The Return

By HedaCanaryTargaryen

6.6K 295 57

A fan fiction of TV series The 100 SPOILER WARNING: There are some spoilers for season 7 Trigger Warning for... More

Part 1| The Entry
Part 2 | Do I know you?
Part 4.5 | Bardo Time Everybody! Part 1
Bardo Time Everybody!|Part 2
Part 6|Welcome to Bardo.
Old Lovers vs. New| part 7
Part 8|The Reunion.
Part 9| Killing Cadogan
Forever After
The Link for the Sequel of The Return

Part 3| Back to the real world

642 29 7
By HedaCanaryTargaryen

Clarke POV

Location: The Bunker

As she raced to grab Madi from stabbing herself, a single thought ran through her head
I already lost one of my commanders... I can't lose another one.
Right as she was about to wrap her arms around Madi, she was gone. She looked up in defeat... everyone in the bunker looking at her wondering what they could do to help. She fell to her knees, knowing what was going to happen to her baby girl. "He's going to kill her. Cadogan is going to kill her." She said. "No Clarke, none of us will let that happen." Octavia said trying to comfort her.

"How will we even get to Bardo? We don't have the helmet." Clarke said "It's all my fault. This is all my fault. I'm the one who broke the helmet, I'm the one who put her in this position it was me." Clarke said while crying hysterically. Indra, Octavia, Raven and Murphy all surrounded Clarke and held her in an embrace. "Don't worry Clarke, we're going to get her back I promise." Murphy said. Even after everything they went through with each other. Fighting all the time hating each other. Clarke was actually really glad that he was here and that he was so willing to help. Clarke stood up and wiped away her tears "Alright, how do we get to Bardo?" She said. Nobody was going to stop until Madi had been found.

Madi POV

Location: Bardo

When she opened her eyes she found herself in the M-cap room with Cadogan standing over her, and Levitt in the corner trying to figure out what just happened. She soon realized that she had only been gone in Bardo for a few seconds or so. She immediately started kicking and screaming at him "Get off me!!! Get off of me!" She said fighting with every muscle in her body. Finally Cadogan said to her "Madi Madi you're okay... we won't hurt you." Madi knew that he didn't actually care about her he just wanted to know what secrets where hidden away in the flame and he also knew that the only way to tell was if it was still in my head. However she still pretended to calm down in order for the plan to work.

"Alright Madi, are you ready to continue this session?" Levitt asked. She nodded slowly with approval. "Alright then, let's begin." Cadogan said walking over to Levitt. Levitt Started up the M-Cap machine. "Alright Madi, let's start again." Cadogan signaled for Levitt to begin. "You're in an endless desert with a vast purple sky. A hand reaches out for your own, whose is it?" Levitt asked. Immediately my mind started racing with images of people I could choose. However I decided to focus on just 1 of these people... Lexa. "My Shepherd we found something." Levitt said. "Let me see." Cadogan ordered. Madi knew it was Lexa they were looking at. "Who is it my Shepherd?" Levitt asked. "I don't know Levitt... she's probably a warrior from earth." Cadogan said crossing his arms in confusion. Madi immediately started fighting trying to get out of the restraints. "No no no get out of my head!!!" Madi yelled. Cadogan looked at her  with a smug look on his face. "Put her in hologram mode Levitt. We found her." "Yes my Shepherd right away." Levitt said putting it in hologram mode. Now all she had to do was sell it until Lexa arrived.

Location: City of Light
Lexa POV

It had been about 4 weeks since Madi left, and Lexa was already 10 times stronger then she was before. There were days when she just wanted to give up. There were days when she almost did... but one thing kept her going, and that was returning to Clarke. She had built her own little training area in the city center. She wanted to be as ready as possible for the fight. She was ready to go whenever she needed too.

As Lexa started her normal daily routine of training she heard a high pitch noise in her head. "Ahh ahh ow" She yelped in pain. Suddenly the high pitched noise turned into more of a voice. "Lexa, it's time. Take the chip and get over here." The voice said. She immediately recognized the voice as Madi. She didn't know how she could hear Madi in her head, but her theory was that it was cause they were both commanders and that the flame was helping them communicate.

Lexa grabbed the chip out of her back pocket and placed it in her mouth immediately she started to feel this weird tingling sensation all over her body and a bright green light surrounding her. "This is it I guess." She said. Lexa closed her eyes waiting for what was to come.

Location: Bardo

When she opened her eyes she noticed that she was in a white room. She saw only Madi in this room and she had been strapped to a chair mixed with like a table... she didn't know what to call it. She rushed over to Madi and untied her. "Hey Madi... you okay?" She said. "Yeah yeah yeah I'm fine. Cadogan and Levitt left when they noticed you coming in. They are probably sending guards to deal with us as we speak." Madi said rubbing her temples that were still sore from the M-cap session. Lexa stood there for a moment awkwardly... she then rushed up to Madi and wrapped her in a big hug. "What is happening?" Madi asked. "I'm hugging you." She said. "Yeah no I get that but... why?" Madi said. "Because I'm glad you're okay... also cause Clarke would kill me if I let you die." Lexa said arms still wrapped around Maids chest. "Sounds about right" Madi said with a small smile. A moment later Lexa let go of Madi.

"Those guards I mentioned are probably almost here by now." Madi said. "Alright well no big deal I'll handle them." She said grabbing her swords off her back. "Their helmets make them invisible so you can't see them." Madi said to the battle ready Lexa. "No... but we can hear them." Lexa said with her little half smirk plastered across her face.

Suddenly the door opened, but no one came in. She knew it was the invisible guards so she gave Madi a look that told her to stay quiet. Lexa slowly creeped around the room knowing the guards were watching her, and that's when she heard it. Two of the guards walked into each other. Lexa saw it as the perfect time to strike... so she did. With both of her swords in her hands ready for a fight she stabbed the two guards that ran into each other. She watched as their invisibility stopped working and they fell to the ground. She assumed that meant they were dead so she walked over to one of the two dead guards and stole her helmet. When she put on the helmet she could now see all the guards... the bad thing was they were all ready to kill her.

Hey everyone I know I suck at updating it just takes a while with school and everything. If I ever do more stories in the future I definitely will be spacing it out more, instead of just trying to shove as much into a a chapter as possible. I tried to break up the paragraphs more so it's not just 2 huge pieces of writing. Anyway, I just wanted to say I hope you are staying safe and wearing your masks, as well as I hope you all have Happy Holidays!


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