Savior 🔞

By sd_luvs_bangtan

39.8K 1.2K 314

HER I feel really tired... Like the world has drained me of everything I ever had. Love is never something I'... More

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1.2K 43 1
By sd_luvs_bangtan

*⚠️This chapter will have Mature Content ⚠️*


"How about we get you arranged to someone who loves you then. Sound good to you?"

"You make it sound easy..." I look down and feel the ache thinking about Mr. Jeon and Seo-yeon. Even Jimin is going to find someone who will agree to being arranged to him. And I'm going to be on my own.

"Miss Sophia... You don't know me very well. I'm sorry that we aren't going to be married together because the truth is... I can't marry you either." I snap my head up and look at him with confusion. "I can't marry the girl that my best friend loves. The girl who loves him also..."

"What are you talking about? Who is your best friend?"

"I am Sophia... Park Jimin is my best friend."


Frozen... I'm frozen trying to make sense of everything. I continue to stare into the mischievous eyes in front of me. Then they disappear as he smiles so big. I stare into nothing when he squeezes my hands and stands to leave. I feel my hands fall to my lap, and I still stare straight ahead afraid to turn around. I hear Jimin say something to the man behind me, but it isn't loud enough to make out.

The click of the door closing makes me flinch, and I close my eyes. I feel like it's all a dream, and any second I'll wake up... come on sophia... wake up!! I feel a warm hand on my cheek and I lean into it. Gentle fingers move my hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear, and I furrow my brow. The same fingers massage my forehead to loosen the tension. A pair of lips land on the spot where the fingertips were and I let out a sigh. I feel the smile against my skin and then the lips leave. They return to kiss the scar I hate, and travel the length of it leaving small pecks until they are next to my own mouth.

My lips part to gain more air as I feel like I'm drowning. A hand replaces the lips on my face, and I'm drawn forward until my own lips are pressed against his. Immediately I feel him moving his mouth against me, and I can't help but respond. I could die here and be ok with it. The kiss is pure bliss and my mind crackles with electricity trying to think about what this means.

"Stop it Sophia... Stop overthinking..." The words spoken softly against my mouth. The minty air we're sharing, makes me lick my lips to taste him on me. A hand glides down my neck and around to my nape leaving burning sparks along their path. The lips I want are following the hand now. My trembling hands move on their own, landing on his neck. One slides upward into his thick hair, and a hum is felt on my neck, below my ear. My breathing is irregular and I move my head back gasping for oxygen as soon as I feel a tongue slide over my sensitive skin. I unconsciously moan at the sensation, causing everything to stop.

His mouth moves away, and his hands return to my face. I'm afraid to open my eyes because I feel like I did something wrong. I pull my now shaking hands away from him, and place them on my lap again.

"Sophia... Open your eyes." I shake my head as no and tighten my eyelids. "Why?" I breathe rapidly and feel my heart banging against my chest. "If I do it'll end... I'll wake up." The hands move into my hair pushing it back gently. I feel his breath near my ear and I shiver. "It's not a dream Sophia... I'm here... Open your eyes love."

I feel him pull back some and I lean forward to not lose his warmth. I crack open my eyes and fall immediately into warm galaxy eyes watching me. "See?? I'm real..." I stare shamelessly while my hands reach to caress his face trying to confirm he's in front of me.

"I... Mr. Jeon..."

"Uh uh... Call me Jungkook, Sophia. I'm not your teacher right now." He smiles at me, and I look down at his pink lips.


A chuckle escapes his mouth before the cutest smile and nose scrunch. I stare at his twinkling eyes, and wait for him to say something.

"Why what, Sophia? Why am I not your teacher? Why did I kiss you? Why am I here? Which why do you want answered?" He teases..

"Why are you here?" I whisper to him, and watch him closely. I'm looking for signs that he is playing with me, but only find fondness.

"Because I... Sophia, I know it's crazy... But the first time I saw you walk into the office, my heart started pounding... When I see you I feel drawn to you. I don't ever want to be without you... I love you Kim Sophia. That is why I'm here. Because I love you."

The tears I didn't know had been building started to slip down my cheeks. Warm rivers flowing down my face... He kisses me gently and staring into my eyes whispers to me "Please, don't cry love. I hate it. It hurts me to see you cry." I attach my lips to his again in a desperate kiss. I still feel like I'm dreaming...

Seperating our mouths when we can no longer breathe, he attaches his forehead to mine. "Let's go and get something to eat. I know you're hungry. My friends want to meet you also." I feel myself trembling at the thought of new people. I grip his shirt with my hands and lay my head on his chest.

"I want to tell you... But I'm afraid... I..."

"Shhhh... When you're ready Sophia. I already know, so I can wait. Let's eat, then we'll talk more. Sound good?"

I nod and pull my hands away with great difficulty. I don't know what's going to happen when we leave this room, and I'm scared. Scared it'll all end. My horrible monsters at home will try to take anything that makes me happy, so they can't know about him. I still think it's best to run away...

"Do I need to carry you Miss?"

I snap out of my thoughts and stand finally. He takes my small hand in his and it is so warm. We walk out of the room heading to where his friends are waiting. I hear them laughing and I get nervous again. Sensing my angst, he squeezes my hand and pulls me along. "They're going to love you. Just relax." I smile like a shy baby hoping he's right. As we get closer, I start moving my hair to cover my face again. Jungkook frowns, but says nothing. At least he understands that about me... I'm not ready to expose my weakness to people I don't know.


I honestly didn't intend to confess to her. It was all true, but I know there are alot of things that can go wrong still. I have to speak to my parents as soon as possible, to truly put a stop to the Seo-yeon foolishness. If that doesn't happen, Sophia will be hurt again. I am nervous that I created a bigger problem. I'll never forgive myself if I become the reason for her pain.

Walking into the room where all the hyungs are, I feel her get tense. The loud volume of my friends dies as soon as we're noticed. Jin hyung stands and takes Sophia from me. I frown at his action, but Yoongi hyung calls me to sit with him. I keep my eyes on her the whole time though.

"She's pretty amazing Jungkook. Jimin told us what's going on. I'm so sorry for what she's going through. You know we're all here to help, right?"

I nod at him, chewing on my lip. "Hyung... What if it doesn't work? What if my parents don't support what I want?" The stress I'm feeling is real, and I feel my hands shaking.

"Jungkook-ah... We'll find a way to convince them. Why wouldn't they support you though? Didn't they fall in love and defy their families? I think they wouldn't put you through that."

I agree, but know that the man my father is now, doesn't really resemble the love struck 22 year old he used to be. He's business minded, and it makes him a great CEO, but a tough father when we wanted to do things that would impact his position.

"Yoongi hyung... Did Lee Ju-won make the same offer to you and Jimin, or was it different? I'm trying to understand why he did what he did?"

"I think he felt that he could get more money from me. Genius Lab had a strong year, and we're still growing. Park Enterprises is stable, and is the safer bet. But he's looking to align with money. It's a mistake in the end. I'm confident in our business position, but never chase the money. That's why Lee Corp is falling apart. When Ju-won took over, his deals were all based on financial gain, which has actually cost him loyal customers."

"Hyung. I'm scared. If they get an idea that Jimin is playing with them, Sophia could be in real danger. You didn't see what her own mother did to her..."

"Namjoon told me Kook. He said that he had never seen anything like it before. He risked alot to treat her privately. If Ju-won or Ha-eun were to find out, he'd probably lose his job."

"I know Hyung. I panicked... I didn't even think about the fact that Namjoon hyung works in Lee Hospital. He really saved her though."

"So, are you alright with the plan? I know you love her Jungkook. It could be difficult to watch her with Jimin, even if it's fake. You're notoriously jealous Kook."

"I'll be alright as long as she's safe Hyung. I haven't told her about it yet though. I'm afraid she'll say no..."

"Jungkook... You have to tell her tonight. Don't leave her in the dark. We're all putting ourselves on the line for you Jungkook. We're going to win the war, but the battle may be long. Prepare her."

"I will. How will I be able to take her with me? Won't the Lee's be expecting her home?"

Jimin popped into the conversation at that question.

"Aaaahhh... Jungkookie... I already took care of that. I called and told them that she would be staying at mine to meet my parents."

"What if they check with your father Jimin hyung?"

"My Dad is on board with us Jungkook. He's even prepared to talk with your Dad when the time comes, and if it's necessary. It's going to be fine."

I feel the tension in my shoulders ease slightly. Looking at her talking, and smiling shyly, with Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung, I find myself smiling. I see her giggle at something Jin hyung says, and it sounds like music to my heart. He picks up some food and feeds her to make her give him her opinion, and an uncomfortable feeling hits me... I am jealous... This is going to be tough.

I move to sit next to her, and she grins at me making my heart thump. I place my hand on her thigh under the table to have contact with her. I see her cheeks pink up, but she leans a little towards me instead of pulling away.

"How is the food? Are you enjoying it?"

"AAAAHHH KOOKIE-AH! How can you ask that?!?"

Sophia starts laughing immediately. Jin hyung as a comedian... Who knew?

"The food is really good. I can't eat any more actually. But Jin-ssi keeps forcing me to have 'one more bite'. I may burst."

"How about I rescue you from him then? Come with me to my home, and you can rest your belly."

I see the fear in her eyes. She thinks she has to go home, so I don't let her worry long.

"Jimin has taken care of Ju-won and Ha-eun. They think you're meeting his family. So you're safe to come with me. Do you want to?" She bites into her lip and nods her head cutely. We stand together, and she thanks everyone at the table. My friends are all happy to tell her that they'll see her soon. I know she is feeling overwhelmed, so I take her hand and lead her out from the restaurant.

When we get to my home, I open the car door for her, she takes my hand to let me bring her inside. We remove our shoes and head to the living room. Sitting down together I can't help but to touch her. I move her hair away and expose her neck.

"What would you like to do Sophia?"

"What are my choices Jungkook-ssi?"

"Just Jungkook.. please... And, we could watch a movie... Play a video game... Go to sleep if you're tired... Cuddle... Talk... Anything you want."

"Hmmm... I guess maybe I am a little tired... But I don't want to sleep. Maybe we could just cuddle and talk. I think there is more you need to explain... Am I right?"

I agree, and stand to take her in my arms. She squeals when I lift her bridal style and head up the stairs. She wraps her arms around my neck and fiddles with the back of my hair. I look down at her and my heart races like crazy.

"Would you like to wash up? I could give you something to wear."

"That would be ok. I need to brush my teeth also, but I don't have a toothbrush."

"I have extras... Would you like a t-shirt, or a hoodie to sleep in?" She points to a t-shirt and I hand it to her. I give her a towel, and a pair of my shorts to wear, and she heads into my bathroom. I change into my own shorts, and a t-shirt, for now. I usually don't wear a shirt to sleep in, but I don't want to make her uncomfortable.

Sitting on my bed waiting, I try to figure out how this will actually go. Will she be willing to follow the plan we have? If not, will I lose her? I'm so busy in my mind I don't hear the shower turn off, or even the patter of her feet approaching. She startles me when she lays a hand on my arm.

"Where were you just now?" She's looking so cute in my clothes, and I take a minute to appreciate the fact that she's not wearing a bra under my shirt... Shit...

"Jungkook? Are you alright? Maybe I should sleep on the couch if you're uncomfortable."

I grab her waist and pull her to me, and
take her mouth in a passionate kiss. I hold her to me by the back of her head and pour every ounce of need I have into the meeting of our mouths. When I know she can't breathe, I pull away. Looking into her stunning green eyes, I smile at her.

"You're not going anywhere. Let's get comfortable. Do you want some water, or anything to drink?" She is still blushing from the kiss, and she just shakes her head biting her lip. I reach out and pull it free with my thumb. "It drives me crazy when you do that... It makes me want to bite it too."

Watching her face get a darker shade of red, I just pull her to lay in my arms. She's pressing her chest against mine, and I know this position is going to cause me trouble. She puts her chin on my chest and looks up at me and I fall deeper for her.

"So... What else haven't you told me Jungkook? I'm listening."

Taking a deep breath, I start to tell her the plan. From how I want her to pretend to be courting Jimin, to how I'm going to get my Father to help us go to America to contest her guardianship. She listens and doesn't say anything even when I've finished everything. I get nervous that she is going to say no to our plan.

"I don't want to be with Jimin... I could never be with him, you know that, right?"

"Jimin's a nice guy Sophia... A little bit of a playboy, but he'd never hurt you."

"Jungkook... How can I convince them I'm with Jimin when my heart belongs to you?"

She practically whispered the end of her sentence, but I heard her. My heart leapt in my chest and I looked down to see her blushing cheeks.

"Noone is going to question it Sophia. We will be careful. He's going to ensure you aren't abused anymore also."

"How? They do what they want Jungkook. I have noone in that house I can trust. My own maid pretends to be my friend but she's screwing Ju-won. She told him I was trying to get a copy of my court papers the other day. I'm sure he's waiting to punish me for that... He even threatens to hurt me... sexually..."

I grit my teeth not to react in a harsh manner, but I want to kill that guy. Instead, I run my hands through her hair and tell her I won't let that happen. She cuddles into me more. I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight.


"Yes love?"

"Promise it's not a dream... If I wake up and it's not real, I won't want to live anymore..."

My heart broke hearing that. I gripped her and rolled us over. Hovering over her, I kissed her like a mad guy. I ran my hands all over her curves and when she was panting, I stopped and looked into her eyes. "Don't you ever think about that! I can't let you go Sophia..."

Going in again, I kissed her deeply. Her hands went into my hair and I felt myself get hard. I separated our mouths to ghost her lips while I said the things I needed to. "sophia... i want you... but if you're not ready it's ok to tell me..." She was gazing into my eyes that I'm sure were dark with lust. "jungkook... i haven't before... but i want you to be my first. so go ahead... if you still want to..."

I attacked her mouth with mine and slid my hands under the shirt to fondle her breasts. Feeling her hardened nipples I groaned. I sat back and took the shirt off her body. She immediately moved to cover herself, but I stopped her. I took one of her nipples in my mouth and massaged her other. She moaned and I felt my cock twitch. Continuing to suckle her ample breast, I moved my hand down to the hem of the shorts. When she didn't react, I pulled them down. She wasn't wearing underwear.

I immediately ran my fingers through her folds earning a gasp from her. I circled her clit with my fingers gently and she tried to close her thighs but I blocked her. She has her eyes shut tight and her lips parted while she pants at the feeling, and I continue to pleasure her bundle of nerves. I move down, kissing her stomach which is fuller than stupid skinny girls. I love how soft she is.

I can't believe how sensitive she is, and I have to hold myself back to not hurt her. I place my tongue on her clit and she cries out. I continue massaging her breasts with my free hand, but suck lightly on her womanhood. I insert one finger in her core, and she moans my name.

Moving in and out with my hand, I continue to lick and suck on her clit. Adding a second finger to help prep her for me, I pump into her faster, curling them to find her g-spot. I know I've found it when she grabs my hair harshly and presses me closer to her heat. She's trying to buck her hips into my face but I hold her in place to bring her where she wants to go. "Juuuungkoook.... Aaaahhhnnn..."

I grin hearing her whiny moans and my name falling from her lips. I feel her walls clenching around my fingers and I know she's almost there. Adding a third finger I pound them into her while I suck hard on her clit. She screams and orgasms. I take one finger out and using the two, continue to move inside her while I lick her juices.

I continue with my fingers to keep her on edge and wet so it won't hurt as much when I put my dick inside her. I raise up to kiss her mouth and let her taste herself. She's squirming and keeps moving her hips with my hand. "Are you sure Sophia. We can stop if you want... I don't want to force you."

She bucks her hips into my hand and looks at me in the eye. I see the dilated pupils and her panting breaths... "Please... I want you to do it. Please..."

"I'll be as gentle as I can. But baby, it'll hurt at first... Tell me to stop at any point ok?" She nods and I position myself between her legs. Pushing her knees wider, I remove my fingers from her and push my cock into her slowly. She squeals and puts her hand over her mouth. I remove it gently and intertwine our fingers. Her grip is hard due to the pain, and I push in the rest of the way. Kissing the tears away, I don't move right away. "Let me know when I can move baby." She takes a breath in and blows it out. I look in her eyes to try to see if she can continue. "Move now."

I start thrusting in and out at a slow pace, kissing her deeply to distract her from the pain. "God Sophia... You're so tight... You feel amazing..." I feel her start to move her hips to meet me and I know she's past the worst part, but I am still moving slowly to make it ok for her. "Faster Jungkook..." I speed up the thrusts and go a little deeper. She moans loudly all of a sudden. "Right there... Oh my... That's amazing Jungkook! Fuck!" I lift one of her thighs to get a better angle and thrust into her hard. She screams my name and claws my back. I run my lips over her nipples, nipping and sucking as she becomes a moaning mess. "I... Oh God... I'm gonna c-cum... Juuuungkoook..."

"Let it go baby. Cum for me." I feel her walls squeeze me tight and she creams my cock. I thrust faster and cum inside her, moaning her name, filling her up. While I'm still inside her, I kiss her with all the love I have for her. "I love you Jungkook. I really do." She's playing with my hair while I stare into her beautiful eyes. "I've never loved anyone more Sophia. You're my heart. Please don't ever leave me." When I said that, I saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes. I ignored it though and just kissed her deeply.

I pulled out of her causing us both to whine. Laying down beside her, I pull her onto me. "I didn't hurt you too much did I?" She shakes her head. "It hurt at first, but after that, it was amazing. You were amazing. Thank you Jungkook." She raises her head to meet my eyes to show her sincerity, and I peck her lips. "Sleep now love."

She whispers an 'i love you' and passes out. I watch her sleep and run my hands on her body to soothe her in her sleep. I watch her sleep for a while, dreaming about the future, and smiling like an idiot because she loves me too. I snuggle into the crook of her neck, smelling her beautiful natural scent, and follow her to sleep.

When I wake up to my alarm, I feel so warm and content. Opening my eyes to see the beautiful girl next to me, my heart rate becomes unhealthy. I move some hair from her face and admire her pouty lips as she's cutely snoring. I don't wake her yet because I'm sure she'll be sore. I take a quick shower and get dressed for work. Checking on her again, I decide to make something for her to eat with the painkillers she'll need. As soon as the omelette is done, I bring it, with the medicine and a bottled water, to my room.


I hear his honeyed baritone, and I turn but don't open my eyes. My body aches, but in a weirdly wonderful way. Thinking about what we did, I can't fight the smile that comes to my lips.
"What are you thinking about love?"

I open my eyes to the most beautiful sight I've ever witnessed.

"Morning... Are you leaving?"

"Hmmm... Not yet. How do you feel? Are you sore?"

I nod but grin at him. "I'm alright Jungkook. A little achey, but I expected it. Don't avoid my questions... Where are you going looking that handsome?"

"I have to go to work to not raise any eyebrows. Jimin will come by this afternoon to meet you, and take you back."

My smile falls. I look away from him, feeling upset when I know I shouldn't. I knew we can't be like it should be. I thought I'd be okay... Waking up after making love to him for the first time, I'd hoped for a day, or at least an hour, of cuddling and maybe more...

"Hey... It's ok... Why are you sad? Are you not telling me you're in pain?"

Shaking my head, I can't look at him or I'll cry. He's going to get turned off by my clingy ass... And I need to toughen up. I need to prepare in case the worst happens. I have to be ready to run, even with the plan. I don't feel confident that Ju-won and Ha-eun will be fooled...

I feel his hand on my face and I turn towards him. "What's happening? Be honest with me."

"Jungkook... I'm ok. Just feeling like a dumb teenager... I... Never mind... I understand you have to go. Thank you for bringing me some food. It smells good." I give him a smile, and think I've convinced him. He sits up and I just watch him.

"Sophia... I'm not going unless you tell me the truth."

I can't help it... I giggle. "Then I should keep lying."

He tackles me to the bed, and I look up at him, loving our contact. "Is that what's wrong? That I'm leaving? You can tell me. It's not being dumb because if it is, I'm an idiot. I hate that I have to leave. I want to spend the day cuddling you, and making love to you. I'm a clingy man Sophia. I've been told that it is not attractive. I hope..."

I put my finger on his lips to shut him up before he says stupid things. "First... I don't want to know about what your many former girlfriends have done or said... Second... I love cuddling and that you can be a soft person... And finally... I want you to be clingy if you want... It makes me feel wanted... I've not had that since my father... I have not been wanted..."

He picks me up into his lap and kisses me fondly. I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. "I love you Jungkook. I'm sorry that because of the Lee's we have to be this way..."

"Nothing that is happening is your fault. It's nothing to apologize for. And Sophia... I love you so much. You're beautiful and strong. Next time, we'll cuddle all day, ok?" I nod my head and fight tears so he doesn't feel guilty for going to work.

Before I'm ready, he stands and gives me a passionate kiss. I fight hard not to shed the tears until he leaves. He leaves the room and I wait until I hear his car pull away before I burst into a fit of sobs... I let myself feel sorry for a while, and then I head to take a shower. After, I get dressed in the clothes I had on yesterday not having any other choice, and head downstairs.

After I cleaned up his kitchen, washing the dishes I used, I sat on the couch and just rested my eyes. I feel my phone vibrate and I answer it without looking. "Where are you whore? You haven't finished fucking the rich almost CEO?" My breathing stops, and I don't say anything.

"Speak you worthless bitch. Or do you think if you stay quiet I won't know the truth? Maybe I'll take you to the Dr when you get here and have them confirm what a slut you are."

"N-no... I'll be home soon... Nothing happened. I j-just met his p-parents. I-I slept i-in the guest room."

"You're lying. And when I prove it, you'll pay."

She cut the call and I sat there quaking in fear. I couldn't go home now. If she takes me to a Dr she'll find out. It will end our arrangement, and I'll lose everyone. My mind was running a mile a minute... I got up from the couch and paced around looking for answers that won't come. I walked down the hall and found an office. Looking around I see pictures of Jungkook with his friends, always smiling. He has so many great people. I'm going to wreck it all if I stay... My eyes fall on a bowl with money in it. Not small bills, but 50's and 100's... Who keeps this kind of money lying around? I will pay him back...

I clean out the bowl of the $4700 and head upstairs. I open his closet, finding a small duffle bag, I pack some t-shirts and a couple hoodies. I take a couple pairs of boxers that were still in the package, and some shorts and socks. I stuff it all in the bag along with the money. I don't have my passport though... How can I get it? I'll have to wait until tonight and sneak in to get it. Then I can get my father's pictures and his watch. I was going to give it to the man I marry...

Tears prick at my eyes but I fight them. It's not time to be weak. I have to get out of here. Get away before the monsters hurt anyone else...

I put my shoes on at the door and looking back one last time, I open it and leave. Stopping on the front steps, I send a text to Jungkook.

<I'm so sorry. I hope one day you'll forgive me. I really do love you. I'll send the $ back as soon as I can. Please be happy. Find love again. I'll never forget you. Love forever -Sophia 💕💕]

I turn my phone off and leave. Walking towards a park that is near the Lee's. I'll hide out there until I can sneak in to get my passport.










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