Caught Up (BWWM)

By NoChillVictoria

2.2K 69 13

Corie is a 17 year old senior who catches feelings read to see drama that takes place in the story More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

661 17 2
By NoChillVictoria

*picture of Corie*

Corie's POV

"Corie, I love you baby. But, get your ass up before you're late on your first day". My Dad yelled

I'm pretty sure I'll hate it here. I'm gonna miss New York. My old friends, my school, my house, memories of my Mom. She died a couple years back. So my Dad moved on and married a fake gold-digger named 'Monica'. Don't get me wrong, she's pretty and all, but she treats me like shit and I swear she only loves my Dad for money. He's a lawyer and makes about $475,000.00 a year and counting.

So I finally decide to get up and I take a 20 minute shower. I throw on a cute marvel cut off tank top, leggings and a pair of black converse. Pretty casual, I didn't wanna go all out. Then, I started on my hair I decided to just leave it curly for today. When I finished I was on my way and I headed to school in my dodge charger gt. I got it for my 16th birthday. The drive was about 10 minutes.

When I got there I looked around. There were a lot of people outside, meaning a lot of eyes on me. Girls mean mugged me as the guys whistled. I was relieved and took a big inhale and exhale when I got inside. I don't really like being the center of attention. I searched for the office, but instead I found something else. Or should I say someone? I saw a incrediblely handsome white boy. He had mesmerizing blue eyes, soft looking Brown hair and stretched ears making him look like a bad ass and I bet he was. Mama told me to stay away from bad boys, because they'll break my heart. I noticed him looking at me so I quickly acted like I was looking for something. Thank God his friend popped up, I used that as a distraction to make a quick exit. Turned the corner and I finally found the office and talked to the pretty blonde Secretary at the desk.

"Hello I'm Co-"

"Yes I know Corie Gold, take a seat I'll let Mrs. Barrett know you're here.

I Turned around and looked through the window I was facing and guess who I saw again? Yep, the bad boy and he was looking right at me. I quickly sat down to avoid eye contact. Minutes went last and I the bell rang the pretty blonde secretary came back and sat at her desk.

"Mrs.Barrett will be with you shortly"

I nodded and kept waiting. About 4 minutes later I see the door swing open dramatically and everything was in slow motion. The bad boy walked in the lighting in the room became dim and I heard the choir singing hallelujah. Oh boy is this kid is hot. Damn, I have to snap out of it. No bad boys for me. I look away only to find myself looking back at him and him winking back at me making my face start to get warm. When I look over to my right and see him sitting next to me.

"Hey mama, I'm Jake".

Ya know the saying cat got your tougne? Well, in this moment that really applied to me. I sat there staring at him for a good 5 seconds. What was this boy doing to me? I don't even like being called ' mama', but coming out of his mouth just felt good. Right when I got the courage to actually open my mouth and say something-

"Corie Golding" I looked up and saw a light skin woman in a gray suit who looked about 45 standing before me. I Immediately got up before I embarrassed myself talking to Jake. She looked over to him and rolled her eyes. She turned around and said "I'll deal with you later Jake".

When we got to her office, she signaled me to take a seat.

"Okay, Corie your first period is AP History 173 with Mrs.Kellington". Here is your schedule. Please try to stay out of trouble. Also, a little advice. Distance yourself from students such as Jake".

I grabbed my schedule and Mrs.Barrett walked me out.

"Now to deal with you" she said looking at Jake.

He stood up and started walking towards her passing by me and winking at me again in the process. He had about a good 5 or 6 inches on me. I felt my face heating up so I hurried and left. I finally found my class after about 5 minutes. I twisted the door knob and walked in. All I sensed was eyes, but I tried to ignore them.

"Mrs.Gold is it"? The wrinkley old lady behind a desk said to me. Her beady eyes were intimidating.

"Yes" I replied.

"Take a seat next to Mr.Maloley, raise your hand Mr.Maloley".

I looked up to meet eyes with an attractive brunette boy wearing a beanie. He smiled as he rose his hand showing his dimples.

"Hi" I said

"Hey I'm Cooke". He said giving me a toothy grin.

"I'm Corie, is Mrs.Kellington always this intimidating"? I said

"Yeah, but it helps if you don't stare into her beady eyes" Cook said, causing me to giggle because we shared similar thoughts.

All class period Cooke and I were sharing laughs and side comments he was pretty cool.

The bell rang and I was off to second period.

"Let me see your schedule" Cooke said

I handed it to him and smiled at his facial expressions.

"Damn, I feel bad for you, most of your teachers suck". He said causing me to sigh.

"But at least this isn't the last class you have with me. I'll walk you to your next period because it's on my way" he said winking making me slightly blush.

We made small talk on our way there he even introduced to about 4 people.

"Well, see ya later. Matter of fact why don't us each lunch with me and some friends" he said.

"Great I'd love to"

"Cool just meet us in the front of the school we usually go off campus since we're all seniors".

I nodded and proceeded into my classroom. Only half of the class was there so far. I took a seat in the far back one seat over from these pretty black girl.

"Hi" she greeted me.

"Hi, I'm Corie" I replied.

"Naomi" she said

I smiled at her and that was about all we said to each other for the rest of the period. No one else made an effort to talk to me.

Lunch was after third period which was extremely boring so I just decided to fall asleep in it. When the bell rang for lunch I zoomed out of the class trying to make my way to the front of the school. I turned the corner in the hallway and collided with no other than Jake.

"Hey Corie" he said looking and sounding seductive while rolling the 'R'

"Hey Jake, right" I said pretending to remember his name, but how could I forget it. He made such an impression on me.

"Where ya headed"?

"I'm meeting up with someone in the front of the school for lunch"

"Great"! He said a lil too excitedly "I'll come with".

"Um uh ah ok" I stammered. I'm fucking embarrassing myself.

We walked down the stairs and passed the office and Cafeteria. I kept seeing Jake staring at me from the corner of my eye, but I ignored him. We walked through the double doors and I saw Cooke wave and start to approach me. Before he said something to me he did that bro handshake to Jake. That's when I remembered him and Cooke where friends he popped up this morning to talk to Jake causing a diversion for me to escape. Befriending Cooke is gonna make ataying away from Jake is gonna be harder than I thought. Plus, If Jake is a bad boy doesn't that make Cooke one? Don't they all hang out together? Isn't that how it goes? Shouldn't I stay away from both of them?

"Hey Corie, I see you've met my day one hitta, Jake. And then over there are some of our other friends he said pointing to 2 girls and 1 other boy "Naomi, Andrea, and Sammy".

I already recognized one of them which was Naomi who was I met earlier.

"Where do you guys wanna eat"? Naomi called over.

Jake and Cooke both looked at me wanting me to give a response.

"What's around here"? I said

"Wendy's, Chillies, Applebees, IHo-"

"IHop"? I said cutting Cooke off. I guess I said it loud because everyone agreed and before I knew it we were all walking to the parking lot.

"Girls ride together boys ride together". Andrea said

"RACE YA THERE"! Sammy yelled out

We all ran to Naomi's car as she pressed the button the remote to signal which car was hers.

We speeded out of the parking lot trying to get a lead of the boys. We saw no sign of them so we assumed we were winning. We decided to some music so we turned on the radio and 'No Type' was playing a we all yelled out the lyrics.

I ain't got no type

Bad bitches is the only thing that I like

You ain't got no life

Cups with the ice and we do this every


Song after song we sang. When we saw the IHop sign from a distance we started speeeding again and pulled into the parking lot only to see that the boys beat us there

"BUT HOW? WE LEFT BEFORE YOU" Andea yelled getting out of the car.

"Well my man Sammy over knows a short cut" Cooke said chuckling.

When we walked in we all went 'ahhh' in unison in reaction to the air conditioning that hit us inside.

"How many" the cashier said

"Just 6" Naomi replied she led us to a table that was a booth on one side and chairs on the other and all the girls took the side with the booth. Once we got situated the waitress took our drinks and minutes later took our orders we just talked amongst ourselves as we waited for our food.

"You like to sing Corie"? Cooke asked me puzzling me as to how he knew. "You have chorus fifth period I was just curious" he said reminding me I gave him my schedule.

"Yeah, a lil. Why"?

"Well, I saw music on your schedule so I was just wondering".

"Are you any good"? Jake said

"I'm alright"

"I'd love to here ya sometime" Cooke said

"Soon" I said, "soon"


When we finished eating we headed back to school with 4 minutes to spare. My next class was a free period with Cooke. So we just walked there together. We talked the whole period, Cooke was really cool not to mention extremely attractive. Maybe going for a bad boy wouldn't be so bad. When fourth period was over I went to my fifth which was music. I loved to sing, but it was mostly because it was my mother's favorite thing to do.

I finally found the class A212

I walked in and looked around. All eyes shot at me like daggers. I think I know why. I WAS THE ONLY BLACK PERSON IN THERE. I saw a middle aged white lady approaching me.

"Excuse me, I think you might be in the wrong class" she said

"Isn't this the music room, A212"?

"Oh my are you Corie, Corie Gold"?

I nodded

"I'm Mrs.Lane. I'm sorry, I expected your arrival, but you're just not what I expected."

This bitch

I gave her a fake chuckle and disregarded her comment.

"Well, please delight us"


"Use those vocal chords the heavens gifted you with"

"You want me to sing"?


"Right now"?

"Well this is music class isn't it dear"?

I took in a huge inhale and closed my eyes. Then I breathed out and started.

Hit me like a ray of sun
Burning through my darkest night
You're the only one that I want
Think I'm addicted to your light

I swore I'd never fall again
But this don't even feel like falling
Gravity can't forget
To pull me back to the ground again

Feels like I've been awakened
Every rule I had you breakin'
The risk that I'm takin'
I'm never gonna shut you out

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
Halo, halo

Everywhere I'm looking now
I'm surrounded by your embrace
Baby I can see your halo
You know you're my saving grace

You're everything I need and more
It's written all over your face
Baby I can feel your halo
Pray it won't fade away

I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo
I can feel your halo halo halo
I can see your halo halo halo

When I finished all eyes were wide and on me. I couldn't have been that's bad I thought. Seconds later applause filled the room.

"Miss Gold that was Phenomenal" Mrs. Lane said enthusiastically. You're welcome to take a seat.

I sat down and a red headed girl tapped me on the shoulder I turned around and smiled expecting her to introduce her self and compliment me.

"Um, have you have to move that's Meghan's seat".

"Um...Ok.....ask me if I give a fuck"

"No seriously, trust me you'll regret it"

"Cool, are we done here"?

"Suit yourself"

I turn back around to face the front and a see a gorgeous model looking girl with blue eyes and black hair walking through the door. She whispered something to Mrs. Lane, but I only heard the end.

"But I'm really sorry I'm late".

"No it's fine Meghan"

When she finished talking to Mrs. Lane she turned around and just stared at me for a couple of seconds.

"Get up" she said

"Excuse me"?

"Ugh, You people don't listen. I said Get up"

I just laughed and looked around to make sure she was talking to me.

"What's so funny"?

"I'm just trying to make sure you're talking to me. You must be crazy if you are".

She walked up to me, and squatted to get to my level and got close to my face.

"Listen here bitch, I don't know who you are, I don't care where you came from, but I run shit here so run along and go look for your Mom in a crack house or something".

The last part got to me, because she really didn't know who I was so her talking about my mother like that kinda hurt.

"No, you listen here biiiitch. I couldn't give two shits who you are. I'm not gonna be stand here and get disrespected by a stuck up, Starbucks lovin', uggs wearin ass Barbie doll. So if you wanna keep that pretty little face of yours I advise you to keep your fuckin mouth shut". I said with a valley girl giggle.

She scoffed and looked a little taken back and did something I haven't seen anyone do in years. THIS BITCH SNITCHED ON ME.

"Excuse me, Mrs.Lane. This new student threatened me".

"Hmmm? Oh Um, Corie we take threats very serious here. I know its your first day and what not, but I'm gonna have to send you to the office"

I stared at Mrs.Lane confused for a good 5 seconds before I got snapped out of my day dream by the sound of Meghan's voice.

"Well, 'Corie'. You heard her. Bye you have a nice day now".

I curled up my lip and mean mugged Meghan before grabbing my stuff and rushing out of the room. I didn't even go back to class I just roamed the halls .

****Last Period****

It was 7th period period and it happened to be one of my favorite classes, gym. I changed into the shorts and a tie dye shirt I almost left at home today,but brought realizing I still needed a PE credit and went into the gym. Cooke, Jake, Sammy, Naomi, Andrea, and I all coincidentally had the same class together. I took this as an opportunity to tell them what happened between me and Meghan. And speak of the devil, just as I finished the story I saw her walking towards me smiling.

"Hey can I talk to you for a sec"

"I guess" I said with an attitude.

"Look, I'm really sorry about earlier. I think I could've handeled the situation better and I hope that we can be friends".

She looked really serious so I was convinced and accepted her apology and she surprisingly pulled me into a hug and walked off.

I walked over to the group with a confused face and they all just stared at me.

"What's wrong with you" Sammy said

"Mehgan just....she just apologized to me. I know I've been here one day and I don't know shit about her, but that doesn't seem like something someone like her would do."

"That's because it isn't something she does". Jake said

"I don't know I think she was pretty serious. It was convincing."

"Believe what you want, but believe me when I tell you she's a snake". He replied

Our gym teacher walked into the room breaking us from our conversation.


She looked right at me.


Kathy happened to be the red headed girl who tapped me on the shoulder earlier. This'll be good.


"CORIE" I said yelling back imitating her making some people laugh


After we finished picking teams we started. My team consisted of; Jake, Cooke, Naomi, Sammy, Andrea and some people I just met; Monique, Christopher, Sunny, André, and Raven. Jake asked me if he could serve so I let him. He spiked the ball at my butt twice making me narrow my eyes at him forcing him to stop. We won game and Kathy won one. We played two in total and hit he locker rooms. At the end of the day Mrs. Murphy called me back.

"You're pretty good at this sport. You should try out for the team. Try outs are in 3 days". She said surprisingly not yelling. I nodded and left. When I got was leaving school I sensed someone following me. I turned around and saw no other than Jake.

"Following me, eh pretty boy"?

He jogged to catch up to me.

"You think I'm pretty?" He said holding both hands under his chin blinking rapidly causing me to laugh. "And of course I was Following you lil mama. I hate to see you go, but with that booty, I love watching you leave".

I smacked his arm playfully and laughed. By the time I got to my car and opened the door and Jake did something I didn't see coming. He kissed me. I stood there astonished with wide eyes.

"Until next time my love" he said while backing up right before winking and walking away.

Some day, huh?

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