Never wished for you (Camren...

By ubitchbackof

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Have you ever did something wrong for love just to realise it was never enough , it could have given you happ... More

Chapter 1: inheritance
Chapter 2: the one
Chapter 3: will you?
Chapter 4: A girl?
Chapter 5: I do !!
Chapter 6: i do! Part 2
Chapter 7: first night
Chapter 8: hOnYmOoN
Chapter 9: plan cruel
chapter 10: Unwanted Feelings
Chapter 11: Lost
Chapter 12: My Protector
Chapter 13:A troubled start
Chapter 14: wedding girl
Chapter 15:Friends cuddle right?
Chapter 16: what is the truth
Chapter 17: wife
Chapter 18: Mike
Chapter 19:there is two side of a story
Chapter 20: let me explain
Chapter 21: You deserve me
Chapter 22: Pedro
Chapter 23: Unforgettable past
Chapter 24: Value never changes
Chapter 25 : Harsh Reality
Chapter 26: Trust
Chapter 27: sISteR
Chapter 28: It's a new feeling I'm finding
Chapter 29: keena
Chapter 30: keena part 2
Chapter 31: different prosprectives
Chapter 33: damn feelings
Chapter 34: Dinner
Chapter 35: aftermath
Chapter 36 :mijo
Chapter 37: dick wife
Chapter 39: all the thing she said
Chapter 40: surreal
Chapter 41: easy
Chapter 42: promises are meant to be broken
chapter 43: is this our Happy ending?
Chapter 44: surprise?

Chapter 32: you just feel it

1.9K 107 38
By ubitchbackof


"Keep moving those hips with mine " said Normani swing her hips with Lauren's

"Now take my hands and make me turn gently yet quickly making face you and remember always show the passion you have through your face otherwise you can be a great dancer but you won't connect with anyone "

"Yes mam " said Lauren mockingly and through Normani down then pulling her up twirling all around the room

"Ok enough I'm done " said Lauren pulling away from Normani

"I think I'm ready "

"You were for a long time, I'll be afraid if you weren't after all the dance classes I forced you to take, I still don't get it why are you so worried "

"Because that's the only way I can cherish my dream for a week and can't afford to let it go"

"I understand laur but it's not only you, also your partner need to be equally good as you"

"I know and I also curse so much the moment you accepted Dinah's proposal, you were the best among everyone and with you I was sure to win "

"Laur only if I knew you are gonna ask I wouldn't have accepted that asshole proposal "

"Do you-"asked Normani as she was getting in the office, only to find Dinah in a compromising position with one of her employees , shutting her lips and eyes she turned around to leave just to be stopped by Dinah

"When the f are you gonna learn to knock!!" Said Dinah sexually frustrated because it was the god knows how many time Normani interrupting her getting some action

"When ARE YOU GONNA LEARN people come to office to work and not fuck?!"  Replied Normani with the same tone

"We have different perceptions of work then my dear "said Dinah getting up and helping the brunette who was sucking her lips few minutes ago , fixing her dress

"First don't ever call me dear from that dirty mouth of yours and second what will a rich spoiled brat like you know about work "

"So you think i don't know how to handle my own office?!"

"I never said that "

"You implied it "

"I said the truth "

"You just said a bullshit just like your existence"

"Oh really " said Normani taking notepad and throwing to Dinah

"You violent bitch TAKE THIS" said Dinah throwing it back at Normani

"What fuck is WRONG WITH YOU TO TWO"yelled the brunette and left

"Why asshole ?" Asked Lauren curious

"She is so ducking irritating laur, sometimes I wanna smack her head in the table and explanation for her actions " said Dinah remembering the blonde irritating haired girl

"What did she do?"

"She did many things were do I even start, ugh just know I hate her" it was true, from the moment joined the company, there wasn't a day that gone peacefully
Everyday a new day to fight for the most stupidest reasons

"Lol you are so weird, you hate her but still going to be her date"

"The only reason why accept is because she is paying me a hefty amount of money "

"Why you thought?"

"Apparently everyone loves her and by attending with them may give a wrong signal and she didn't wanted to take that risk however  between us everything is clear,we both share the Same hatred for each other and there is no risk of having any sort of doubts  in short there will be no trouble for her to take care of"

"Isn't she your boss! Aren't you afraid she is gonna fire you because she doesn't like you?"

"Lol she will never, she knows I'm the best "

"Cocky I like it"

"Anyway you better call and practice with her other than me if you wanna win, coordination and talent is the key to success in dancing "

"I know and I'm rehearsing everyday and let me tell you she is great however you are right I need to practice more with her so I'm gonna call her and ask to meet up for practice, so see ya talk to you later" said Lauren biding her good byee and leaving the dance studio


"It's totally ok, relax we are gonna practice some other day, I'm going home anyway " said Lauren and hang up entering the cabello mention

For now this was her home, as soon as she got in she was attacked by Leo

A cute little dog that Lauren gave to Sofìe as her birthday present but the dog somehow is still attached to Lauren, in fact he waits everyday in the porch for her to come home and, whenever she comes he jumps into her, giving her every bit love he can

"Hey buddy slow down " said Lauren caressing gently the black fur and sitting down, also if Leo was a puppy he was quite big and being exhausted after the practice she needed some support

Suddenly she heard Camila coming down yelling someone in the phone

"Can't you give me one day!!! You know how important is this and still you can't come and help me " said camila in the phone and added "you know what? I don't need you bye!" And hung up

Lauren getting up with thunder in her arms said "need help?"

"I don't also if I do, you can't help me"

"Why is that?"

"It's about dance practice and we literally made a bet about it so I don't think you will help me in this "

"Don't assume without proof my dear because most of the time is wrong, anyway my dance partner is kinda busy on her own so I'm keen to practice with you and there is two advanced for us if we do that! First we will learn how capable we are because we never saw one of us dance and secondly we won't be wasting our time waiting for our partner meanwhile we will be learning about our opponent"

"Damn Morgado you know how to convince "

"That I do " said Lauren bowing her head and giving Camila her hand so she could lead her , accepting Lauren's hand Camila said "shouldn't you change into something casual?"looking at the green eyed girl office attire

"Nah better this way because in the competition I need to wear something like this and casual you know "

"You have a point but still is just a practice "

"Yeah maybe it can become more"said Lauren winking at Camila

Once they we were in the practice room Camila put the instrumental version of Young and Beautiful, one of Lauren's favourite Lana del Ray song

"And now?" Said Camila confusingly and added "we don't have any choreography or coordination, how are we gonna start?"

"We don't need nothing because everything here is just about to feel and move like it "

"What do you mean?"

"Close your eyes and let the music guide you "

"What-"before Camila could add something Lauren put a finger on her lips

"Shhhh just do what I'm saying and listen carefully "with that Camila closed her eyes and nodded

"Do you feel it?" Said Lauren getting behind Camila wrapping one hand on her waist and the other one in her hand

Camila nodded her head

"Then move" said the green eyed girl making Camila move her waist along with Lauren's then she twirled the shorter girl welcoming the distance, only for short amount of time because as soon as she was face to face she grabbed her more closer

Camila's eyes was still close, yet she could feel everything, every little sensation that was slowly erupting on her body most importantly she could feel both of there breathing becoming one

"Dance is about letting the feelings guide you" said Lauren throwing Camila down and pulling her up making Camila open her eyes and stare directly into Lauren's , they got so into each other that forgot about everything else and started leaning in

But Lauren knew she didn't have this privilege, so when they were about to kiss Lauren interrupted it

"It's better if we continue some other day, I don't want you to regret anything "said  Lauren slowly getting away from Camila's lip

She wanted to kiss her more than anything but she couldn't, after seeing her with Shawn she knew this closeness between them will just push her away

Camila cleared her throat and nodded

"I have to do some paperwork anyway" said Camila is the once she had regained control over her body again

After what happened they didn't talk much , both got busy with there respective work but Lauren saw that Camila was yawning, Lauren knew she must be tired after all she has been working and practicing all day

So she got up and made some coffee and give it to Camila and started do her own work

It was a little gesture what Lauren did but like always it felt something more for Camila, she didn't say much other than a simple thank you, yet she knew it meant a lot more than she was showing

Camila wasn't totally oblivious about there situation and she knew that also if she didn't wanted she was developing feelings for the green eyed girl

She knew it was wrong for Shawn yet she felt helpless, so when the next day Ally showed her pictures of Lauren and Lucy a feeling of unwanted jealousy came to surface and in no way she could control it

She was always clear with Lauren about Shawn but nonetheless to say she felt hurt knowing that maybe Lauren got someone else but didn't even had the guts to tell her about it

This sudden change of mood didn't go unnoticed by her two friends sitting her beside her, who couldn't help but ask

"Mila are you ok?"asked ally

"Yeah why wouldn't I be? It's not like WhaTeVer we had was real"

"What are you talking about?" Asked Dinah confused

"Nothing "

"If this is about Lauren and Lucy, I assure you that for Lauren she is just a friend but maybe not for Lucy, so till she is loyal to you, you don't need to worry" stated Ally

"WHAT! No I don't like her that way, she can do whatever she wants, I don't care and why should I even fall for her when I have a perfectly normal boyfriend unlike her" said defensively Camila

"Sounds like you care  " said Dinah smirking

"I don't, I like guys with dick not girls" answered Camila quickly within realising what she said but as soon as she did, she knew she fucked up

"What do you mean?"Asked Dinah

"Girl with a dick? Is she transgender?" Said ally

"Just forget about it" said Camila getting up and leaving her office cabin , as soon as she stepped out she found a single rose lying on the floor with few drops of blood cut by the rose spine she guessed

I'm gonna re upload this chapter because I don't like but I know I need to publish something, so here it is

I'm sorry guys for the delay but I'm really very busy

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