
By midnight-disaster

311K 9.7K 1K

“Most women died seventeen years ago when The Disease came. But I didn’t. I survived. And I’ll keep on surviv... More

Author's Note
Character Pronounciation
Chapter 1-Noises in the Dark
Chapter 2-The First Encounter
Chapter 3-Deception
Chapter 4-The Fire Calls
Chapter 5-Don't Go
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9-Regrets of a Madman
Chapter 10-Welcome To Tenebra
Chapter 11-Morals
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23-Unknown Being
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 8

8.6K 334 43
By midnight-disaster

Just a bit of a warning. Um, I sort of got a bit carried away with a sexual nature of this scene in this chapter, and it gets kind of icky towards the end. So if you don't like that sort of thing... Well, um, let's just say you were warned. Read at your own risk. 

---> Azula :)

Chapter 8-Azula's POV

The men carried me back to their camp like I was nothing more than firewood. They chatted about the upcoming feast, another pack coming to visit as if my life wasn’t tearing apart at the seams.

The wound in my shoulder had healed now, and my leg was close to normal, though it still hurt. The rough movement of their walking wasn’t helping the healing process. Nor was their tight grip.

Their camp consisted of a clearing and five caves embedded into a large rock that towered above me like a hill, standing tall against the trees. My eyes were immediately drawn to one of the caves, my breath catching in my throat. The entrance to it was blocked off by what appeared to be a wall of fire. The flames danced with a terrific beauty that left me breathless. Logs were arranged off to the sides of the clearing, leaving the opening to all of the caves free.

I inhaled, the smell of burning wood teasing my nostrils. Then I froze as another, more erotic scent made itself known. Lavender and pine.

Amias was here.

My eyes flitted around as my heart began to pound. Where was he? Why couldn’t I see him anywhere? Why was he not here gloating about his victory? Had something happened to him?

I quickly dismissed that last thought. I had no right to be worrying about him. Not after what he’d done to me. Although it took all my will to do it, I forced my eyes to stop their search.

“Take her to the smallest cave,” the Alpha commanded, barely sparing me a glance. He’d been silent the whole walk back, his smugness radiating off him in waves. How I longed to claw that stupid smirk from his face...

As I was carried away, I twisted around, not willing to give the Alpha my back. His eyes met mine and held, something dark and cold brewing in their depths. I bared my teeth at him, trying hard not to show my fear. He chuckled before turning away.

Suddenly, I was engulfed by darkness, a wet, musty smell overwhelming me. I blinked, trying to accustom myself to the unexpected gloom.

The cave was much smaller than what I was used to, about the width of a large river and the length of a tiny tree. Its only light trickled through from where we’d just entered, and what little light did spill through was quickly slaughtered. If not for my enhanced sight, I wouldn’t have been able to see at all.

The two men threw me down. I skidded, landing in the centre of the cave with a little whimper. The smell of my blood filled the air. My legs burned slightly as the scabs healed.

Shaking off the blow, I jumped to my feet and snarled at the two men, fur bristling. Pain shot through my back leg, reminding me that I wasn’t fully healed yet.

“Easy little wolf,” one of them said soothingly, flipping his blond hair out of his eyes. “We don’t want to hurt you.”

 “Really?” Mahina growled in my head. “After everything that’s happened, he has the gall to say that to us?”

When I just snapped my teeth in answer, the blond haired man sighed and shook his head, as if disappointed.

“Come on Ash,” the other man said, “just leave it.”

Ash stared at me for a few moments longer before slowly turning and walking out of the cave. Just before he left, he stopped and turned back to me.

“Look, just don’t try to escape, alright? There’re gonna be guards outside at all times anyway, so you won’t get far.” His big blue eyes bore into mine. I couldn’t name the emotion lurking within them, but it looked something like...pity? Compassion? Surely not...

Before I could study him further, he exited the cave, the other man hot on his heels.

A little growl escaped my lips as I slumped down, resting my head on my paws. I was trying my hardest to force my emotions back down, to just ignore them, but it was proving difficult.

This was one of my greatest fears come to life. Captured by the enemy. Betrayed by those who were meant to love me. Left to rot in the dark. Alone. Abandoned. Scared. 

A tear fell before I could stop it, followed by another and another, until I was quietly sobbing. Why hadn’t I listened? Dad told me. He told me!

“He’s our mate, Azula,” Mahina tried to comfort me, rising inside me again. “None of this was supposed to happen. I’m sure it’s just-“

‘What, a big misunderstanding?’ I asked coldly. ‘Don’t you dare finish that sentence, Mahina.’

“Look, I know Amias’ wolf, Aku. And I know Amias. They are one and the same, even with their differences. Even if Amias wished to give us up, Aku wouldn’t have let him.”

‘Well something obviously happened!’  I snapped. ‘Looks like there was a flaw in your plan, huh Mahina?’ I felt her mentally flinch inside me, but I kept on going. ‘You told me to trust him, and I did! Now look what’s happened! I’ll probably never see Dad again and now I’m stuck here. Who knows what will happen to us!’ I paused, my breath coming in pants, although I hadn’t moved from my spot. ‘Looks like you didn’t know Aku as well as you thought.’

Mahina’s hurt washed over me, becoming my own. I immediately felt bad, but it was too late to take it back. The spiteful part of me didn’t even want to. Mahina was silent inside me before I felt her ease back to her dormant state.

I sighed. None of this was her fault. I knew that. I just wanted someone to blame. It was easier to blame her than to face the harsh reality that I’d been played for a fool.

Searching for an alternative to wallowing in self-pity, I allowed my senses to expand over the camp site.

“Dobry, what did you do to him?” I heard a voice ask over the general excited chatter of the men. “Is he going to be alright?”

“Relax child,” someone replied. “Your twin will be fine. I’ve taken out the splinters, so he should heal as normal now.”

There was a sigh of relief. “Thank you Dobry. Your help really means a lot.”

Dobry, I’m assuming, chuckled. “All in a day’s work.”

                “See, I told you he’d be fine,” Alpha Reynolds said, his tone as unconcerned now as it had been before.

                When Rishon, if I remembered correctly, didn’t answer, Dobry did.

                “Now Alpha, it’s not nice to gloat,” he reprimanded. “If it wasn’t for my amazing skills, it could have been very serious.”

Reynolds snorted. “Whatever. I’m assuming you’re coming with me to talk with the girl?” I stiffened at the thought of him coming in here. I was completely at his mercy. The thought scared me more than anything else ever had.

                “But of course,” Dobry replied. “I haven’t seen a real female in years!”

                A few moments later, I heard footfalls, which gradually grew closer, until two men walked into the cave. I got to my feet warily, backing away a few steps as my eyes landed on the Alpha.

                By his side was someone I hadn’t seen before. Kind green eyes met mine, framed by an ageing face, and a small, hunched body. He wore a complicated leaf robe that cut off around his ankles. There was a wisdom to those eyes that I hadn’t seen before, and a burning intelligence hidden within the emerald orbs. The man winked at me, as if he knew my thoughts.

                “Azula, this is my Beta and Shaman, Dobry,” Reynolds said, gesturing between the two of us.

Dobry bowed. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance Azula. I wish that the circumstances were better.”

Despite myself, I found myself amused by his actions, even relaxed by them. I inclined my head to the side, seeing as I couldn’t talk with these vocal chords. This seemed to thrill the Shaman, for he jumped up and down and clapped his hands.

                “I can tell we’re going to be great friends, you and I,” he gushed, still bouncing on the balls of his feet. He looked like a kangaroo on caffeine. “We’ll do everything together. We’ll talk, we’ll-“

                “You’ll have to excuse his behaviour,” Reynolds interrupted, stepped forward. “So many visits from the spirits have not done him well...”

Dobry’s jaw dropped in outrage. “Excuse you?” he demanded, stamping his foot. “I’m sane!” When Reynolds merely laughed, he stomped his foot again, harder this time. “I am sane!” He turned to me. “Azula, tell the nice man I’m sane.”

                It was quite adorable really. His little face was all scrunched up and flushed. Those fascinating eyes of his were sparkling with mischief as he made wild gestures with his arms, as if to emphasise his point.

                When I began to scratch at the dirt in an effort to avoid his gaze, he huffed.

                “Well I don’t care if you don’t believe me,” he said in a sulky tone, crossing his arms over his chest. “Insane my ass,” he muttered under his breath, his bottom lip sticking out to form what had to be the cutest pout I’d ever seen in my entire life.

                Reynolds cleared his throat, drawing my eyes back to him. I immediately stiffened.

                “Moving on,” he said, shaking his head. “Won’t you shift for us, little one?”

                A growl escaped my lips before I could stop it. I backed up a few more steps, retreating into the shadows.

                “Alpha Reynolds, I don’t think she wants to,” Dobry whispered loudly, his eyes wide. I rolled my eyes.

                ‘I wonder what gave it away?’ I thought sarcastically.

                “I don’t care if she wants to or not,” Reynolds snapped. My fur stood up at the tone of his voice. It was a tone with which one did not fuck.

 He was in front of me so fast, I didn’t have time to flinch before his hand wrapped around my throat. A breathless whine escaped my lips as he lifted me up by his hold, my legs flailing uselessly. My eyes bulged as I struggled to get precious oxygen into my body.

                “Alpha Reynolds, that’s no way to treat a lovely lady like Azula,” Dobry reprimanded, the dismay clear on his face. He took a step forward.

                Reynolds ignored Dobry for a few moments, his gaze burning a hole through me.

                “You would do well not to anger me, little girl,” he whispered before throwing me away from him.

                A whimper was torn from my throat as the loud thud of my body colliding with wall echoed in the cave. Pain shot through me, increasing my fear to a frightening intensity. I lay on the floor in a broken heap, becoming one with the shadows in the furthest corner of this dreary prison.

                “Alpha Reynolds!” Dobry exclaimed, sounding like a scolding parent. “What exactly do you think you’re doing?” He rushed over to me, pushing past my tormentor and kneeling by my side. He stroked my head lovingly, as if he’d known me for years and we were the best of friends. The fleeting burning in my back told me that my body was healing, but that didn’t erase my pain.

                With great difficultly, I raised my head to glare at Reynolds.

                “What do I think I’m doing?” the wolf repeated, a devilish smirk on his face. “I’m disciplining my new pet.” His eyes met mine, his smirk turning colder than snow. “Now shift, Azula. We don’t have all day.”

                “Azula, just shift,” Dobry whispered in my ear. “I can’t stop him if he wants to hurt you again. He’s my Alpha, not the other way around.”

                I stopped glowering at Reynolds and looked up at Dobry. Concern crinkled his features into a frown, those intense green orbs clouded. After a few moments, I nodded slowly.

                That stupid smirk appeared on the Alpha’s face again.

                “Well?” he said expectantly. “I’m waiting.”

                I growled at him, moving away from Dobry as I called for Mahina to awaken. After a few moments, she rose, although she wasn’t as joyful as she usually was. My eyes burned slightly as they darkened to Mahina’s sapphire blue, her consciousness pushing mine aside so we could change.

                A howl rose in my throat, and I didn’t bother to smother it as I usually did. After all, the monsters had already caught me. The sound of it lingered in the cave long after I stopped, thrilling me on a deep, primal level.

                My body itched as my fur began to shrink back into my skin, back arching as the crack of bones echoed all around. Long blonde hair replaced the white fur on my head as my claws shrunk back to normal nails. Paws changed back to hands and feet, my chest becoming fuller, heavier. I curled in on myself, allowing my hair to cover most of my body as the last of my bones snapped into place.

                Mahina stayed with me a few moments longer as I lay on the floor in a heap, panting and trying hard not to scratch my arms and legs.

                And then she was gone, leaving me cold and shaking. I could feel Reynolds eyes on me, and I lifted my head. He watched as my eyes tingled, fading back to their usual ice blue.

                Then I said something that I’d wanted to say to him from the beginning.

                “You’re a fucking asshole,” I spat, glad to finally have that off my chest. Speaking of chests, the Alpha seemed to be staring particularly hard at mine, his eyes darkening with lust.

Dobry laughed, drawing my attention back to him. “Looks like she’s got you pegged, eh Lucan?” he said, still chuckling.

                “You will address me in the proper fashion, or not at all!” Reynolds snapped, his eyes darkening further with his anger. My eyes flitted between the two men. The hairs on my arms stood up at the tension in the air.

                Just as quickly as his bad mood had appeared, it was gone. Reynolds eyes slithered back over me. I shuddered with disgust when he closed the distance between us, the smell of man and mud wafting over me.

                ‘Wrong, wrong, wrong!’ my mind screamed. I tried my hardest not flinch as he raised his hand and caressed my cheek.

                I glared at him, not attempting to hide my revulsion. He allowed his hand to wander down my neck and to my collarbone, tracing random patterns on my skin. The touch was gentle, almost tender, like he expected me to shatter. Such kindness from him shocked me, but did nothing to lessen my loathing.

                When Reynolds moved as if to take his hands lower, I couldn’t help but shoot Dobry a panicked glance. Sure, he was still one of my enemies, but he was my only hope at getting Reynolds to stop. And getting him to stop was vital. His hands on my skin made me feel sick inside.

                Dobry nodded at me and winked, as if to say I got this.

                “Erm, Alpha Reynolds?” he said, raising his hand and waving a little. Reynold’s hand stilled just above my right breast. Thank the Moon.

                “What is it, Dobry?” Reynolds asked, although he didn’t take his eyes from mine. I didn’t look away. I wasn’t going to give him that respect. Dobry didn’t answer, and the silence in the cave grew and lengthened. I watched the frustration bloom in the Alpha’s eyes.

                Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, and spun to face his Beta.

                “Well?” he demanded, removing his hand from me to cross his arms in a threatening manner.

Dobry grinned goofily. “Hi,” Dobry said, giving another little wave at us. My eyes widened. That was his big plan?

                Reynolds inhaled, looking up as if praying for patience. His fists clenched and unclenched, and I saw a muscle jump in his jaw.

                “Hello Dobry,” he replied in a long suffering tone, as if he were used to such eccentric behaviour. I stifled a laugh when he sighed and shook his head, taking a step back from me.

                “Lovely weather we’re having, no?” Dobry continued, as if he were unaware of the Alpha’s sudden change in mood. The mischievous twinkle in his eye said otherwise.

                “It’s wonderful weather, Dobry,” Reynolds said, humouring him for whatever reason.

                “Too bad it won’t last,” he said vacantly, glancing to the entrance of the cave as if lost in thought.

                “What do you mean?” Reynolds asked, looking intrigued despite himself. “Do you smell something off?”

Dobry grinned grimly, his eyes focusing on mine. “Haven’t you heard? There’s a storm coming.”

                He held my gaze for a few moments more before he turned abruptly and left, muttering something about the spirits. Reynolds and I watched him go before the Alpha turned to me with a boyish grin.

                “You’re incredibly beautiful,” he commented casually, his eyes roaming over my body once more, as if he were helpless not to. I tried my hardest not to squirm under his intense gaze. I wasn’t about to show him a weakness.

He took a step towards me, and I couldn’t help but stumble a step back, show of weakness be damned. This continued until my back collided with the cold wall. He brought his arms on either side of my head, trapping me.

Moon, he was so close, his acrid breath drifting over my face. It smelt like death.

I couldn’t help but be nervous. We were both naked, his thick arousal straining towards me. He had me completely at his mercy, and could do anything he wanted. No one would raise a hand to stop him, and he could easily overpower me. I hated him for that.

(Warning: ickyness begins here o.O )

“There’s nowhere left to run, little one,” he murmured, his eyes alight with fire. My own closed when he leaned in and kissed my neck, as gently as you would handle a baby bird. I had to remind myself that punching him would only serve in earning me a punishment. My hands clenched at my sides.

When he pulled back and licked his lips, I couldn’t disguise the flash of disgust in my eyes. His touch left me cold. And, for the strangest reason, Amias’ face flashed through my mind, a wave of guilt accompanying it. It felt like I’d been unfaithful to him, which was stupid, considering we weren’t even together. And it was downright idiocy because of what he’d done to me.

His hands moved from the wall to grab my hips, his nails digging into my skin. If I didn’t heal so quickly, I knew he would have left bruises. He pulled me flush against him, his manhood pressing against my belly. It scolded me with its heat, branding me with his scent, which had become richer with his desire.

Still, I felt cold inside.

“You’re mine now, Azula,” Reynolds murmured, thrusting against me. He moaned low in his throat, his eyes closing. A fearful whimper escaped me, and he opened his eyes again.

I caught a glimmer in his eyes, which was the only warning I got before his lips came crashing down on mine.

                He captured me in a hard, bruising kiss, so different from his earlier gentle touches. When I realised what was happening, my once docile arms began to flail wildly, pushing at his solid chest to try and get him to stop, now uncaring of the possible dire consequences. I didn’t care if he hurt me, because whatever pain he inflicted couldn’t be worse than the nausea rolling through me now. Bile rose in my throat.

Reynolds caught my arms in both of his hands and held them above our heads, never ceasing his repulsive kiss. I could feel his frustration like a living entity when I wouldn’t open for him, but that didn’t deter me.

I still struggled uselessly, desperate to get away from him. After a few torturous moments, Reynolds pulled back and rested his forehead against mine, his breathing heavy.

“Keeping struggling Azula,” he panted, closing his eyes. “,” he moaned, thrusting against me. I immediately stilled when I realised that my thrashing was doing nothing expect rubbing against him. He groaned in disappointment, even as his shaft pulsed against me.

“You’re mine Azula,” he repeated, continuing to thrust. “You’d best...accept that now, because...that will never...change.” Reynolds groaned, his pace increasing in time with my disgust. Sweat shone on his forehead as he captured my lips in another awful kiss. I bite his lip hard enough to draw blood, the coppery taste filling my mouth. But that did nothing but turn him on more, for a few seconds later, he shouted against my mouth as jet after jet of scolding seed lashed against my stomach.

When it was finally over, he slumped against me, a satisfied smile on his face.

“I fucking hate you,” I spat, stamping on his foot as hard as I could, grinning spitefully when I heard a crunch. Reynolds hissed in a breath.

“I will never want you,” I vowed, “and I belong to no one but myself. You’d do well to remember that.”

At last, Reynolds pushed himself off me.

“We’ll see about that,” he muttered, giving me one last look before sauntering out of the cave.

When I was sure that he was gone, I allowed the first of my tears to fall.

Well, umm....yeah. Like I said, I got just a tad carried away with the romance part. Um. Awks. Sorry for those of you who don't like that stuff, I just couldn't think of a way to cut it off before then and... Yeah, I sorta have issues. Do you guys think I went overboard? I'm actually so insecure about this chapter :'(

Poor Azula! That last sentence literally made me go awww when I wrote it :') Vote if you hate Alpha Reynolds more than you did before! *clicks vote button multiple times*

Ooh, just a random update on my life. You'll pleased to know that Hunted is now my sole focus! Before, I was writing a prose piece for a writing competition and now I've finished it and sent it off, I can focus completely on this story! :D I was considering posting the short story on here but I wasn't sure. What do you guys think? Would you be interested in reading a short story (less than 5000 words) that personifies Death, Passion, Hatred and Betrayal? It's called A Lighter's Poison :) It's like a fantasy sort of thing. Although I might have to edit it a bit before I put it up, because the word limit made the ending seem a bit rushed >.< But yeah, let me know if you think I should post it or not because I'm really not sure...

So yeah, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, despite the sadness towards the end and stuff. Vote, comment, all that usual stuff ;) Just let me know what you guys are thinking. Sorry for any mistakes :/ Let me know if you see any and I'll fix 'em :)

The awkward moment when the authors note is so long :')

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