flying to the ground directly in front of the gate. Nysa was even redder than before and seething, her fist still out from punching him so hard.

    "That's my princess." the wolf silently cheered, all doubt vanished from his mind as he watched. He had to admit, seeing her take down the Class A hero was hot.

    Stepping down from the steps, Garou could almost feel the heat from her figure from his position as she stood before Amai Mask, "Get it through your thick skull Amai Mask, I will never be yours. Now, I want you to get the fuck off my property. If you come here again, I won't hesitate to break your hands, or did you forget what I said last time you touched me?"

    Nysa went back up the steps, refusing to let Amai Mask say anything else. The slam of her front door could probably be heard through the city with how much force was put behind it. Garou felt that rumble through his body as his pants tightened,  "Am I turned on right now?" With a quick glance at himself, Garou huffed, "Great."

    The area was silent for a moment when Garou ducked further down as Amai peeled himself off the concrete and slowly made his way back to his car. Once Amai got in and sped off, Garou openly laughed aloud prior to going up to Nysa's door. With a firm knock, it only took a minute or two until the door swung back open and Garou found himself snorting.

    Nysa looked as though she furiously clutched her hair, random dark strands sticking out. Her eyes were wide and angry, and the best part of all, she was holding a random metal bat in her grip. The sight reminded him of when she held a knife on him recently. "Where the hell does she even store these? I never see any weapons."

    At the sight of the familiar wolf, Nysa sighed in relief while laying the bat next to the door, "Oh thank gods, it's just you. Sorry, come on in." Nysa pinched the bridge of her nose as she sighed heavily. Garou still stood in the doorway, an intense expression and a small smirk as he stared at her, "What? What is it?"

    Realization dawned on Nysa while her face flushed, "Oh no. Oh fuck, did you see all that?" Great, he saw Amai, saw the kiss, saw her punch him...How embarrassing. However, Garou's countenance told a different story, he seemed almost...hungry.

Glowing yellow eyes stared at her, that smirk growing bigger as he stepped into the home and towered above her. Leaning close, Garou licked his lip, "Sure did princess. You just punched the shit out of that asshole. That was probably one of the hottest things I've ever seen. Still... " Nysa stepped back shyly as Garou slowly got closer, he looked every bit of a wolf at this moment.

"Still what?" that pretty voice of hers sounded so small... Nysa felt a flash of nervousness mixed with excitement run through her body.

The predator before her placed the plastic takeout bag on the counter, Garou wasn't hungry for it, right now those gold eyes of his were focused on the blushing woman in front of him. Nysa backed up until her back hit the hallway, ceasing her movement as Garou remained silent. The wolf's gaze swept over her form, her pretty face and perfect scars, the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed heavily, the slight tremble of her thighs from nerves. Leaning in close, Garou lightly nipped Nysa's ear as he growled, his chest sending vibrations through Nysa as he muttered to her.

"You have no idea how hard it was to not fight that bastard myself for touching you."

Wide eyes watched him, her pretty mouth slightly agape as Nysa took a breath, confidence seeping in her bones for just a moment, "Wait, were you jealous, wolfie?"

Garou snarled, surging forward before capturing Nysa's lips in a harsh kiss. The short woman immediately wrapped her arms around his neck as his large hands set to grabbing her hips firmly. Garou growled low as they kissed, her smooth fingers running through his spiky silver hair as he moved to show attention to her neck.

This was dangerous.

He shouldn't be kissing her like this...

She should push him away right now.

This is not at all what was supposed to happen.

"Fuck she's so addicting."

Nysa gasped softly, the wolf in her arms ravenous in his onslaught of kisses on her skin.  Garou rumbled as he dove back in for her slightly swollen lips while large hands gently gripped her bottom, kneading gently as they took a moment to pull back for air. Glowing eyes watched each other as they fought to catch their breath.

All Nysa could do was squeak and grip onto the tall man holding her when he lifted her up, Nysa's legs immediately wrapping themselves around Garou's strong waist. Pressed firmly between the wall and Garou's body, Nysa moaned quietly, her face flush of color when Garou found the sensitive spot on her neck, it just happened to be next to one of her neck scars, which Garou softly kissed after leaving a dark hickey.

Instinctively, Nysa lightly ground her hips against him, gasping as she brushed against something that made Garou growl.

"Oh fuck, is that..?"

As if remembering where they were, Garou held Nysa tight as he left the hallway, making his way to the stairs. The food was long forgotten, the only thing on the pair's minds making them kiss passionately as they reached Nysa's bedroom. The sound of the door slamming shut with a firm kick resonated through the house.

Juji, who had been in the backyard, trotted inside, yet at the absence of a certain short woman and wolf, Juji huffed, moving to eat his dinner in the kitchen then to stretching out on the couch. Somehow getting the tv to turn on, the large dog effectively went to sleep, legs sticking in the air like a dancer while intent on drooling all over the couch in revenge at not being able to sleep in Nysa's room tonight.


It was still dark out when Garou opened his eyes, the distant sun was threatening to begin its ascent, but had not yet begun that journey. This alerted him he hadn't been asleep long. For a moment he laid there, unmoving in the bed, Nysa's bare figure sleeping heavily beside him. It had been a productive night to say the least, the only reason the night finished was due to Nysa tapping out finally. Garou however would have happily performed again despite being exhausted himself. Yet as tired as Garou still was, he couldn't go back to sleep.

His last day was up.

His time with her was over.

"I can't believe I fucking did this."

If it were not for the fact that he would wake the sleeping beauty beside him, Garou surely would kick himself. This was not part of the plan. He was only supposed to stay the day, maybe make out and leave when she fell asleep. Garou wasn't planning on sleeping with her. The wolf was already attached enough as it is. He allowed himself to be selfish for the last day.

But this...This was beyond selfish.

Garou fucked up.

If anything made him question himself, his goals, his plans, it was the sleeping woman beside him. He shouldn't have done this... Garou knew, he knew this was going to hurt her more. He was in deep. Silently rubbing his face, Garou laid there a few more minutes, the heat from Nysa next to him both comforted and burned him.

    Despite all this, Garou didn't regret sleeping with her.

    He regretted the fact that the decision had already been made.

    He regretted that he couldn't stay as much as his body, his heart screamed at him to.

    The sun finally just beginning to rise broke Garou from his warring thoughts, time was up. As silently as he could, the wolf removed himself from Nysa's bed. Thankfully the dark haired woman was a heavy sleeper, rightly so after their activities. Soundlessly Garou retrieved his clothes, dressing himself and placing his high-tops on before slowly approaching Nysa. Garou refrained from looking at her too long, only dipping down to leave his last lingering kiss on her temple, "Fuck...I'm sorry Princess."

    Stepping back, Garou wanted to growl, he wanted to just get back in bed with her, sleep it off and forget he ever thought of leaving. He wanted to have her wake up and smile that bright smile at him. Maybe it would work out. He could stay with her and still complete his mission. The desire to stay was so intense Garou heavily considered it. But his reality roared behind him as well.

    "I don't want her getting wrapped up in this. She's a good person. She wouldn't stay with the world's first human fucking monster.  I won't see her again. I can't..."

    Hardening his resolve, Garou made way to the window on silent feet. With one last glance at Nysa's sleeping face, the wolf disappeared, as if he was never there in the first place.

Garou intended to leave as if he never met Nysa, only focusing on his plan. Now there was no room for distraction, no one to make him question his resolve. The wolf left his apartment, all of his belongings were meaningless now. All he felt he needed were the martial arts pants, long sleeve and tai chi slippers he changed into, along with the money he had left. Garou left his phone in the apartment, it wasn't needed, besides, the wolf wasn't sure what he would do if Nysa tried contacting him. Yet despite the urge to go back, to force her from his heart, to leave everything of his old life behind, Garou refused getting rid of the one thing that tied him here.

It was too painful to look at now but he gripped that little metal keychain extra tight as he left the city towards a certain dojo.


**This is technically only half of what I had as episode 13, but I figured this was long enough to divide into episode 13 & 14 so, episode 14 is in the works.

**Honestly it hurts my own feelings to hurt Nysa like this lol. As always, if this story shows any updates but no actual chapters, I'm probs adding in art. I've been heavily contemplating making a playlist for Nysa.

**Here's a little thing I made for this chapter!! I used a background of a street from google and I like the little effect it added

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