The Unexpected Love

By AffordableLove

13K 1K 369

"Are you born beautiful or grown up beautiful??" He asked with adoration in his eyes while She blushed and hu... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36

chapter 9

333 29 6
By AffordableLove

I have a deal for you...

"What ? " I snapped at him

"Are u deaf ,I said if you need money I have a deal. Accept the deal or leave." He said

What can be his will not hurt to ask right ....

"So what's the deal?" I questioned like  I wasn't interested and he smirked at me.

" I asked what's the deal ??? Mi.... "

"Marry me ..." He said .

What..???? Marry me....oh my God is he kidding right .

"Oh sorry mister to burst your bubble I have a boyfriend" I said and he looked angrier than he was.

Boyfriend ha nice try scar....

With that I was about to turn . But the words that left his mouth made me frozen at the spot

Does he hit his head somewhere ....though he is handsome he doesn't have brain I think....

"If you want  your friend to undergo the surgery without any problem , the only way is to accept my deal Miss.Scarlet Rose" he said with venom in his voice.

To say I am  shocked is an understatement , I slowly turned and noticed him he leaned at the wall and cross his arms in chest . He looked hot.

Hot???are you out of mind scar ....He asked you to marry him...and how the hell he know about your personals.

"How do you know my name mr..."though I knew his name I didn't want to sound like a stalker .

" Xander, Xander knight and I have sources Rose" he replied with an smirk .

Rose he has a nick name for me.....

I was lost in thoughts when I heard his voice again.

"I heard that there is only 48 hours left and I'm giving you a day to accept my deal...if you accept than you doesn't need to worry about anything." With that he handed his card and disappeared .

I stood froze at the spot thinking what the hell happened now and while I am absorbed in my thoughts I heard him again.

"And Rose fyi , your guy friend is going to get trap in a serious matter in order to find money ....if you accept my deal he's safe" with that again he disappeared.

Omg what the hell just happened's so much to process.Lucas does he going to rob something or kill ......Omg I should call him ...


It's been a day and I am waiting near the Sunshine coffee shop to meet that arrogant bastard.

Yes .... I am going to agree for his deal

Yesterday I called Lucas and went home as soon as possible. Lucas was sitting in the hall thinking like the world is going to end.

"Lucas did you find anything..." His words echoed in my mind
Your friend is going to trap....

"No scar... But " What is that he's gonna tell.

"If I joined the gang down the alley they promise to give money" he said and I was spell bound. He was correct how does he know....

"No lucas..  Are you out of sense are trying to destroy your life ..." I screamed at him while tears started pouring.

" it's the only way scar....we have to save and Jess are my family... " he said and his voice breaking down as  he was holding up the tears.

No I can't let this happen. I can't destroy my friends life thinking on my selfishness . I can't let Lucas get into some dark things and can't let Jess die. I need to decide . I need to be strong for my friends and my family. I made my decision. I'm going to agree to that deal even if my life was gonna be destroyed. It's just marrying him right.

"Don't worry Lucas.....I have an idea ... " I said and he looked at me shocked.

"Are you gonna sell your kidneys...scar...?" He screamed.

What ????

"No lucas, you trust me right " and he nodded.With that thought he barely laughed at me and I laughed him knowing that I'm ready to give up my life to see my friends happy......

I'm coming mr.Xander ...wait for me .....

My thoughts were disturbed when I heard a voice behind me and instantly I know who it is...

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