Just another Frerard vampire...

By Medicalrelationship

43.2K 1.9K 1.3K

Gerard has been watching over Frank for centuries, loved him for centuries but Frank doesn't feel the same wa... More

The back stabbing bitch and the man-whore.
Crimson walls
Remember me for centuries
The Titanic cameo
Regret, freedom and more regret
The cheesy vampire fight scene
Mikey and his mate
The end of the beginning
The serpent in my head, the warmth in your bed
The dark light, the gory nature
*Authors note*
A past ghost
I love you my love
Supernatural world
Pierced hearts and falling daggers
Farewell. Bastard.
New Author


2.1K 115 98
By Medicalrelationship

'I love you Gerard.' I smile at him, once again in the White room which has no end or beginning. Just us two. Alone. He smiles back. Black hair framing his face beautifully.

He strokes a gentle hand over my thigh playfully, watching as he does so with a smirk on his face. My hairs stand on edge. Grinning I turn to him and watch him turn to me. He opens his mouth to speech but he frowns. He cannot speak.

He goes to speak again with more force, he holds his throat with his right hand. 'Gerard?' Once again his words are trapped. Letting go of his throat he shakes his head in defeat.

'I can't Frank. I can't say I love you.' He starts to cry. I frown. 'W..why?' He holds his chest. 'You threw my heart away. I can't love anyone anymore.' He clutches it harder. 'Never again, I'm all alone.'

He tries again and again trying to force the words out. I panic as he starts coughing, spluttering. 'GERARD STOP.' I hold is shoulder. But still he tries harder.

Crimson blood starts to erupt from his broken throat. He leans over and a puddle of red forms below him. 'Gee!' I cry, 'I'm so sorry.' He screams before his throat explodes. collapsing dead on the floor in the middle of his insides.


I shoot up. Sweat dripping from me. I turn to him. He's still fast asleep looking as peaceful as ever. Fucking hell, my dreams seem so real yet I know it's my sub conscience self punishing me for my mistakes.

I shuffle closer to Gerard as he sleeps. The little noises he makes.

Bare chest glistening I greedily run a finger softly against his flesh, praying he doesn't wake up. He doesn't. I just can't help myself. Even if he does wake up... What do I have to loose?

My Hand flattens, I exhale as my palm rests above his beating heart. Silky skin irresistible. How has this man done this to me? I wasn't even gay until I met him. Or maybe he just made me realise who I am. But either way I never want anyone else again. Perfection is an understatement.

Soft fingers run down his form, stealing every second I have left. His head stirs yet asleep he stays. Breathing loudly I move my fingers back up and onto his jaw. Feeling the bone that sticks out. Hesitantly I lean down and begin to run kisses where my fingers once were. 1..2..3..4. I stop when I get to his chin.

The plump lips testing my will power. I'm weak. My lips edge towards his, my eyes flutter shut. I breath out. Slowly I get closer to that mouth that is so sinful yet looks like an angles.

'FRANK!' I'm pushed off of him. A shocked angry Gerard looks down at me. Awoke from my mischievous fun. I was so close. His frown and heavy breathing alarms me. Bedding now huddled at the top of his chest, protecting himself from me. 'What the hell are you doing?' Voice cracking.

'I'm sorry.' I whisper. Too embarrassed to look directly at that face, those lips. My shame showing easily on my blushed cheeks. He runs a shaky hand through his messy hair. 'W...what?'

He seems to run my apology through his head, frowning. 'Get out of my house!' He launches a pillow at me angrily. His eyes now red with rage. He leans on his knees that are hidden under the bedding. I step back knowing I'm in danger.

Yet I don't leave I just move back and forth on my feet nervously. After all, there is a angry vampire that looks like he wants to rip my scrawny head off my scrawny body. I just stay quiet.

'Why are you still here?!' He yells even louder. I stand my ground. The dimly lit room framing the glowing red eyes that burn into my own. I realise how weak I am. He then stands up with confidence and mystery, revealing his half naked body. But as he looks at me something changes in him.

When he does open his voice again it's quieter, softer . 'Frank leave. You don't belong here, you don't love me.' We walks towards me. As he passes the desk he picks up my jacket. Feeling the material in his hands, running his fingertips over it.

He pushes the jacket into my hands forcefully. 'Leave.' My face falls with a sad mournful expression. A tear falls down my cheek as I clutch the black material. Gerard frowns again. 'Why are you sad? You're free, leave me now.' He turns his back and starts to walk back to the other side of the room.

Finally I speak. My voice a whisper. Knowing this is my last chance, 'I don't want to leave.........I love you.' The room is silent yet my ears buzz. I'm terrified of rejection. Gerard freezes still not looking at me.

'You were right! I should off listened! I love you Gerard.' I trail off. 'I love you.' He turns around as I finish. Now brown eyes interlocking with mine. Cautiously he moves forward.

I smile. 'I've tried to be nice Frank. I really have. But using my emotions to keep you safe?' My smile drops. I go to touch him but he moves away. Growling at me slightly.

'If it wasn't for Bert you would be out that door!' He points behind me at the oak door. I shake my head as I plead. 'NO! I love you Gerard Way. I wasn't even gay before you and your fucking torso turned up!' I grab his arm. He doesn't move but he doesn't resist it either.

I stop shouting and it falls quiet again. His eyes meet mine. My heavy breathing slows. Seconds go by. Gerard steps closer once again. I can see him starting to believe me. I wait for the punch, the kiss, the shove but I don't get any of them.

Gerard rests his forehead against mine. Both of us closing our eyes, our breathing the only sound. His tall figure above mine. Our bodies flat against each other. Both hands tightly interlocked. I hear him breath out heavily. 'I love you Gee. You are my soulmate.' A sweet whisper.

Although my eyes are closed I know he's smiling. 'I love you to Frankie.' I smile after. Opening my eyes as he does. I lean back, grinning into his brown eyes then to those plump lips. 'Mind if I finish what you rudely interrupted?' I ask slightly giggling, still looking at his mouth.

'I don't mind.' He laughs. I lean up to his face. His hands moving from mine to hold my back as I grab his pale neck. Soon our lips meet. I touch him softly, contact minimal. The taste already so overwhelmingly good. The slimy lips brushing past mine.

He pushes forwards slightly confirming the kiss. I tilt my head as I feel the heavier touch. My mouth opens up as he darts in a tongue swiftly, I moan.

This Spurs him to push me up against the wall. I moan more and wrap a leg around his back. I feel his hands start to roam my body. My sides and lower back. He's dominant and it's hot as fuck. I can't help but moan, showing I'm his, forever.

My head is rushing. He's so overwhelming. His taste is nothing like I've ever tasted. Maybe that's because he's a vampire, he's immortal. More than any human. He's powerful body makes me feel weak but safe and I know this is it. This is what my life has been leading up to. After all we were always meant to be.

The way Gerard is kissing me seems to create a jigsaw puzzle. Our forms fitting together perfectly. He removes his moth from mine and I huff in protest. But then he starts nipping my neck and I throw my neck back, mouth open wide.

I let him have me, he marks my neck like a stamp. 'Gerard whispers dirtily in my ear as he removes his teeth from my skin. 'Property of Gerard Way.' And I love it. 'Always.' I half moan half shout as he re attaches his mouth.

His fangs slightly scrapping my flesh, sending shivers down my back. Growling he grape my neck firmly before kissing me on the lips so hard I'm sure I'm going to faint. 'Ehh.' I make little noises that are lost in his mouth.

Then he steps back, mouths disconnecting. He looks at me with a smile. 'I was right.' He laughs, stroking my head lightly. 'You are my soulmate.' I push into his pale palm like a cat.

A single finger runs across my face. First on my cheek, over my nose then onto my bottom lip. Pulling it down slightly and slipping in. 'So pretty.' He chuckles as I let him explore my mouth with his index finger. It's so different but I don't care, Gerard makes anything look alluring.

He removes it with a POP,runs it down my chin and hooks it underneath. Gerard then brings me forward within touching distance. He kisses my forehead. 'Don't leave.' I laugh under his touch. 'Babe, I'm not going anywhere. I'm your soulmate.'

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