Lovin' can heal ✔️

By ZiamArmour

32.7K 1.6K 569

[COMPLETED] "Loving can heal Loving can mend your souls And it's the only thing I know I swear it will get e... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Bonus - Scene ;)

Chapter 12

1.2K 60 15
By ZiamArmour

Liam's POV :)

I slowly wake up and look at the unfamiliar pale grey walls of the room I am in. I try to remember what happened and it all slowly starts coming back to me. Zayn brought me home from the hospital, but he must have put me in what seemed to be his bedroom, instead of mine. The room was a lot darker and more masculine than mine with the pale grey walls and the red, black and grey bedding and furniture. My room at Zayn's house was far more cheerful with its blue and yellow colours, but I really liked this as well.

I try to sit up, but wince at the pain in my side. The Dr said it will still be a while before I was back to normal and that I should take things slowly, but right now I needed to pee quite urgently, so I decided to try getting up myself. I hadn't even managed to get my feet off the bed yet, before the door opened and Zayn stood in the doorway, frowning in disapproval.

"Just what do you think you are doing, love?" he asks as he strides across the bedroom floor towards me. I always get fascinated by the way he moves, like a predator, stalking it's prey, but so graceful at the same time. He truly is beautiful. I blush bright red at my thoughts and quickly look down at my lap.

"U-um, I-I need t-to use the t-toilet." I stuttered out, wishing for once I could say something properly without my stupid stutter. I feel his fingers running through my hair, calming me down a bit and causing me to lean into his gentle touch. He tilts my face up to his and he smiles down at me, "Then let's go sweetheart." he says, causing me a moment of shock. Did this mean he was going to go into the bathroom with me? 

I was instantly given an answer when he scooped me up into his arms and started towards the bathroom door. My face flamed even more red, and I tried my best to calm down my racing heart but he must have noticed my agitation, "Shh sweetheart, I'm only taking you as far as the toilet, then I will leave to give you your privacy, but you have to call me as soon as you are done. I really don't want you straining yourself, little one." he chuckles out soothingly.

I instantly feel more calm and let him put me down next to the toilet. He turns and walks out, partially closing the door, but not all the way. I sigh and do my business, before pulling my pants back up and calling out to him. He comes walking back in and scoops me up, taking me to wash my hands. I look up into the mirror and cringe. My hair was sticking up everywhere and I was really pale, with black bags under my eyes. Zayn must have picked up on my thoughts, because he kissed my temple and released a low rumbling chuckle. "You are still the most beautiful boy I have ever laid my eyes on, love."

I look at him like he had lost his mind, causing him to laugh more, before huffing at him. I pout and cross my arms over my chest, "You are so fucking adorable."he says, smiling and kissing my temple again, before he took me back to his bed.

He was trying his best to not hurt me and put me down as gentle as possible, but I still winced when he laid me down, the stitches in my side pulling a bit. He caught it and his eyes instantly filled with regret and guilt. "I-It's okay, it j-just pulled a b-bit." I try to reassure him and it seems to help, even if it's just a little bit.

Once he has me situated in his bed comfortably, he sits down next to me. "We have some things to discuss sweetheart, do you feel well enough to do so now?" Zayn asks, looking over my face for any signs that I am either too tired or in too much pain right now. I slowly nod my head and he takes a deep breath, like I'm not going to like what he has to say and he is nervous.

"Harry and I were talking earlier, while you were napping. We both feel that it would be better if you and Louis would do your college courses online for now, just till we can catch Rodney. I don't feel comfortable with you going to campus, he already got you there once and we might not be as lucky as we were next time." I look down at my hands to hide my smile. It seems almost like Zayn thought I would be angry or something if he asked me to do this, but the complete opposite was true.

I loved the fact that he would do anything to keep me safe and it showed me that he genuinely cared about me. I didn't feel safe going back to college either and I had been wondering how I would get past my fear in order to go back to my classes. I had completely forgotten that our college had implemented the online system for anyone who could for any reason, not attend the actual classes. It gave us the option to carry on with our classes from where we had left the class work. As far as I was concerned, this was the perfect option for me.

I looked up at Zayn and tried to give him a reassuring look, before hesitantly taking his big hand into my small ones. "Thank you Z-Zayn, T-that would b-be perfect for m-me." I said, blushing like mad at the surprised, but happy look on his face. He looked like he just got the best gift ever, instead of it just being me agreeing with him.

"Oh thank God, I was so worried that you would be upset about it, but I am honestly only doing it to keep you safe. As soon as that bastard is behind bars, you are free to go back to your normal classes, I promise, I won't stop you." He breathes out, relieved that I had agreed. "I-I d-don't know if I w-will be able t-to go b-back to c-class after t-this. M-maybe I-I'll just finish m-my c-classes online." I replied with a shrug. It was something to think about at a later date though, not now.

"It will be entirely up to you, little one. But just know, I will support you all the way, whatever you decide on." He says, lying down next to me, and gently pulling me closer to his body. I snuggle into him and feel my body relaxing.

We lay like that, in peaceful silence for a while, before I ask something else that I was wondering about. "Why am I in your room, and not my own?" I ask, not really wanting to move back there though. I actually liked the idea of sleeping next to him, where he would be able to keep me safe all the time.

I still couldn't believe how quickly I was learning to trust this man. I knew it might be too good to be true, but he hasn't given me any reason to distrust him and his arms made me feel incredibly warm and safe. I wanted to trust this man with all my heart, even if it might be a mistake.

"Um...I'm sorry, I know I should have asked you first, but I would really feel a lot better if you were right next to me at night, where I can keep a proper eye on you and make sure you are safe. I promise, I won't do anything out of line, I just want to hold you and make sure you are safe." He said, looking a bit unsure of himself.

I let out a giggle at his nervousness. My big, beautiful, Badass Dom, feeling nervous about how I would react. It was right at that specific moment, that I decided to completely let go of any distrust I might have still held onto. This big man could easily overpower and crush me, but instead, he chose to be as gentle as he could, always making sure that I was comfortable and he wasn't overstepping any boundaries. His constant consideration towards my feelings, was the boost I needed to take one more figurative step towards him.

I looked at his beautiful eyes, and saw the shock in them from my giggle so I decided I could give him one more surprise. I leaned closer to him, his dark eyes watching my every move closely, and before he could react, I planted a quick kiss on his lips, momentarily getting lost at the soft feel of his plump lips against mine.

When I drew back, his eyes were swirling with such a massive amount of mixed emotions. The few I could identify, were shock, happiness, lust, and what looked like love, but I wasn't sure.

I wasn't quite ready for that just yet, but I think we had made some good progress for now. He looked down at me for a few more seconds, before he lightly shakes his head and gives me one of his most gorgeous smiles yet. "You are absolutely amazing, you know that, right?" he says softly.

I couldn't even begin to respond, all I could do was smile, my face redder than a tomato, before lowering my eyes. "I'm going to go see if our supper is ready yet, then afterwards, you can take your meds and get some sleep, how does that sound?" he asks, getting up off the bed.

"T-that would be g-great, t-thank you." I almost whisper, but he hears me anyway, giving me a nod, before he leaves the room.

I lay back against the pillows and look up at the ceiling. I can't remember the last time I had felt this relaxed. Yes, I still had to deal with my anxiety, but I fully believed Zayn would be able to help me with that. So far the man has proven over and over again that he would be there for me and he would guide me and help me get better.

I could feel my mind getting ready to submit to him fully and I couldn't find any reason not to. He is strong, caring, loving and pushed me to be better. To want to be better, and I'll be damned if I was going to let my past interfere with what we had.

I was still lying there, lost in my thoughts, when I heard the door opening again. I looked over to see Zayn, my Master, coming into the room with a tray, laden with food. He put the tray down on the bedside table and helped me sit up more comfortable, before putting the tray on the bed next to me. There was food for both of us, and he handed me a plate of Lasagne, with a salad on the side.

"Thank you." I said, shyly, taking the plate from him. He smiled at me before taking one for himself, "It's my pleasure, love. Eat up, so I can give you something for the pain. I know you must be hurting quite a bit by now," he said, looking over my face. I nodded and took a bite of my food, the flavour exploding over my tastebuds. Oh shit, this is honestly the best I had ever tasted, and I let out a groan of appreciation.

Zayn chuckled at the sound, causing a blush to flare up over my cheeks again, but didn't say anything. We dug into our food and ate in silence, but it was a comfortable silence, nothing awkward about it.

Once we were done eating, Zayn took the empty plates down to the kitchen, and came back with a glass of water, along with my pain medication. I took the tablets, then put the empty glass on the bedside table. Now I had another issue, and my face lit up at the mere thought of asking him, but I really had to bath.

"U-um...h-how am I-I g-going to b-bath?" I asked, feeling absolutely mortified. Zayn smiled at my question, but also looked apologetic, then placed a kiss on my forehead. "I will have to help you with that, unfortunately. You can not strain your side and I don't want you slipping either. But I swear to you, I will try to make it as quick as I can and I will try not to make you feel too uncomfortable." he said, and I could feel my breathing spike a little, before I remembered that I had decided to trust him and to let go of my past.

"O-Okay." I whispered, blushing even more. "Do you want to bath or shower? I think the shower would be better, because I don't want you soaking your bandages. Although the hospital did give me something to put over the wound for when you bath." he said, walking towards the stuff we had gotten from the hospital that lay on the dresser.

"I'd like a s-shower, p-please." I said, while moving slowly towards the edge of the bed. He quickly came to me and covered my wound with the waterproof plaster, then lifted me up into his arms. He carried me to the bathroom and set me down on the counter, before he moved to the shower stall to open the water and set the temperature. When he deemed it the correct temperature, he came and lifted me off, before setting me down on my feet.

"I'm going to remove your clothing now sweetheart, but remember, you are safe with me and you can trust me, okay?" he said, looking into my eyes. I was a bundle of nerves, but I decided to go for it, besides, I really wanted to get clean. So I just nodded and he put his hands on the bottom hem of my t-shirt, before tugging it up and over my head.

I blushed and tried to cover my chest, knowing he could see my scars. He gently pulled my arms away, before folding me into his arms. "You are beautiful, love. You have no reason to hide from me. All these scars tell me, is that you are unbelievably strong and that you are a survivor."He whispered in my ear, while rubbing my back soothingly.

When I had calmed down a bit, he pulled back, then looked at me, trying to reassure my through his eyes. I knew the hard part was coming when he leaned forward, and grabbed my sweatpants by the waist band and pulled them down, along with my underwear. My heart rate skyrocketed and my face lit up in a furious blush as I looked away from him, but he just chuckled and picked me up again.

He walked straight into the shower stall with me, even though he still had clothes on, but I wasn't sure I was ready yet to see him in all his naked glory, so I didn't comment on it. He put me down in front of him, then proceeded to wash and condition my hair. Once that was done, he used his shower gel to wash me from top to toe. Not once, did he try to take anything further, even when he was washing my privates and ass, he did it quickly, but thoroughly.

The only piece of clothing he ended up taking off was his shirt, so while he was washing me, I had the amazing view of his upper body and damn, the man was built like a God.

As soon as I was clean, he stepped out, and grabbed a towel to wrap around his waist, before he slipped his pants and underwear off underneath it. He left his wet clothing one side, while he grabbed another towel and wrapped me up in it, drying me off, before he lifted me back in his arms and carried me into the room.

He laid me back on the bed, where he proceeded to dress me in some sweats, but I told him I didn't need a shirt. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, although I didn't tell him that part.

As soon as I was comfortable in bed, he went back to the bathroom and I heard the shower come on again. I lay there imagining what he would look like, naked, with the water running down his smooth, tanned skin. And that is when the most shocking thing happened. I felt myself getting hard.

Now, I know that shouldn't be all that shocking to me, but this was the first time I had ever gotten an erection. After what my father and then Rodney had done to me, I had never felt any form of sexual attraction for anyone. The only reason I knew I was gay, was because I didn't find women attractive at all. I thought they were pretty, but I was never attracted to them.

Guys, on the other hand, was definitely attractive to me, but it has never been to the point where I got a hard-on over one. The minute my mind went in that direction, my fear would shut me down immediately. Yet here I was, my boxers feeling a bit constricting around my hardening shaft.

Zayn came out, with just a towel around his waist and I felt like moaning at the gorgeous sight he made. He looked at me, then smirked devilishly, before stepping into his walk-in wardrobe. When he stepped out, he was dressed in a pair of sweats and nothing else.

He got into the bed next to me and pulled me closer to him and I sighed in content at the feel of his warm skin against mine. "Goodnight sweetheart, if you need anything during the night, please don't hesitate to wake me up, okay?" he asked and I just nodded, not able to find my voice at the moment. He leaned closer to me and looked in my eyes, like he wanted to ask for permission. I knew what he wanted, so I leaned closer as answer and he kissed me gently on the lips, before pulling away and smiling at me.

We got comfortable and he switched off the bedside lamp, before pulling me even closer, so I cuddled into his side. Thank God, the way I was laying, he was left oblivious to my problem downstairs, it seemed insistent on showing it's appreciation for the gorgeous man that was laying next to me.

I slowly started drifting to sleep, feeling safe and secure in Zayn's warm arms.

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