Memories |Frozen 2 Elsa(Male...

By VcJuly

65.7K 1.6K 272

(Read the first part of Frozen, so this story will make sense! Frozen 2 is not mine, it belongs to Disney!.. ... More

|| The past story ||
|| The voice ||
|| Some things never change ||
|| Charades ||
|| Into the unknown ||
|| When I'm Older ||
|| The spirit of the wind / Mysterious figures ||
|| The spirit of fire ||
|| Northuldra ||
| The real ship / The truth |
| Separated / The spirit of water |
|| Show yourself ||
|| Not far away / The destruction of the ice palace ... ||
|| Anna knows her father's past ||
|| Golems, the spirit of the earth ||
|| Saving Arendelle ||
|| End ||

|| Uncontrol / Chasing the voice ||

4.1K 102 23
By VcJuly


Since Elson left your room, the silence deepened. But after a few minutes, someone knocked rhythmically on the door. Anna opened the door slowly without making a sound, and saw you sleeping in bed completely alone.

[Anna]: Elson?..-She murmured, looking around the room without finding him- How strange..I thought I was with (Y/N)..-She gently closed the door and walked over to the bed-

Anna looked at you with a smile before lying down next to you

[Anna]: Good night (Y/N)..-She murmurs before closing her eyes-


After a few minutes, Anna was completely asleep next to you. Her mouth was open as she snoring, from above her, a small snowflake fell into her mouth, but she did not wake up. Then more snowflakes fell, landing on her nose.

Which made her sneeze, waking up quickly when she noticed the snow falling beside her. She turned her head, looking at you confused. When she sees something on top of you, she is surprised when she notices it was ice. The ice formed the figure of a girl, who ran with a smile playing with a boy.

Anna looked at the figure in amazement, and looked at you with wide eyes while you only smiled with closed eyes. Anna looked back at the snow figure, before it began to run across the room while trees were created around it. Anna quickly gets up smiling.

Anna walked looking at each snow figure in amazement, the girl ran to her side, making Anna smile before running in their direction. You just stayed asleep with a smile, while strange figures formed in the whole room that little by little approached you.

Anna continued to stare at the girl, who ran across the room as the trees formed around her. But suddenly the girl stopped when her smile disappeared. Anna stopped, looking at her confused, but looked ahead. Where more figures were formed.

There was a child looking at her sadly, while behind him, many armed men appeared looking at her seriously. You moved abruptly in bed, dreaming all that. Anna looks away, seeing a purple fire before it turns into a strong storm. The boy screamed loudly, in the direction of the girl as they disappeared.

All the figures disappeared to form in a strong storm. Anna looks at everything with fear, look at you while you kept moving sharply.

[Anna]: (Y/N)!!..-she yelled at you, the strong wind opened the balcony door. Anna closed her eyes before walking in your direction. You moved abruptly, while your hands lit up. You quickly sat on the bed with your eyes closed, shooting a beam of ice outward. Anna quickly ducked down before the ice touched her- (Y/N)..

Anna looked out, saw small ice diamonds. You opened your eyes with a gasp, shaking sharply as tears spilled from your eyes. Anna looks at you before walking quickly towards you.

[Anna]: (Y/N)..are you okay?..-She asked you, while you kept shaking on the bed. You got up ignoring Anna, walking to the balcony. You looked out, as your eyes widen at the sight of all the ice shards- (Y/N)..

[Y/N]: W-what happened?..-You murmured, before seeing the symbols- Air...

[Elson]: Air..-Elson mutters-

[Y/N]: Fire..-you murmured as Anna approached your side-

[Elson]: Fire...

[Y/N]: Water...

[Elson]: Water..-Elson murmurs, pointing to the symbol-

[Y/N and Elson]: Earth..-They muttered at the same time-

They both gasp when a light shines in the distance, a sound that resonates before all the fragments fall from the sky. Elson looks towards the castle with wide eyes.

People exclaim as they leave their houses, some holding candles and looking at the destroyed fragments in confusion.

Everyone gasps as the candles on the lamps begin to flash and go out, a woman screams as she throws her chandelier to the ground as the fire almost burns her. All Arendelle darkens, only the moonlight illuminates the streets.


Anna, you and Kristoff quickly leave the castle, looking around with wide eyes. When you feel that Idunna's shawl was about to fly, you quickly cling to it.

[??]: The water!..-A woman screams, when the water disappears from the fountains-

The water from the waterfall also fades away, making people gasp.


Sven looks around in confusion, jumping up with a groan of surprise as the stable doors slam open. A powerful gust of wind pushes him, making him moan in protest and push against her.


Elson pants and presses against a building, trying to protect himself from the wind.

[Elson]: The air rages.. There is no fire, there is no water..-His eyes widen- The earth is next! We have to get out!..-He pushes himself out of the building, hurrying to join the others-


People moan as they try to stand up, pressing against the wind. Some decide to simply run or walk. Anna runs up to a woman and stops her when she trips.

[Anna]: Go to the cliffs, now!!..-Anna screams quickly, making everyone nod as they continue running-

You felt like they picked you up bridal style, when you see it, a smile appears on your face

[Elson]: Evacuate to the cliffs!..-Elson's voice fills your ears, making you gasp when looking at him- Here I am..

When Elson started running with the crowd, you put your arms around Elson's neck so you don't fall.


[Olaf]: Oh no!..-Olaf babbles, running alongside Kristoff, Samantha and Sven- I'm going to fly away!..

His body began to separate, making Kristoff and Samantha gasp. Kristoff quickly takes him in his arms.

[Kristoff]: I got you!..


Anna looks back with a gasp, her eyes flickering towards Arendelle's flag.

It shakes and flies with the wind.


[Kristoff]: If everyone's out and about..-Kristoff nods, making a woman sigh in relief before he and Sven check on the others- Here, take these..-He hands another woman a blanket, making her smile and nod-

Sven groans in confusion, gaining Kristoff's attention

[Kristoff]: Are you okay, guys?..

[Olaf]: Oh yeah..-Olaf nods, the diamond ice shards sticking out of his face. The children laugh and cling more, Samantha was by their side smiling- We call this ... control what you can when things feel out of control ...


[Anna]:  Okay, but I don't understand..-Anna sighs, shaking her head and standing in front of Elson- Are you telling me that (Y/N) has no control over her powers and that you are hearing a voice? and you didn't think to tell me..

[Y/N]: Anna. I told him not to say anything. I didn't want you to worry about me..-You interrupt Elson, sighing- I didn't want things to get complicated, you were so happy..

[Anna]: I understand..but we made the promise not to exclude each other..-Anna answers firmly, obviously hurt. You just lowered your head, with a sigh. Anna looks at Elson- I know it's not the only thing you two me they hide..

Elson looks at her with a worried face before sighing, pausing for a moment.

[Elson]: Do you remember the Enchanting Forest? Well, we both woke up the magical spirits that stayed there...-He quickly murmurs , followed by a nervous smile as you and Anna blink rapidly in surprise-

[Y/N]: Me too?...-She wondered confused, but she remembered what happened in the room-

[Anna]: Okay, that's definitely not what I wanted you to say..-Anna replies, shaking her head-

[Y/N]:  Wait..King Agnarr warned us about the Enchanted Forest..-You murmur looking at him nervously, while putting your hands to your chest-

[Elson]: Yes..-Elson nods again, looking down-

[Anna]: Why would you do that?...

[Elson]: The voice..-Answer- I know it sounds crazy. But I believe whoever is calling me is good...

[Anna]: How can you say that?..-Anna demands, shaking her head- Look at our kingdom!..

[Y/N]: Maybe, he did it for some reason..-You reply, making them both look at you- Maybe it's good..

[Elson]: Yes, my magic can feel it..-Elson answers, grabbing your hands- My magic can feel it..

[Anna]:...-She sighs before nodding- Okay ...

Everyone gasped when a crash was heard, the ground shook.

[Anna]: The trolls?..-Anna exhales, making you and Elson relax as the rocks roll down the mountain-

Kristoff tilts his head as he walks to meet them, his mother opens wide as he leaps into the air.

[...]: Kristoff! We miss you!!..-She screams, jumping on top of him while Kristoff growls-

The others stop when a lone rock rolls towards you, leaps into the air and opens, revealing Pabbie

[Pabbie]: Well, it's never a dull moment with you three!..-Pabbie laughs breathlessly before getting serious- I hope you are prepared for what is coming. Angry magic spirits are not for the faint of heart..

You and Elson look at each other with concern as Anna takes a step forward.

[Anna]: Why are they angry? What does all this have to do with Arendelle?...

[Pabbie]: Let me see what I can see..-He replies, as he forms his magic and a dam appears- The past is not what it seems..-Pabbie begins, and the scene changes to the people of Arendelle and the people of Northuldra. Then a girl and a boy appear, trying to hold their hands without success. Anna looks at you for a moment before looking back at Pabbie's magic- A mistake demands to be amended..

A spear and a sword collide, transforming into the castle.

[Pabbie]: Arendelle is not safe..-Elson gasps slightly- We have to find the truth..without it..-The castle explodes, as a wind of snowflakes forms and its magic disappears. Pabbie gasps and takes a step back, wide-eyed- I see no future..

[Y/N]: No future?..-You murmur, Kristoff walks up to stand next to Anna-

[Pabbie]: When one cannot see the future...all one can do is the next right thing...-Pabbie said, making you look at him confused-

[Elson]: The next right thing..-Elson says to himself, walking away from you- is for me to go to the Enchanted Forest...and find the voice..-Elson looks at Kristoff- Kristoff, can I borrow your vagon? and Sven?...-Sven moans in question while you look at him with concern-

[Kristoff]:...I'm not very comfortable with the idea for that..-Kristoff answers-

[Anna]: You are not going alone, Elson..(Y/N) and we are all going to accompany you..-Answers Anna firmly, walking towards him-

[Elson]: Anna, no. I have my powers to protect myself, and I don't want (Y/N) to happen to something or to any of you..-He disagrees, making him sigh-

[Anna]: Excuse me, we climbed the North Mountain all together, we survived a frozen heart and we saved you from my ex-boyfriend..-Elson raises an eyebrow with crossed arms- and we did it all without powers, well (Y/N)...-Anna continues- So..-Elson quickly interrupted her after mentioning you-

[Elson]: But now things got complicated. (Y/N) has no control over her powers..

[Anna]: But let's help her, I noticed that your gloves hold her power...we just need her not to get scared or upset much..-Elson looks at you seriously, while you look at Pabbie-

When Elson was going to say something, someone else interrupted him. 

[Kristoff]: Me, too..-Kristoff joins, making Elson look at him as he joins Anna's other side- I'll drive..

[Olaf]: I'll bring the snacks!..-Olaf laughs and waves with Samantha-

[Pabbie]: I will look after your people..-Pabbie says, making you and Elson look at him-

[Anna]: Please make sure they stay out of the kingdom until we return..-Anna adds, with a worried voice-

[Pabbie]: Of course..-Pabbie bows once more-

[Elson]: Let's let them know..-They all walked towards the people, while you and Elson just looked at each other once in a while. The tension arose, drawing the attention of Olaf and Samantha who were next to him-


Kristoff follows him, Anna looked at them seriously while you only looked at your hands that kept shaking without stopping at any moment, Elson looked at you seriously and with concern. She was about to walk but Pabbie stopped her.

[Pabbie]: Anna..-Pabbie calls her softly, turning her head tilted- I'm worried about the two of them. We have always feared that his powers were too much for this world. Now, we must pray that they are enough..I listened to your conversation with Elson, I don't know exactly what could happen with (Y/N)..but I know it won't be good, it could have a tragic ending..

Anna inhales sharply, looking at the two before looking at Pabbie.

 [Anna]: I won't let anything happen to them..


[Olaf]: Hyah!..-Olaf yells playfully, smiling as he sits next to Samantha-

Kristoff breaks the reins, Sven snorts as he runs faster down the way, leaving Arendelle behind.

[Samantha]: Who's into trivia?..-Samantha asks-


[Olaf]: Did you know that water has memory? True fact.. It's disputed by many, but it's true..-Olaf informs as they cross a small bridge- 

[Y/N]: Really?..-You ask, making Olaf laugh-


[Samantha]: Oh! Look Elson..-Samantha calls, making Elson look at her- Your other castle, look how beautiful it is ... shining in the sun!..-Elson laughs as everyone looked at the mountain, while the castle shone from a distance-

[Elson]: I never realized how...striking it was..-Elson answers, shaking his head-

[Olaf]: Did you know that men are six times more likely to be struck by lightning?..


[Olaf]: Did you know that gorillas burp when they're happy?..-Olaf continues as Sven leads them a long way-


[Olaf]: Did you know we blink four million times a day?..Did you know wombats poop squares?...


[Kristoff]: Did you know sleeping quietly on long journeys prevents insanity?..-Kristoff asks, putting his arm on the seat while turning to look at them-

[Olaf]:....-Olaf laughs- Yes, that's not true..

[Kristoff]: It is...-Kristoff sighs-

[Anna]: It's true..-Anna nods quickly, yawning-

[Elson]: It's definitely true..-Elson adds in a low voice, taking out Idunna's shawl, making you look at him in surprise. He smiles at you before putting it around you. You put your hands together tightly, while you felt Elson's hands on your cheeks-

[Olaf]: Well, that was unamine..-Olaf mutters, touching his chin thinking- But I will look it up when we get home..


Olaf snores while hugging Samantha, while they sleep leaning on one of the sacks.

You saw Elson create an ice blanket, placing it on top of Olaf and Samantha. You went to bed before falling completely asleep, Elson looked at you for a moment before laying down next to you before falling asleep.

[Anna]: They're both asleep..-Anna exhales, sighing at the sight of Elson and you- So..-She says slowly, gaining Kristoff's attention- What do you wanna do?..

[Kristoff]:....-He pauses as she smiles coquettishly at him, laughing as he leans on her arm- Sven..-Sven looks back, walking slower for a moment- Keep us steady, will ya?..

Sven huffed, standing tall as he walked gently. Anna leans down, his eyes closed as he waited for a kiss.

[Kristoff]: Anna..-Kristoff's voice breaks, causing him confidence to plummet as he quickly clears his throat-

[Anna]: Mm-hmm?..-She asks, leaning back with a confused smile-

[Kristoff]: Remember our first trip like this...-Anna hums slightly with an affectionate smile- when I said you'd have to be crazy to want to marry a man you just met?..-He took out his ring, smiling-

[Anna]: Wait, what? Crazy?..-Anna is startled, looking around as she speaks- You didn't say I was crazy..-Her eyes widen as she slowly looks at Kristoff, a dangerous look on her face - You think I'm crazy?...

[Kristoff]: No. I did..-Kristoff replies- You were..-Sven growls, looking back and shakes his head, making Kristoff gasp-... Not crazy!..-He smiles hard- Clearly!..-Kristoff laughs nervously- Just naive..-Anna moves away from him, making her smile fade- Not naive! Just, uh, new to love. Like I was..-Kristoff clenches the ring in his palm tightly with a nervous sweat- And when you're new, you're bound to get it wrong...

[Anna]: So you're saying I'm wrong for you?..-Anna asks, the pain is evident in her face-

[Kristoff]: No! No! I'm not saying you're wrong, or crazy!..

Ah Ah Ah Ah...

Ah Ah Ah Ah 

You wake up quickly, panting looking around confused.

Elson groans slightly, opens his eyes and looks at you while looking around.

[Elson]: Kristoff, stop..-Elson says quickly, stopping Kristoff's ramblings-

[Kristoff]: Good idea..-He sighs, putting the ring in his jacket-

[Elson]: I hear it, I hear the voice..-He explains while getting off the sled, he looked at you while you approached to go down- Can I help you?..-He asks you, you looked at your hand before looking at him nervously. He took you by the hand, helping you down-

[Anna]: Olaf, Samantha..wake up..-Anna whispers, making both of them groan in response. Anna looked at the ice blanket with a smile, took it while Olaf and Samantha woke up and got out of the sled-

You looked around you, seeing how the fog got bigger as the path progressed. You looked at your hands that were still shaking and the pain got worse. Elson approached your side, you looked at him nervously.

[Elson]: ...I will protect you..-He tried to grab your hand, but you quickly pushed it away. He just smiled- Do you remember what you told me when I was a child, and I went through the same thing as you..

You looked at him with open eyes, remembering that moment.


It hurt you to see Elson like that, you approached while he looked at you with fear. The kings looked at you with curiosity and sadness to see their son in that way.

You made a beautiful snowflake, making Elson look at you in confusion.

[Y/N]: See...we have the same power..I know you won't hurt me Elson..

Elson looked at you surprised by your words, you hugged him tightly while he began to cry hugging you tightly.


He looked at you with a smile.

[Elson]: I know you won't hurt me (Y/N), because we have the same power, and also because you love me like I love you..-He grabbed your hand, which was still shaking. But the shaking stopped when Elson hugged you- Don't be afraid..-He slowly walked away from you, bringing his face close to yours. Starting to kiss you sweetly. Some tears came out and fell on your cheeks-

Everyone saw the fog, amazed. But without knowing the future that awaited them.. 


-Uhh I love how this is going ...

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