1D | I'm Right Here

By BeautifulRain2020

61.8K 673 179

Niam and Larry surviving through two diagnosis of epilepsy, stabbings, impalement by glass and Niall's knee s... More

Electrocuted ⚡
Niall Seizures
Niall Epilepsy & Announcement
Louis Pranked
Harry Hypothermia
Harry Fever
Niall Studio Seizure
World Tour 🎤
Harry April Fool's Day
Harry Absent Seizure
Harry Injured On Stage
Niall Concert Seizure
Niall Cluster Seizures
Liam Stabbed
Liam Out Of Hospital
Niall Sleepwalking (Medical Trial)
Niall Seizure On Flight (Medical Trial)
Harry Has A Seizure
Harry Dance Rehearsal Seizure
Niall Knee Pain
Niall Knee Assessed
Louis & Harry Glass Shards
Louis Fainted
Niall Knee Surgery
Niall Surgical Recovery
Part 2

Niall Chat Show Seizure

2.8K 27 5
By BeautifulRain2020

None's POV
"Hello boys," Jonathan Ross greeted One Direction as they came on stage.
"Hi Jonathan."
"It's good to have you here."
"Thank you for having us."
"It's my pleasure, and how are you all doing today, are you ok?"
"Yeah, we're good."
"I'm asking because just over a week ago, you had that incident at the rehearsal."
"We did. We're all doing well, we're just trying to move on from it."
"Of course. I didn't mean to touch any nerves, but Louis, are your hands healing ok?"
"Yeah. Yeah, they're healing well," Louis said as he showed his hands to Jonathan.
"Oh wow," Jonathan said as he saw them. Louis's palms were still red, but the skin was no longer raw and painful.

Harry watched as Jonathan inspected Louis's hand and every part of him just wanted to take Louis's hands into his own grip. Being huge pop-stars shouldn't give everyone the right to ask about your personal medical issues. "They're a lot better than they were before then?"
"Yeah, they are. I'm still struggling to hold things for long periods of time, so I'm using a hands-free microphone on stage."
"Well, I'm glad that they're getting better, and that they should continue to improve."
"Yeah, the doctor said that in another month or so, they should be back to normal."
"I'm very glad to hear that. And Niall, how are you doing?"
"I'm doing well Jonathan. I'm on some medication and the boys are looking out for me."
"Good. Now before I upset you anymore, let's talk about your music."
"So tell me, how's the tour going? You were in Mexico the last few days weren't you?"
"We were. So," Harry began and the conversation quickly turned to life on the road, keeping up with friends and family and their love lives, which the boys were careful to not answer directly.


Ten minutes later, Niall yawned and Jonathan stopped his line of questions to confront him about it.
"Am I boring you Niall?"
"No. Sorry," Niall said as his yawn came to an end. "I didn't sleep very well last night, so I'm just a bit tired."
"I'm sorry to hear that. I thought you said that you were doing well earlier."
"I am, but my head's just a bit stuffy. It's taking me a few minutes to process things at the moment."
"You didn't tell me about this mate," Liam said, as worry crept into his mind.
"I'm fine Liam," Niall reassured him.
"Ok, so you're a little tired. Do you want to lie down? Shall I get you a teddy bear?" Jonathan asked and the boys smiled.
"No. It's ok. Carry on."
"Thank you. Geez, last time you needed to go to the toilet and today you want a nap. You're just like five very annoying small children," Jonathan said and the boys laughed.
"Yeah, but you love us anyway."
"I do. Now, you boys are going on a trip away together before Christmas, is that right?"
"They are," Zayn started. "I'm going home to be with my family, but because our last show is in Canada, the boys are going to have a week in a cabin in the woods."
"Yeah, just us and nature," Harry added.
"And your entire entourage I presume," Jonathan said and the boys laughed again as Niall became distracted. He wasn't feeling fine, as he told Liam a few minutes before, in fact he was feeling far from fine.

Since they had left the hotel, he'd had a headache and it'd been getting worse throughout the day. He had initially not thought much of it, as both Zayn and Louis had had headaches fairly recently, so Niall had presumed that he'd just caught the same bug. But Niall had a bad feeling, and he couldn't remember taking his medication that morning.


Niall raised a hand to his stomach as he began to feel sick, and his vision began to blur.
"Liam," He whispered. "Liam," He said again and all the boys turned to him.
"Niall? What's wrong?" Liam asked before he saw tears forming in Niall's eyes and everyone went quiet. "Hey, it's alright. What is it?" Liam said before he took Niall's hands into his own.
"I don't feel good," Niall told him. He was starting to feel worse, and he didn't want to have another seizure, but he knew that he couldn't stop it. He looked into Liam's eyes and Liam immediately understood.
"Alright Niall. Let's get you backstage ok," Liam said and Niall nodded. All the boys and Jonathan stood up as Liam wrapped his arm around Niall.
"We've got you."
"Come on Niall."
"Are you boys going to be ok?" Jonathan asked and Louis nodded as they began to head offstage.
"Yeah, we'll be fine."
"We're just going to go on a break and we'll be back with you shortly," Jonathan announced as the boys got Niall backstage.

Niall stumbled and Liam made sure to hold him close. He was starting to shake and Liam knew that they had to get Niall lying down and move him away any objects that might hurt him.
"Ok, we're here Niall. Just lie down for me," Liam said calmly as they got into the green room and the other celebrities stood up. Liam got Niall onto the floor and Harry and Zayn moved things away from him.
"It's alright Niall, we're with you," Harry reassured Niall as his muscles began to tense up and his gaze became distant.
"Don't worry about anything Niall, you just let it happen ok?" Liam told Niall, but he was scared and Liam was trying to keep his own nerves calm in order to keep Niall together.


A few seconds later, Niall's began seizing.
"Could you give us some privacy please?" Zayn asked, and the celebrities seemed to wake up from their daze.
"Yes, sorry. Come on,," Ryan Reynolds said and he went with the other celebrities onto the stage.
"Alright Niall, ok," Liam said as Niall seized and all the boys could do was wait. "I'm right here love."
"You're doing great Niall."
"We're here, it's alright," Harry said. A few moments passed and Liam began to cry. He hated seeing Niall like this, and he was just as scared as Niall was. Harry was timing the seizure, so Louis came over and put his arm onto Liam's back.
"Keep reassuring him Liam, he's ok."
"You're alright love, you're ok," Liam reassured Niall.
"That's good," Louis said as the TV turned on in the room and the show started up again.

"Hello everyone, welcome back. First of all, Niall's doing ok. The boys are with him and they're backstage. However, we have another exciting group of celebrities on the sofa!" Jonathan said and the audience cheered. He started asking questions as Niall's seizure began to die down.
"That's it Niall, that's it," Liam said as Niall's muscles finally stopped seizing and he became still.
"2 minutes and 25 seconds," Harry told them.
"Is that good?"
"It's short enough that we don't need to call for an ambulance. He should come round in the next few minutes," Louis said and Liam nodded. They moved Niall onto his side before Liam ran his hand through Niall's hair and he watched his eyes for any sort of movement.

After thirty seconds, Niall's eyes began to move under his eyelids.
"Niall? Niall, it's Liam love. I'm right here," Liam said as Niall started to move.
"It's alright Niall, we're with you," Harry told him.
"Hmn," Niall groaned.
"Keep coming round for us Niall," Zayn said and Niall opened his eyes a little bit.
"Hey Niall. You're ok. You're alright," Liam reassured him as tears fell from his eyes. Niall frowned a little before he whispered.
"Sei... zure...?"
"Yes, you've had a seizure. Just relax," Louis said and Niall closed his eyes again.


A few minutes passed and Liam talked to Nall once more.
"Niall? Talk to me love."
"Li?" Niall asked quietly.
"Yeah. Are you feeling better?" Liam asked and Niall nodded.
"A lil."
"That's good."
"I'll find some water."
"Thank Zayn," Louis said, and Zayn left them.
"Take some deep breaths Niall and keep waking up," Harry said as he was kneeling by Niall's other side. "Can you breathe ok?"
"I, can," Niall said before he opened his eyes.
"Hi buddy," Liam said and Niall tried to lift his head up.
"No, stay lying down Niall. Don't take it too fast," Louis said, but Niall moved his arm and he started to sit up.
"I've got you babe," Liam said and both he and Harry gave Niall a hand to sit up. Once he was sitting up Harry, Liam and Louis all supported him.
"How are you feeling Niall?"
"Have some water," Zayn said as he returned with Paul.
"How long was the seizure?" Paul asked the boys.
"2 minutes and 25 seconds."
"Ok," Paul said before he knelt beside Niall. "Drink this," Paul said and he supported Niall as he drank the water. Once Niall had drunk as much as he could manage, Paul wanted to move him off the floor. "Can we move you onto the sofa?" Paul asked gently and Niall nodded. "Ok, everyone give me a hand."
"We've got you Niall," Liam said as the boys all helped Niall to stand up and move to the sofa.


They sat him down and Liam took Niall gently into his arms. He cuddled against Liam and he felt Harry gently rubbing his hand gently around his good knee.
"Is anything sore Niall?" Harry asked and Niall shook his head. Thankfully, he hadn't injured himself during the seizure (it was something that the doctor had told them to watch out for).
"Liam," Niall whispered as he remembered why he'd seized. It was time for him to come clean.
"What is it Nialler?" Liam asked him gently.
"I forgot... this morning..."
"Forgot what?"
"Did you forget to take your medication Niall?" Louis asked.
"We should have checked that you had taken them, but we didn't Niall. It's not your fault. We all forgot," Louis reassured him.
"You're not mad?"
"Why would we be mad?"
"It's new for you Niall."
"And a big change."
"We all love you Niall, I do especially. We'll all help to remind you in the future."
"There's nothing to worry about Niall, everyone here is very happy that you're alright. Just have some water and take them now ok," Paul said Niall sat up with Liam's support. Then he drank the rest of the water and he took his medication.

Why did Niall think that they would be mad at him? He had just had a seizure and the boys wanted to make sure that he was ok.
"How's that?" Paul asked him.
"Better," Niall replied, and there was a knock on the door.
"Can I come in boys?" Jonathan asked from around the corner.
"Yes," Harry replied and Jonathan came into the room.
"Are you ok Niall?"
"I'm... getting there."
"Did you have a seizure?"
"He did Jonathan, yeah," Louis answered for Niall.
"I take it you'll be going back to your hotel then Niall?"
"He will be," Paul answered for Niall.
"Are you going to... cut the interview short?" Niall asked.
"I'm going to have to."
"I'm happy to finish it," Louis said.
"So am I."
"And me," Zayn and Harry both agreed.
"Don't you boys want to stay with Niall?"
"Niall's got Liam and Paul, and he'll be alright in about half an hour," Louis replied, knowing that Niall would just want to curl up with Liam as soon as they got to the hotel.
"I want to... be asleep in half an hour," Niall corrected Louis.
"You will be bud," Paul said and Niall smiled.
"Ok. If you boys are sure."
"Yeah. We'll check on you later Niall ok?" Louis said as he stood up.
"Yeah. Thanks, Louis."
"Get some rest Niall."
"Look after him Liam."
"I will," Liam reassured the boys and they went back onto the stage.

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