catfished | fillie

By KiwisInBikinis

5.1K 164 182

a story in which a teenage boy falls in love with a beautiful girl over the internet, only to find out that t... More

the beach
group chat
mean tweets
sober thoughts
waiting for him
after all
fancy napkins
not a word
you don't believe me?
smoke bomb
don't cry
kiss me
card games
coffee shop

for lifer

97 4 0
By KiwisInBikinis

one more filler chapter and then it's cool i SWEAR !! i have pre written stuff so i'll publish those as soon as i proof read!!! LOVE U ALL ENJOY<3<3<3


Two weeks later


milliebobbybrown :)

jacobsartorius Never making the same mistakes again🖤 Happy ur my for lifer

lilia uh... lol

Finn glared down at his phone with an unimpressed look on his face, ignoring the conversation his two friends were having about something he didn't care much about.

"My dog stepped on a bee," a voice through the television that had been carelessly flipped on the news played through the small hotel room (Which Gaten only turned on for background noise, although him and Caleb got pretty invested.) "Objection, relevance."

Caleb snickered at the tv, enjoying what was playing more than he should as Gaten turned to a spaced out Finn to ask a question. "You haven't said much, which side are you on?" he asked curiously, wanting to collect opinions on what had been playing on the tv.

"Yeah, totally..." Finn muttered in response, completely uninterested in anything else that was going on around him except for the picture that displayed itself on his screen.

What is she still doing with him anyway?

Gaten furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Finn's lack of interest in the conversation, (or pretty much everything around him that wasn't his phone) and gave him a suspicious look. "Is everything okay?"

Caleb glanced over to the two when he heard that question being asked, his eyes landing on Finn as they both waited on an answer. "Sure, yeah. I'm good."

"I'm sorry, I've just been really..." he glanced back over to the picture again, trying to find the right words. "Distracted."

He feels like he shouldn't care that much about what Millie does, but for whatever reason he does. Or at least enough to want her to leave a relationship if it's bad for her, and Jacob didn't leave much of a good first impression on him.

He saw her after the fight the two of them had at the wedding. She was completely heartbroken, and he totally understands given how he saw Jacob talked to her and completely invalidated every single feeling she came to him with.

He wants to stop caring since it's none of his business, but he knows Millie has been through a lot and he genuinely wants her to be happy and to feel like she can take a breath after all of this.

As much as he wants to give Jacob the benefit of the doubt and just reassure himself that she wouldn't have given him another chance if she didn't think she could handle it, he can't help but to really dislike the guy.

Not like he can do much anyway, so it's probably best to let it go. They both seem happy enough on social media, so he shouldn't be worrying about it. 


"With what?" Caleb asked, feeling as if it was a dumb question the second it came out of his mouth. "I mean, I know what you're distracted with, but I thought it was mostly resolved?"

"That weird girl hasn't texted you in like a week, you and Millie are on good terms... aren't things more stable right now?" he questioned, trying to understand the situation better.

"They kind of are." he explained hesitantly. "Millie just posted a picture of her and her ex boyfriend, so-"

"Oh, I see." Gaten nodded, reaching for the remote to go ahead and mute the channel that was playing since he was suddenly extremely invested in this conversation. "You're jealous." he smirked teasingly as him and Caleb exchanged looks.

"What? No, I just-"

"You want it to be you and her, don't you?" Gaten wiggled his eyebrows, poking a lot of fun at his frustrated friend who could barely get a word out. "It's not-"

"I figured you would eventually fall for her back when you texted because she looks like your type but since you couldn't get passed the dull personality it made it better once you found out-"

"Dude," Caleb cut him off, being able to sense for once that whatever fantasy solution Gaten was trying to come up with wasn't the case. Don't get him wrong, he would absolutely adore teasing Finn over finally liking a girl after Iris, but to him it seemed a bit deeper than normal jealousy.

And he's seen firsthand how Finn is like when he's jealous. Not saying it was a good situation since the reason he experienced it was because Iris flipped out and kissed his best friend to make him mad once, but... they were over that.

"It's not about that, okay?" Finn finally responded, trying to shut down any upcoming comments he would've gotten if he had let that continue. "I'm not jealous of him."

"He's just a dick."

"Like, an uneducated emotionally abusive dick who probably got dropped too many times as a baby." he blurted out, relieved to finally get that off his chest but still not feeling much better about the situation.

"Abusive?" Caleb quoted Finn, starting to understand how serious what he was talking about was. "I mean, maybe not... I don't know." he stated unsurely, trying to almost take back what he said in case he was being dramatic.

"What made you say that then?"

"I saw them arguing towards the end of the wedding." Finn explained, trying to think back to the exact events of what had happened when he walked in on the two of them. "Did he ever touch her?"

"I don't think so." he shook his head. "He did push something out of her hands when he got mad though."

"That was after he called her a bitch and then just stormed off." Finn started to realize just how bad it sounded when he finally said it out loud. Of course he knew it was awful, but now he almost wishes he had done more.

Caleb thought about it, figuring that if he was comfortable enough to do that sort of things in a public setting then imagine what he's like when he's mad in private. "Have you talked to Millie about it?"

He shook his head no. "I checked to make sure she was okay afterwards but we didn't really talk about that specifically."

"Maybe you should text her then." Caleb suggested, luckily seeing a brief moment where Finn took that into consideration. The only problem is that he doesn't want to overstep his boundaries with her.

Sure, he's a little worried, but they just met and he feels like it isn't his business to start telling her how unhealthy her relationship is. Unless Jacob has changed since the wedding?

Ha. Doubt it.


"Relax, Millie."

She sighed, messing with the untouched food on her plate with a fork as she anxiously sat in the cafeteria. "I just feel like they're looking over here."

"They're not." Jacob replied, looking up to see if the two people in question actually were to make she he wasn't lying just now. And to his surprise, they made direct eye contact which he immediately shut down. "Okay, yes, they're looking."

Millie groaned, hiding her face in her hands after placing her fork back on the table. She hasn't felt much better in the past week much, but at least she has someone who's still willing to sit with her at lunch.

"Just calm down, you stress out too much." he said casually, treating it like no big deal. "You don't need them anyway, they hurt you too much."

Then why does it feel like it hurts more to be away from them?

"All you need is me, and you have it. It's gonna be fine." Jacob reassured her, putting his arm around his extremely stressed girlfriend who hasn't caught a single break in way too long.

And what's making it worse? The fact that he tells her every day to stay away from Sadie and Noah because they're apparently toxic and they don't understand her like Jacob does. But at least she has someone, right?

Millie's phone went off suddenly, getting a direct message notification on instagram that she chose to ignore for the time being. "Who's that?"

She looked at him, "Do you see me checking it?"

He immediately rolled hia eyes at her tone. "Obviously not, I'm just curious because you don't really have anybody who texts you other than me."

Oh good. A reminder that she lost most of her friends, that's exactly what she needs.

"No offense." he added once he saw the look on her face, although the extra comment didn't seem to help very much since she still seemed pretty down about it. "Relax, you're still popular on instagram."

"At least you still have followers on there."

Not like she's been very active on social media anyway, so why would that even matter? 

She thought that maybe getting Jacob back could be a step to having things be how they used to, and maybe things could start going back to normal and she wouldn't feel like this everyday.

And as for Sadie and Noah, they've been... well, it's complicated.

The two of them have definitely grown a lot closer since the incident, Noah going to Sadie for advice for once and actually taking the things she says into consideration instead of dismissing them like he previously did.

He's glad he didn't lose her too, and he honestly doesn't have a clue what he would do if he didn't have her at a time like this. He would say he's been doing a lot better than he was before since he's had time to think things over and everything isn't as fresh, but he's still upset about Millie and misses her more than ever.

"Are you gonna eat that?" he questioned, pointing to the untouched turkey sandwich on her lunch tray. "No..." she responded, not really getting why that was relevant at the time being. "Can I have it then?"

She stared at him for a little bit, although making sure to force herself to just let it go and not fixate on it too much before she simply shrugged and pushed the tray over to him. "Sure, whatever."

The rest of lunch consisted of him telling her stories about him and his lacrosse teams that she wasn't completely listening to, and occasionally sharing awkward glances between Noah and Sadie who were sitting at a completely different table.

She has Jacob back, but nothing else is normal. Nothing else in her life feels right at the moment. Is she making a mistake?

After many hours of boring classes, the day was over finally and the couple said goodbye for the night and made their way home.

Well, the school day that is. There's still an excruciatingly long night that Millie still has to deal with, which she's gotten used to since that's how it's like every day for her nowadays.

Her after school activities used to be going with her friends to get milkshakes together, or watching a movie with them. Any type of activity they could do, it would still be so much fun.

They would laugh endlessly, share stories, and make way too many memories to count. Where did that all go?

How could she have let that slip away from her?

The only sounds to be heard in the dimly light bedroom were occasional sniffles and small sobs from the regretful teenager and she played through some of her old videos on her snapchat memories.

And the worst of all is that she knows it's her fault that they're so estranged. She was the one who distanced herself from Sadie. She's the reason they don't talk anymore.

And maybe if she had been a better friend to Sophia and made her feel more loved and better about herself none of this would've ever happened. Maybe she was the reason Finn got hurt too. Maybe she could've prevented all of this if she had just done better.

She yelled at Noah for not taking things seriously and for not putting enough effort into the friendship, but she was so caught up in what she thought he did so wrong to her that she completely forgot how much he does for her.

He would bring ice cream and tissues over during her many different break ups with Jacob, he would always defend her if someone was being mean to her, he made her laugh on the days where she didn't even want to smile.

He was a great friend to her. It wasn't as toxic as she made it out to be and it surely wasn't him "not putting enough work into the friendship."

Maybe she's the problem after all.

Not Noah, not Sophia, not Sadie, Finn... maybe it was her. Or at least that's what she's been telling herself.

Maybe for now she just needs to say goodbye to this era in her life and move on to something else.


Sophia scrolled on her instagram feed boredly, trying to find any possible fun in what was in her following but she unfortunately was quite uninterested with most of the pictures displaying themselves on her screen so far.

She sighed, going over to the search bar and typing in Millie's username so she could see how she's been doing lately. They haven't spoken very many words to each other in the past few weeks, although thankfully she gets a warmer vibe from Millie overall than she used to when they would make eye contact.

She actually gave her a little nod the other day instead of just rolling her eyes and walking the other way, so that's something, right?

Sophia's face became laced with confusion, scrolling down to all the accounts with similar names - however the specific one she was looking for was nowhere to be found.

It's like the account just completely disappeared.

Oh shit.

She stared at the phone in worry, all of the progress she thought she was making with her going completely out the drain.

Of course she knows what she did wrong to make her want to block her, but... why now? She thought things were starting to get a little bit better between them, and now this happens?

Maybe Millie told Finn about it...

Possibly not, but it's worth a try to check in with him anyway.


Hey Finn, I'm sorry to bother you but Millie just blocked me
Do you know anything about that? Has she talked to you?
I just thought we might have been getting somewhere

no i don't
she hasn't said anything

Well have you guys talked recently?

yes we talked the other day

She's saying nothing to me. Could you ask her?

i'm not gonna ask her that

Why not?

because it's not my place
she probably blocked you because she wants to move on
and i can't blame her for that
I do too

Thats my point. I thought we could all move on and get passed this but then she just randomly blocks me?

you're not understanding
i meant moving on from you
not with you

I thought we could work this out... I thought you loved me.

you're right
i did love you
you were one of my best friends
but it was all a lie.
barely anything you told me was true
i don't know whatever the hell we had
it wasn't love
It was all based off of lies.

Finn please
I love you
everything I said to you was true
besides my name and my looks and some hobbies and favorite things
But my personality was all me
the way I acted
and thats who you were friends with
I didn't change.
That almost shows that you only care about looks...

it shows that i think its wrong for friends to lie about their identities for months
if you had came to me as yourself
i would've treated you the exact same
nothing would have been different we would've been better if anything

I'm sorry..
i don't know what else to say.

i don't know what else you can say either
which is why i've been asking you for some space.
and millie clearly wants space too if she blocked you
please respect that and move on
you'll make new friends and maybe we can start talking again if you really show me that you've changed
but thats in the future.
we need a break from each other now.

But no one else is like you.
I can make new friends but I haven't because i love you and the others and no one else
Please just give me a chance
I can fix things

i can't
at least not right now

i'm gonna delete your contact now but just so you know
its not because i hate you
and its not because i don't think we'll be able to work things out eventually
but it's because i can't deal with this right now and i really need some distance from you.
i hope you can understand that

Okay... but will you be back? Will you add me back again?

i don't know

Goodbye Finn..
I'm sorry
I love you *not delivered*

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