Iris Evans: Control over the...

By -huffle_bitch-

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Looking back, I guess my story was like any other cliché story. A teenager with a twin who falls for the scho... More

Meet the characters!
And the side characters!
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By -huffle_bitch-


In one transfiguration class, Professor McGonagal broke her record of never being late to class. 10 full minutes had passed and except for a tabby cat at the professor's desk, no sign of the teacher was seen. From the back seat, a voice was heard, "Okay everyone. Since Minnie has forgotten about today's class, Sirius and I will be teaching," James strutted down towards the desk. The cat looked curiously at the boy with the glasses, who was followed by another just as arrogant Black. 

"We will be teaching, how to get amazing looks!" Sirius announced while flipping his almost touching his shoulders hair. I was sitting with Remus, which was a first, and I heard him groan. I had to stop a laugh from erupting. 
"First lesson, take care of your god damn hair," Sirius said, and a few chuckles were heard from the class, but then a huge gasp was heard. The 2 marauders looked in confusion, but before they could say anything, a voice was heard from behind them.
"Do continue Mr. Potter and Mr. Black. I'm sure all of us are in need of a beautifying lesson." That did it. I could not stop laughing. Of course, she's an Animagus, the way the cat looked at the 2 boys was proof enough. Everyone looked at me, which made me stop laughing immediately. Oops. Sirius looked amused, but at least he had a bit of decency to look ashamed as well. 
"No, that's alright professor. I'm sure you would teach it better than us. Carry on." James gave a little bow, and both of them strutted to their seats.
"Now, can anyone tell me how I did that?" she asked, and my hand was raised first, followed by Lily and Remus. "Miss Evans."
"You are-" Lily and I started, when she interrupted us, "Ms. Iris Evans" With a triumphant look on my face, because of which I received a tongue, I said, "You're an Animagus. And I never thought I would say this, but you make a very cute cat Professor." 
Oh shit. Should've kept my mouth shut.
Thankfully, she just looked amused, and said, "Excellent Ms, Evans. 5 points to Gryffindor." And that's how the class went on.


Later in the common room, I found myself sandwiched between Lily and Sirius, and in the middle of a debate between cats and dogs.

"Cats are obviously superior. They're regal, and they don't care about shit!"

"Dogs are more fun! And they're loyal!"

"Who cares about loyal Sirius? Cats are super smart. And they mind their own business. And they look super cute."

"Seriously Iris?-"

"I think you mean Siriusly."

"At this point, I don't know if I want to kiss you or hit you."

Cue my face turning total red. But my ego won't let me get embarrassed. "Now now Black, hasn't mummy taught you not to hit a lady?"

My question immediately gets silence as an answer. Sirius looks down, his long hair hiding his face, but he looked really upset. James had an angry face on, and the rest, which included Remus, Lily, and Peter, looked uneasy.

"I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong? I asked. I really didn't like Sirius being sad, it wasn't right.

"No, you're alright. Sorry, bad memories." He adjusted himself and put on a smile, which was painfully fake. Takes one to know one. "So, in conclusion, dogs are better than cats!"

"No, they're not!" I hit him with a pillow, and within a few minutes, we're all back to laughing again.


"Why would we go into the forest, again?" I ask, looking at the tall trees as if they disrespected me.

"Because Iris." Lily started as if she's already told me this a million times. Truth be told, she has. "Professor Kettleburn needs a few extra plants from the forest, and Remus and I volunteered for extra credit."

"Why do you guys need extra credit? You're already so smart. If anything, I'm the one that needs it." I threw my hands up, which was a bit difficult considering my darling twin was dragging me by the forearm.

"Extra credit is always good," Remus said, with my sister nodding her head, "And we wanted to take you to this place at the edge of the forest. The boys and I found it, and it's really beautiful."
That piqued my interest. "Well, you should've started with that." and started marching ahead. Lily and Remus followed me after sharing a look of amusement.

Boy, were they right. This 'place' was beautiful! It was a little clearing in the forest, where sunlight easily reached. A huge tree stood as a guard, and a wide circle of little trees surrounded it. Little flowers grew here and there, and it was mostly hidden until unless you know about it.

"How did you even find this?" I asked them, taking in the earthly scent which surrounded this area, closing my eyes. I couldn't see Remus's uneasiness after I asked the question.

"Uh.. me and the boys found this during our... night time adventures," he said, rubbing the back of his necks, while Lily giggled.

"Nighttime adventures?" I laughed, then realized something. "Where are the boys?"

"Well, I think I saw Peter talking to a Hufflepuff near the black lake-" Remus started.

"James is in detention with Slughorn," Lily said, and I raised an eyebrow.

"You seem to be very aware of James' schedule." She went beet red and tried to stammer out a response. Remus chuckled at her embarrassment and said, "And Sirius is.. with some girl."

I scoffed. Of course, he was with another girl. Why did I think anything would change after my birthday? It was just a spur of the moment!

"There is also more thing we wanted you to see. We play with him a lot while we're here," he continued, and I looked at him in confusion. He gestured towards a clearing and a black dog looked straight at me. Oh boy. My body immediately went rigid, and my terror was clearly shown on my face.

"What's wrong?" my sister asked, but then understanding dawned on her face. "Oh god Iris, I'm so sorry. I thought you were over it."

"Well clearly not, the thing looks exactly like the last one," I snapped at her, while also trying to hide behind her.

"Wait, what's going on?" Remus asked from his position of sitting cross-legged with the dog on his lap.

"I just, really hate dogs," I said, not bothering to hide my fear. Lily looked at me in sympathy, which I clearly don't need, and turned towards Remus. The dog looked sad. What?

"When we were little," she said, "Iris and I were playing in the park near our house when a dog like snuffles," I snorted at that, "bit Iris' hand. She's been terrified of dogs ever since." Now Remus looked at me in that weird sympathy.

"Stop looking at me like that. I don't need any sympathy. I just don't like dogs, so why don't we go back," I tried negotiating, "and we can all do our homework. I'll do it sincerely, and I won't get distracted. Promise."

I knew the answer before Remus spoke, his face gave it away. "Nope, we're gonna help you get over your fear of dogs. Snuffles here is the most well-behaved dog ever. See, snuffles, sit," Remus commanded, and the black dog sat, wagging his tail and his tongue. "Snuffles, jump" and the dog did just that.

"Snuffles, go to the pretty lady," he said, and my fear didn't allow me to flush. The dog trotted over to me slowly, how the dog knew I was the pretty lady is beyond me, and put his snout (?) towards me, silently asking me to pet it. 

I looked at my 2 friends, who wore identical grins of encouragement, and I hesitantly pet his nose. The dog barked happily, but it just made me jump. The dog, I have got to call it snuffles, pushed itself towards me, and with all the courage I could manage, I left Lily's arm to pet him again.

Snuffles gave a small whine, and I looked at Remus in confusion. "What does he want me to do?" I asked, looking at the dog again, tilting my head to the side, which the dog imitated. I gave him a little grin and turned back to see Lily wearing a soft smile. "I guess he wants you to sit down," she said.

"How do you know that?" I asked her but sat down without waiting for an answer, crisscrossing my legs. Snuffles gave another happy bark, and jumped into my lap, nuzzling his head in my stomach. I gave out a laugh and started to move my hair in his fur.

"He's really cute," I whispered, "you know who he reminds me of?" I ask the 2. When they shake their heads, I say, "Sirius."

Both had equal faces of horror on them, and snuffles immediately shout out his head in alert. I looked down at him and gently whispered, "Do you know him snuffles? He's the school's bad boy, but I think he's a softie. Don't tell him that though, okay?" 

The hairy animal nodded, as if it could understand me, and put his head back down again. I didn't even realize Lily and Remus had left. I continued my scratching, and he put his head up again, this time to lick me.

"Hey!" I laughed, and wiped my face, "you're naughty." I leaned down and gave him a little peck on his nose, before leaning back and asking, "Is this even hygienic? Kissing a stray dog?" Snuffles didn't seem too concerned, so I didn't too. Stupid idea, but I didn't question myself. 


Almost an hour had passed, and curfew was nearing so after hugging snuffles, and promising him that I'll be back soon, I went to the common room. A few minutes later, Sirius returned as well, wearing a bright grin on his face.

"Looks like you had fun. Who was the lucky girl?" I asked dryly, and Sirius' grin faltered. 

"Just someone from Ravenclaw. Remus told me he and Lily took you to our place. Did you like it?"

"Like it? I love it! It was so beautiful. If you guys don't mind, I would love to go there again."

"Why would we mind? Go ahead."

"Well, it's your place, isn't it?" I asked, looking a bit confused. Sirius just laughed.

"Iris, we don't own the place, we just visit a lot. And even if we did, any place of mi-ours, is a place of yours," he said, looking at me with a soft smile, and sitting on the sofa beside me.

Steering my way from the intimate moment, I said, "Okay, so I like one (1) dog. Just the one."

"The dog must be pretty great to make you like it. Which one was it?" he asked, and I turned my head towards the fire, smiling gently.

"It was Snuffles. You know him right? Remus said you boys found him on your 'nightly adventures'", I answered, using air quotes on 'nightly adventures'.

"Yeah, he's cute."

"That he is," and it might be my imagination, but Sirius smelled just like Snuffles. Of cigarettes, wet dog, and strawberries. Maybe the dog's smell lingered on me, I did end up cuddling him a lot.



Hi! I'm so sorry for the late update.. I was busy with my exams and the result, but now that that's all gone, I'm hoping to update more frequently. I haven't decided yet, but I may change my updates from every day, to only some days a week. I'll be able to write chapters beforehand, so it'll be easier for me to stay on schedule. I guess I'll be choosing Tuesday, and the next day I update. Thank you so much for reading this story!

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