My Birthday Cop Is My Teacher...

By secret_dont_tell_Xx

3.6K 56 24

Ariel, AKA Jasper is dyslexic. She stays behind in high school while her twin sister Aquata goes of to collag... More

My Birthday Cop Is My Teacher? #2

3.6K 56 24
By secret_dont_tell_Xx

Okay so you guys should know that i have started re-writing My Birthday Cop Is My Teacher and this is the first chapter. I have been trying to write this for a while but then came up with a total creative block. But magically today i have managed to write two whole chappters and create a new cover!

I will be keeping the orriginal book up and i will complete it before July.

So here it is... The first chapter of My Birthday Cop Is My Teacher #2 !

Please vote if you like it! Comment and tell me if it's better or worse than the first one! Fan if you want more!

I just love you guys so much!!!

-Charlie :)

I sat down at the lunch table with a happy sigh. Today was my birthday which meant that I could have everyone waiting on me for the day. Oh how I do love the time of year where it's my birthday! Whenever someone in my friendship group had a birthday it was their turn to be treated like royalty. Everyone had to do anything you asked for.

I grinned up at one of my dark haired best friends, Jamie, as he set a plate with a piece of pizza and a pile of chips on in front of me. Jamie mock bowed before sitting beside me. Jamie had been one of my best friends for years and just last year he came out the closet. If you get what I mean...

"How is her royal highness today?" He questioned throwing a chip into his mouth. I chuckled.

"Me or you?" I replied then threw in a wink just for the sake of it. He threw his head back laughing.

"On any other occasion I'd say me... but this once, I'll let you have it." He smirked before throwing another chip into his mouth.

"Ugh! I can't believe Mr Wilson!" Another one of my best friends, Chrissie, huffed throwing herself into the chair besides me.

"What's up?" She huffed again before turning to face me.

"Ugh... Nothing... Just Mr Wilson." She took a long sigh. "Anyway, what are the plans for tonight then?" Her glare removed itself from her face and was replaced with an overly excited grin. Jamie squealed and started clapping his hands excitedly.

"I don't know... You guys are the ones that have to plan the whole thing, remember?" Chrissie clapped her hands, joining Jamie in his little squealing fest.

"Oh! I have such a good idea!" She jumped out of the chair on my right and ran to the empty seat beside Jamie. I shook my head and started tucking into my yummy piece of pizza. My friends were mental I swear. But I guess if they weren't... They wouldn’t be my friends.

"Happy birthday!" Another best friend sat opposite me. Kaya is really pretty. She has beautiful blonde hair that reached her shoulders, crystal blue eye and she was so innocent. "How's the birthday been so far, honey?" Although Kaya was the most innocent out of our small group of 5, she has always been seen as the mother, the one who looks after her children and makes sure none of them are sad.

"Honestly?" She nodded eagerly. "For once, it's actually been pretty awesome so far. Mum got me the new iPhone." I boasted happily holding up my iPhone 5. "Aquata came over yesterday and we have each other presents... I got her One Directions new Cd and some chocolate. And she got me Asking Alexandria’s new album and some sweets." Aquata is my twin sister, I'm an hour older then her but in my mother’s eyes and pretty much everyone else's; I'm viewed as the baby. Aquata is tall and had beautiful long blonde hair, while I'm short and have cute short blonde hair. I have blue eyes, she has green.

We may be twins but in no way are we similar in personality.

"Aw that's cool. So is your mum actually talking to you with her here or..." She trailed off biting her bottom lip.

You see, my family and I have never really had the best relationship. My mum and Aquata have always been really close but my mum and I have always had a quite strained relationship. She will shout at me for anything and nothing then try and act like the loving mother she is when Aquata is around. It's not nice.

And our dad? Well I've never met him. He skipped out on my mum when she told him she was pregnant. I don't even know his name or what he looks like.

"Yeah I suppose so..." Kaya gave me a pitied look before nicking one of my chips. What is it with these people and nicking me chips!? They are mine!

"Chris! Oh my god I have the perfect idea!" Startled we all looked up to see the final member of our 5 piece group running across the canteen earning some unimpressed looks and comments from people. Jessica was the baby of our group. She was the youngest and cutest, the one you just wanted to put in your pocket and walk off with.

Jessica quickened her steps and shot into the chair opposite Chris. All three heads huddled together in secrecy, talking about my party doo.

"Anyway... Look what I’ve got!" Kaya grinned happily then placed a big pink shiny birthday bag on the table. I grinned excitedly. I always loved when Kaya got me presents, she somehow managed to always find he most cool things that left you speechless and wanting more. Last year she got me tickets to see Blood On The Dance Floor and a 1000g bag of gummy bears. One of the best present ideas, I think yes!

She slid it across the table looking oh so smug. Obviously happy that she’s the first out of the group to give me something to open.

I parted the bag quickly then gasped happily when I saw what was inside. Inside was a pack of 6 different pairs of skull and cross bone earrings, a black vest top that said 'free hugs', a load of different packets for loads of different flavoured M&M's and finally a £10 gift voucher to this amazing fro-yo place.

"Oh my God I love them! Ah thank you so much!" I squealed excitedly and threw my arms happily around her. I don't know how she does it but she always manages to make my day.

"You're welcome darling!" She giggled hugging me back just as hard.

"Happy birthday Jasper." I released Kaya and turned to look at who had wished me happy birthday. Standing behind me was Jackson. The dude I lost my V to.

"Thanks Jackson." It's not like we hated each other... Things were just a bit awkward between us. We never went out officially, I just kind of went up to him one day and asked him to take my V. To be honest, I don't really see why girls would want to save it. Love doesn't really exist so there is no point saving something like that for someone that will eventually rip your heart out.

He smiled sweetly before walking off.

“I really don’t see why you don’t ask the poor guy out! He clearly likes you!” Jessica complained from across the table. I shrugged. I don’t really know why I wouldn’t go out with him… He was good looking and sweet and really funny… I just didn’t want to go out with him. Unlike 90% of the schools girl population.

“It doesn’t matter!” Chrissie but in. “Come round to mine at 7! Bring alcohol and money!” She giggled evilly along with Jamie and Jess. I raised an eyebrow at them.

Well tonight is going to be fun…


It was now 6pm and I was dancing round my messy bedroom with Jess and Kaya, whilst getting ready for the party. They obviously knew what was going to happen there as they kept giggling evilly.

“Can you at least give me a clue?” I begged. I wanted to know what was going to happen there. They were making me dress in an overly short dress for just 5 friends getting drunk.

“Never!” Kaya giggled jumping off my bed and landing on the floor. Jess laughed then continued to curl my hair.

“I love it when you curl your hair and wear your extensions.” I shrugged and looked at my reflection. I really don’t see why people fuss so much about my hair. It was simple; blonde and short. Sometimes I’d add hair extensions or streaks but not every often. Because it was a special occasion though I was wearing my extensions.

The dress I was wearing was supper cute, it has a black and green pattern over, sleeveless but was full neck. It was gorgeous. This was one of the presents Jamie had bought me. Jessica was wearing a simple cream dress that had lace sleeves while Kaya was wearing a high waist black pencil skirt with a sparkly top. They both looked beautiful.


Half an hour later we had pulled up at Chrissies house, arms full with booze and huge grins on our faces. Chrissie ripped open the door before we had the chance to knock.

“Happy birthday!” She screamed throwing her arms around me. “Love you!” She kissed my check before taking the alcohol out my arms and running  inside to the house. Man I love that chick! We followed quickly after her glad to be out of the chilly October air. Our heels clicked against the hard wood floor.

“Happy birthday Jasper!” I grinned at Mr and Mrs Drake as they wished me happy birthday. They were leaving the house to us for the night while they went out for their monthly date night.

“Thank you!” They both wrapped their arms around me pulling me into a loving hug. I love Kate and Dave, they were so nice and I’d known them pretty much my whole life. I thought of them like family.

“Did you get anything nice?” Dave questioned.

“Yeah, I got a new phone, some money, some sweets, some clothes and some Cds.” Kate smiled and reached into her bag.

“We didn’t know if we’d see you before the morning but, here. Happy birthday Jasper.” Kate kissed my cheek while handing me a small rectangular box with a bow on. I lifted the lid and gasped. Inside the small velvet box was a bracelet with ‘Jasper’ carved into the band it was beautiful. The chain was silver and made up of butterfly’s and roses then it had a separate silver bar where my name was engraved.

“Thank you.” I choked. It was beautiful and I knew it must have cost a lot. Tears came to my eyes. My mum would never get me something so precious as this. “Thank you so much. I- I love it!” I wrapped my arms around them both, hugging them tight. “I love it. Thank you.” They both kissed me on the cheek telling me it was nothing before leaving.

I walked into the kitchen where I could hear my friends chatting aimlessly.

“Chris, look what your mum and dad got me!” She paused her conversation before coming beside me.

“Wow that’s beautiful! It matches my anklet!” She gushed pointing at her ankle. It did match perfectly. They must have bought them together. After all Chrissies birthday was only 2 months ago.

“Right! Enough with the tears and softness! It’s time to party!” Jamie shouted lifting a beer to his lips. We all cheered and raised out own drinks.

*Play music*

Tonight was going to be amazing. I was going to forget about all my problems, all the things wrong with the world, all my outstanding homework and just have fun.


It was having so much fun! I was on my 7th bottle of beer, id had 4 bottles of WKD and had had 3 shots. Haha I don’t even know what was in them!

“Jazz! Jazz! One of my presents is here!” Chrissie slurred excitedly. “Sit! Sit!” She pushed me into a dining room chair that was in the middle of the living room. All my friends giggled and cheered excitedly as I sat patiently.

Not a second later did 3 really fit guys walk into the room. A blonde haired one dressed as a sexy waiter with no shirt on. Another dressed as a sexy fire-fighter with no shirt on and the final and most sexiest dressed at a sexy police officer.

I giggled and clapped my hands excitedly.

“So, you seem a little drunk. Looks like I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.” The police officer smirked before slowly unbuttoning his shirt.


How was it for you guys? Remeber, vote if you liked it, vote if you didn't ;D

Comment and tell me what you thought of the new version, if you liked it better than the first one or if you thought the first one was better. Any thing i should improve on? Anything at all! Questions?

Fan! Fan me so you will be able to see when i upload!

Peace! - Charlie :)

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