
By uniquelyloved23

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I thought life forever meant peace. Amazing peace. I had everything I could've ever asked for and more. I fou... More

Children of the Moon
She's a Cullen
They're coming
White Wolf
J. Jenks
Charlie's House
Tim Nelson
Help me. Please
The Diner
First Day... ja vu
The Doltens
Hey Ashton


62 2 0
By uniquelyloved23

        Jacob's POV:

        We woke up pretty early the next morning. Leah was the first to get up and shower while Seth and I napped for a short while. Bella and Edward went to get Renesmee ready and make breakfast.

        Seth and I was still on the floor asleep while everyone else moved around us.

        "Who taking the next shower?" I heard Leah walk into the room. The water dripping from her hair made annoying thuds to the ground. I hated being able to hear everything sometimes.

        "Seth." I mumbled and realized that he said my name at the same time. I didn't open my eyes as groaned as I rolled over.

        "No, Jake. You get up." Seth groaned and pulled on the large cover. I pulled it back and rolled over some of it.

        "You get up, Seth. Just let me catch a few before we leave." I begged. I felt him tug at the cover and I tugged back.

        "Just hurry up and get up. Before I find a solution." Leah growled. Seth and I both rolled over.

        "You aren't going to do anything." Seth smacked his lips.

        "Really?" I heard Leah say with a smug tone.

        "Yeah. Just shut up and let us sleep." I groaned.

        "And this is the final decision?" she asked.

        "Leah, I will only say this one more time. Shut the hell up and leave us alone. Geez." I growled getting a little irritated by her.

        "Okay fine. You don't have to go to the shower this morning." she smugly said. i could heard her smile. I just ignored her and covered my face.

        "Jacob?" Seth whispered to me. I just hummed him.

        "What do you think she meant by we don't have to go to the shower this morning?" he asked. I shrugged and then thought about it. We soon heard foot steps come around the corner and water slashing. It was a quick 1 . . 2 . . 3 . . count off before I felt ice cold water cover my body.

        I cringed at the bitter cold biting at my skin. I felt a angered growl shake through me and I stood up immediately and saw shocked Seth standing up soaking wet. Leah had a hug blue bucket that once held water.

        "What the hell did you do that for, Leah?!" I barked in complete anger.

        "I felt you two just needed a boost for the day." she sweetly smiled at us and pranced away around the corner.

        I looked over at Seth. "If you don't hurry up, I will end being the one to kill her instead." I humphed and turned to head toward the showers. My skin was hot, even with the cold water, so I wasn't shivering just pissed off.

        After my shower, Seth took his and by then everyone was fed and ready to go. Nessie held my hand as we walked out the front door. Seth and Leah were going to meet us at the reservation while I rode in the car.

        "Nervous?" I asked Nessie as I buckled her seat belt for her. She glanced over me with her big brown eyes. She looked like she was thinking hard about something, she looked like . . . Edward. Scary.

        "Not as much as my mommy. She's a wreck. I don't know how she's going to do this but I'm fine. It's just I've never made friends before."

        "Sure you have, Ness." I gestured toward myself.

        "Outside the family." she corrected.

        "Seth and Leah." I smiled. She was still being serious and I hated when she acted so high strung and serious.

        "Okay. I've never made friends with humans before." she clarified, still serious of course.

        "Right. Um well, Ness you basically have it down packed without even knowing it. Look it's easy. For girls, you just have to be nice, smart, bright, and yourself. Humans like that. You're all that and better so if anything they would love you. Plus, when you get friends you could always have someone to talk to. If you need someone just call me or your parents. You'll be fine Nessie just stay calm and be yourself. " I told her. I could see her dopey eyes brighten with inspiration and excitement again.

        "Thanks Jake." she kissed her fingertips and placed it on my cheek before patting it. She sent me a vision of us racing through the forest. She wanted to know if we could do that after she got back from school. I grinned and smiled at her.

        "Sure." I closed the door and went to the other side of the car. On our way to the border Edward and Bella spoke fast from time to time about their plan. Renesmee was going to be in the fifth grade class because of her height. Apparently, Renesmee was going to be in a lot of advance classes but still have to dumb down her intelligent so no one would get suspicious. That's something I didn't like. I liked how smart Nessie was and how she naturally knew things. I hated witnessing her say she didn't know when she did because she had a hard time hiding it. She blushed harshly like Bella did when she lied.

        The car came to a stop and I looked out as Bella and Edward worked together to gather Nessie's stuff and get her out. Edward picked her up and placed her things on her. They talked as he prepared her. My view was blocked when Bella stepped in front of me. I looked at her eyes and was thrown off by the gold. It always did, I missed her human self.

        "Jake, I just, uh, wanted to say thanks for keeping your promises." she smiled at me. I was a little confused. She laughed a little a my face.

        "You've been there for me and when ever I need someone or something you were there. You know I just can see that you'll be there for her like you were for me. You've just been so loyal and that's all I ever needed. So thank you Jacob." she ran her fingers through her hair and reached an arm out for me to hug.

        "You're still my awkward little Bella." I laughed and pulled her into a tight hug. She laughed too and pulled away to look back at Edward an Renesmee. They were ready and were waiting for me.

        Our attention was stolen when a familiar red Chevy honked as it came our way. Bella's eyes lit up in delightment.

        "Woah, Jake. You kept it?" she gasped as she looked at the approaching truck.

        "Well since you stopped using it, I added some more stuff and Charlie said it was fine if I held onto it. I going to work on that paint job soon though." I shoved my hands in my pockets. The truck came to a stop and Seth jumped out from the window to the back of the truck.

        Nessie kissed Edward and then Bella before holding my hand and walking with me to the truck. She looked back and waved one more time at her parents before I sat her in the truck. Seth said that Leah went for a bite and would see us later.

        Nessie was quiet the whole time and held on to her book bag tightly. It wasn't long before we got to the school and I waited for her to look up at me before speaking.

        "Don't be nervous, Ness. You'll be fine. Trust me." I smiled at her.

        "I'm okay Jacob." she lied and her blush reddened on her cheeks.

        "Renesmee, I have never lied to you nor am I going to. I know that you'll do fine. Everyone gets nervous on their first day but I know you'll have fun. Don't you believe me? Just give it a chance, Ness. Please for me?" I begged. She was quiet for a long time before she closed her eyes and took a breath.

        "Okay." she looked up at me. I heard her heart skip a beat before she kissed my cheek and hoped out the truck. I watched as she went into the school, already catching eyes as she went. I'm sure it was different to see such a beautiful child. I was proud of my little Nessie. She was brave. That's all I wanted from her.

        We met up with Quil and Jared at the beach and hungout. Jared went on and on about Kim and who she wanted to go to college and his plans to go with her. We didn't think Sam was going to be so willing though. The pack must stay together. We are family. We must protect our people.

        Geez, Sam started to sound a lot like my old man's old man.

        Quil was pretty quiet and seemed depressive. I pushed him over when he was day dreaming and instead of yelling back or reacting at all he just sat back up and turned his back on me.

        "What's wrong with him?" I asked Jared. Jared just laughed.

        "Scary, isn't it? Quil just all depressed because Clair's been on vacation with her family and then when she got back she had to go to school. He had a lot of Quil time. A LOT of Quil time. He been complaining about how he barley gets to see her and all but honestly it's annoying." Jared explained with sarcasm pinching his tone.

        "Oh. Well where's everyone else?" I asked. Seth was too busy poking at our mummified friend to even pay anymore attention to us.

        "Well your sister's back so I'm sure where ever she is, Paul is too. Sam with with Emily at their place. Embry's probably somewhere eating. And the three new comers were probably told to practice their control so Sam just might be helping them." Jared shrugged. I thought about that list.

        "Wait you said Rachel is here?" I stood up a little angry.

        "Yeah, she . . ."

        "Why didn't anyone tell ME! I'm her brother! Wait she's with Paul again?! Why?" I growled, shivering slightly.

        "We were going to but you've been spending a lot of time away from us. Sam's become more intence on us and so we never had time to come visit. Paul's with her because well that's her imprinter, Jake. Why she's with Paul?  Well that's a good question." he said coolly, sarcasm scratched his tone this time. It only pissed me off more.

        My shaking came to a stop, "What new comers?"

        "Oh yeah. We have new members. Well really one from outside the tribe but two from before. The youngest ones. You remember Collin Littlesea and Brady Fuller? They were thirteen when they shifted because your precious blood demons had to attract more. Sam said that they would take longer to become apart of the pack because they were so young. They have no control whatsoever and have be out of school so that way they don't tear their teachers head off because she told them they had detention. Can you believe they're more hot headed than Paul? You should see them. They go off on each other all the time. Paul would be in the middle of course because that's his thing."

        "What about the one from outside?" I sat back down.

        "Oh that's this sixteen year old. His name is Ashton Stone. He is from the Kwakiutl tribe. They are like brothers to us so he got a lucky break with the elders. He came down here to learn to control his wolf. Aparently there aren't that many like us where he's from and he wanted to be apart of a pack. He just has no idea what he really wants." Jared said.

        "Oh yeah. I know who you are talking about now. We met him once. He's a pretty cool kid." I said before a ghostly howl in the air.

        It was Sam and he was wanting his pack to gather up. Seth and I really didn't have to come a long but I obviously needed to catch up on life back home.

        Quil was slow to get up and shift but Jared did fine and Seth and I quickly followed behind, letting Sam know we were on our way.

        We couldn't hear the guys thoughts but it wasn't peaceful either, Seth couldn't shut up.

        "What do you think Sam wants?" he spoke in my head.

        "I don't know Seth." I sighed.

        "Do you think he knows we are here?"

        "I'm sure he knows now, Seth" it was like talking to a kid again.

        "It's time's like these I wish I could hear them. It's boring inside your head."

        "Thanks, Seth. You really know how to make my day." I let a bored growl rumble in my chest.

        We heard everyone's else call and a couple unfamiliar one's too. We arrived at Emily's house. Everyone was eating out  and my dad was there too. Charlie and Sue were together talking to my dad as they held hands. I saw the engagement ring and wondered if Bella knew about this.

        I could see that the crowd of family freinds were growing and the older grouped people stayed outside and talked. We stayed in the comfort of the forest before shifting back and making our way into the house, where we could hear laughing and talking.

        When we walked in, Jared and Seth rushed to the table where Embry was. Quil moped his way there too. Sam was watching over everyone in silence. He stood in the corner with his always angered face and stayed in the shadows. There were a lot more people in the house and food was being passed around everywhere.

        I stood in the door way and glanced up at the couch were I saw Rachel. Then I saw Paul and his arm wrapped over her shoulder.  A slight heat waved rushed through me but I quickly held it under control.

        A girl passed by me and caused me to go completely inside. Rachel looked up and saw me. It was a good thing she did too because Paul was going to start kissing her neck and I was going to snap his neck if he made any special moves on my sister.

        Her attention came from him to me in a heart beat and she stood up with a happy smile.

        "Jacob!" she squealed as she walked toward me. She passed by the crowd fast and wrapped her arms around my neck. I hugged her around her waist and picked her up to twirl her around. She laughed at me.

        "When did you get so strong?" she pulled back to look at my face.

        "The same day you thought I was weak." I smiled. She brightly smiled back. The white setting nicely against her russet skin.

        "So where have you been?" she placed her hand on her waist.

        "Here and there." I shrugged and grabbed an apple. She snatched my apple from my hand and placed on the table. She quickly grabbed a knife and cut it perfectly in half. She then handed me one half and ate the other.

        "Looks like that cooking class has been working for you." I bit my side of the fruit.

        She giggled, "It has it's perks."

        "I've been wanting to see you for a while. College break and all and I come home to see that my baby brother is no where to be found. They said you were out of range. Paul said you were likely giving blood to the needy. But he messed up and said thirsty at first." she raised an eyebrow.

        "He's messed up in the head, Rache. So where's the other girl that looks just like you. She just has a different name." I looked around the crowd room for my other sister.

        "Rebecca? I don't know. I'm sure she would be hanging out with someone out here. If she find's you let me know." she gave an evil grin before she looked past me.

        "Jacob?" a voice sang from behind me. I turned to see . . . Rachel? She was dressed the same as the girl I was just talking to beside the fact that her dark hair was shorter and let loose.

        "Why are you dressed like a dork, Rebecca?" I looked at the matching out from her and Rachel.

        "Because it relates to you in so many ways." she earned laughs from the guys as smiled. I chuckled before pulling her into a hug. She gasped at my intentional tight grip and I felt her pinch me to let her go. It didn't hurt though and she knew I was just playing with her.

        "Woah. Do you he is like hulk strong now?" she pointed at me as she talked to Rachel. Rache laughed and nodded. She whispered in Rebbeca's ear about a plan. She wanted to know if Paul could tell them apart. They both tied their hair up in the back into messy buns and walked over to Paul. I followed interested to see the test.

        "Paul." Rebbeca caught his attention from the t.v. He looked up a little shocked to see the twins. He looked confused at first and waited.

        "We wanted to know if you could let Rachel know if you could tell her apart from her sister." Rachel spoke in the third person for cover. He had a stressed line in his face as he stood up slowly. He toward over them in silence as he looked at them.

        "She doesn't think I can tell her apart from her sister?" he sounded insulted.

        "We don't know until you do." Rebecca answered. They were scary related. Like if they were in a movie they would own the scary movie genre. They just had this gift to shared one mind and finish each other's sentences and speak at the same time. They used to torture me when I was little and I really did live in a horror film with those two roaming around like ghost.

        Paul studied them harder then a clever grin grew in his face. He circled them once with a thoughtful and confident grin.

        "Rachel, you are always testing me but this one is the cruelest. I like it. But if I had to choose. " he looked at them closer in their faces.

        "I choose the one that chooses me." he sat back down with a smirk. We all were caught off gaurd and confused. He looked back at the t.v. and didn't budge from it. I watched as my sister's looked at each other and scowled at Paul. He still had this dumb smile on his face as if he was waiting for something.

        "Wha . . . what does that mean, Paul?" Rachel whined. He didn't look up and just reclined in the seat. She quickly grew impatient and frustrated with him and stopped her foot.

        "Paul! I can't believe you! I test you with something so freaking simple and for the first time you take the easy way out! I can't believe you would just give up and not try to even find a single difference from me and my sister!" she screamed. She quickly caught attention. She didn't look like she was going to cry, just snap the mess out of his left cheek. He just chuckled and turned up the t.v.

        "You little piece of . . ." her insult was cut off when he pulled her into his lap and kissed her softly. I felt my stomach turn. She looked at him, shocked.

        "I love it when you get angry." he smirked at her. She laughed as she realized she feel for his trap and hit his chest.

        "Shut up." she mumbled. They then started to kiss and Rebecca quickly made our way out of view before we both vomited. 

        "Sam." I walked over to his little corner. "What is all this about?"

        "Emily wants to tell everyone. We just have to wait for everyone to get here first, Jacob. Just be patient." he looked stressed and nervous himself. I decided to just leave him alone before anything happened.

      Two new faces that I've seen a few times walked in. They seemed friendly and the guys liked them already. That must've been Collin and Brady. They weren't tattooed yet but seemed well on their way.

        Leah walked inside with a boy with dark hair and light brown eyes. His russet skin matched but a simple shade lighter. He had a smile of dominance and strong features. He looked at Leah with soft eyes and really couldn't keep them off of her. She couldn't do the same. They looked like two love sick puppies with no social skills at all. He kept his hands in his pocket and walked over to the table where Leah followed behind him.

        "Sup, Ashton." I called him over to me. He looked up and his eyes focused on me. Leah stayed back as she watched him leave her. She looked like a child who let her balloon go and watched it float in the sky. Pitiful.

        "Hey, what's up Jake." we shared a manly handshake and I gave him a soda.

        "Whatcha been up too?" he asked me as popped open his can with ease.

        "Nothing much just the norm. What about you?"

        "Drills and more drills. Does Sam ever give anyone a break?" he shrugged.

        "Not really. He's just pushing everyone harder than ever. New recruits and all. It's stressful for him." I explained. He nodded his head and glanced over his shoulder at Leah who was talking with Rebecca.

        "Ashton?" I snapped my fingers in his face. He looked a little confused by my jester and blinked a few times. I laughed at him.

        "Man you got it bad." I chuckled and sipped my soda.

        "For her? What makes you think that? We're just friends." he leaned back on the counter next to me.

        "Yeah right. Man, why don't you just ask her out? You know you like her and if it wasn't obvious enough she kind of sees you like that too. Stop being a wimp man." I nudged his shoulder.

        "I'm not being a wimp. She's just so . . . well she's like . . . she is so . . . Man, I'm that type of guy I am and a girl like her wouldn't want to be with a guy like me. I mean she's just so different and amazing when you get to know her. She has higher standards. I heard she had a thing for alpha's so yeah. I'm pretty much screwed." he rubbed the back of his neck in frustration.

        "Don't believe everything you hear, kid. She's may or may not have a thing for alpha's but you know if you just say the words she will respond. I'm not making any promises though. I just think she would give you a chance if you gave her the opportunity." my words made him smile as he looked at her. She looked distracted by Sam and he stared at her. She was trying to ignore him but it was getting hard for her.

        A few minutes passed by as people ate and talked before Sam announced that Emily was ready for her surprise.

        Everyone sat down in comfortable places as waited for Emily to leave her room. She was the only person that no one had seen. Everyone was saying how they hadn't seen her in months and were worried a little bit as to why.

        "She's ready." Sam walked out of her bedroom and nodded and my dad. Everyone watched as we saw a foot exit first and was quickly followed by the rest of Emily. She held her large belly in her arms and Sam stayed close by and held her arm. There were small gasps and whispering. She smiled gratefully at all of our faces.

        "Hi, everyone." she waved shyly a us. We all looked around in proud amazement as she rubbed her stomach.

        "I've been wanting to say something for quiet sometime but I've been feeling sick and didn't want anyone to know. But now I'm feeling better and basically we wanted everyone to know that Sam and I were bringing a new family member home in a a few months." she giggled. There were whispers all around the room and congratulations given.

        "Congratulations you two. What's going to be the name?" Sue walked over to hug Emily.

        "If it's a boy, Joshua. If it's a girl, Allison. In honor of the it's heritage." she smiled leveling.

        "That would be perfect." my dad rolled over to them and shook Sam's hand. "I'm proud of you, son." he chuckled. Sam smiled back the stress still there.

        "Will there be a baby shower?" Sue asked over the rising loudness of the audience.

        "We would also have to congratulate the father to be." Paul barked over at Sam.

        "Don't worry. Sue, you and I could plan all that out. Even the girls could help. Sam could go out for one night with the guys for his male bonding time I guess." she kissed his cheek and rested her head on his shoulder.

        The movement in the room built up and the attention was now on them two.

        "Leah, do you think you could make time to help us plan?" Emily asked her kindly. Leah looked a little off. She puzzled in shock and disappointment.

        "Leah?" Emily walked closer to the frozen figure. She shook out of her trance and looked at Emily with hurt eyes. Leah was flushed and looked confused. She looked up at same and made eye contact. She then stood up and told Emily she wasn't feeling to good and maybe she could help some other time before quickly retreating out the house. She trembled harshly and ran out into the woods.

        "Maybe I should . . ."

        "No. I'll go check on her, Em. You stay here. The guest want to see you anyway." Sam stopped Emily and gently stroked her scared face before kissing her lips and quickly following after Leah.



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