Our Way Through The Dark

By IsisB14

35.7K 899 281

Baila- Social butterfly, Puts others before her, but she is really just broken deeply. Putting on a fake smi... More

Intro/Important (0)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author Note (0)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors note
Chapter 27
just a note

Chapter 1

2.6K 46 14
By IsisB14

"Bria! are you done yet?" I asked knocking on the door.

"Almost!" She yelled.

"what are you doing in there?" I asked as I placed my head on the door.

The door knob started jiggling and I picked my head up facing my younger sister with a smile on her face, "My hair butters." she said pointing to her two space buns on her head.

I smiled pushing her shoulder lightly, "whatever bubbles." "give me a twirl."

Bria twirled around showing me her outfit.

She was wearing a jean skirt with a orange belt around it and a pink crop top button up. She had  some mascara on and some lip gloss with two space buns and left two curly strains down. I admired her 2000's look she always wore.

"I love it!" I said clapping my hands.

"I know I'm a fashionista." Bria said fanning herself and flashing her eyelashes.

"Your so fucking annoying bubbles." I said laughing.

We laughed together for awhile, while her dimple shined through, Bria was honestly beautiful and no one could tell her otherwise.

My phone rang and across the screen flashed 'E' on it.

"Hey Bitch." I said

"Hey, I'm outside." Ethan said.

"Ill be down in a minute."

The phone hanged up after that.

"Bubbles go check if moms downstairs." I asked

Bria frowned knowing that Elizabeth wasn't home, truth be told I knew she wasn't home neither I just had hope that each day she would get better and love me and Bria one day. But I knew that was never going to happen and everyday it hurt less and less, after our father left 4 years ago Elizabeth left with him. She stopped cooking dinner, stopped wishing us happy birthday and stopped being the mother figure we needed. So I stepped in as that figure for Bria and always made sure she was smiling because that's what I knew I had to do for her. Elizabeth only came home for dinner and than went to bed and left in the morning's and that's how it always went for the past 3 years.

"She's not home!" Bria screamed from the bottom of the stairs.

"Okay! go in the car with E and tell him ill be down!"


Once i heard the front door close i went inside the bathroom and closed the door.

god what has my life turned into.

why cant I be a perfect daughter?

because no one loves you.

shut up.

I began to feel tears pickering from the corner of my eyes...

ugh no.

I grabbed a tissue and lightly patted my eyes just so they wouldn't seem so red as if I was crying.

I took out my make up bag and began to do my makeup . I did a light blush and highlight, some mascara and outlined my lips and than put some gloss on. I did a slick back ponytail and than once i thought i looked okay i went into my room to find a perfect outfit for my interview today.

I found a black silk dress that i thought would look presentable since I didn't have much clothes, I chose to than pair that with a black ripped over sized jean jacket which seemed okay to go with and I chose some black heels.

your not going to the club B.

Shut up thot I can simply state out the obvious i just want to seem loose and like i'm good so shut up and stay in the back of my head.

yeah . sure. Tell your self what you want to hear.

I groaned as i talked to myself in my head, I really did hate having a subconscious sometimes. 

I walked over to my side of the dresser and picked up some small gold dangling earrings and a gold necklace. Once I was done i looked at myself in the mirror and patted myself on the back, I honestly didn't look bad. I picked up my Black hand bag and made my way downstairs.

I closed the door gently making sure it doesn't break and walked to the SUV Ethan and Bria was in and opened the passenger door.

"Hey Baila." Ethan said with a smile.

"Hey E." I said as I put on my seatbelt and returned the gesture giving him a warm smile.

Ethan began coming out the drive way and the first stop was to Bria's high school that wasn't so far it was honestly walking distance but Bria didn't like walking much.

Once we arrived Bria kissed me on the cheek and than pushed Ethan's head, "Bye uglies." Bria said and hopped out the car closing the door behind her.

I watched as Bria walked to a group of 3 friends and than Ethan pulled out of the school drive way.

Ethan began driving to the company I had planned on working at. It was one of the most richest company on the richest side of LA it was far from my house like a 40 min drive.

"What are you thinking about?" Ethan asked looking at me in the corner of his eye.

"Just praying I get this job." I said as i put my head on the window.

"You'll get it B."

"Did you bring your resume?" E asked.

"Yup." I said nodding my head.

"Than you'll be good I know you will."

"I just don't want to fail her E." I said looking at him.

E held his hand out and i placed mine in his and he tightly held mine. 

"Don't think like that."

I nodded and the rest of the ride went by pretty quickly, the music playing in the back and E hand still in mine as he drived. I really loved him. He was always there for me no matter what and he would stay with me through everything. When I would have my worst break downs he was there with me through it all and he knew that I needed him and he needed me.

Once Ethan parked i gave him a smile and a tight hug, "Wish me good luck."

"You don't need it." Etan said and smiled.

I hopped out the car and waved Ethan bye, once he drove  off I looked at the company. It was big probably like 150 floors in their. My nerves began to creep in and I knew this wasn't the time to bail out now. I walked across the street and opened the big doors I walked to the receptionist that was very beautiful. She had her blonde her in a perfect bun and wore glass, she had freckles across her nose and a beautiful bright smile.

"Hello! how may I help you?" The girl said, she wore a name tag that read "Vicky." across it.

"I'm here for a interview with Mr. Willison." I said with a smile.

"Name?" Vicky asked.

"Baila." "Baila Johnson."

"Interview with Mr. Willison. Correct?" Vicky asked with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded and she picked up a phone.

"Hello Mr. Willison..."

While she was on the phone i looked around and admired how beautiful the building was the floor was a shiny marble black and the walls were white.

"Okay the elevator down the hall and take the top floor." She said with a smile and pointed to the direction.

"Thank you."

I walked towards the elevator and pressed on the button, I waited as the doors opened. Some people walked out and I walked in and pressed on the button that I believed brought me to the top floor. The elevator was clear so I saw all the view of LA as it brought me up. LA was honestly beautiful from the top view all the people below looked like little ants.

Once the door opened i stepped out and saw a few people waiting as well I walked over and saw a few glances as i walked past about 10 people i stuck my middle finger at them and heard some gasp.

I hated when people stared it was honestly rude.

i walked over to the girl at the desk that had curly black hair with highlights she was dark skin and had a nice bright smile.

"Hi are you here with a interview with Mr. Willison as well?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Yes i am."

"Okay go take a seat and i will call you when he's ready."

I nodded and walked over to sit next to a red head girl she seemed very nervous.

I pulled out my phone and started playing 'subway surfers.' since it seemed like it was going to take a while.

after 30 minutes and lots of girls coming out with tears and some cursin words like, 'Fuck you.' and 'I don't fucking need your approval.' it was my turn.

i walked towards the door and quietly knocked.

"Come in." a deep voice called from the other side of the door which through shivers down my body. I opened the door and entered the room I closed the door behind me and the man gestured for me to sit down so i took a seat that was across his desk and he leaned back into his chair.

The man had dark black hair that was parted to the side, he had nice eyebrows and tattoos going from his neck and some on his arms to his hands and dark brown eyes that looked  quite intimidating . He a had a perfectly straight nose and nice pink plump lips, his jaw line was sharp and had a visible stubble. He looked like he'll kill you if u said the wrong thing which rose goose bumps on my arms.

I was pulled out of my day dream when i heard him clearing his throat. I looked up and met his gaze damn he was beautiful.

"Once your done staring at me we can began to talk." He said with a deep voice.

"So-Sorr- I'm sorry..." I stuttered as i looked away from his gaze.


"Baila Johnson." I said quietly and quickly.

"Okay Mrs. Johnson did you bring your resume?" He asked and placed his hands on his desk. He was wearing a white button up shirt leaving two buttons undone his shirt tried very little to try and hide his muscles and the tattoos that was underneath it, he also paired those with black pants.

"Yes i did." I said and reached in my bag and got up to give it to him. He pulled the resume out of my hand and quickly looked at it.

"You're 19?" he asked with rose eyebrows.

"Yes I am." He looked at me up and down, and licked his lips looking back at the paper.

I began to worry that i was to young for the job... but yet again i took care of my sister for 3 years when i was 16 so i was pretty mature.

He placed the paper down and narrowed his eyes at me, "Mrs. Johnson where did you work before this?" He asked curiosity clear in his voice.

"I worked at a dog shelter." I said

"Mhm..." He hummed. "Do you have any experience with business?"

I felt like he was testing me and trying to find answers to something. If i had any experience with business i would've moved out of that shit hole house with my sister and brought a apartment but yet here i am still in that household and barely making money to keep food in our system.

"No.. No i do not."

"Why do you want this job?" He asked laying back in his chair with his foot crossed over his leg.

"Um..." I had to think because i didnt want to open up and let him know everything about my life and how i didnt have money but i also hated lies and trusted people but i decided to shut up for once and move around the question, "well...i really was always into business and i feel i am very mature and determine to work." I said confidently.

"have you ever kilt someone?" He asked with a playful smirk on his face.

"n-no.. sir." I said shaking my head and playing with my fingers.

Sick bastard.

"hmmm... would you kill someone?" he asked clearly finding amusement in this subject.

"No." I said quickly.

"Do you know who i am Mrs. Johnson?" He asked with a rose eyebrow and a smile.

"Yes i do." I said knowing exactly who he was.

He was one of the most dangerous person out here, he kilt everyone and everyone feared him. I believe he even kilt his family if im mistaking. I didn't fear him though i chose to find the good in people and look at stuff from there POV.

"good.. you may leave now." He said and opened his laptop.

I blinked a couple times confused.

I got up and walked towards the door but stopped as i heard him clear his throat.

"Mrs. Johnson you have the job.. tomorrow at 9am and make sure too not come late or i will kill you without hesitation. You may leave now." Mr. Willison said.

and with that I left with the biggest smirk on my lips.

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