Scars - BTS (Jungkook werewol...

Von 0Mystery_Writer0

103K 4.5K 3.5K

"You. Are. Just. A Burden. Do. You. Understand?" "Thank you for everything. I am sorry that I am a burden for... Mehr

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Birthday
Chapter 2: Documents
Chapter 3: Start of the Night
Chapter 4: Dying
Chapter 5: What happened?
Chapter 6: Crimson
Chapter 7: Mate
Chapter 8: Werewolf
Chapter 9: Love at First Sight?
Chapter 10: Useless Nightmare
Chapter 11: Plan
Chapter 12: Who am I?
Chapter 13: Will he love me?
Chapter 14: Hurt
Chapter 15: Red Eyes
Chapter 16: Change
Chapter 17: Needles
Chapter 18: Abducted
Chapter 19: Mindlink
Chapter 20: Lisa
Chapter 21: Mate Bond
Chapter 22: Her pain
Chapter 23: One down
Chapter 24: Pitch Black
Chapter 25: Saved?
Chapter 26: Regret?
Chapter 27: Green
Chapter 28: Worried . . .
Chapter 29: Deal
Chapter 30: Emerald Eyes
Chapter 32: Solution?
Chapter 33: Mark
Chapter 34: Genesis
Chapter 35: What have I done?
Chapter 36: Guilt
Chapter 37: Nice To Meet You
Chapter 38: Time For Revenge
Chapter 39: Full Moon
Chapter 40: New Me
Chapter 41: Letter
Chapter 42: Samara Evelyn
Chapter 43: Leave
Chapter 44: Wrong or Hurt?
Chapter 45: Finally, idiot
Chapter 46: Return
Chapter 47: Let's Play
Chapter 48: Through Their Worst

Chapter 31: What have I done?

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Von 0Mystery_Writer0

"Kookie . . . oppa?"


Turning around, she jumped her way towards Jimin, lightly giggling, and rose the pan in an attacking stance to smack him right in the face. Jimin was used to being a shield for Taehyung to escape from Jin when he was armed with his favorite pink frying pan. But that wasn't the case anymore. This time, he was the victim of the pink frying pan that armed the lady with emerald eyes.

» ⊱ ──── ┈┈┈ ──── ⊰ «

Chapter 31: What have I done?

3rd Person POV

"Oh dear god, please if you may . . . forgive me for my sins to come. Cuz I'm going to crush this shorty with a pink frying pan." Saying that single statement, she flung the pink frying pan in her hands right across Jimin's face. All while pleasantly giggling at the scene unfolding at her own hands.

Just looking at the face of the young girl, seemed to convey her extreme excitement and obvious happiness. But looking at her actions, one question would linger the mind of anyone watching: Is she a psychopath?  

Jimin was engulfed by his own thoughts when the frying pan came across his cheek. It was a defiant stride on Sam's part, but she couldn't care any less. Why would it matter? For she wasn't Sam anymore. The sole motive devouring her mind was to drench her hands in blood and rub it all over her face. And she was keen about the owner of the blood. She knew whom she wanted her victim to be.

The other two males hiding from the confrontation in the room were stunned. They were frozen still with Sam's newly found behavior. How could they not be? First, Sam had emerald green eyes and second, she just brought down the mighty frying pan on Jimin. On Jimin. It truly chilled their bones when they heard the muffled groan Jimin's cheek let out as soon as it came in contact with the frying pan. The same chills crept up to their spine when they realized that they would be the next one to get smacked.

Chuckling while throwing her head back, Sam let her eye close for a matter of seconds before peeling them open and flicking her wrist again to land another mark of the frying pan on Jimin. But the only difference this time was that Jimin was on high alert. One bang was enough to wake him up from his daze, and to be truly honest, his adorable cheek did hurt and swell up. His cute little fingers wrapped around her wrist before stopping her motion to complete stillness.

"Yah! Snap out of it!" Jimin yelled while his other hand gripped onto Sam's shoulder swiftly, giving it a light shake. His eyes were wide open and yet, there was a calm and composed look retained in them. They were reassuring, that everything would be okay. That everything would soon be over.

It did work. It really did. Hey eyes abandoned all the emotion in them along with the emerald green color before picking up a warm feeling supported by the familiar soft brown orbs. Her eyes cruised to her hand that gripped a frying pan, and then to the wrist being strangled by Jimin's fingers.

One clank against the head with a frying pan was all it was, thought Jimin. He, in pure honesty, was preparing for a much more . . . deadly battle against the frying pan. But now, he thought she was back to herself. But how could she have been?

He didn't realize his mistake until her divine lips twitched until they spread themselves wide across the lower half of her face. Casting her eyes down to the floor completely, she lifted her head back up, chin held tall and proud, with confident green eyes glimmering under the cream lights of the kitchen. A fearless and daring smirk glimmered on her lips. The one that a bully would have when he finds his victim. Or the one a psychopathic murderer would have when he has his victim in his grasp.

"You thought you could bring her back so fast? But I've barely had any fun, don't you think?" Said Sam while pouting her lips in a cute manner and letting her eyelashes flutter. Her head was tilted a little to the side while she observed Jimin's face in await of his reactions. If it had been any other circumstance with Sam looking like that, Jimin would have found her so adorable. But now, it wasn't. It was . . . sickening. He felt bubbly and uncomfortable under her scorching stare. 

With that, she dropped the frying pan in her left hand, before catching it in her empty and free right one, mid-air. Using the emptied left hand, she twisted it towards Jimin to grab onto his wrist, freeing his grasp on her wrist. As soon as she got a hold of his wrist, she twisted it backwards in an abnormal direction for his arm muscles, turning him in place while his hand was twisted at his back.

Pressuring his muscles and straining the pain more, Sam forced him to the ground while she victoriously smirked at the figure facing the ground. Small grunts left Jimin's mouth but nothing other than that. He didn't want to do anything.

Only a single plan was bouncing around in his mind. He had to snap Sam out of her daze, but how, was the only question. Inflicting pain was the first thing he crossed off of his list. Sam was after all like his little sister. He couldn't hurt her. Who ever might be hurting him, it wasn't Sam. And when Sam comes back, he was sure she would be very guilty and definitely be the one to take care of his injuries.

Embraced by his logical mind, he lost track of the reality that swirled around him where Taehyung and Hoseok ran to save their dear buddy. How?

Well, Tae grabbed onto Sam's arm that forced Jimin's figure down while Hoseok grabbed onto Jimin's arm. Both of them pulled on either sides trying to break free the tug of war. Loud screams erupted under the roof: Something along the lines of 'Yah!Sam! Let go! You're hurting him!' and 'Sam! What are you doing? Please let go!'

Both the males were using their strength of abnormality to free the poor hurt guy, but Sam didn't even flinch and weaken her hold. All she did was smirk. M. A. L. I. C. I. O. U. S. L. Y. With such ease and such elegance, that reminded people of the soul in her. The old but greedy soul fighting for dominance. The dangerous old soul.

Mindlink was constantly at the use while the other members of the band accompanied by Jisoo and Rose were dragged off of their beds and drawn into the commotion of the eventful night in the kitchen. And of them all, Jungkook being the last one stopped in his tracks as soon as his eyes caught notice of Sam. His doe eyes were widened and his feet were glued at the doorway of the kitchen.

She had let go of Jimin long ago. Her legs were swinging in all kinds of different directions aiming for targets ranging in different heights. So were her hands, one which still held the frying pan while the other one clutched onto a meat knife, god knows when she caught a hold of it. Landing repetitive roundhouse kicks and front kicks on the band members, she could easily be mistaken for a raging mercenary taking revenge on a conning gang regarding a fraud drug deal.

Her body moved fluidly on command and her eye to limb coordination was set to perfection. Whenever the boy's had tried to catch her, she'd flip in unexpected manners and leave them surprised by how much danger the small girls possessed. But mind the fact that the boys only wanted to catch her, not hurt her. They wouldn't be able to bear with themselves if they hurt the sweet and innocent girl whom they'd soon be seeing.

Even with her hands fully occupied with the frying pan and the meat knife, she had managed to land severe punches on the boys leaving them with blue and purple kisses on their skin.

But these bruises she left behind weren't enough for her eyes. She wanted to see more. She wanted to see their blood. And in that field of action, the meat night proved its worth. It left slits in their magnificent skin and let their blood get a good breath of oxygen.

Grabbing onto the island counter in the center of the kitchen, she lifted off her body several times and swung about the edge of the counter, only to land a harsh kick on one of the boys. It indeed worked out to be a winning strategy several times throughout the serious kitchen combat between the guys and Sam.

How are the guys doing? They were muttering incoherent cusses while they stumbled back up every time their head was banged with the frying pan, shaking up and messing their brain. Being the best warriors of the kingdom, they thought they could handle a small girl. But how wrong they were, for they couldn't even lay a finger on her. Not that they wanted to but, they needed to catch her, not punch her, and it was hard when the opponent's energy never seemed to die down.

In so much chaos, one thing caught the mind of the little devil running around. Jungkook. And his beating heart.

Letting go of the frying pan she almost landed on Jin, she gracefully skipped her way over to the stunned male and grabbed his throat. She had small hands, but that wasn't an objection for her, because her nails dug deep into the sides of his throat. With the awfully good grasp she had on the male, she dragged him away from the doorway and slammed his body against the wall next to it, just with the one hand on his throat.

She giggled. Oh so menacingly she giggled.

Jungkook didn't move for seconds. He just let his eyes slowly turn vibrant red. Even if they did, what would Stephen do when his own love was killing him? Kill her? That would never even be a possibility with the love he felt for her.

Her hands closed in on his throat and pressured it harder and harder. They were like a ticking time bomb, he didn't know when they'd completely close down on his throat and rip him away from the world.

His airway was closing on him. He was having difficulty breathing.

But she didn't let go. She stared straight into his eyes while smirking victoriously. A smile that projected her egoistic nature.

Jungkook parted his lips and he started panting lightly. 

Yet carelessly, Sam tilted her head and observed the man in front of her, casually waiting for his soul to leave the body.

But rather, he smiled. He smiled lightly while taking deep breaths. He smiled lovingly at his mate in front of him.

Sam felt a harsh pang in her heart. Guiltiness it was. Her smile eased its way off of her face. But her hands remained there with crushing strength she acquired from thin air.

The boys were already beside Sam and tried their best to peel her away from Jungkook. Their hands wrapped around her arms while they tried to free their maknae before it was too late. Their eyes were on the hand that grasped Stephen's neck and hadn't noticed the face of the young girl.

Her eyes flickered.

Stephen saw it.

They went . . . brown.

His red eyes caught her brown ones and prolonged the stare as much as he could.

With a break in the eye-contact, a single tear slipped from her left eye. It was a single tear that signified her pain, before she was sucked back into the empty void.

He saw it quite clearly.

Her eyes painted themselves green. Emerald green.

By now, his face was red. His large hands moved towards and clutched onto Sam's smaller one wrapped around his throat. But they never pulled on her's; just lightly clutched her's.

He coughed. 

He couldn't breathe.

But his stare never changed. It still remained loving.

His vision was becoming blurry.

Nothing was like his original clear vision.

Everything was becoming hazier. 

While Jungkook and Sam stood there, the boys were pushed away hastily before Lisa, unexpectedly, reached in and grabbed Sam by her hair. With all the might she could muster up, she tugged on the silky black strands in her hand and let the corresponding female stumble backwards, freeing Jungkook from her grasp.

Dragging Sam by her hair, Lisa pulled her away from the wall and all the crowd before pushing her forward, right after Lisa stopped. Sam didn't fall on the ground but stood her position. Her head that faced the ground in front of her, whipped around and glared at her unnie. In pure actuality, Lisa wasn't her unnie, but a random strange who had the audacity to pull her hair. So she didn't mind glaring at the stranger.

Sam wasn't the one who walked towards her victim this time, though. It was Lisa. And without wasting a single minute after letting go of Sam's hair, she landed a hard slap on her cheek, letting the said girl stagger to the ground.

All the commotion in the kitchen stopped.

No one had the courage to make a move.

No one had the courage to go and help up the poor girl.

No one had the courage to check if it was Sam.

All of the boys along with Jisoo and Rose wore their shocked faces with wide orbs staring off at the scene.

Sam was on the ground, her hands supporting her body from completely collapsing to the ground and hurting it furthermore.

The jagged glass shards that were left on the floor before the girl lost control, were surrounding her body while the rest were embedded in her skin.

Her face was turned towards the flooring, almost as if she was admiring it. Her hair covered most of her side profile while her bangs covered most of her face, depriving everyone a glance at her pretty features.

Her body was screaming with agony. Bloody glass pieces decorated her wounds.

And by now, Lisa was losing it. Initially, she had a lot of control over her thirst when she walked into the room, but now? No. She was seeing blood. She was smelling blood. So she wanted to drink blood. All of that was clearly conveyed through her pitch black orbs.

Slowly and steadily, Sam turned her body around and swept her hair away from her face, wincing with every move she decided to make. Her eyes roamed like a runner in a marathon, trying to understand the situation she was deeply dragged into. What happened? It was the one question she wanted the answer to now.

Her brown eyes roamed over the bloody meat knife tightly clutched in her hands, and then at the injured and bruised people staring down at her. She wasn't that idiotic to not be able to connect the dots. She understood that it was her doing. She did what she didn't mean to. She ended up hurting the ones who had helped her. She gave into the whisper, didn't she?

Interrupting her self-recollection, the huge clock on the far end of the room made its hourly intrusion. Two strikes were heard. It was 2 o'clock in the night. The date on the face of the clock remained unchanged. It read September 1st, 2020.

She had hurt him on his birthday . . .

Hey guys!! My finals are over!! So I updated the story for you guys!!  How is the chapter? I hope it wasn't too . . . boring. Let me know what you guys think in the comments and don't forget to vote for the chapter if you liked it. I hope to see you guys soon!! Bye!!! (-Mystery Writer😊)


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