The Mean Duo ✔

By Themoodybooty

79.9K 3.5K 1.2K

[COMPLETED] [MATURE CONTENT] Rankings:- #1 matureromance 01/01/21 #1 meangirl 13/01/21 #1 boxer 18/01/21 #1... More

1~ Natalie White
2~ Xavier Russo
3~ Natalie White
4~ Xavier Russo
5~ Natalie White
6~ Xavier Russo
7~ Natalie White
8~ Xavier Russo
9~ Natalie White
10~ Xavier Russo
11~ Natalie White
12~ Xavier Russo
13~ Natalie White
14~ Xavier Russo
16~ Xavier Russo
17~ Natalie White
18~ Xavier Russo
19~ Natalie White
20~ Xavier Russo
21~ Natalie White
22~ Xavier Russo
23~ Natalie White
24~ Xavier Russo
25~ Natalie White
26~ Xavier Russo
27~ Natalie White
28~ Xavier Russo
29~ Natalie White
30~ Xavier Russo
Bonus Chapter [R]
31~ Natalie White
32~ Xavier Russo
33~ Natalie White
34~ Xavier Russo
35~ Natalie White
36~ Xavier Russo
37~ Natalie White
38~ Xavier Russo
39~ Natalie White
40~ Xavier Russo
41~ Natalie White
42~ Xavier Russo
43~ Natalie White
44~ Xavier Russo
Bonus Chapter [R]
45~ Natalie White
46~ Xavier Russo
47~ Natalie White
48~ Xavier Russo
49~ Natalie White
50~ Xavier Russo

15~ Natalie White

1.4K 67 19
By Themoodybooty

He caught me! Xavier caught me!

"You caught me!", I gave him a full blown smile.

"Didn't want a repeat of last time, I suffered enough", he grunted out as he pulled himself to his feet and looked at me still on the ground. He hesitated before outstretching his arm for me to take.

"You suffered enough!?", I narrowed my eyes at him as I pushed his hand away and brought myself to my feet before dusting myself off.

"Yes", he gave me a 'duh' look

I scowled at him before noticing he still had the hello kitty bandaid on his nose. Then my eyes shifted to his elbow where he was bleeding a bit. Grabbing his arm I dragged him towards my bag, he followed without complain.

Taking out another hello kitty bandaid, I pasted it on the cut in his elbow while he rolled his eyes at me.
"Why do you keep doing this?", his face was void of any emotion.

"I don't like seeing blood", I shrugged nonchalantly while smoothing out the bandaid

"You should come to one of my fights then", he humourlessly laughed before shoting his eyes up at me.

Your fights huh? Well well well Xavier Russo has a secret after all

Pretending to not have heard, I pushed him back towards his teammates as the game would start again in a few minutes.

"Play hard Russo, I'll cheer you on!", I winked at his retreating figure.

While he went back to his team my mind went back to his earlier statement.
"You should come to one of my fights then"

Now why would he say that when I was already present in one of his fights? That could only mean he was talking about some other fight.


And also he remained unscathed from the whole Joshua 'incident', yet he came to school with a broken nose and before that with a bruised jaw.

What are you hiding Mr Russo?

"Natalie!", Karla screamed in my ear snapping me from my train of thoughts.


"The match started we should go to the sidelines", She started pulling me back to the field.

The match was going slow compared to earlier as Ravensworth School had developed some strategies which involved cornering Xavier as much as possible.

Cory caught the ball from Derick before and ran pass the 40 yard line before being tackled to the ground by a member of the opposing team. He grabbed the ball from Cory and ran towards our end zone. He weaseled his way through our tacklers and touched down . The scores were now 10 to 6 with us in the lead.

The game from that point just dragged on without either team scoring. But in the last five minutes of the game Ravensworth scored a field goal and updated the scores to a close 10 and 9.

Everyone including myself was on the edge of the seat as a Ravensworth player managed to sidetrack our tacklers and made it closer to the endzone. Just as he was about to score the touchdown, Xavier crushed the dude so hard, he had to be carried out in a hospital bed. Thus making The Vipers winners of the night, qualifying to the finals held on Friday afternoon.

"We won! We won!", The coach Derek jumped up and down beside me on the sidelines.

"Goooo Vipers!", Karla cheer from the other side of me gaining Coach Derek's attention

"Miss White, thank you!", Coach Derek suddenly turned to me.

"Uhm. Your welcome?", I eyed him sceptically.

"If you hadn't told me on time about Xavier's suspension, we would have lost our star player! So thank you Miss White", The coach gathered my hands in his.

I quickly pulled back my hands with a disgusted expression and wiped them on Karla's skirt.

"Yeah it's cool", I muttered awkwardly and walked out of there.

It's almost night time now and it's getting so cold out here. I went over to my bag and searched for something to throw on as the cute crop top and mini skirt of the cheers uniform isn't very warming anymore. I reached in and grabbed Xavier's white tee and threw it over me.

Whatever, I'll give this back to him another day.

"There you are!", Mia yelled as she and Karla made their way towards me.

"Your boyfriend was on fire tonight, wasn't he Karla?", Mia continued as Karla winked at me.

"She always dates the best players", Karla added unaware of the double meaning in that sentence. For my sake I hope Xavier isn't one.

Wait no. We're not dating for reals so who cares if he's a player or not. Right?

"You guys are such a hot topic in school right now", Mia gushed

"Is that so?"

"Yes word of how he choked Joshua off his feet got around and some even had videos. People are torn between swooning and hating over your relationship"

"Well what's new in that?", I rolled my eyes as I shivered from the cold.

"Your ship names are so weird this time.", Karla shuddered both due to the cold and my new apparent 'ship' names

"What do you mean? Let me it something like Navier or Zatalie?

"Worse they don't use a single term", Mia quickly added before wrapping herself in her arms as a cold wind blew past us.

"Then what is it?"

"Okay so there's many. The most popular ones at the moment are...'The evil doers', 'The psycho couple' and 'The ride or die' but I think the most famous and commonly used one is, 'The Mean Duo', Karla and Mia said in unison the last name.

"The Mean Duo, huh?", Got to a nice ring to it, don't you think Babe?", Xavier wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me to his chest.

Making Karla and Mia the living heart eye emoji.

I shifted so that Xavier was now back hugging me with his hands intertwined on top of my abdomen. I placed my own hand on his and leaned into his warm and comfortable embrace.

"I agree, it does sound nice", I hummed closing my eyes momentarily in the warmth.

"Well I'm ready to ditch the overused phrase, 'Opposites attract' cause look at this...", Karla pointed at me and Xavier.

"Psycho meets Psycho yet a perfect match like their halves of each other", Mia sighed dreamily making both Xavier and I shudder in disgust or cold was it?

"When do you plan on returning this?", Xavier tugged at the hem of his shirt I'm wearing as Mia and Karla slipped away to spy from a nearby bush.

Xavier was still holding me and so I shifted in his arms to face him.
"Haven't you heard of the popular cliché among people who are dating?", I questioned him with a smirk.

"What?", he arched an eyebrow at me.

"What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine" My smirk widened but before he could reply his phone rang.

He pulled away from me to pull his phone out from his jeans, making me immediately miss the warmth.

"Hello?", he answered and as the reply came he glanced at me before replying.

"Yeah no I have it. I will be there in 20 minutes. Have him wait there for me please", With that Xavier hung up.

"Dealing drugs now Mr Russo?" I joked archig an eyebrow at him but he ignored me and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?", I ran to catch up to him.



"Nunya business", he deadpanned earning a glare from me.

"Are you bipolar?", I narrowed my eyes at him

"What?", he looked at me questioningly

"One minute you're nice to me and then you're rude"

"Got a taste of your own medicine huh?", Xavier gave me an amused look.

"Oh no don't misunderstand, I'm never nice. I always was and always is rude.", I smiled at him innocently.

"Sure", he smirked to himself and walked to the bus stop.

"Good luck trying to catch a bus at this time", I halted a few steps away from the peasant's bus stop.

He ignored me and remained silent as I walked back to the school.

Once inside the school I went over to my locker and changed into a jean but left the shirt on.

What? It's comfortable okay

After Xavier's little stint I now always have some spare clothes in my locker. I grabbed my bag from the field and walked to my car.

Driving out the school, I slowed near the bus stop to see Xavier still standing there, alone, with no buses.

"Told ya!", I muttered to myself as I drove past him.

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