Yellow (George Weasley)

By solemn-swear

1.5M 42.3K 26.5K

"I jumped across for you Oh, what a thing to do 'Cause you were all yellow" - Leah Hadleigh is no stranger to... More

1 - Ford Anglia
2 - The Weasleys
3 - Late Night Snack
4 - Wiggenweld
5 - Hallowe'en
6 - Quidditch
7 - Serpents
8 - The Chamber
9 - Sighting
10 - Black Dog
11 - The Map
12 - Snowmen
13 - Peaceful Potions
14 - Fireworks and Filch
15 - Quidditch World Cup
16 - Dark Mark
18 - The Goblet
19 - Amortentia
20 - Well Done Dragon
21 - Firewhisky
22 - Dates
23 - Escape
24 - Yule Ball
25 - Promises
26 - Black Lake
27 - Treasure
28 - Moody
29 - Three Broomsticks
30 - Inside Out
31 - Maze
32 - The Order
33 - Fishing
34 - Extendable Ears
35 - Umbridge-itis
36 - Decrees
37 - Filch's Secret Admirer
38 - Weasley is Our King
39 - First Christmas
40 - Black Quill
41 - Goodbyes
42 - The Exit
43 - Ministry of Magic
44 - Last Ride
45 - Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
46 - U-No-Poo
47 - Lily
48 - First Meeting
49 - Visit
50 - Sprouts
51 - Christmas Pudding
52 - Ring of Fire
53 - Zonko's
54 - The Guard
55 - Astronomy Tower
56 - Dumbledore
57 - Snatchers
58 - Seven Potters
59 - Saint Like
60 - Romanian Guest
61 - The Shed
62 - Bill & Fleur
63 - Interrogations
64 - Registry
65 - The Trial
66 - The Lovegood's
67 - Dora
68 - Uno
69 - Aunt Muriel's
70 - April Fools
71 - Galleons
72 - Nightmares
73 - Limbo
74 - Harry's Return
75 - The Last Battle
76 - Calm After the Storm
77 - A Surprising Dinner
78 - Return to Wheezes
79 - Fruit
80 - Summer Nights
81 - Hens and Stags
82 - The Wedding
83 - The Reception
84 - Pygmy Puffs and Explosions
85 - Jealousy
86 - Charing Cross
87 - Lightbulb
88 - Move In
89 - Mistletoe
90 - Peanut Butter Pickles
91 - Welcome
92 - Parenthood
Authors Note

17 - Tri-Wizard Tournament

20.1K 609 325
By solemn-swear

The subsequent school year came fast after that day. I felt slightly guilty about it, but I had to leave out the small detail of the Cruciatus Curse when I informed my father of what had happened that night. The minute I mentioned the Death Eaters alone his face had gone pale. I'm surprised he even knew who they are.

It took a bit of convincing but he had let me board the train to Hogwarts this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley assured us it would be an exciting year, but if it's anything like the excitement at the Quidditch World Cup I'd rather just skip it.

When we arrived at Hogwarts, everyone was sorted in the Great Hall as usual. I tucked my skirt under myself as I sat down on one of the hard wooden benches. Ginny sat to the left of me while the twins sat across from me.

George and I hadn't really talked about that night at the Burrow. Things have actually been a bit weird between us. And it's driving me crazy. Though maybe it's better for me to have time to sort out my own feelings without him. I feel like I can't sit close to him anymore without feeling that thump in my chest and flutter in my gut. He flusters me to no end. I nearly jumped out of my skin when his hand brushed mine on the train ride here.

"Hadleigh! What a pleasure. Did ya miss me?" Lee wrapped an arm around me as he sat down to my right, jostling my shoulders and effectively pulling me from my thoughts.

"Of course I did." I grinned, leaning my head on him.

Dumbledore stood behind the podium at the front of the room. "Now that we're all settled and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This year there will be no Quidditch."

There were loud protests from the entire room but especially from the twins across from me. "We practiced all summer!" Fred exclaimed, his brow furrowed in anger.

"Instead." Dumbledore made a point of ignoring my the disgruntled students. "This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see...Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event. The Tri-Wizard Tournament." He paused as the entire room erupted in applause and cheers. "Now for those of you who do not know, the Tri-Wizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single contestant is selected to compete. Now let me be clear, if chosen you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted, but more of that later. For now please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic and their headmistress Madam Maxime."

A group of girls dressed in baby blue, silk dresses and matching hats flounced into the Great Hall. Butterflies erupted through the room as they twirled around.

"It's our lucky day." Fred whispered to his friends. I rolled my eyes at the boys like I normally would but couldn't help the slight twinge of jealousy at the thought of George ogling those girls too. I watched on as a massively tall woman followed behind the Beauxbatons.

"Blimey, that's one big woman." Lee mumbled, his jaw dropping as he watched her pass.

"And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and the high master,  Igor Karkaroff." Dumbledore announced, drawing our attention to the door once more.

A group of older looking boys marched in brandishing bo staffs. They twirled them around, occasionally stamping them on the ground as sparks flew. A couple of the boys breathed fire into the air.

"Were we supposed to prepare some stupid extravagant welcome?" I whispered, causing the small group around me to laugh.

"Blimey it's him, it's Viktor Krum!" Ron gasped as we watched the legendary seeker we had just seen in action walk alongside their high master.

"Ron's boyfriend's back in town." Fred teased his brother. The twins mockingly made kissy faces towards Ron.

"Your attention please! I would like to say a few words. Eternal glory, that is what awaits the student who wins the Tri-Wizard Tournament. But to do this that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks." There was more cheering from the crowd and the occasional bit of excited chatter.

"Wicked." Fred and George grinned. My body tensed at the idea of either one of them competing in something like this.

"For this reason the Ministry has seen fit to impose a new rule. To explain all this we have the head of the Department of International Magic Cooperation Mister Bartimus Crouch." Just as Dumbledore finished his sentence, thunder roared from above and an odd looking man walked through the door. He walked with a slight hobble, his orange hair disheveled. His most curious characteristic was a prosthetic eye. The man scowled before taking a swig of what appears to be a flask.

"Blimey that's Mad-Eye Moody." Ron shook his head.

"I see where he got the name." I grimaced as the eye spun and twirled, looking at practically every corner of the room before settling on me. I quickly looked in the complete opposite direction, knowing I'll have to be taught by this man tomorrow and not wanting to make any poor relationships with my professors. Especially not an ex-Auror. No matter how creepy they may seem.

From my other side I could hear Fred, George, and Lee excitedly discussing their plans for the tournament. Our attention was once again drawn back to the front of the room. I can't help but plot how I'm going to convince the boys not to enter.

"After much deliberation, the Ministry has concluded that for their own safety no student under the age of seventeen shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Tri-Wizard Tournament." Barty spoke over a chorus of boos. "This decision is final."

"That's rubbish!" The twins yelled but I let out a sigh of relief. At least that's one less thing I have to worry about.

* * *

I shoved some of my books into my bag and swung it over my shoulder, carrying my Potions textbook so I could read some as I walked. The first day of classes was already proving to be difficult. I should have expected as much taking this many N.E.W.T level classes.


I mentally groaned when I saw Adrian jogging up with a couple of his friends. I recognized them as Cadmus Warrington and Phil Montague, both pure bloods of course. "Yes?"

"We've got Potions together this year. I don't think any of your little buddies are in it—so it seems like you may be in need of a new partner." Adrian grinned down at me as he walked by my side.

"He'd love to work with you." Phil grinned.

"And under you too." Cadmus added, sharing a laugh with the boy next to him as Pucey shot daggers at the two.

"Hardy, har, har." I rolled my eyes and attempted to walk away, but Adrian of course caught up.

"Ignore them. Here let me take that for you." He reached forward to grab my book from my arms but I quickly pulled it away.

"I was ignoring them." I clutched my books close to my chest.

"Hey just because I don't get along with your little Weasel boys doesn't mean we can't be friends." Adrian's brows knit together, hurt crossing his features at my rejection.

"Well, it does and it doesn't." I laughed under my breath, keeping my eyes trained forward. "But I also don't particularly like that a friendly relationship doesn't seem to be on the table here...though I can't say I'm particularly interested in any kind of relationship."

"You know most girls would be flattered by a guy trying this hard." He countered. He was trying so hard to get me to look at him as we walked down the halls.

"Well maybe you should go find one of them." I muttered. Thankfully, I saw three of my friends leaving the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. I trotted forward to where Ron, Harry, and Hermione were walking, leaving Adrian puzzled in the middle of the hallway. "Hey guys!" All three of them had somber looks as they walked. "What's wrong?"

"Mad-Eye Moody thought our first Defense Against the Dark Arts class was a good day to teach us about the three unforgivable curses." Ron shook his head.

"There's a reason those curses are unforgivable, and to perform them in a classroom." Hermione shuddered. "Poor Neville looked horrified."

"If he's teaching ways to defend against them I want to know." I awkwardly laughed. The joke definitely didn't land as the three just went silent. "Too soon?"

Harry smiled at me and shook his head as we all walked into the Great Hall once again. During free period some of the sixth and seventh years will be placing their names into the Goblet of Fire.

Fred and George won't shut up about the new rule. Though we are sixth years they won't be seventeen until April. I'm honestly shocked they haven't tried to figure out a way around it.

A large group of Hufflepuffs cheered as a couple of boys tossed their names into the Goblet of Fire. When they turned around I realized one of them was Cedric.

"Hey, Ced." I smiled. He looked slightly flustered when he saw me walking up to him.

"Leah." He breathed out with an awkward smile. "I really wanted to talk to you about that night..."

"Cedric." I rolled my eyes, gently grabbing his hand and leading him away from his friends. The small group whistled and teased him from afar. "That was not your fault. There was nothing you could've done." I assured him.

From the haunted expression that spread across his face I could tell he had held a lot of guilt about this. "No...George was right. I just froze there like an idiot."

"He was just upset to witness that. He's sort of protective. I mean we've known each other for years." I shrugged.

"He hates me." Cedric smiled down at me and leant against the stone wall beside us. "I'm aware of that."

"That's not true!" I tried to lie but couldn't help but laugh along with my friend. " put your name in the goblet?"

"Yup. I couldn't pass up the chance for eternal glory now could I?" He smirked and waggled his brows.

The twins burst through the doors, carrying two vials. "Here we go." I muttered as both of our attention was drawn to the cheering redheads.

"Are they trying to figure out a way to get past the age line?" Cedric chuckled.

"Probably." I sighed. "I gotta go take care of that. See you in Charms?"

"Yup." He waved before returning to his friends.


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