ā š°š¢š­š” š²šØš® āž āœ“

By loserluvbot

204K 7.4K 6K

š–šˆš“š‡ š˜šŽš” ā” in which even with him by her side the hate still majorly affects her mental health ā” ššŽļæ½... More

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2.4K 128 73
By loserluvbot



°NOVEMBER 1, 2020
los angeles, calif.°

the sun was shining through the curtains, shining a natural glowing light on a tired couple in bed. turning over in her half asleep state, ophelia landed with her head in daniel's shoulder, her arm across his bare torso, the sheets resting right below her butterfly tattoo.

out of reflex due to the familiar feeling of his girlfriend's body against his, daniel brought his arm to wrap around ophelia's bare torso, holding her against him. ophelia placed a lazy kiss on daniel's chest followed by daniel lifting ophelia's hand and bringing the back of it to his lips, the couple waking each other up completley with kisses.

"good morning red," daniel rasped.

"good morning my love," ophelia replied looking up at her boyfriend.

"how do you feel?"

"i'm so tired but i don't want to go back to sleep," ophelia replied with a giggle. daniel laughed lightly along with her, running his hand up and down her back.

"well how about this, you stay here, i'll go walk the dogs, and when i come back we can make breakfast," daniel suggested, yet, not moving from his spot.

ophelia smiled giddily at her boyfriend and released a small gasp, "like, together?"

"yes bubs together," daniel chuckled.

daniel didn't end up leaving the bed, the pair sitting in a tired silence, for another half hour. after getting dressed, daniel picked up kobe and bruce from christian's bedroom where the man was lying in bed on his phone. daniel easily brought the more than eager dogs outside his brother's bedroom, directing them outside through the front door to do their morning walk in the neighborhood.

he walked around outside with them for fifteen mintues, before turning around to come back to the house. after returning, daniel released kobe and bruce off their leashes, allowing the two to roam around the house while he went back toward his room. ophelia was still in bed on her stomach, the sheets resting on the same spot, with her book open in her hands.

she turned her head toward daniel at the sound of him walking into the room, sending him a small, but genuine smile. "you're back," she said.

"i'm back," daniel agreed, "you're still naked aren't you."

"yes," ophelia nodded, turning back to her book. "i didn't feel like getting up."

"got it," daniel nodded with a chuckle. he took off his shoes and his sweatshirt before walking over to ophelia, lying beside her on his stomach.

"people are still praising me for the bare minimum under my instagram and i'm trending on twitter," ophelia said, not taking her eyes of her book.

daniel's face shifted to confusion, taking his phone out of his pocket. "really," he asked, turning said phone on.

"yup," ophelia nodded, "it's just annoying because i shouldn'r be praised for doing the bare minimum. we're in a deadly fucking pandemic, it's not that hard to not party, wear a mask, and practice what you preach."

"holy shit, yeah," daniel nodded, scrolling twitter. "i love your twitter stans."

"same," ophelia nodded, "my twitter and wattpad stans are so amazing."

"i forget that you have wattpad sometimes." daniel shook his head, turning off his phone and turning to ophelia.

"yeah, also, i don't feel like making breakfast anymore. like i just don't want it," ophelia closed her book, turning her head to look back at her boyfriend.

daniel couldn't help but chuckle, "okay. what do you want as an alternative?"

"lowkey, i wanna eat my cake," ophelia answered.

"your birthday cake?"

"what other cake do we have," ophelia joked in a duh tone, causing daniel to roll his eyes but give the girl a small kiss.

so, daniel got off the bed, grabbing a t-shirt and one of the pairs of ophelia's underwear out of his dresser. he handed her the clothes and waited facing the girl in the doorway for her to be ready to go the the kitchen. once she had finally gotten out of bed, the couple walked together to the kitchen, hand and hand.

once they arrived, ophelia let go of daniel's hand, excitedly ran toward the store bought cake sitting on counter inside the container. while daniel couldn't help but laugh with the girl, ophelia grabbed two forks from the drawer, handing one to daniel and keeping one for herself.

handing ophelia his phone, daniel began to open the container as he said, "pick a playlist to listen to, baby."

ophelia scrolled through daniel's spotify playlists, smiling when she saw a familiar one. "butterfly and giraffe," it read. she immediately pressed it, turning the volume all the way up as the first song, Do I Wanna Know began to play.

daniel turned to her with a smile, "is that-"

"yes. yes it is," she nodded. ophelia stuck her fork into the vanilla cake, sticking the fork in her mouth to taste the delicious dessert. daniel did the same thing after just taking a few seconds to stare at the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, admiring her as she eats her large forkful of cake and dances to the arctic monkey's song.

by the time the the sixth song of the playlist, Blow Your Mind (Mwah), a fourth of the cake was gone, and daniel and ophelia were dancing around the kitchen island together, singing along to lyrics, giving or blowing each other a kiss everytime dua lipa sang "mwah."

"mwah," dua sang through daniel's phone as the song came to an end. ophelia and daniel kissed once again, both of them pulling away with a smile as christian walked into the kitchen.

"i feel so lucky that i was already awake and mentally prepared for you two," he said. he gestured between daniel and ophelia as be walked toward the fridge. "please tell me you guys didn't contaminate the cake."

"no critin, we didn't contaminate the cake," ophelia rolled her eyes, licking her cake fork.

"whatever you say jane," christian chuckled.

"i have a question, when are you gonna ask that maya girl to be your girlfriend?" daniel asked, raising a knowing eyebrow.

"oh yeah, don't you guys have your fifth date tonight," ophelia asked.

"yes we do, and no big deal but i'm asking her tonight," christian answered. ophelia opened her mouth but christian beat her to it. "no, i'm not telling you how."

ophelia began to follow him as he walked out of the kitchen, "why the fuck now? i need to make sure your plan is going to work."

daniel couldn't help but laugh more to himself than anything else watching his girlfriend and his brother. it made him happy that they fought like brother and sister and had such an amazing bond. it made always having her around so much easier than it already was because everyone he knew already knew and loved her.

and it's an amazing thing that makes their relationship just that much stronger. he didn't want to lose her, not now, not ever. having been so close to that, he doesn't want to feel that pain again. he refuses to.

nobody knows how things will change again because of covid-19. los angeles is a dangerous place to be so careless. just because ophelia and the people she was extremely close with her smart and careful does not mean everyone in the area is.

nobody can tell what the future holds. that's what makes life so dangerous.


the end.

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