Descendants of Darkness

By Lward14

1.3K 29 14

"It's clearly Isaac, he was missing at the scene of the crime and his blood was found on the victim." She cal... More

Cast List and Author's Note
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.

Chapter 12.

39 0 0
By Lward14

"Wanna tell me what all that was about?" Electra didn't hide her harsh tone, she was pissed and Juliet needed to know that.

Juliet huffed and stuck her nose into her jacket, it was a chilly October morning, the kind that took your breath away when you first stepped outside. "Nothing, I was just tired."

"You need to get yourself under control, you've gotta give her a chance."

"A chance?!" Juliet raised her voice then took a deep breath to calm herself down. Electra could see her fighting her anger inside but Juliet seemed to tame it...for now anyways. "You know what? Yeah, I was out of line. I'll keep it under control next time. Sorry." She spat out the last word.

"Are you going to be able to keep whatever feud you have with Magnolia at bay or will I be talking to her alone cause you can't handle it?" Electra knew she was being a little harsh but she wasn't about to ignore Juliet's behavior.

Juliet shoved her hands in her pockets. "I'm just fine, I just got irritated, I never liked her in school. I'll hide my disliking for her next time. It won't happen again."

Electra was not convinced and it was clear as day that Juliet was still sensitive over Eden. "Juliet, it's okay to be sad. You obviously really cared about her, I'm here...if you ever want to talk about it."

Juliet glared her with the flare of striking a match. "What makes you think I'm still hung up on a dead girl? Just drop it Electra, I am perfectly fine. And even if I wasn't, you wouldn't understand so let's move on and meet everyone so we can discuss this." Juliet heaved herself on her bike and started the engine.

Electra sighed but didn't want to piss her off even more. She climbed on the back of Juliet's bike and they drove to the library to meet their friends. Electra really hoped Juliet's mood would lighten up in the time it took for them to drive there.


"Alright, we've got some serious tea to spill." Daphne took charge of the meeting the second everyone was settled in.

"Whatcha got for us Daph?" Juliet asked with a small smile, she felt better being away from that witch's house.

"Ok, so you know that guy Logan and I saw at the football game talking to that other guy?" She rambled.

"Wait a second, what guy?" Electra inquired.

Daphne's face dropped. "Holy shit, I forgot to tell you. Ok, ok, let me start from the beginning."

Logan cut her off, "I'll start. So, at the football game, Daphne and I followed this kid into the woods and head him talking about how Heather deserved how she died. But then he mentioned something about The Morning Star. They used nicknames, Mooney and Luce. But because it was so dark, we couldn't see their faces. They were talking and it seems like Luce is the leader and Mooney is the guy who gives him info." Logan said but was cut off by a very energetic Daphne.

"But today at school, while we were in the cafeteria, we saw Luce! Only his name's not Luce, it's Rowan Atkins!"

Everyone shushed Daphne but she ignored the interruption. "Rowan fits the perfect person to follow this guy. Rowan is a part of this cult and holds meetings every Thursday at 10 p.m."

"Can anyone go?" Alec asked.

"No, you've gotta be invited and sworn in. It's a whole weird deal." Logan added.

"Interesting. Does anyone know where he hosts these?" Electra asked, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"I think they're under the bridge that the railroad is on. The one that crossed Sweetwater river and the outside of town. It's a creepy place." Daphne informed.

"I wonder if someone could just sneak over and watch. That way we wouldn't have to worry about being sworn in." Electra suggested.

"I'll do it." Juliet spoke up.

Everyone's eyes fell on her and Alec jumped in next. "I'll go with you, it's gonna have to be a two-person scouting."

Electra wanted to protest but she knew Alec was right. This wasn't something Juliet could do alone and she knew it too. "Fine, you can come." Juliet had a ghost of a smile on her face.

"Wasn't gonna take no for an answer Jules." Alec grinned cheekily.

"Whatever. Can we share our information now?" Juliet sassed him.

Electra snickered and Juliet met her eyes and smiled. "So, we found out who the presumed next target is." Juliet started.

"Who?" Alec interrupted.

"A woman named Magnolia Brown." Electra said and an immediate silence took over the table.

It seemed like everyone knew exactly who Magnolia was. And more importantly, what she had done.

Everyone silent for a second too long and Juliet tried desperately to diffuse the growing pity. "C'mon, lighten up all of you. I'm over it, don't walk on eggshells around me, she doesn't bother me anymore."

Electra knew Juliet was lying through her teeth but anyone else outside of this group would've been fooled. "Jules, are you sure you're—" Daphne began but Juliet cut her off.

"I'm perfectly fine, Daphne. Okay?" She snarled, "now, Electra and I went to her house this afternoon to talk to her and warn her about what might happen. Based on the Morning Star's patterns, he is targeting girls between the ages of 16-24 who have sinned. Magnolia—" Juliet spat out her name but her pace didn't falter. "—Fits the profile of this guy and if he continues to follow me his pattern linearly, that makes her the hands that shed innocent blood. Electra and I spent hours for the last two days reviewing case files and this one was closed because her parents got her off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist." Juliet's tone grew more agitated and she made a fist at her side.

Juliet paused and took a deep breath, slowly unclenching her fist. "We told her to not go anywhere alone at night or accept any invitations from strangers until we know for certain this guy is caught."

Everyone around the table avoided eye contact with Juliet. "Okay, so we've got our information, now what should we do?" Alec questioned, trying to keep the ball rolling.

"I think we should keep an eye on Rowan, you said the meeting is on Thursday?" Electra asked Daphne.

"Yeah,'s the third Thursday of every month. So, that's next week, right after Halloween." Daphne's voice died off and she forced herself not to look at her sister.

Another uncomfortable silence overtook the group. "God you guys. Relax." Juliet laughed hollowly. "I'm perfectly happy now, leave it alone. Out of anyone, I can handle this the best."

Daphne looked up at her sister, looking broken-hearted. "Ok, I know you can Jules."

"Great! So Alec, you and I will go cult stalking next week. We will discuss this more, Electra and I will keep spending time at the library trying to match people to the rest of the quote. We've gotta try and stay ahead of him. You guys still up for this?" Juliet commanded the room with determination in her voice but a lost soul in her eyes.

Electra stood up and took her hand. "I'm still in."

At the feeling of their hands together, the girls blushed lightly and the rest of their friends smiled up in agreement.

"I'm still in, I get to spy on a cult meeting, that's so sick." Alec lightened the mood and everyone laughed.

"We're in too, this is fun. Sick and twisted, but fun." Daphne grabbed Logan's hand and they stood up.

"Great, let's get going, our family's want us home for dinner. It is 7:45." Juliet sighed and everyone rolled their eyes and laughed.


The figure in the hood watched as her and her gaggle of cheap mystery solving friends left their table at the library.

Peeking over the cover of The Catcher in the Rye, the man chewed his lip to keep himself from going up to her and breaking her neck. All of the things he'd done was because it was her fault. She caused the pain and trauma in his life and how she could just walk around like that event had never happened made the man so repulsed by her.

He'd never liked her when they first met three years ago and he had no reason for that disliking to have changed after what she'd done.

Magnolia Brown. You're smarter than I pegged you to be Juliet Jones. I guess I'll have to break off from the pattern and throw you off. It seems that she'll live to see another day, but only for so long.

Because just like you, Juliet Jones, her time is limited.


Juliet lay awake in her bed that night. Tomorrow was Friday night, Halloween night. Her least favorite day of the year.

She wanted to sneak out the window and scream at Magnolia, curse her for what she'd done and make her pay for it.

Had Electra not been there, Juliet might've strangled that girl. She could feel the anger and the darkness overtaking her and controlling her mind. She wanted Magnolia dead, she deserved it. She should be the one dead, and Juliet would trade her life for Eden's without a second thought.

"Oh Julie, when will you ever learn?"

She sat bolt upright and glanced around the room. She could hear her voice like she'd been right beside her.

Juliet shook her head and pulled her hair. She'd officially gone crazy.

"You're not crazy Julie."

"Stop." Juliet sneered and squeezed her eyes shut to block out her voice.

She opened her eyes and scanned the room again. Nothing, she saw nothing out of the ordinary.

Then heard a tap on the window and Juliet's heart stopped.

There, sitting outside her bedroom window was her.

Eden Landon.

Unable to believe her eyes, Juliet rubbed them and sat at a standstill. It was three a.m., she had to be hallucinating. "You gonna let me in Julie? Or do you wanna come outside?" Eden's light, sing-songy voice haunted Juliet.

She was wearing a white and blue blouse, blue jeans and dirty white Converse. Her auburn hair was messy and curled and her fair skin seemed to illuminate under the light of the moon. Juliet nearly broke down and cried when she saw those hazel eyes of hers shining playfully at her through the glass.

Grabbing a blanket, Juliet quietly opened the window and crawled out on to the roof beside the only girl she'd ever love.

"E? Is, is that really you?" Juliet felt warm tears trickle down her cheeks.

Eden's warm and soft hands cupped Juliet's cheek and Juliet cried. "Of course it's me Jules, I wanted to see you. It's been a while."

"Eden? E, baby I've missed you so much. I miss you." She sobbed, reaching up to hold Eden's hand on her cheek.

"You've always been so emotional with me, you're sweet Julie." Eden smiled lovingly.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry, I haven't been the same without you."

"Sorry? What for? Not coming to visit me? You know I don't hold a grudge, you remember. Why should I be mad with people? It takes up so much time and energy, it's such a waste of time. When will you learn that lesson?" Eden touched her forehead to Juliet's and nuzzled her frozen nose.

"Eden," Juliet wiped her eyes and laughed pathetically, "I'm trying to be serious with you. Don't try and make me laugh."

"You're too serious all the time. Except for the first time we met, remember that?" Eden beamed at her and a warm feeling Juliet hadn't felt in years bubbled inside her heart.

"How could I forget that?"

"Tell me again, you know I love the story. But I'll correct you when you get parts wrong." She giggled and Juliet shoved her playfully and laughed.

"Shut up. You know I always tell this story in truth." Juliet giggled.

"Quit stalling, tell me the story." Eden demanded in that sweet and playful way only she could do.

"Ok, well, the date was May 17th, the day after school had gotten out. Dorothea was hosting a huge end of the school year party. I don't know why I decided to go but something made me show up at that party, alone I should add." Juliet shot Eden a sideways smirk. "And it started at dusk, they had sparklers and lights in the trees all around her house. And I was talking to people, I think it was a group of guys. I don't remember their names. Anyways, I was looking around the backyard and I saw someone that I'd never seen before.

"This girl was wearing a green romper and had wild, messy, curly auburn hair and the sound of her laugh was infectious." Juliet smiled at the girl leaning on her shoulder, she'd missed this more than she'd ever be able to comprehend. "You were wearing these high top white shoes and you kept running your hand through your hair and flipping it back. You were standing under the big oak tree under the white lights and I knew that I had to talk to you." Juliet squeezed her hand.

"So far you're doing good. Now, what did you do to get my attention?" Eden grinned and rested her head on Juliet's shoulder.

"Well, I walked over like a stud and swept you off your feet like your knight in shining armor." Juliet teased and Eden shoved her.

"That's not what happened Julie." She giggled.

"Then you tell me." Juliet kissed her nose.

"Here's what really happened." Eden scooted away and sat cross legged just inches away from Juliet so only their knees touched.

"I was standing with friends and I was nervous because I'd only just moved here two days ago. I was standing with Magnolia (my cousin) and her friends, I like to think that I masked my nerves around them, but you exposed them. Jerk." Eden laughed again and Juliet had never felt so high.

"Anyways. I glanced at you and thought you were cute. You looked all cute and tough looking in your ripped mom jeans and white Def Leopard t-shirt. You had a red bandana in your hair that day, it was like a headband but a few of your hairs framed around your face. You were so cute. And I knew exactly how to get your attention. I laughed at some joke that wasn't even that funny and I knew you looked my way.

"I snuck glances at you all night and a few times our eyes met but I always looked away. Then, around ten that night, I broke away from Magnolia's group and walked out by the oak tree decorated with those round white lights. I sat on the ground and I heard a voice say, "finally, I wasn't sure how I would've gotten you alone."

"I looked up and there you were, sitting on one of the lower branches in the trees. I blushed but you wouldn't have seen it in the dark. I answered you and laughed, "I wouldn't have minded. My cousin's friends don't seem to keen that I'm here."

"Go to know." You'd said and jumped down from the tree and leaned against it. Your hair was messy and your cheeks were rosy. "You're new around here, what's your name?" You asked me.

"I'm Eden Landon. I'm from Pennsylvania. What about you?"

"Eden, that's a really pretty name. It suits you." You complimented and I remember blushing so hard at your comment. "I'm Juliet Jones, I've lived here since I was three. What brings you here?"

"Parents wanted to live somewhere more remote. Plus, we've got family here, we've visited for the last few summers, but you think I would've noticed you." I flirted back and this time you finally blushed.

"Likewise. I can't believe you're Magnolia's cousin, you're already much more tolerable than she is." You joked and I smiled.

"She's not so bad, but I'm glad you find me tolerable." I winked at you.

"Wanna go on a walk? Away from here?" You leaned off the tree and asked me more determinedly.

"How do I know you're not some psychopath?" I teased.

"Well," you shrugged and fought a smile. That's when I knew I was going to like you. "I guess you'll have to find out, Eden Landon."

I took your hand and I liked that you froze up a little. "I'll take that chance Julie, there's a pond down here." I lead you out towards the field behind the house.

"Don't call me that."

"What, Julie? Why not? It's cute."

"It's way to soft for me. It doesn't fit my personality. I prefer Jules or J." You'd said with an edge to your voice and I knew that I'd rarely ever call you either of those names.

"That will set me apart from everyone else, and what exactly is your personality Julie?" I grinned at you and you shook your head and smiled at the ground as we walked further into the field in the dark.

"I'll kick that habit, I don't like Julie. But to answer your question, I've got a rough and tough personality. You don't want to mess with me or else you'll pay for it."

"You've gotta learn how to relax and give people the benefit of the doubt. Be more carefree and open to the world." I'd said to you and you squeezed my hand as we climbed over a rock.

"I take it you trust people and are a free spirit?"

"Totally, it's a great way to live. But don't think I don't have a good judge of character." We stopped at the edge of the pond on the rocky shore.

"Oh yeah, and what's your judgement about me say?" Your eyes sparkled for the first time and I knew I was all yours." Eden cupped Juliet's face in her hands and Juliet smiled sadly and felt tears burn behind her eyes.

"Well," I'd paused for effect and let go of your hand for a moment. "I think you're in need of someone who will show you how bright, colorful and fun the world is. You're a realist in search of a dreamer. I think we will be the best of friends." I had smiled softly at you and took your hand again. Then we proceeded to walk around the pond three times and talked about everything. And that's not even my favorite memory with you, you always made me so happy from the second we first met, Julie." Eden finished and dropped her hands from Juliet's face, down her arms and interlaced their fingers together again.

"You made me so happy, happier than I've ever been with anyone. I love you Eden, I did that night and every day afterwards. I'm sorry I didn't tell you on that night." Juliet squeezed her hands three times in apology.

"Let's save that night for another time. I want to enjoy our time together." Eden scooted closer and rested her head back on Juliet's shoulder.

Juliet wrapped her blanket around them both and pulled Eden closer to her. Now that she was back, she wasn't planning on letting her go again.

"Can you come back tomorrow night? Please, I need to see you again." Juliet pleaded.

Eden was silent for a beat before replying with sleep laced in her voice. "I'll try, but be quiet and just hold me like you always do Julie."

"Of course, I always will." Juliet sighed and leaned her head on Eden's.

Juliet sat on the rooftop alone until she fell asleep. Leaving the blanket half on her body and the other half covered a person who didn't even exist anymore.

A/N: Juliet 🥺 my poor baby. It's never a good sign when you start seeing ghosts.

What do you guys think of it so far? Shit's gonna go down on Halloween. Theories on the killer? Thoughts on Eden's ghost in Juliet's life?

Also, I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so long. I've been having such bad writer's block and I have no motivation to write anything! Ahh this is not good, I hope this gets updated more frequently.

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