Pet's Trilogy -1- Pet's Curse

By IsysLunaSkeeter

148K 6.5K 920

Trilogy part 1 - Harry gets cursed and sent back in time. Now he has to find a way to save himself while gett... More

Pet's Curse
Chapter I -New Pet-
Chapter II -'80-
Chapter III -Pain-
Chapter IV -Tough Process-
Chapter V -Family and A Friend-
Chapter VI -The Senseless Raid-
Chapter VIII -New Insight-
Chapter IX -Abused and Freed-
Chapter X -Adoption-
Chapter XI -Numb-
Chapter XII -Questionable Power-
Chapter XIII -War & Bookstore-
Chapter XIV -Auror Training-
Chapter XV -Lords & Heirs-
Chapter XVI -The Curser-
Chapter XVII -A Mum's Argument-
Chapter XVIII -It's Not Jealously-
Chapter XIX -First Anniversary-
Chapter XX -Father's Love-
Chapter XXI -Professors-
Chapter XXII -The Lunes siblings and Alick-
Chapter XXIII -Blood Adoption-
Chapter XXIV -Juicy Things-
Chapter XXV -We're Talking in Parseltongue-
Chapter XXVI -Bella & Privet-
Chapter XXVII -Impulsive, Stubborn, Reckless and Mine-
Chapter XXVIII -The Ultimatum-
Chapter XXIX -Double Date-
Chapter XXX -Aiden Isn't Ready-
Pet's War

Chapter VII -Tense Talk-

4.7K 224 18
By IsysLunaSkeeter

Ner words in this chapter: 1,788



{Talking on the fireplace/Two-way mirror}


Thinking in 3rd person POV/Dream/Memory/Flashback/Others


Time change/Date of time

Change of POV

Chapter VII

–Tense Talk–

Sunday, 14 November 1971


Voldemort looked at Aiden as he laughed coldly at him.

Killing someone meant his death?

After listening to Aiden laugh so carelessly with the Lestrange heir and now laughing so coldly for him because of him, angered Voldemort. Aiden should be happy with him not feel anger because of him.

Voldemort saw as Aiden took a hand to his chest, massaging it.

"Can I go now?" Even his defiance disappeared, which was odd.

"What were you doing with Lestrange?"

Aiden looked at him confused, he seemed like he had problems understanding what Voldemort was saying. Suddenly realization appeared on Aiden's eyes.

"You have got to be kidding me... You... Attacked Diagon Alley... because I was out with a friend?" Aiden shrieked so loud that Voldemort had to back away at the sound.

The man sure had lungs...

Voldemort sneered at Aiden.

"Friends?" The whole word was laughable.

"Yes, Voldemort, friends! Or are you going to forbid me to live just because I'm in a different fucking time?"

Voldemort raised an eyebrow.

"You really believe that? Lestrange is not your friend. Friendship doesn't exist for Lestranges." Voldemort saw Aiden's hand grab his own robe where his heart would be. The man was in pain. "Where you hit?" he asked more calmly. The man who dared to get a hit on his Pet...

Aiden shook his head but his body started to become tense with the pain that he was trying to hide. Voldemort hissed angrily and turned into his animagus form, climbing to Aiden's shoulders.

He could feel something wrong with the man's own magic. Aiden took a deep breath to calm himself but didn't fight against Voldemort on his shoulders and that proved Voldemort how bad he was. Aiden left the alley and approached Lestrange with a smile, a fake one to hide what he really felt.

"I'm sorry, but I'm tired. I'll go back to my office."

Lestrange nodded, said something and then Aiden apparated at the gates of Hogwarts. The man entered and started to walk to the castle.

"Mather!" Aiden and Voldemort looked up. The Potter brat came running to them with three boys behind him that Voldemort didn't remembered the name, the boy had a letter in his hand. "My dad said that you're my cousin. That your mother was a Potter. The one who fought for the wrong reasons was a Potter."

Aiden nodded, Voldemort was sure that more because of his pain than anything else.

"It's true." There was a pained tone in Aiden's voice if you looked for it, and Voldemort was looking for it.

"So you're spending the winter holidays with us, right?"

Aiden attempted to shrug when a pained moan left his mouth and he leaned on his side against one of the trees on the road to the castle, in order to keep himself standing.

"Mather? Are you well?"

Aiden looked up to the boy that was obviously worried.

"Black, you're the fastest." The mentioned boy that was obviously a Black nodded. "Run to the infirmary." The boy disappeared, running. "Lupin, how is your strength at this time of your disease?"

Voldemort frowned looking to the boy in question.

"Worsening professor."

The boy didn't seem sick...

"Then go get two older students to help me walk." The boy nodded and left.


Aiden looked at Potter and smiled.

"Don't worry Potter. It's nothing Madam Pomfrey can't fix." He said playfully and Potter smiled nodding, although still a little worried.

Voldemort could feel how every breath pained Aiden, but the man refused to show his weakness to the kids. Two older teens appeared with Lupin, Gryffindors from fifth and seventh year. The two Gryffindors positioned themselves on either side of Aiden and one took Voldemort off of Aiden's shoulder handing him to Potter, before starting to walk with Aiden to the castle supporting most of his weight.

Voldemort couldn't help but hiss angrily the one who dared to touch his Pet was so going to pay for it.

The stairs were painful for Aiden and in the end one of the teens just picked Aiden bridal style and took him in his arms.

"Wow professor, you need to gain weight. You're too light." Voldemort heard the Gryffindor teen comment, but Aiden didn't answer. Voldemort suspected that in a normal day he would start to argue about it.

The school healer was already out of the infirmary waiting for them with a potion in hand that she made Aiden swallow, still in the corridor.

"Lay him on the bed, Diggory." The boy nodded and entered to go lay Aiden down.

Potter tried to follow, but Madam Pomfrey stopped him and closed the door on his face. Potter looked at Voldemort and then started running, Lupin and the other boy on his heels. The three entered the DADA's office and Potter threw floo powder into the fire.

"Potter Manor." Voldemort had to give it to the boy, he thought quickly. If Aiden was a Potter his Lord had to be told in case of illness and, knowing Aiden, few people knew about it.

Right after the boy's head returned, his father followed. Voldemort could see the similarities between him and Aiden. No wonder Charlus had claimed Aiden as a nephew, would be odd if he wouldn't, but that meant that his Aiden had Potter blood in him. Voldemort sneered at that, attacking Potters was out of his to-do list then.

"Why do you have a snake on your hands?" Charlus Potter asked as they walked to the infirmary.

"It's Professor Mather's pet snake, father."

Voldemort hissed angrily. He wasn't the Pet, Aiden was. Charlus Potter picked Voldemort.

"I didn't take Aiden as a snake person." The man said. Arriving, Charlus made a signal for the kids to stay by the door with Black and then entered with Voldemort.

The healer and McGonagall were hovering over Aiden's bedside. McGonagall looked up when the door opened.

"Lord Potter, now is not..." she stopped when Aiden grabbed her arm.

"Uncle." Aiden greeted from his place on the bed.

Charlus approached and lowered the animagus on Aiden's pillow. Aiden sneered at Voldemort, but otherwise didn't say anything.

"Uncle?" asked McGonagall.

"We're technically cousins." Charlus said as he looked Aiden over. "My father's brother went to the colonies where he had a daughter. You must have heard of the war between the colonists and the natives."

Voldemort couldn't help but give Charlus his praise for his quick thinking, that was an acceptable back story for Aiden.

"Yes, I heard of it. No wonder Mather lived in war, that certainly is no place to raise a child..."

"No war is a place to raise a child." Charlus said. "What is wrong with him?"

"Was hit by a cursed object before coming to England." Aiden said in a pained tone.

So he was cursed in the future?

"The cursed object is eating Mather's magical core." The healer, Madam Pomfrey Aiden had called her, said. Voldemort tensed, eyes growing. That was a horrible way of dying. "How did you come to England?"

Aiden moved on his bed so he would face her.

"It was the cursed object who sent me. When I woke up from the pain I was in England." He said. Voldemort hissed at seeing McGonagall putting a hand on his Pet's shoulders in a comforting way. "Before I passed out the other wizard said that only the one who cursed the object could take it out from me. I never heard who it was."

"I take it you lost the portkey." Charlus said and Aiden nodded, lowering his head while coughing. Voldemort could clearly see that he wasn't coughing but hiding his laugh at the irony of the name.

Madam Pomfrey approached with another potion making Aiden sneer.

"Can't I just drink a painless potion?" the man asked, almost begging.

"What did I said about self-medicating, professor?"

Aiden groaned and picked the glass, drinking the liquid contents.

"You also said that I most likely was a Potter because of my fear for healers." Aiden said cheekily.

Madam Pomfrey smiled, slapping Aiden on the shoulder.

"AUTCH. Hey!"

The woman frowned and made Aiden signal to turn around. Aiden groaned but obeyed.

"Your robe and shirt off, mister... And lay on your stomach." The woman said.

"You know... normally I would need a couple of dates and dinner before that..." Aiden said in an enticing way. "Not to mention I wouldn't be the only one undressing. But I'm afraid you're not my type, my dear."

Madam Pomfrey choked, going deep red as Aiden snickered and took his top clothes off, laying on his belly. Charlus laughed.

"Yes, definitely a Potter." The man said proudly as Madam Pomfrey tried to compose herself.

Voldemort looked to Aiden's back only to see it bruised, he supposed that he should have been gentler...

"Mather, were you hit in the back?"


"Then how are you bruised in the back?"

"A wall decided to collide with by back... pretty hard."

"That must have been a strong wall." Madam Pomfrey drawled before starting to do several spells.

"Well, she didn't break when she hit me so..."

"Were you hit by a spell?" Madam Pomfrey interrupted him before Aiden would taunt her again.

"No, I managed to defend all the spells, why?"

"You have a spell residue on your neck."

Aiden frowned.

"It wasn't a spell... it was an Auror who attacked me after I defended Diagon Alley. A newbie that couldn't differentiate between an attacker and a defender."

"Who did it?" Charlus asked coldly.

Aiden shrugged his arms.

"I didn't catch his name."

"You should, because he was the reason you're getting worse again."

Voldemort looked to Aiden's back were a blue line walked from Aiden's neck to his core. That simple line was pure magic attacking Aiden's own magic.

"I will have to knock you out for this Mather."

Aiden nodded and Madam Pomfrey put him to sleep with a spell.

"How bad is he?" Charlus asked as soon as Aiden fell asleep.

"Going worse every day. But his core is big so it's taking the curse a while to do it."

Charlus nodded and stood.

"I'm going to the Aurors office. Firecall me when he wakes."

Madam Pomfrey nodded and Charlus left.

"Minerva, firecall Horace for me, please. I'll need him." McGonagall nodded and walked to the infirmary's office. "He is a fine man." Madam Pomfrey added as the woman walked away.

McGonagall stopped and looked at Madam Pomfrey with a smile, nodding.

"He is also in a courtship with a witch in his homeland." McGonagall said sadly, before entering the office.


A/N: to everyone who's been asking, this will be HP/LV. But it will still take a while for Harry to start to even ponder on it.

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