tutor||ponyboy curtis ✓

By lindseybeth678

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when ponyboy curtis is pushed into being the colored girls tutor the barriers of race break More

cast + extras


4.6K 174 124
By lindseybeth678


I skimmed through the 'C' section of the phone book.

"Curtis, Curtis...where's Curtis?" I mumbled, I finally spotted it right below The Cole's residency. I put the numbers into the phone and waited for someone to answer. I had decided 10 minutes ago that I would be the one to initiate the next hang out or date. I was still a bit confused on which that time was, but all I know is that I want him to kiss me again.

"Hello?" Whoever answered didn't sound like Ponyboy, it was obviously a guy, but not Ponyboy.

"Hi this is Jacqueline, may I speak to Ponyboy?" I asked, making my voice a bit higher and throwing on a slightly heavier southern accent in an attempt to sound like a white girl. I know Ponyboy doesn't have a problem with black people, but I don't know about the other people in his house.

"Holy shit you're Ponyboy's girlfriend!" I arched an eyebrow, blushing a bit. I liked the sound of being referred to as Ponyboy's girlfriend to be quite honest.

"Sorry, no I'm just a friend." I say, the other end scoffs.

"Did he tell you to say that?" I snicker a bit,

"No he didn't." I say, the other end groans.

"Whatever let me go get 'em." the boy says. I weave the phone cord between my fingers as I wait, making a pattern.

"Hey Jacqueline," Ponyboy.

"Hey I was wonderin' if you wanted to do anything tomorrow? I can't do before 2, because of church, but maybe later you could come over or something? Only my sister will be home, rest of my family will be out lookin' for colleges for my brother." I say. Shawn took a gap year and my parents have been up his ass about going to college for the past 6 months.

"Y-yeah sounds good." Ponyboy says, I can hear happiness in his voice.

"Great, 3 o'clock work for you?" I ask.

"Yeah, that works." he says, I grin,

"See ya then Ponyboy."

"Bye doll." I giggle at the nickname and hang up the phone. I went to my room, my dad okay'd a friend coming over. I never specified which friend, but then again he never asked.


"Hey Darry can I go to a friends house tomorrow at 3?" I ask Darry walking into the living room. He arches an eyebrow, looking up from the newspaper.

"Which friend?" he asks.

"Jack." I say, sitting on the couch next to Sodapop. It wasn't technically a lie, tons of Jacqueline's probably go by Jack.

"Hey Jack sounds a lot like Jacqueline, don't you think Ponyboy?" Sodapop says. Darry doesn't pay him any mind.

"Shut up Soda." I mumble, he laughs and Darry tosses the newspaper onto the coffee table.

"This the same Jack you went to the park movie with?" he asks, I nod.

"Mhm." I hum, he bites the inside of his cheek, probably deciding whether or not to let me go. It's a weekend, I usually get to go out on those.

"Yeah alright." he says, I nod getting up.

"Thanks Dar." I say going back up to Soda and I's room.


I wait in my room for Ponyboy to come in my room, adding some finishing touches to my appearance. I look over my outfit, dark blue lady levi jeans with a red v neck pullover tucked in. I smile at my reflection and glance at my clock, 2:58 PM, Ponyboy will be here any minute. I decided to go downstairs, maybe for once I'll get to the door before Vanessa. I deep cleaned the house all this morning, it's always especially neat, because my mothers a clean freak, but I wanted it to be perfect. As soon as I get to the bottom step, as if on cue there's a knock from the door. I grin and walk over, opening it up. As predicted, Ponyboy is standing there. He's in his usual blue jeans with a forest green sweat shirt.

"Hey," I smile, he grins back,

"Hi," he says as I let him in.

"So we could go up to my room or maybe go to the living room and watch somethin'?" I say, he smiles.

"I don't have a preference doll." he says, I smile looking down a bit and then back up at him.

"My room it is then," I say and he laughs a bit. I lead him up to my room and he looks a bit confused as he glances at the 3rd flight of stairs.

"Jesus how big is your house Jackie?" he asks teasingly.

"It's not as big as it seems, truly." I say,

"Three stories seems pretty big to me." he mumbles as he enters my room.


"Is this half a tablespoon or three fourths? They don't have any markings on them." I glance over from my cabinet to Ponyboy holding up a measuring spoon.

"It should have an engraving on the back." I say,

"Oh," he mumbles turning the spoon over. I giggle and grab the vanilla extract out of the cabinet.

"Which one was it?" I ask as I bring the vanilla to the counter.

"Three fourths." he chuckles handing me the cup. I take it laughing a bit and pour the extract into the measuring cup and into the bowl.

"Can you put the chocolate chips in while I put the ingredients up?" I ask Ponyboy, pointing towards the soon to be cookie batter. He nods as I hand him the chips. I get the milk, vanilla, flour and all the other ingredients from the cookies and put them up as he pours the chips in. I close the fridge behind me and go to the kitchen table, grabbing the cookie sheet.

"You like to bake?" I ask Ponyboy, he shrugs.

"I don't know, my brothers haven't ever let me try since I was like 8 when I almost added paprika instead of cinnamon." he tells me, I giggle cutting the sheet with the kitchen scissors.

"You have flour on your face." I tell him as I lay the sheet down onto the pan and begin to roll the dough into small spheres.

"I do?" he asks, I nod wiping it off of his face. He grins at me and I smile back, continuing with the cookie dough. He helps me and soon enough the pan is full,

"Can you open the oven for me?" I ask as I pick up the pan, he nods and opens it for me. I delicately place it on the middle rack and start the timer.

"Alright, we have 17 minutes to kill." I say, he laughs and then a silence goes over us. I remember how good that kiss felt and look down to his lips, but my eyes meet his again in a split second.

"C'mon let's go to my room." I say to him. I quickly lead him up the stairs towards my room and shutting the door behind him. I go and sit down on my bed and he follows, sitting down next to me. We talk for a minute or two, about nothing super important really.

"Do your parents know I'm here?" he jokes looking at me, I laugh and shake my head.

"No, they have no clue honestly. I said a friend was coming over though. So I technically never lied." I tell him, he chuckles smiling. I laugh along with him and then I look at him. He looked right back into my eyes and all of the sudden my room becomes quiet, incredibly quiet.

"I've been thinkin' about that kiss Ponyboy, I liked it...a lot." I confess eventually and he smiles,

"Yeah I've been thinking about it too Jacqueline. I like you a lot, more than some low life greaser should like a girl like you." he says.

"Really?" I whisper to him, turning from sitting side by side to criss cross in front of him. He nods.

"Yeah, I like you more than like a friend Jacqueline." he says, now turning to sit in front of me too. I can see his ears growing pinker and pinker as I take a moment to process what he just said to me.

"I-I like you like that too Ponyboy. I have for a good while now." I respond finally. A broad grin breaks out across his face and mine, he cups my face and brings his lips to mine, tilting his head slightly.

If our last kiss felt like clouds, then this kiss felt like fireworks. It was...exciting. Incredibly exciting. It was slow, but in a good way. A great way really. It was sweet. He moved his hand from cupping my face onto my cheek, bringing me closer to him. There were butterflies this time, loads more than last time which I didn't even think was possible. Along with the butterflies though, there was this happy, warm feeling inside of me in that kiss. I know it sounds corny, but it's true. Like a haze of happiness. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end and the saying is true. The kiss was over and just like last time, when it was gone I wanted it back. But then, I remembered what he had said. He likes me more than a friend.

"What do we do now?" I ask him, he tilts his head confused, like a puppy or something.

"What do you mean?" he questions, I sigh looking down.

"Don't play dumb Ponyboy, we both like each other more than a friend. What are we supposed to do? If what movies have taught me right then we're supposed to have a relationship or something like that, but I'm me and you're you." I say, he sighs, biting his bottom lip.

"Yeah..." he mumbles, going into thought, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I mean....nobody has to know." he whispers. I arch an eyebrow at him,

"Nobody has to know, I like the idea of being your boyfriend and even if it means that nobody knows but us, then I'm okay with that." he says. I smile, looking down, beginning to play with his fingers.

"When your friend or whoever answered the phone yesterday called me your girlfriend, I thought about how I wouldn't mind having that title." I say, he grins from ear to ear.

"Then I think we have an agreement." he jokes, I laugh rolling my eyes and he chuckles too.

"But seriously Jacqueline, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks, looking into my eyes.

"I'd love to be." I say.

authors note:
you heard it here first y'all jacqueline and ponyboy are official 😜
also sorry that this is so goddamn long....

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