Love You Like A Mother

By Snips_101

29.3K 551 858

The war is over, the jedi were executed for treason, and then imperial times had begun. The only jedi left we... More

chapter 1: One last time
chapter 2: ship wrecked
chapter 3: interrogation and new friends
chapter 5: an unexpected ally
chapter 6: Auntie Soka's got a boyfriend
chapter 7: Ahsoka's vision
chapter 8: a daring rescue
chapter 9: I'm sorry Junior
chapter 10: pure beauty
chapter 11: inside the cave
chapter 12: the chosen two?
chapter 13: the overdue news
chapter 14: Kill them, kill them all
Please read this
chapter 15: you can never escape me
chapter 16: it's what Anakin would do
chapter 17: Bariss Offee
chapter 18: opinions change
Chapter 19: I promise
chapter 20: and the special babysitter is...
chapter 22: deal or no deal?
chapter 23: I did the impossible
chapter 24: There is no hope
chapter 25: She's gone
chapter 26: the end of our beginning
The Sequel
Please read this its very important

chapter 4: to much information

1.3K 31 20
By Snips_101

Ahsoka's pov
We were about there when all of the sudden Leia fell to the ground.

"Oh come on sky girl. We're so close just a couple more minutes."

"Can't I just become an only child!"

"Haha, seriously get up!"

"I wasn't kidding." I sighed and rolled my eyes. I used the force to pick her up and place her on my shoulders.

"How about you Ezra. How are you able to walk, even stand this long?"

"Walking and standing around is pretty much all I do here."


"Because all I do is pick pocket and-" This was going to a dark place I can tell. So I cut him off.

"Leia I think we'll discuss his past later. For now let's focus on the task at hand."

"Yes Auntie Soka."

"Hey perk up Leia. May I call you Leia?"

"Yes you may."

"Perk up, were... HERE!!! IS THAT YOUR SHIP!!!"

"It... It is. I-I don't know what happened." It worse much, much worse then when we left it.

"Poor silver sky, it can't catch a break."

"Your right Leia. And whoever or whatever did this could still be here. You two stay back." They stepped back and I did the opposite. I carefully stepped forward and took out Anakin's light saber. I examined the bruises. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, they got worse. I examined the marks carefully. They were made by a light saber. But I know the Empire, and I know their not as creative as us. They wouldn't try to strand us here, they would try to take us prisoner or kill us. This wasn't Palatine or his new apprentice.

"Argh!!!" Someone jumped up from behind me. But they weren't sith, they had two pretty yellowish orange sabers. I blocked both of them.

"I got you now- wait a minute." She deactivated her sabers but kept them tight in her palms.

"Do I know you?"

"Your Skywalker's pet aren't you."

"Excuse me!? I mean, uh, who are you?" She was wearing a yellow and black mask.

"Long time no see. You never kept up your part of the deal." I gave her another questionable look. She gave a sarcastic sight and pressed a button on the side of her mask.


"Oh chill out. I'm not the bad guy anymore but where did you get that imperial ship from?"

"An old friend. What's it to you. And what do you mean your not the bad guy!"

"I mean I am not sith, or an imperial. But I'm no jedi either so don't get any ideas padawan!" Padawan, at least she wasn't calling me a pet anymore.

"For your information I am not just a padawan. I am a Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano." She stepped closer and started circling me.

"Hmm, looks like the padawan finally spread her puny wings." I hopped in front of where she was about to be and stopped her in her tracks.

"So what are you then. Still a bounty hunter?"

"Silly padawan, I don't have a title. I'm just Asajj Ventress, hater of Darth Vader and destroyer of imperials." Seriously. She called me padawan right after i told her I'm a knight. Anyway I noticed she wasn't holding her sabers anymore. My grip loosened on mine.

"Who are the younglings? Your children?"

"Eww, no! They were Anakin's children, I'm their guardian. How did you get here Ventress?"

"Same reason your here. I ran out of fuel and crashed here. I followed your ship thinking you were just some smuggler I could threaten into giving me fuel. But then I saw you were crashing and realized my plan was doomed from the start. What about you padawan, what are you doing here!"

"Crashed obviously."

"Well duh, I don't need you to tell me what I already lived! The force brought both of us here for some reason. Any ideas?" She had a point. It can't be a coincidence that we both crash landed on the same planet and about in the same spot.

"The force works in mysterious ways. Maybe it's trying to tell you to join the rebellion against the Empire."

"Not a chance kid. Maybe it's trying to tell you to join me." I liked this new Ventress, she was less serious and more easygoing.

"Alright, but maybe we could work together to fix my ship that you broke!"

"No, your the one who owes me remember. Our little deal, I help you find the warehouse and you talk to the order on my behalf and get me a full pardon. You never did that did you little padawan?"

"Look, I'm not a padawan anymore so I'd appreciate it if you called me by my name! And I didn't talk to the council because I left the order! Now put your attitude back where it came from and listen to me! I wrecked my ship, and even before you came along it was a wreck! So I guess we're even!" She- I was shocked that came out of my mouth as much as she was.

"Look at that. Even when she's older she has rage to spare. For once I am going to listen to you. But don't get used to it."

"I can live with that." Hey, once is good enough for me.

"So got a plan. Or are you just as clueless as the last time I saw you?"

"Hilarious, absolutely hilarious. But I do have a plan. We have extra fuel in our ship, actually it's the one thing not wrong with my ship. So you help us restore my ship, and we'll give you enough fuel to get you off this planet. Fair?"

"Fair enough."

"Great, Leia go with her and fix the hyper drive. Ezra come with me and we'll find out just how strong you are." I knew Ventress would protest, yep here it comes.

"How dare you pair me with a youngling!" I barely got a word in.

"I'm a padawan lady!"

"Your 9! Your younger then a youngling!"

"I'm almost 10 and the daughter of Anakin Skywalker! Don't speak to me like that!" Whoa, you go Skygirl!

"Padawan, why did you pair me with an elderly youngling!" FINALLY, I GET A WORD IN AFTER 2 WHOLE MINUTES!!!

"I paired you with Leia because I know she won't steal anything, unlike you!" Ventress still looked unhappy but, wasn't she always?

"Good, it's settled. You two better get going, Ezra follow me."

Ventress's pov
This little girl, probably pampered to the bone just like her auntie Ahsoka before her. Just look at her. She's 9 and she's wearing the finest clothes fit for a jedi. But the boy, he looked like he got run over by a speeder or something. I liked him, unlike this little Leia girl he knows how to keep his mouth shut.

"I'm Leia." I rolled my eyes dramatically so you can see.

"Okay... so how do you know my aunt?"

"I was an assassin in the old war trying to kill her and your father, and your father's master." I saw her flinch, I giggled under my breath. I was glad this girl feared me. At least someone did.

"But my aunt sort of trusts you so... you must've done something right?"

"You could say that I suppose. My master turned against me in the middle of the war and I became a bounty hunter. I tried to capture your aunt when she was on the run but in the end I helped her prove her innocence and expose the true culprit. So I guess you could say I did right." She looked less scared of me. Just when I was about to tell her about the time I almost killed her in a factory I tripped and fell on something.

"Hehehehe, the powerful sith assassin can trip too! Hehehe!" I wanted to choke her, or at least throw her. Anything to prove my dominence. But I found myself doing something I haven't done in years. I was laughing? I was, and not just under my breath. If was out loud where others could here. There's something about this little girl.

"Alright alright. Now come, apparently we have a hyper drive to fix young padawan." Urgh, why did I say that word padawan. It tasted like vomit coming out of my mouth as I let that stupid word slip up. The only reason I called Ahsoka a padawan still is because I know she could easily overpower me now, even when she was younger. It made me feel more powerful; more in control. But now? I was laughing like a drunken 18 year old.

Luke's pov
It's been at least a week since that old guy left. I was left in my little cell with no food, water or weapons. Auntie Soka always said my mind was my greatest weapon. Maybe she was right, I approached the door and outstretched my arm. I concentrated as hard as I coud; so hard I was grunting. I did it! The door beeped and flew open. Oh wait- I don't think I'm the one who did it. As soon as it slowly opened I saw the same terrifying man in the black suit that I saw earlier. His mask would haunt my dreams.

"Hello young boy. I have come to speak with you." Some stormtroopers tried to walk in but the man in black held his hand up for them to stop.

"... alone!"

"As you wish Lord Vader." So that's Darth Vader! That makes so much sense. Everyone walked out of the room except for Vader and this one other person I couldn't make out. He blended in with the shadows all except for his bright, beaming yellow eyes.

"I know your are training to become a jedi. So tell me padawan, who is your master?" I had to forcefully stop myself from yelling auntie soka at him. Instead I crossed my arms and turned away from him. I was afraid what that would do tp me. I felt my face moving toward Lord vader but I wasn't the one moving it.

"It is useless to defy me, I will get what I want no matter what. If you tell me who and where your master is then I might just let you live!" I still didn't comply. Then I felt a right hand around my neck and I started floatimg. Urgh... not this again!

"Foolish child! I see your mind, your every thought. I know how afraid you are of the inquisitor and I. Now your mind will speak... or it will break!" No, I can't die yet. I'm only 9 years old I haven't even made it to double digits yet! I nodded as much as possible and he slammed me back down on my cold hard bench. I cried in pain as I caught my breath. Just as I was about to tell Lord Vader about my auntie his com link went off around his wrist.

"What is it captain!?!" You could just barely hear the guy on the other side of the com shudder.

"There's been an unauthorized landing on docking bay 331 sir." I couldn't read vaders facial expressions obviously, but I used the force and sensed he was surprised and not pleased. I tried to hide my big goofy smile. The man with vibrant yellow eyes in the corner snarled at me so I wiped the smirk off my face.

"Your lucky I have business to attend to. Grand inquisitor?"

"Yes Lord Vader?"

"Watch this youngling until I return. See if you can get anything out of him, using any means necessary. " The man came out of the shadows and it turns out that he looks almost as freaky as Vader. Key word, almost! He nodded and smiled at me menacingly. I don't like the sound of any means necessary. The person named Vader walked out of the room. But right before the door shut I spotted my green light saber hanging from his belt. I tried to reach out and grab it but the door already shut.

"So, I'll ask you one last time. Who is your master!"

"Jabba the Hutt! Can I Ho now!?!"

"Very well then. If you won't comply on your own then I have to step it up. What will a jedi submit to? pain. Pain! If you don't start talking in 10 seconds I will sever your head from your body!" He took out a light saber, a very round one. He activated one side and held it out in front of him. He slowly moved closer to me. I tried to move but I found the I couldn't. Then I saw the yellow eyed man had his hand out, he was doing this.

"Tick-tok boy!"

"Alright, alright, I'll talk." He turned off his light saber but kept it in his grip firmly.

"Go on..." he cooed.

"My Auntie Soka teaches me sometimes." He looked to the side, almost as if he was trying to remember something.

"There are no jedi named Soka. Give me a full name or else!?!" He activated his entire light saber, both blades but still kept it by his side.

"Well I always call her Auntie Soka and I used to call her mom. I don't exactly know her full name I don't think." That was a lie. I know Ahsoka, even if I never call her that.

"Thank you kind boy, for the information." Excuse me?

"Oh well you see, I'm reading your mind. Now tell me where the scum you call aunt is!"

"The last time I saw her she was on her ship passed out. Crash landed on some planet.

"Do you know where that planet is, or what it is!"

"No. But it was grassy."

"Who are you."

"My name is Luke."

"Do you have a last name, Mr. Luke?"

"No offense sir, but my Aunt tells me my last name is sacred and I shouldn't tell a single soul. And I promised her I wouldn't so I'm sorry, but I can't tell you."

"Boy let me tell you something. As soon as Lord Vader finishes his business he is going to waltz back up here. And if you comply, he will have mercy, but if you defy us. As you are doing now he will give you a slow and painful death, you hear me." I scared nodded my head. I could tell he was serious.

"Skywalker. I'm padawan learner Luke Skywalker." He looked taken back by this, a lot. He looked even, dare I say shocked.

"S-skyw-walker!?! Any proof!?!"

"I don't know. And I don't care either! Just let me go home!" What was I thinking, he would kill me for sure now!"

"P-please don't kill me." I muttered. He smirked, but it wasn't an evil smirk like before. It was actual happiness radiating off of him.

"Now why would would kill such a valuable prize? I will organizational a meeting with you and Lord Vader immediately." And with those final words he left me alone again locked up in my cramped cell.

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