Ezra betrayed(On Hiatus)

By Hockeybullet

62.2K 714 462

After a miscommunication happens during a mission, the rebellion kicks Ezra out of the Rebellion. And stumble... More

Ezra Betrayed
A New Family
ODST Training
Fleet Part 1
Fleet Part 2
Fleet Part 3
Taking back Lothal part 1
Taking Back Lothal part 2
Christmas special/Holiday special/message
New recruits and Harem
The Assault on Mandalore part 1
Next Story vote
Assault on Mandalore part 2
Ghibalb and the Return home
A Family Reunion
Quick Question
I did it!!!!!
Finishing the fight part 1
We have to talk
Update and possible return
Update again again (I think)!??

Taking Back Lothal Part 3

3.9K 48 47
By Hockeybullet

(A/N: Before we begin there's a couple things I want to address. 1 I have released a new story called The Predator Rose out, 2. I'm now on winter break so I can hopefully make more chapters within a week. 3. I want to say thanks to everyone who's been reading this story I happy you all like this story I plan on making more even after I'm done high school and the last thing is I'm redoing my poll for If I should Upload my Code RWBY and Code Geass: Spartan Lelouch B312 on Wattpad or leave them on my Fanfiction.net account. Now let's begin the story)

Carolina POV

Ezra told us we were going to land on the surface of Lothal and make our way towards the center dome which is controlled by Imperials and when we kill everyone we're to set charges to blow it up in the sky and we are to evacuate any civilians within the area. 

Carolina: Weapons check we're landing in 5 minutes, remember our objective. Hopefully we can relax 

Tex: *Grabs magnum and loads it* Yeah relax with Ezra, I've seen the looks you give him

Carolina: *Blushes* I'm not the only one that thinks of him miss oh Ezra i've been a naughty girl.

Vale/Sarah/South/Tex: *Blushes* SHUT IT!

Carolina: Whatever let's move we're here...South Sarah find two high areas and take sniper positions. Vale you I want you to do blackout and escort any civilians from the area to a safe place while Tex and I will deal with the troops and 'Rdomnai will take out any stragglers copy.

ALL: Copy!

(Time skip brought to you by Ezra being chased by his harem)

South: South reporting in, I'm in position.

Sarah: Sarah reporting in I'm in position

Vale: Vale reporting in I'm ready when you are commander

Carolina: Copy Vale on my count 3...2...1...now

Carolina: Switch to night vision, Tex, Vale form up we're going in.

Stealth isn't a option for this mission, these stormtroopers are worse than the innes they fought. The three rush in guns blazing taking out every trooper on the main floor. The troopers don't have enough time to react as they are gunned down instantly.

(Start at 6:45 and end at 8:33)

That's what their doing.

Tex: First floor cleared moving to the second floor

Carolina: Copy everyone meet me on the third floor remember Ezra's counting on us to help free his home. 

Everyone: Copy!


Texas reloads  her Assault rifle and Magnum, she runs through the hall ways killing every stormtrooper that comes running through the hallways to stop her. She takes cover to reload and grabs a grenade and tosses it towards the troopers killing them. Texas Hud indicates she's close to the elevator, however her Hud shows hundreds of stormtroopers guarding the elevator, Texas turns the corner to see dozens of troopers along with what would be their minigun on the warthog but shoots lasers and has no shield and is one cylinder with a ring around the front of barrel. 

Texas: South, Sarah you guys close by? 

South: We are why?

Texas: I'm pinned, readjust and turn 30 degrees North East and on my signal aim 120 degrees up I'll make a opening for you to take them out.

South: Copy readjusting now! On your go Tex.

Texas chucks a plasma grenade at the causing a small hole to open up as the heat from the plasma burns through the metal and drops into the sky and explodes.

South: We see your opening firing in 3...2...1 fire!

South: The rest are yours give 'em hell Tex.

Tex: Plan on it.

Texas ran and turned rushing at the stormtroopers tossing a couple grenades and grabbing her magnum and shooting them while kick them holding them off. One by one they went down from bullets or the grenades they fell none of them stood a chance against a freelancer agent they're lucky they're facing her and not Sarah or any Spartan because they'd be dead before they can even react. The final trooper falls Tex walks to the elevator and enters it heading up to the next floor to meet up with Vale, 'Rdomnai, and Carolina the elevator opens revealing Carolina, Vale and Rdomnai pinned by hundreds of Imperials. Tex reloads her weapons and sprints forward spraying at the stormtroopers and crouches down next to Carolina.

Tex: Seems you need help? Shall we?

Carolina: Let's

On three Carolina, Texas, Vale and Rdomnai jump up and began firing at the troopers killing them. 

 (Play the whole thing but image the Texas freelancer robots are stormtroopers and Washington along with the Reds and Blues are Vale, Texas, Rdomnai) 

Texas: That's the last of them let's continue forward the control room should be ahead let's get moving.


Random Imperial 1: Sir four targets are headed this way all remaining forces inside are dead  what should be do?

Officer: Seal the blast doors we will not let them take over the tower.


Carolina: Their sealing all the doors we need to move now!

Carolina: Church, delta, we could use a little boost.

Church/Delta: Very well Carolina/As you wish ma'am

The four start sprinting with the help of the extra boost thanks to Delta and Church increasing their speed by 10x. They reach the doors that lead them into the control room Vale plants a c14 explosive on the door everyone gets far back and detonates the c14 the explosion is so strong the doors fly through the windows of the control room and fall down to the ground. Texas flanks right, Vale flanks left while Carolina and Rdomnai push forward killing all of the crew.

Texas: That's the last of them...Imma be honest who the fuck puts their control on the third floor I'd have it hidden if I was them.

Carolina: Their stupid anyways let's plant the C14 and set it to autopilot and get out of here.

Computer: Autopilot engaged 20 seconds till launch.

Vale: Let's go people.

Carolina: Vale did you set explosives in the reactor room?

Vale: their waiting for detonation along with the ones in control room here *tosses her the remote* hit the button whenever.

The four jump out from the wall and free fall as they look up to see the fleet destroyed as they detonate the dome exploding and destroying a imperial ship.

Carolina: South, Sarah we need exfil now!

South: Copy descend....now!

The four see the pelican and descend downwards and land in the pelican and fly back to Ezra's capital ship.

(Time skip)

The four approach Ezra and see Laskey, the Ghost crew talking when they hear him say:

Ezra: Doom slayer, ODST-Lieutenant T-516...you know me by another name though, that's Ezra Bridger.

Ezra took off his ODST helmet to reveal his scarred face.

Hera: Ezra we're so sorry!

Kanan: We want you to return please!

Ezra looked at them all their faces showed they were sorry he looked Rex who had a look of disgust at the crew he thought for a minute.

Ezra: Sorry but the UNSC is my home now, they saved me, helped me gain my light back, freed my people and we've show the Empire isn't a large threat we've accomplished more than the Rebellion has. They may have taken out the first Death Star but with the mantle enacted we can help those who have no job, no money, are homeless, or don't have enough money to provide for their family, we can give people homes. I do forgive Rex and Chopper they may not have done anything and backed me up along with Gregor, Wolf and Ahsoka.

Ezra: Speaking of them how are they Rex?

Rex: They miss you and left the Rebellion.

Ezra: How bout a deal Rex. You, Gregor, Wolf and Ahsoka can join the UNSC we'll help you find a cure for your accelerated aging besides you can probably help some new recruits and show them how you clones did it back then.

Rex: I accept your Deal commander!

Ezra: It's settle contact Ahsoka and have her get the others to come to Lothal.

Rex nodded and went to the Ghost and contacted Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: Rex good to see you still with the Rebellion?

Rex: I left in fact the UNSC offered us clones and you to join them and they'll help find a cure for our accelerated aging. And Ezra is alive and working with them in fact I watched his battle here at Lothal and Thrawn's fleet is gone nothing remains.

Ahsoka: Did you say Ezra was alive? And he's with this new force and Lothal is freed from the Empires control and Thrawn is dead along with his fleet?

Rex: You heard right commander so what do you think?

Ahsoka: I'll tell the others I'm sure they're looking forward to seeing Ezra again.

Rex: Very well commander and he's still single so you may still be able to tell him

Ahsoka *Blushing* I hope so Rex I'll see you soon.

(Time skip brought to you by Ahsoka, Carolina, Vale, South, Sarah and Texas chasing Ezra with heart eyes)

Ahsoka, Gregor and Wolf exit the T6 Shuttle and sees Ezra in his ODST outfit with Rex beside him in standard UNSC Naval outfit. Ahsoka walks over to Ezra and hugs him

Ahsoka: I missed you Ezzy I'm sorry I couldn't help you.

Ezra: It's alright Ahsoka you and the clones and Chop stayed by my side the entire time and for that I thank you. Ahsoka I want you meet the ones who saved me and trained and gave me a life here. 

Laskey: Captain Laskey of the UNSC Infinity welcome to the UNSC Ahsoka

Ahsoka: Thank you

Master Chief: I'm Master Chief or Sierra 117 and thank you for standing by his side till the very end.

Ahsoka: I knew he was innocent and he was loyal to his friends and is it okay to call you Chief instead?

Master Chief: You may.

Arbiter Thel Vadam aka the Arbiter of the Swords of Sangheilios I welcome you to the Swords Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: Thank you Arbiter.

Rookie/Mendez: Welcome to your new home ma'am

Ahsoka nods.

Ezra: And this my squad.

Carolina: Agent Carolina pleasure meeting you

Texas: Agent Texas pleasure meeting you

South: Agent South Dakota welcome aboard ma'am

Sarah: Spartan Sara B261 welcome

Jega 'Rdomnai: Jega 'Rdomnai of the Swords welcome 

Ahsoka: Thank you and the pleasure is all mine.

Ezra: Now then we're heading to the surface to give food and medicine to Lothal and help them rebuild and we have a ceremony for the soldiers who died today.

(Time skip brought to you by Me being lazy and not writing for 2 weeks)

(Start at 0:10 and end at 1:00) 

(A/N: I know the ceremony is for a ODST but basically that's the ceremony I like this one more than Halo 3s ending ceremony)

Ahsoka: Ezra can I talk to you privately real quick?

Ezra: Sure what did you need?

Ahsoka: I love you and want to be with you

Ezra: Wow Ahsoka I didn't know you felt that way I mean I always did think you were beautiful and *whispers* hot but never this.

Ahsoka: do you like me?

Ezra: Of course I do Ahsoka I love you

Ezra smashes his lips against Ahsoka's lips and they kiss passionately until their interrupted by Carolina, Vale, Sarah, South and Texas.

Carolina: Ezra we wanted to say we love you but I guess that doesn't matter anymore since you're with Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: I don't mind sharing, what do you think Ezra? Are you okay with that?

Ezra: Knowing you all I don't get a say in this but my answer is still yes.


A/N: Sorry for the late upload I've been lazy and have been spending most my time reading wattpad stories and have barely worked on this story not because I lost interest but I just got lazy but anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Ezra is starting a harem now and it will be expanded with a few more people. Right now he has Ahsoka, Carolina, Texas, Vale, Sarah, South I'll be adding a couple female OC Elites, Bo-Katan, Ursa Wren, Sabine(She gets forgiven later), Hera(Same as Sabine), Palmer, Leia, Second Sister(She's alive)Mara Jade, Jaina Solo(she's Hans sister in this story) and Rey. Now before someone says anything couple things: 1. She won't be a Palpatine or Skywalker, . She won't be OP, 3. She'll be a UNSC Spartan instead of a Jedi.  

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