The Nara Curse - ShikadaiXRea...

By steviekins96

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Shikadai is tired of being so popular with the girls in his village. When he finds out that his childhood fri... More

① | »Troublesome Girl«
② | »It's just me ... your girlfriend«
NEW | Three
NEW | Four
NEW | Five
NEW | Six
NEW | Seven
NEW | Eight
Author Note
NEW | Nine
NEW | Eleven

NEW | Ten

2.2K 73 14
By steviekins96

The Nara

━━━✦❘༻ Shikadai ༺❘✦━━━

Shikadai was used to other people calling him a genius but right now he felt like he was the dumbest person on earth. Not only was he having an awkward breakfast with his parents and his pretend girlfriend, but he was also avoiding every eye contact with Asuka ever since his mom had caught them making out in his bed.

He really didn't know how to act around her. Was he suppose to keep acting like he was her boyfriend and just ignore the fact that he practically had confessed his love to her? Hell, Asuka hasn't even given him an answer and the kiss they just had shared made it a lot more complicated for Shikadai to figure out how she actually felt about him.

»I'm really sorry for causing so much trouble. I shouldn't have come unannounced.« Asuka apologized, feeling bad that Temari had prepared an extra meal for her even though she didn't really asked for one.

»Don't worry about it, Asuka. We're really happy to have you here.« Temari gave her a warm smile before she turned her head toward her husband. »Right, Shikamaru?«

Shikamaru nodded as he placed his half full tea cup on the table. »Of course. You're always welcome here so please, think of this as your own home and relax, okay?«

»Thank you so much. That's really kind of you two.« She thanked Shikadais parents, feeling really happy that both of them accepted her as Asuka and not as the daughter of the Feudal Lord.

»How long are you going to stay in the village?« Temari asked interested as she took a sip from her tea.

»I'm only staying for another week before I have to go back home and prepare everything for the ceremony.«

Shikamaru raised his eyebrows in surprise. »A week? But I was told that you're staying for three more days.«

»Well, yes but my father allowed me to stay a little longer because I want to spend some time with Tentō. He's been gone for a mission when I came to Konoha but he will be back in two days.« Asuka explained politely while looking Shikamaru directly in the eyes.

»That's really nice that you want to spend some time with your brother. Family is really important.«  Temari commented and let out a small sigh. »It's been a while since I saw Kankuro and Gaara.«

»I'm sure Lord Seventh would give you a couple of days off so you can go visit your brothers.« Asuka smiled as she put a strain of her hair behind her ear. »Lord Gaara, Kankuro and Shinki are actually attending my ceremony. You're more than welcome to join if you want to.«

Shikadai raised his eyebrows in surprise. Of course he knew that a lot of politician and other important people all around the world were going to attend the ceremony since her becoming the new Feudal Lord was kinda a big deal. Everyone in the Land of Fire was talking about the upcoming event.

Lord Seventh and his father were definitely going to attend the ceremony which was kinda obvious since they both were council members. Shikadai also understood why his two uncles were attending the ceremony. Konoha and Suna were allies and since Asuka had helped the Land of Wind with building up their economy system, they had to show their gratitude by supporting her as the new Feudal Lord.

»Shinki is going to be there?« Shikadai asked a little confused. He couldn't really understand why Shinki of all the people was going to attend the ceremony.

»Of course he's going to be there. It would make me and my family look pretty bad if we don't invite the future Kazekage to the ceremony.« Asuka explained as she turned her head towards him. »Besides, Shinki is my friend and literally the only person my age that's going to attend this stupid event.«

»But he's not Kazekage yet. Uncle Gaara is, so there's no point in Shinki attending the ceremony.« Shikadai pointed out while he tried to sound as normals as possible.

He couldn't show her that he was actually a little bit jealous that his cousin could attend the ceremony while he had to stay at home.

»That's true but I want him to be there. He protects me from having boring conversations with those lousy, annoying old people.« Asuka quickly turned her head towards Shikamaru and gave him an apologize look. »No offense.«

»Non taken.« Shikamaru responded as he tried to hide his smirk behind his newspaper. He always liked how honest and respectful Asuka was towards him and Temari.

»So, you're going to use Shinki as your excuse to not talk with all those politicians that are going to attend the ceremony?« Shikadai asked, his voice sounding a little rough.

»Pretty much and if that doesn't work I still have Shikamaru. He's pretty good at coming up with excuses so he doesn't have to talk to those snobby people.«

»Politicians are so troublesome. I try to stay as far away from them as possible.« Shikamaru commented without looking up from his newspaper.

Asuka nodded in agreement as she took a sip from her tea. »Thank god you decided not to become a politician, Shikadai.«

»You're the one who rejected my application.« Shikadai pointed out when he remembered how Enchu had focused him to become a politician since he wasn't happy how his father was handling the clans businesses.

Asuka was the one who had convinced him not to study politician and focus on his work as a shinobi. There was a small part in him that was secretly disappointed that Asuka didn't want him to train under his father and since he actually wanted to spend more time with her. But he understood her decision not to consider him as a candidate for the position because she had known that becoming a politician wasn't going to make him happy.

Shikadai loved his work as shinobi.
He wouldn't trade it with another job.

»You would have been the laziest politician that ever existed.« Asuka laughed and gave him a small kiss in the cheek. »I like you way better as a shinobi.«

Shikadais eyes widen in shock as his cheeks turned into a deep red shade. He couldn't believe that Asuka had kissed him in front of his parents. Wasn't it already embarrassing enough that his own mother caught him making out with her in his own bed?

»Troublesome girl ...« His voice was only a whisper but Asuka could hear him clearly.

»It's a little bit early to be calling me that, Bambi.« Asuka said, giving him seducing wink.

»It's never too early to tell you how troublesome you are.« The young Nara boy pointed out, not really caring that his parents were sitting right in front of him.

»But your life would be so boring if this troublesome girl wasn't in it.« Asuka propped her head on her hand and gave Shikadai a small smile.

My life would be less complicated if you weren't in it. But he wouldn't change anything, even though Asuka was a really complicated person who always got on his nerves, he couldn't really image a life without her. She was the most important thing in his life but he would never admit it out loud. It would only push her already big ego that she had.

»Don't you have to go and annoy someone else?« Shikadai asked, secretly trying to change the topic so he didn't have to listen to Asuka talking about his cousin.

Asuka pulled her phone out and started to scroll down her schedule to see what she had planned for today. »I'm meeting up with Denki's dad to talk about the new train route we're planning. Suna is planning to build a new solar system in the middle of nowhere and we have to come up with a good concept that Lord Gaara approves.«

»Isn't that something Denki's dad has to discuss with uncle Gaara?« Shikafai asked a little confused.

»My father used to own 20 % of the Kaminarimon company and he was also a member of the board. He gave me all his shares, so now I have to attend all the boarding meetings.«

Shikadai raised one eyebrow in surprise. Of course he knew that Asuka's family owned a part of Denki's family business since they were the one who gave Denki's father the money to build his company. Asuka's father invented in Denki's father because he believed in him and his project which had shown to be such a big success.

»Huh. And you're surprised why Denki was on your list for potential marriage candidates.« Shikadai smirked and earned a small punch from his pretend girlfriend.

»Didn't I tell you to never mention that stupid list?! You're just jealous that the council didn't consider you as one of my candidates.« Asuka replied without looking up from her phone.

»I don't have to be on that stupid list because I already got what every guy on that piece of paper wants.« Shikadai shrugged and tried to sound as normal as possible. Secretly, he was freaking out because he didn't think that those kind of words would come out of his mouth.

»Aw honey, sweet-talking isn't going to help you get out from buying me dinner.« Asuka smirked and playfully blowed him a kiss in his direction.

»I always pay when we're going out for dinner. Why can't you do that for once? You earn way more money than I do.«

»Ah. Now you're showing your true face. You only like me because of my money.«

Shikadai rolled his eyes in annoyance but gave her a playful smirk. »Took you way too long to figure that out.«

»You know what? That's-«

Asuka broke off in the middle of her sentence as she stared down at her phone. Shikadai could literally see how all her joy left her and got replaced with horror. Her face even looked so pale that he was afraid Asuka was going to faint every second. He could tell that something horrible had happen and he wasn't going to let go if it until Asuka would tell him what was wrong.

Carefully, without scaring her, Shikadai put his hand on her shoulder and lightly squeeze it to let her know that he was still sitting next to her. »Asuka? You okay?«

The redhead looked up from her phone, and Shikadai could clearly see the fear in her eyes. »I'm sorry but I have to go now.«

»Now? But you barely touched your breakfast.« Temari pointed out and Asuka gave her an apologized look.

»I know and I'm really sorry but something came up and I have to take care of it.«

»What happen? Is it work related?« Shikamaru asked curious since it would also involved him.

Asuka shook her head. »No it's not work related but I really have to go now. Thank you for meal, Temari. I'll repay you as soon as I can.«

Shikadai watched how Asuka stood up from her seat and grabbed her bag that she had put on the kitchen counter. The young shinobi immediately followed her and ignored the surprising looks his parents were giving him. Even though his relationship with Asuka wasn't real, he still cared about her and wanted to help her when she was in trouble.

That's what friends were here for.
And Asuka was his friend no matter what he felt for her.

He caught up with Asuka at his front door where she was putting on her shoes she had taken off the night before. Shikadai reflexively grabbed her wrist and stopped Asuka from leaving his house. It was obvious that something was bothering her and Shikadai knew that the red haired girl didn't like to share her problems with others. She was the type of girl who kept everything for herself while trying to solve her problems alone.

»What are you doing? Let go of me. I don't have time to hang out with you, Shikadai.« Asuka said as she tried to free herself from his grip. Unfortunately, Shikadai was way stronger than her so she had to chance against him.

»No, I'm not letting you leave my house before you tell me what's wrong.« Shikadai demanded with a serious tone in his voice. »What happen? You don't just run away without an explanation.«

»I promise that I'll explain everything to you later but right now I really have to go and make some phone calls.«

Shikadai let out an annoying groan. »You always do that. Whenever you're in trouble, you always shut me down and try to solve your problems all by yourself. Didn't I tell you to stop doing that? We're friends, so let me help you.«

»And I told you that I'll explain everything to you later!« The black haired shinobi could tell by the tone of her voice that Asuka was slowly losing patient but he didn't care. »Now don't make me repeat myself or we will have a big problem, Bambi.«

His grip on her wrist tightened as he kept staring into her purple eyes. »If you don't start talking now, I'll use my shadow paralysis jutsu against you.We both know that I'll use it without hestitation, so you better start talking now.«

The red haired girl took a step forward and looked Shikadai directly in the eyes with a serious look on her face. »You wouldn't dare.«

»Try me.« Shikadai also took a small step forward so his chest was almost touching hers. Since Asuka was shorter than him he had to look down, so he could get a better look at her face.

For a quick moment the whole Nara household was dead silent. Right now, the both of them were having a silence battle and even though no one was talking, Shikadai and Asuka knew what the person right across them was thinking about.

It was like they were reading each other's minds.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by Asuka's phone. Without looking who was calling her, the young girl picked up the call while she keep her eye contact with Shikadai. »Hello father.«

Shikadais eyes widen in shock as he tumbled backwards. The Feudal Lord is calling her?! Why do I feel like that this isn't good news ...

»Yes, I did read the message you send me and I completely disagree with you. Lord Ebizo doesn't know what he's talking about. There's no need for you to come to Konoha.«

The young shinobi slightly started to panic after he heard Asuka's last sentence. The Feudal Lord never visited Konoha unannounced so he knew it had something to do with him and the fact that he was dating his eldest daughter.

»Why? Because there's no need for you to meet someone you already know! Besides, he's busy with missions so he probably isn't going to be in the village.«

Shikadai could tell by the tone of her voice that Asuka was annoyed but he didn't pay much attention to her mood swings since he was slightly panicking about the fact that Asuka and her father were talking about him while he was standing right next to her. Today just wasn't his day.

»W-What?! Are you serious right now?! But you can't- ..... Father? Jus- ..... Can I say- ..... Alright fine! I'll make sure that he gets released from his missions! .... Yes, I'll wait for you ... I think Tentō is suppose to come back from his mission in two days ... Yes I'll let him know, goodbye.«

After Asuka hung up the phone, she let out a frustrated sigh before she turned her attention back to Shikadai. She pressed her lips to a thin line and gave Shikadai an apologized look as if she had done something really bad to him. He already knew that he wasn't going to like what was coming next.

»So .... Lord Ebizo called my father and told him that I'm seeing someone. He's coming to Konoha to formally meet my new boyfriend.« Asuka announced and gave Shikadai a weak smile.

»What?!« Shikadai yelled in panic as he took a couple of steps back from her.

Now it was official.
This was the worst day in his life.

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