Hospital Visit - Discontinued...

By AshTrashFanfic

23.3K 779 213

Clarke Griffin is helping her mother, Doctor Abby Griffin in the hospital one day. Clarke walks into the wron... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Please Read
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 14

924 34 13
By AshTrashFanfic

Story from Lexa's perspective unless stated otherwise from now on

I wake up to the sun shining through my window and groan. We got back home from my aunt's house late last night. I dropped Clarke off at home but Raven stayed over.

I sit up and run a hand through my hair, yawning. I pick up my phone and smile, seeing a text from Clarke that just says "coffee?" I text her back saying I'll pick her up in 20 minutes.

I get up and shower quickly before getting dressed. I pull on some ripped black jeans and a black band shirt. I pull on my jean jacket over top and walk out to the kitchen.

I smile at my sister and Raven, who are sitting on the couch. "Hey. I'm going out for coffee with Clarke. Can I borrow your car?" I ask Luna who nods. "Cool. If you need anything while I'm out text me." I grab my combat boots and put them on before leaving.

I text Clarke and tell her I'm on my way before getting in Luna's car and driving to Clarke's house. When I get there I get out of the car and knock on the door. To my surprise, Clarke doesn't open her door but her mom does. "Ms. Griffin. It's nice to see you again." I say with a smile, turning on my "parent voice".

Clarke's mom smiles and rolls her eyes at me. "Please, don't be so formal. You're my daughter's friend. You can call me Abby. I'm guessing you're here for Clarke?" She asks and I nod. "Come in then. I heard a lot of thudding and running around in her room." She says, making me chuckle.

I step inside the house and she closes to door behind me. "You have a lovely home, M- Abby," I say, catching myself. I look around, smiling when I see pictures of Clarke.

"Thank you, Lexa." She says. I can tell she's going to say something else but is cut off by Clarke walking down the stairs. I look at her and smile widely. She's wearing some jeans and a striped green sweater. Simple, but she still looks beautiful.

"Hey, Lex." The blonde smiles at me. She turns to her mom. "We're going out for coffee. Do you need anything while I'm out?" She asks and her mom shakes her head. "Great. I'll be back later." She says before leading me out of the house.

Once we're in my car Clarke cups my cheek and kisses me deeply. I smile widely and kiss back. Clarke places one last peck on my lips before pulling away. "I didn't think it would be appropriate to do that in front of my mom."

I chuckle. "Yeah, I don't think so." I kiss her cheek and we pull on our seatbelts. Clarke holds one of my hands and I start driving to Arkadia. "So are we gonna do something after coffee?" I ask, running my thumb over the blonde's hand.

Clarke shrugs. "I dunno. I mean I kinda just wanted to hang out with you... I was thinking you could come to my house and we could watch movies or something... If you want to, of course." The blonde says nervously, making me smile.

"Of course I want to, Clarke. I like spending time with you." I kiss her hand, making her blush softly. I pull up to Arkadia and we get out of the car. We walk inside and I see Octavia and Bellamy.

Octavia notices us and waves. "Hey." She says as we walk over. I smile at her but shift uncomfortably when I see Bellamy's eyes on me. "Bell stop being a dick. It's not her fault that Clarke prefers her hot self over... you." She says, making me bite my lip so I don't laugh.

Clarke glares at Octavia. "Oh shut up. Bellamy isn't bad looking. I just have taste." She says with a smirk, making Bellamy mutter something under his breath.

"Hell yeah, you do. Speaking of..." She looks behind us making us turn around. I see their friend Niylah walking over. "Hey," Octavia says, kissing her cheek.

I glance over at Clarke and see her smiling at her friends. "I'm gonna go get us coffee. You want what you always get?" I whisper to Clarke who nods. I kiss her cheek and I hear her mumble thank you.

I order Clarke's usual iced coffee and get a cappuccino for myself. I pay for them and walk over to Clarke and her friends. Clarke takes her drink and smiles up at me. "Thank you."

I wrap my arm around her shoulders and nod. "Of course. What're we talking about?" I ask, looking at the group. I take a sip of my coffee.

Octavia looks at me. "We were just talking about how me and Clarke can get hotter girls than Bell. And how we won't lose our hot girls like he loses his." She smirks. Bellamy rolls his eyes.

"Niylah, can you give Octavia a ride?" He asks, earning a nod in response. "Great. In that case, I'm leaving. And for your information, I could get any girl I wanted to." He says before leaving.

"Couldn't get Clarke!" Octavia calls after him, making us all laugh. "I'll never understand why Echo put up with him. He was an asshole." She says, Clarke and Niylah nodding in agreement. I don't know anything about their relationship but I'm sure they're right.

We talk for a while until my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out and see it's Anya. "Hey, I'll be right back. I need to take this." I kiss Clarke's cheek and walks away. "Hi, Anya."

I hear shuffling on the other side of the phone. "Lexa. Thank you for answering. Luna wouldn't. I wouldn't be doing this if I had Raven's phone number but um... Could you tell her I'm sorry for how I acted?"

I raise my eyebrow. Anya never apologizes. To anyone. "I feel like you should tell her yourself," I say, running a hand through my hair. It seems personal and I don't want to get involved.

I hear Anya sigh. "Yeah, I assumed you would say that... I have next weekend off. I could come up then?"

I bite my lip. "Yeah, that should be fine... You could probably stay with me and Luna. I would just need to check with her."

I can practically hear Anya's nod through the phone. "Great. Tell me when you know. Goodbye, Lexa." She says before I hanging up. I laugh dryly before walking back to them.

"Sorry, that was my cousin. Just being her asshole self." Clarke looks at me with concern in her eyes. "It's fine. She's just making it seem like coming to visit and apologize is a fucking business trip or something."

Clarke rubs my back. "No offence, but your cousin has a huge stick up her ass." She says, making me glare are her.

"I know she comes across as an uptight bitch, which she is, but she just cares about me and Luna. Wants to make sure we aren't getting hurt... She likes you though, by the way. Which is... unnerving to say the least. She usually doesn't give her approval so fast." I say, sighing.

Clarke nods and looks at Octavia and Niylah. "I think we're gonna head out. We'll see you guys around." She hugs the other two before walking out, holding my hand. When we get outside she turns and looks at me.

"Alright. I don't know your family. So correct me if I'm wrong. From what I've gathered in the past 3 days, Anya hurts you. A lot. But you crave her approval because you see her as an authority figure. So you let her hurt you. But that isn't healthy, Lex." She says.

I stare at the ground, tears filling my eyes. I feel a hand on my chin as Clarke lifts my gaze to hers. I nod and she hugs me tightly. "You're right... I don't know why I let her treat me how she does..." I mumble, burying my head in her shoulder.

Clarke rubs my back. "It's okay Lexa... She was there for you when you had nobody. But I'm here now, okay?" She wipes away my tears and I nod. "Good. When she's here you need to talk to her. I'll be right there with you, okay?"

"God, you're amazing." I lean and kiss her softly. I hear her giggle before she kisses back. I put a hand on her cheek as she wraps her arms around my waist. I pull away smiling. "Wait is your mom still gonna be home?"

Clarke laughs. "Nervous, commander?" She smirks. "Let's go dummy." She walks away towards my car, making me groan.

"You didn't answer my question! And I hate that Luna told you that nickname." I say, following her. I hear her laugh and smile widely. I love her laugh.

I get in the driver's seat of my car and look at the blonde in the passenger seat. She smiles and pecks my lips. "Yes, my mom will be home. No, my mom doesn't know we're going out. But, I plan on telling her when we have that date."

I nod. "Speaking of that date... How does Friday night sound..?" I ask nervously. Clarke looks at me and brushes a piece of hair out of my face.

"Sounds amazing..." She kisses my cheek. "Now let's go. I'm in desperate need of cuddles and movies." She says, making me chuckle. Once we have our seatbelts on I drive to Clarke's house.

When we get there we get out and walk inside. Abby is sitting on the couch and smiles at us. "Hey, mom. Me and Lexa are gonna watch some movies in my room." Clarke says.

Abby nods. "Alright. If you need anything I'll be down here. Speaking of I have a night shift so I won't be here in the morning." She says and Clarke nods. "And that doesn't mean you get to be late to school. Lexa, I'm sure you'll make sure she's on time?" She raises an eyebrow.

I nod quickly. "Of course ms- of course, Abby," I say, ignoring Clarke trying not to laugh. I smile and we walk up to Clarke's room.

She closes the door and kisses me passionately, catching me off guard. I quickly return the kiss when my brain registers what's going on. I wrap my arms around her waist as hers snake around my neck.

I slowly pull away when I need air. I rest my forehead against hers, not opening my eyes. "Not that I didn't absolutely love that... But what was that for?" I ask, slowly opening my eyes.

Clarke looks up into my eyes. Fuck her eyes are beautiful. "I just... I really like you. And seeing how you act with my mom... It makes me like you even more..." She says, resting her hands on my shoulders.

"I really like you too Clarke..." I kiss her softly. "Now, I believe you requested cuddling and movies?" I raise an eyebrow.

Clarke nods quickly and flops down on her bed, making me laugh. She holds her arms out for me to lay in so I move into her arms. She kisses my temple. "You're cute," I mumble.

The blonde smiles. "Thank you. So are you." She reaches over me and grabs her computer. "Alright what do you want to watch?"

I shrug. "I don't know. I'm not known to pick the greatest movies so... whatever you want." Clarke nods and opens her computer. She scrolls through Netflix for a while before picking a movie.

"The Prom just came out so we're gonna watch that." She kisses my cheek and sits up. I sit up and she cuddles into my side. She sets the computer down in front of us and starts the movie.

She rests her head on my shoulder, making me smile. I look at how focused she is on the movie and smile wider. I kiss the top of her head and look back at the movie. I can't remember the last time I've been this happy.

This is like double the length these usually are (This was 2063 words, usually they're a bit more than 100), and I didn't include everything I wanted to.

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