// Yukihira Soma x Reader //

By -mustbelove

149K 4.2K 6.9K

You were abandoned by your family and left on the streets until Soma's dad found you. Now you live with them... More

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3.1K 107 288
By -mustbelove


Today at the training camp was hectic as always. Cooking, screaming, defeat, wins.

I watched Megumi and this guy bump into each other just as she finished.

"Watch out, you lug!" He said and I recoiled in disgust. Now watch me give him a piece of my mind-

Oh- where did he go?

"Where are you going?" Soma asked. I turned back to see him leaning on the station, a slick smile plastered on his face.

"Haha.. nowhere." I said, in between nervous laughs. He just nodded and turned away from me and I rubbed my neck, walking back to my station next to his.

If I'm going to get any better at cooking I have to focus on me! Even if it means neglecting others for a bit!


"Today was another rough day! I wanna hurry back to my room and sleep." Yuki whined and I nodded agreeing with her.

"Yeah, I don't think I can survive any longer." I moaned and Soma let out a laugh.

"We still have two days left. I think we can pull it off somehow, though." Megumi chimed in and I let out a big huff.

"Huh? There's no bedtime listed for tonight." Ryoko said and I could have sworn one of my veins popped right then and there.

"You're right." I heard Ibusaki say, looking at the schedule with her.

I can't do it anymore. All of a sudden I got a strong headache. I would complain, but just thinking about it will make it hurt more so I should ignore it.


"It's gotta be a printing error." Ryoko stated.

"All students of Tohtsuki Academy. At 10:00 PM, one hour from now, please report to the main banquet hall in your school uniforms." An announcer said which made me gasp.

Persevere, persevere, persevere....


"There are a lot less of us now, huh?" Soma said. I looked around the room, everyone seemed to be really sad and tired. Can't blame them, I feel the same.

"Everyone looks so exhausted." I mumbled.

"What are they planning at this time of night?" Soma questioned.

"Yukihira!" Me and Soma both turned towards the direction of people who called our last name. It seemed like they were calling for Soma though.

"Bastard! How can you do something as reckless as challenging a graduate to a Food War and then letting your beloved.. um adopted sister go through with it instead, you idiot?" Mito barked and pointed at me.

I just stood there idly not knowing what to do. I was never adopted by Soma's parents but everyone calls me that because I have their last name.

"I won't let you leave the academy until we've settled things once and for all!" The blonde Aldini brother screamed too. Mito noticed him and put her hands on her hips.

"Who are you?" They said in unison, both glaring at each other.

"How do you two know about our Food War?" I asked, finally managing to say something.

"It's all anyone is talking about!" I furrowed my eyebrows at their yelling. Okay I just asked, calm down.

"But if you're still here, then.." They pointed in my face and I just crossed my arms with a smirk on my face. "Don't tell me the adopted sister beat Shinomiya? Did you?"

My mind traced back to the night where I bruised my fist from slamming it on the wall. I grabbed my hand subconsciously and took a gulp.

"No.. I lost.." I said, biting my bottom lip.

"Yukihira's adopted sister lost?" Takumi exclaimed. I let out a sigh at the nickname they gave me.

"Yeah. Don't ask about it." Soma said, playing along with me.

"Explain how, dammit! What happened?" Mito said, looking between me and Soma. She turned around with a gasp so I looked in the same direction to see Examiner-san, Nakiri Erina.

"It's Erina-sama!"

"Everyone, look toward the stage. There is but one reason you've been called here to inform you of tomorrow's challenge." Dojima-san declared.

"Tomorrow's?" I heard Ibusaki mutter.

"But why do that the night before?" Ryoko questioned and I let out a yawn. Why not in the morning? I am completely worn out.

"Your challenge is to create a new breakfast item befitting our guests here at Tohtsuki Resort." Dojima explained as to which I let out an 'oh', "Breakfast is the face of the hotel. It's an important meal that represents the start of our guests' day. I want you to present something that gives the table an air of radiance, a single dish, one with a fresh sense of wonder."

I noticed something white and oval-shaped in his hand. I'm assuming it was an egg. Which also led me to the conclusion that we will be making breakfast dishes that include eggs.

"Your main ingredient will be eggs. You may use Japanese, Western, or Chinese genres, but it must be presented buffet-style. Judgement begins at 6:00 AM tomorrow morning. Be reading to present your dish for tasting by then."

And just when I sort of became hopeful, it was all crushed by his simple words. 6:00 AM? What time is it now? 10:00 pm or something? That would leave 1..2..3..4..

I noticed Soma look at me counting with my hands, so I quickly smiled at him and put them away. I can't even get any sleep between that time! What the heck!

"You may use the time left till morning however you like. You can use the kitchen to try out dishes or go to sleep in your rooms. See you again tomorrow morning. Dismissed!"

I froze in place and thought about the decision. Sleep or dishes? Sleep or dishes? Sleep or dishes?

Dang. I keep yawning.

"Finally, a worthwhile challenge, huh?" Takumi, the blonde Aldini brother, said which made me direct my attention my thoughts to him.

My eyes followed Soma walking away before abruptly being stopped again by Takumi's words.

"Just you wait, Yukihira. I'll show you the ultimate breakfast, in which staple Italian egg dishes are interpreted via Aldini techniques!" He said, and an imaginary blaze of fire surrounded him as he did.

"Staple Italian egg dishes, huh." I crossed my arms, looking at the back of the blonde's head.

Soma looked over at me briefly before turning back to Takumi with a goofy expression, "And what are "staple Italian egg dishes" like?"

"Well, you fold cheese or vegetables into the eggs-" Before the brunette Aldini brother, Isami, could even finish his brotherly counterpart cut in.

"What are you telling him for, Isami?" He yelled.

"--and then you cook it." He finished, dragging his brother away as he left.

Takumi continued yelling to which I just plugged out everything he said, letting out another yawn.

I noticed Erina looking at Soma then at me. I slowly walked over to her.

"Hey, Examiner-san.. Nakiri.." I waved at her. She blinked twice and crossed her arms.

"Hello, Y/N-chan.."

"Say, eggs was the theme for our entrance exam too, wasn't it?" Soma said, coming to my side and putting an arm around me. I gasped at his sudden appearance. Nakiri looked alarmed too.

"Seems so long ago, right?" I beamed at Soma. He nodded with a hum.

"Right, Nakiri?" I smiled at examiner-san.

"D-don't address me as if you're my friend! Let me warn you right now, you can't put out such crude cooking this time. Not unless you want to incur the judges' scornful laughter."

She tried to remain her prideful self which my eyebrows furrowed at because it seemed like she enjoyed it last time, which is why I was so disappointed after.

"But you ate it like you thought it was delicious." Soma said and I nodded agreeing with him. She flailed her arms around, and her face was now fully flushed.

"What? As if! I told you, it was disgusting!" I put my hands up in defeat at her shrieking.

"Erina-sama!" Her purple-haired assistant, Hisako, came through crowd running. "Everything's ready in the cooking room."

"Very well. Let's go. Yukihira's." She walked away before turning back to look us both in the eyes. "Do the best you can with your meager talents. See you two."

I looked at her stunned as she flipped her hair. My meager talents?

Moaning from the other side of the room caused me to avert my span of view.

It was Yuki and Marui on the floor, looking dejected. Suddenly, Yuki sprung up and snapped.

"If it's come to this, we'll show ya we've got what it takes!" I nodded my head in determination and went over to Yuki.

"Yeah, let's give it our all!" I joined her ruckus. We high-fived and she told me to help her with Marui. We grabbed him by his shirt.

"C'mon, get up, Marui!" Yuki vocalized.

"We're all going back to the dorm together!" I added.

"Kyokusei! Fight! YEAHHHHHHHH!!!!"



I observed the room, fixing my collar. Then turning to the eggs on the station with a big sigh. A memory from my childhood popped into my head suddenly.

Yukihira's dad making me egg in a hole toast with vegetables, eggs, cheese, and sourdough bread. He would always make it for me at least once a week.

I guess it was because he wanted to see the happy look on my face-which never failed to be there- when I ate it.

(Remember like the disclaimer said I'm not an expert about food so if this seems like a basic dish than idk. I just found it online looking for egg recipes lmao)

He taught me how to make it one day so he wouldn't have to do it anymore, but it didn't really stop me from leeching off of him still.

I played with the cloth on my wrist, a big smile taking over my face.

"That's it! I've got it!" I snapped my fingers, and began to grab some eggs.

Before I could even start, this pale, cherry-eyed girl came in front of me, looking at all the ingredients.

"Uhm.. hi?" I breathed in uncertainty.

"Wow.. interesting. You look like you're making something interesting.." She crooned, looking up from the ingredients to meet my eyes. Did that mean good or bad interesting?

"Uh, yeah, sure." I responded shortly. She waved before walking off with a tall, dead-looking guy and I just stood there alarmed.

I turned back to look at Soma to see if he noticed anything. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"Who is she?" I asked and he just shrugged so I turned back around and continued working on my dish. That was very weird.


The Next Day - Challenge Exam

"It's so big!" Soma and I both said at the same time. We looked to each other before turning away and scanning the whole perimeter.

I noticed people carrying stuff to their stations, people organizing, and people on the floor falling asleep.

I hadn't slept a wink at all and I was absolutely drained. I felt like I could fall asleep at any given moment but I will persevere!

Persevere, persevere, persevere..

My eyes landed on Takumi pointing at us screaming things I couldn't hear.

Because of how ridiculous he looked I let out a little laugh and Soma looked at me, beginning to laugh too.

As we stopped, we stood silently staring at each other with wide smiles. I nudged his chest and looked down before looking back up at him.

"Well.. see you. Good luck, 'my beloved adopted sister'." Soma smirked, adding on the nickname. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"See you later, weirdo." Soma waved, leaving, and so did I. I took the station next to a familiar face, Fujikawa Emiko.

"Fuji- Emiko. Good to see you." I almost said her last name but I remembered we're are on a first name basis now. She looked over to me with widened eyes before smiling ultimately.

"Good to see you too, Y/N. We should talk more often, I only see you during classes and such." She waved, and I nodded.

"Sure." I smiled and turned my attention to Soma who settled near Nakiri. My mouth formed an into an o shape as I watched them converse.




"I assume you've all finished prepping for your dishes. I will now explain the conditions that will let you pass. But first, let me introduce your judges."

A bustling sound came from the entrance way and the room was flooded by kids and adults of all ages. My eyebrows rose in surprise.

"These are the suppliers of the ingredients used at Tohtsuki Resort, and their families. They serve as judges here every year, and also provided the theme of egg dishes with a sense of wonder. When it comes to judging, they're very precise."

I nodded my head understanding. A dark aura also entered the room along with 3 brooding men. They look really scary.

"Tohtsuki's Resort's staff from the cooking and service divisions will also be serving as judges." Everybody gasped at the new group of people entering the room.

"That's the maitre d'hotel, the guy who oversees the service division! Even Dojima's sous-chef is here!"

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my fast heart beat. My anxiety rose seeing all the different people that had entered the room.

You know what? I've served people all the time before Tohtsuki at the diner, no pressure.

"There are two criteria for passing. First, both the suppliers and our skilled staff must give their approval! Second, our guests must eat at least 200 of your plates in the next two hours."

I nodded again, playing with the cloth on my wrist, and closed my eyes. Two hundred in the next two hours. Two hundred in the next two hours. Easy.

"Whoever meets this criteria shall pass! Now then, judges in all assembly halls enjoy this breakfast to your hearts' content! Let this judgement begin!"

I prepared my plates for everyone to see, the steam radiating from them warmed my face. I noticed a man and his daughter coming up to my station. I smiled at them.

"Look, do you want one?" He asked her and she nodded.

I picked up two plates for them, grated some extra gruyère cheese on top, and handed them the plates. I watched the daughter bite into it and her eyes widened.

"Wow, so good!" She exclaimed and I felt a ton serotonin fill my body at her smile.

Many people came over to my station after hearing the girls statement and I greeted them all with a smile.

This isn't so bad.

"The invigorating earthiness of the cheese compliments the savoriness of the egg yolk so well! The flavors just mingle in my mouth perfectly!" One of the people gathered around my station said as I passed out more plates.

"Wow.." I mumbled. Soma's dad would be proud that people like this dish so much. I'm proud.


I had finished around 100 plates already so I wasn't too worried about not succeeding.

I looked around the room and people were lining up at Nakiri's station. She had this fancy egg dish, Egg Benedict.

But Soma, he was in deep, deep trouble. No one had even blinked an eye at his dishes. His omelets were deflated and looked sad.

I felt sympathy for him, but there was no way for me to help. But I know he can handle this. He always finds a way.

I handed a few more customers plates but my eyes stayed focused on Soma.

Nakiri walked over to him with a smirk saying something I couldn't comprehend.

Probably demeaning him about his failure. My eyebrows furrowed and I bit my lip.

Right.. I should probably focus on me, not on Soma like I always do. I'm doing great, he'll do great too. Hopefully.

Out of the blue, stampeding was heard and I looked up to see a roaring crowd over at the cherry-eyed girls table. The same had happened before with Nakiri.


Aldini Takumi, two hundred plates reached!

I looked over at the blonde Aldini brother who looked quite pleased with himself. As I handed a plate to another customer, I noticed I didn't have any left.

Yukihira Y/N, two hundred plates reached!

As soon as I heard my name announced I took a big breath of relief. I actually did it.

"Yeah.." I put my hands on my hips and looked at all the plates stacked up proudly.

"Yukihira Soma! Hey, what are you doing?" My pride moment was cut short as I hear Takumi yell at Soma. I looked at him then at Soma.

Tadakoro Megumi, two hundred plates reached!

Megumi finished too. But Soma hasn't even...

I felt myself gasp at all the plates still in front of him. He looked like he was panicking but then calmed down and closed his eyes.

He took his cloth off and tied it around his forehead. He's getting serious now. Good!

I gripped on my own cloth on my wrist. Soma, you can do it. I watched him contently as he talked to this little girl with a bright smile on his face.

He flipped an omelet into the air and the girl stared wide-eyed. He drizzled extras onto it and gave it to her.

She ate it and and a smile etched on her face. He started to attract more customers, one by one. I grinned from ear to ear until I saw the clock. Less than 30 minutes left.



Sakaki Ryoko, two hundred plates reached!

Fujikawa Emiko, two hundred plates reached!

Ibusaki Shun, two hundred plates reached!

Yoshino Yuki, two hundred plates reached!

Marui Zenji, two hundred plates reached!

Aldini Isami, two hundred plates reached!

"There are five minutes remaining."

I switched between watching Soma, the clock, and the eating customers. As the seconds went by, my heart did somersaults in my chest.




"Yukihira Soma, two hundred plates reached!"

Euphoria washed over me. Soma had made it! Last minute. I got so worried!

He looked at me, sweaty and smiling, and I gave him a thumbs up feeling myself smile too.

"You did it!" I mouthed, hoping he would understand. He nodded, taking off his cloth. I notice him turn away and talk to Nakiri.

I took another deep breath and yawned. I slowly fell down to the floor and closed my eyes. Maybe I can sleep now.

Yukihira Y/N, 350 plates reached.


Ignore the fact that this chapter is super short 😃👍

I just thought of how weird it is with you and Soma. Like you were sort of taken in by his parents but not exactly adopted but you took their last name anyway?

And everyone calls you his adopted sister LMAOO 😭😭- ahem will sort this out later but you guys can't know now what I plan to do with it. Okay just wanted to say that so you guys won't be confused :)

Also do any of you like the WEBTOON/Kdrama True Beauty? I almost started crying because I have to wait 6 days for the next episode fun right 😍‼️

Taylor out,

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