The Revenge Of The Child Of P...

By Sean0427

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This story is about a once loyal ninja to his village but once he died he learns the truth about the supposed... More

Chapter Four


359 6 1
By Sean0427

One week after naruto died

(Inside the Limbo)

It's been a week when naruto died and sealed the kyuubi no yoko to his sister and brother in the past week he on ly did inside the Limbo is to watch as his parents and his friends mourne his death in the. Specially his mother who is sadden about his sacrifice to save the village.

But now we see naruto meditating in Limbo after watching his mother tuck his little siblings ' I'm sorry kaa-chan, tou-san, menma, mito and natsuki sorry if I left you guys early and I hope you forgive me for sealing the kyuubi in you two menma and natsuki' thought naruto while silently crying after he wipe his tears he saw there is a flash of white that momentarily blinded him after light gone he open his eyes and saw a 4 figures standing in front of him.

The first one is a female with a heart shape face with a white hair that is tie in a bun and have a blue eyes with no sclera. She's wearing and formal white formal kimono with sakura petals as design and she ware a blue shinobi sandals with slightly hills. This woman is kami the goddess of life and nature.

The second wowan is slightly tan skin and have a body that a women will kill to have and she have a oval face with her no sclera black eyes. And she wares the same as kami but instead of white kimono her is black with grey linings. This woman is shinigami goddess of death.

The third woman is have gray skin and also have a heart shape face with red eyes and no sclera and have body only a goddess herself could achieve and she ware a all black kimono that stops on her knees. This woman is yami goddess of demon and ruler of demon world.

And the last person is a man known as hagoromo or the sage of six path

"Who are you three I know shinigami because of the power she is realising but you three I don't know who the hell you three" Said naruto rudely.

On que kami just giggle at what she said and shinigami just smirk at him and yami and hagoromo sweatdrop at his questions.

"Well naruto I am kami and they are hagoromo and my sister yami" explained kami while smiling at him

"Ok so what you guys want from me" ask naruto

"Well we are here naruto because we have a proposition for you and you should not have died in the kyuubi attack or as a matter of fact the kyuubi attack should not happen at all" explained kami to naruto

"Ok then why did the kyuubi attack our village on the night of the birth of my siblings"question naruto to kami

"Well you see madara didn't die with his fight with hashirama because when he awaken the eternal sharingan he also obtains eternal youth and he is also the one whose control the kyuubi to attack the konoha" said yami angrily

"So when we saw you sacrifice yourself to stop the kyuubi from rampage we decided that madara has to be stop and before you question is why now because we couldn't interfere with the problem of the human" explained kami to naruto

Naruto just nodded after hearing the answer but then he remember something kami told him.

"But you said you couldn't interfere with humans problem before but why you guys decide to interfere now" ask naruto

"Well we decided to interfere now because he unknowingly kills you the child of prophecy the savior of the shinobi world that would it supposed to be but now we already know that so matter what happen in your world humans will always be greedy for power or money and would become arrogant and the people who has the power will always be corrupted by power once they experience said power" said hagoromo sadly

Naruto just listening to his explanation and couldn't argue with his word because even if he saw what a power could do to a person and one of the prime example of that is the civilian council of his village full of corrupted person that only thinks how to make their pocket and wallet get bigger and how to expend their money and eating a expensive food while the poor have to work every day just to have to feed their family.

"So we would give you a power to not only fight madara and his little group called akatsuki but also kill them and all the threat in elemental nation but you also have to bring the age of shinobi to end and bring a new age where you will be the one to rule them" said shinigami while smirking to naruto

After hearing his mission naruto just sit there with his jaw drop and his eyes would pop any second now after a few minutes naruto snap out of the shock state his in for a few minutes

"Of course if you agreed to this you will have a reward for finishing the mission but before you could do that after you finish your training I have a last test for you before we send you back to the land of living" said yami seriously

"Ok what is it you want me to do yami-sama" ask naruto

After asking that yami just sigh and explain her problem with the demon world and the war ongoing and the reason why it started after explaining the whole reason on why war started naruto just sit there and his bangs is hiding his eyes and slowly the four being with him started fell his chackra and his rage, anger towards the one who started the war in the demon world. And then sadness, pity, loneliness and anguish for the one who sacrifice their life to end the life of the one who started the war and for the children that's been an orphan because of a one of group of demon who has a god-complex that didn't know the war they started is just losing a life of being for their stupid dreams.

After controlling his emotions naruto just wipe his tears and in that moment naruto swear that he would kill the one who started the war and he would sure once his empire has been rebuild he won't let anyone disrupt the peace he will create. And just for a moment when naruto release his power no one saw that his eye change for a second from ocean blue to red with ripple pattern and nine tomoe on the ripple before returning

"Ok I will take you your offer and I will master all the power you will grant me and I promise you yami-sama I will end the war in your dimension and what kind of power will you give me?" said naruto seriously and questioningly in the end

"Well what I will give you is power to use ki/hakai energy before you ask hakai energy is a type of ki that is a god of destruction only can use just like the name says it can destroy anything to the last of molecules is thing or person even souls and I will also give you a new bloodline limit what it can do you just have to wait to see what it can do" said kami happily

"And from me I will give you a power that is called reiryoku and a zanpakto that only the guardian of my dimension can use and one of the strongest zanpakto and you need to learn it's name for you to use it's power" said shinigami

"While the one I will give you is not ready it will only be once you started you training but for the moment I will give you a five tails wort of yoki for you to master" said yami while creating a small reddish orb and pushing it on naruto

After taking the orb naruto fells more stronger and faster.

"And lastly mine is I will give you you the strongest doujutsu in ninja world the rinne-sharingan and my experience and skills" said hagoromo while showing glass container with green liquid and a red eyes with ripple pattern and a nine tomoe on the ripple.

After receiving his new power and adjusted with it after that naruto come closer to the three goddesses and kami snap her finger they disappear in a flash of white.


And there is a flash of light in the throne room after the flash subsided it shows naruto, kami, yami and shinigami after adjusting for a second the three goddesses brings naruto in front of normal looking door and before he could ask kami already beat him on the punch.

"This room is a time chamber it means the time inside is different from outside and we can change it from outside and right now I set it to one day outside is one hundred years inside and don't worry about your age right now your only a soul but once you receive yami's gift you will be alive again." Explained kami to naruto

Once the explanation and his training schedule is done naruto and the three goddesses go inside the time chamber and they will not get out of the chamber for almost three thousand years.


"So you finally decided to take action on the error and the mistakes of your own child kami but i may ask the goddess of fate if she have any connection on your chosen champion not only he's a direct descendant of kaguya but he's also my descendant and not only that but he's also my own heir to my throne as primordial of creation and destruction" said a man who is sitting in a throne made of gold and had a one red eye with ripple pattern with nine tomoe above his head.

And said man is wearing a elegant white with gold outline and with design of a red and white dragon circling together and he's wearing a black boots. And beside his throne on the left corner is a white wester dragon with blue eyes that is close at the moment and also on his right side is also a western red dragon with red eyes that is close at the moment(A/N the dragon is Albion and Draig from highschool dxd. Don't own the anime and characters)

And In front of the man is a 5 creature is in their hybrid form who is kneeling in front of their leader. Said creature is three males with a demon fox with their tails is out to see one of the demon fox have nine tails while the other have at least 8 tails and the other creature is in form of a female that have scales in their both arm and a dragon tail and a dragon wing that is close at the moment.

After a moment the silence was broken when a knock was heard from the other side of the door

"Enter" said the man in the throne loudly

After getting permission to enter the door open to the throne room and came a beautiful women that have a round shape face and a golden eyes and have a blond hair that is tied in a bun and this women have a voluptuous figure that would make men have a blood loss and a women would kill to have and she have at least F cup chest that the yukata she's wearing is loosely around his bust. And she's wearing a golden yukata and a geta for her feet.

This woman was yasaka wife of the leader of the seven deadly sin the strongest general of the army and also body guard of the royal family. After walking a bit she stop and she kneel a few inches in the stairs of the throne.

"Yes what is it yasaka-chan what do you need from me" ask the man in the throne

"Well your majesty I got a report from our spies from elemental nation that there is a new group of terrorist that called themselves akatsuki that wants to unsealed your brother from the moon and the one who is leading this group is a man known as pain and his real name is nagato uzumaki but according to the report he is just a puppet for madara uchiha or tobi as he calls himself now a days" said yasaka calmly

"Hmmm so they want to release my insane brother from his prison in moon but hagoromo also sealed his mother kaguya in the moon so what madara is planning is he trying to release my idiot and insane brother or kaguya herself" said the man in the throne

"Well whatever their plan is they would fail to accomplish it now that the three goddesses chooses to correct the mistakes and error of the son of kaguya" said the man happily

"Oh they finally did so who is the lucky person that they chose as their champion?" ask yasaka

"Oh it's a human child that sacrifice himself to seal kurahime with in his two sibling" said man in the throne

"What! A human what is so special about this human that the three goddesses themselves chooses?"ask yasaka

"Oh your wrong yasaka-chan he is not just a human he is a descendant of hagoromo in his mother side but he is also my own descendant and also my heir to my own empire and also to my tittle as primordial of creation and destruction" said the man happily with a grin

But before yasaka can replied they hear a clicking of a heels from where the door is and when they turn their head on the door they so Irene belserion walking to them. Irene is the leader of the dragon faction and also one of the general in the army of the empire.

"Heh you already found a heir that would succeed your throne and your title but the question is he stronger or at least on par with us general of the army or with the seven deadly sin your strongest warriors your majesty" said Irene happily with a grin

"Hmm oh Irene I didn't know your here but to answer your question don't worry he is being trained by the three goddesses themselves plus i already have a test plan for him when he is ready to end the war in demon realm that started when the biju started to disappear and plus i will watch personally his actions in the war after that if I'm satisfied I will make him fight wrath-kun to test him here in our own arena" said the man while grinning

After saying that he dismiss them after they all leave when he is sure that only his and the two dragons remain in the throne room he said something that only the dragon hear

"That's right my heir you should get stronger than any being in this realm because if you failed to do so this realm will be destroy by my insane brother" said man while watching naruto trained by the goddesses in a magical screen while the brightness from the screen shows his features. The man have round face and have red eyes with ripple pattern with nine tomoe in the ripple.

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