UnderLust-True Lust Kiss[Comp...

By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

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MaleReader X Female Frisk and Chara *Warning This book contains provocative and is not suitable for Readers... More

Chapter 0- Are You Ready For A Good Time!!
Chapter 1 UnderLust
Chapter 2 Cuddles
Chapter 4 Ass Grabbing
Chapter 5 Hot Banging
Chapter 6 Satisfactory
Chapter 7 A Big Dang Kiss
Chapter 8 Threesome In The Bedroom
Chapter 9 Massaging Something Soft
Chapter 10 Dirty Little Secrets
Chapter 11 Kissing Those Soft Lips
Chapter 12 Getting Hot In Bed
Chapter 13 True Lust Kiss
Chapter: Conclusion

Chapter 3 Snuggles

3.4K 48 68
By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

Your POV

*You woke up in your room..and see Frisk and Chara laying on you

(I'm positive I put them in their rooms)

*Chara seems to be sleeping soundly on your left arm and Frisk seems to be hugging your right arm close to her soft chest
"I need to go to work"you said
"(Sigh)Fine"you said giving in

*You closed your eyes and you hugged Chara closer to you then you got relaxed


*You feel someone's hand on your chest and you hear Chara sigh
"I'm not leaving until she does"Chara said
"I'll just go to work later"you replied
*Chara wraps her arms around your head and she cuddles closer to you

"C-Chara"you said feeling her softness overwhelm you
"I'll be working too so I want to be with you like this"Chara said sounding tiredly happy
"Ok"you said

*Frisk shuffles around she puts her head closer to your face and she kissed your right cheek.You open your eyes while you totally had normal calm blushing mess of a face

"Morning baby"Frisk said softly as she smiles

"F-Frisk you said you wouldn't do that anymore"you said looking away from Frisk
"I said in public.You should've been more specific"Frisk smiles
"What did she do?"Chara whispers into your left ear
"N-Nothing"you said feeling all kinds of  heart racing things

*Frisk giggles

*Chara unwraps her arms and she lays on top of you and you looked to your left

"Tell me Hun or I'll just aim for something she didn't"Chara looks at you with a flirty smile
"..She kissed my cheek"you said looking at Chara
*Chara crawls to your face and she hovers over you.You looked at her then Frisk covers your mouth

"Don't kiss him to much"Frisk said to Chara

*Chara kisses your left cheek then your right then she lowers her head closer down to your neck to kiss it then she pulls your collar of your jacket and shirt to kiss your chest

*You pushed her up and she smiles at you
"What's wrong?"Chara looks at you with a flirty expression
*You got Frisk's hand off you

"P-Please no more..I said to tell me"you said looking shy
"But you liked it right?"Chara asks

*You looked to your left as you were blushing

*Chara giggles a bit and she fixes you up then she holds your chin to make you face her

"I never slept in someone's house as long as right now.So treat your guests well"Chara said smiling as she looked serious

*Frisk kissed your right cheek again then your right shoulder

"Because we'll treat you better baby"Frisk said softly

*You turned red and you had nothing to respond to

*Frisk and Chara giggles and they got off you then they walked towards the door

"I'm taking a shower Hun"Chara said walking towards the door
"Me too.Do you want to join us?"Frisk asks as she turns her head to look at you

"We promise we won't flirt with you"Chara said sounding like a cute liar
"That's a lie and I'm not changing my mind"you said looking away
"Another thing you'll regret saying"Chara said sounding grumpy
"We'll make breakfast so just stay there for us"Frisk said sounding cute

*They left your room
*You grabbed a pillow and let out a muffled groan.You notice a scent that Chara always wears and you put the pillow down

*You got off the bed and you left your room and see the girls walking towards the bathroom as they were walking behind the couch

"Wait"you said
"You changed your mind?"Chara said looking surprised but with hope in her eyes

"No.I just need to show you where everything is in the bathroom"you said
"Yay"Chara smiles
"If you kiss me or do anything affectionate I'll call Undyne that you're here"you threatened

"Aww"Chara smiles
"Ok fine.Lead the way.Calm yourself ok"Frisk looks at Chara

"I'll try.But he better not be near a closet or a shower"Chara smiles
"Frisk please help if she suddenly grabs me"you asked
"Help you of help her?"Frisk asked looking serious
"Me of course"you squinted your eyes
"Oh what a shame"Frisk said with a smile

(Just one simple in and out explanation.Lets not be awkward now)

*You entered the bathroom with two smiling girls

*When you enter the white tiled floor bathroom, on your sides we're cabinets.The one on the left was for towels and the right had all sorts scents of shampoos and soaps

*Walking in further there was a square dark blue tile bath fit for at least two humans sized people.On the left was just a normal shower with dark blue curtains.Then sink,with a mirror, that was close to the blue tiled bath and the cabinets

*In the middle of the bathroom was just a drainage hole as the floor was leaning down to it but it wasn't obvious as it looked flat

*There was a door between the shower and tiled bath as it was a laundry room

"And that's about it"you said as you look back at them

*They just smile at you
*You tried to move to the left but Frisk steps in front of you.You tried the middle but Chara blocks you
"Y-You guys"you blushed as you looked nervous

"(Giggles)Just playin"Frisk smiles
"But are you sure you don't want to join us?"Chara pouts
"I'm sure"you said

*Frisk gives you an opening

"Ok then"Frisk said looking away from you
*You left the Bathroom peacefully

(Will it be like this all the time?..I should've thought this out more clearly)

*You went to the kitchen to make breakfast to clear your mind of what happened this morning


*You were done placing breakfast at the dining counter and you sat on the middle chair in the kitchen.You took off the necklace and examined it


*Frisk and Chara walks out of the bathroom with only a towel on.And like the innocent and pure minded fool you are, you weren't fazed by their presence

*Chara notices you holding the necklace in your hands

"Is there something wrong with it Hun?"Chara looks concerned
"No.I was just examining it more"you said looking at the heart necklace

*You reequipped the necklace

"You guys can eat"you said looking back at them
"I said we'll cook breakfast"Frisk looks mad
"I'm late for work so too bad"you said looking calm
"You're leaving now?"Chara looks honestly sad
"Oh right I have something for you two"you said then you got off the chair

*You went to the oven and pulled out two hot-ish desserts.You went back to them and gave Chara a molten chocolate cake and for Frisk you gave her vanilla roll cake that was already sliced and had whipped cream

"She's getting better treatment Hun"Chara looks grumpy
*You walked behind Chara and kissed her head
"Now me"Frisk quickly said
"I-I'm going to work now so be sure to lock up before you leave"you said with a red mess of a face then you started to walk towards the front door

"(Y/N) my cheek is here not over there"Frisk complains angrily
"Be safe you two"you said cooling down

*You left your home safe and sound
(I didn't give..Eh I'll give them later)

*Today you worked at Grillby's Strip Club so you headed behind Grillby's Club as it was both to check Undyne and a back entrance into Grillby's kitchen

*You entered through the back door and see Grillby cooking up a storm

"Uh Sup Boss"you said looking nervous
*Grillby turns around

"Where were you?"Grillby looked mad
"I'll explain later.Im sure people are at the bar"you said
"You'll work at the bar for now so get to it.Don't give Sans any ketchup.He already had too much"Grillby said looking back at the grill

"Got it"you said

*You went to the break room that was on the left top corner if you entered through the kitchen door.You went to your locker and got dressed up in your bartender uniform which was Grillby's old clothes that fit you well

*You left the break room and left the kitchen to start working at the bar

*You see Undyne drunk, as drunk can be, at the left end of your side and on her left was Sans

"Heya bud.Got busy last night huh"Sans winks at you
"Wha.. what.. what ya do Punk?"Undyne said looking smashed
"Frisk and Chara are living with me now"you told to Undyne and Sans
"What no fair!"Sans complains
"We're neighbors"you replied

"You can't keep two Punk!(Hic)You got to choose one or you'll be like them"Undyne points to your left

*You corrected Undyne's finger to point at you then you put your hands on the bar

"I'm not gonna deny any of them.And Grillby told me to cut you off on the ketchup"you said to Undyne then at Sans

"He would tell you..but maybe just a little for little me?"Sans gave you an innocent flutter in his eyes
"Not happening"you said coldly

"Give me another Punk"Undyne demands

*You made Undyne an "alcohol drink" and gave it to her to see her slowly drink it
"This isn't alcohol"Undyne looks a bit more sober
"Yes it is"you said like a liar

"This is damn water!"Undyne looks mad
"Yeah.But it has a drop of alcohol so it counts"you said looking as it Nothing was wrong about it

"You damn kind caring jerk!I freakin love you for helping me but I need a drink!"Undyne drunkenly whines

"We'll start off small like usual"you said

No one's POV

*Going back in time for a moment at your home

*(Y/N) just left the house

*Chara was giggling to herself

"Aren't you happy now"Frisk sounded mad
"(Giggles)I'm just giggling at (Y/N) because he always leaves so cute when he gets flustered"Chara smiles
"Wanna look through his stuff?"Frisk asks calmly
"..No"Chara said looking suspicious

"What were you going to do to him when you got there first?"Frisk asks Chara
"I was already laying on him"Chara replied
"So should I tell him some of his shirts are missing or should you?"Frisk said calmly
"I just wanted to know his size"Chara said blushing a bit
"Not his dick?"Frisk looks at Chara

*Chara blushes then Frisk looks surprised as she notices

"Did you fuckin check?"Frisk sounding surprised and mad
"No!I didn't go that far!"Chara blushes
"..Wait what do you mean?How far did you check?"Frisk questions

*Chara didn't reply

"Chara what the fuck"Frisk sounding mad
"What I didn't say anything"Chara looks away from Frisk
"You checked his ass didn't you"Frisk
"No..I only squeezed it"Chara said quietly
"Oh my god"Frisk said in disbelief
"I'm telling"Frisk said sounding serious
"Please don't"Chara whines
"On one condition"Frisk said sounding devious
"Are you really thinking on this?"Frisk sounded surprised

"I know what you want and I'm not gonna let you"Chara refuses to give in
"Looks like (Y/N) is gonna lock his door this time from a pedophile"Frisk said seriously
"I am not!Besides he's months away to be legal"Chara replied
"Yeah try saying that to the guards and call me when you get locked up"Frisk
"It isn't that bad"Chara said quietly but seriously
"I'm not judging you"Frisk
"You're totally are"Chara whines
"Just agree to what I have to say.You might like it"Frisk smiles
"..Ok tell me"Chara

Your POV

*Currently some time later at Grillby's

"I swear to Asgore I'm gonna cross over this bar to get a drink"Undyne said looking almost sober

"Then quit coming here drunk and maybe I'll give you some"you replied
"Quit being such a good friend"Undyne angrily complains

"You know many people don't have good friends so quit whining.Its already the afternoon"you replied
"Oh..I'll see ya tomorrow"Undyne said and started to leave

"Don't come back drunk"you called out
"Yeah sure"Undyne looks forward as she waves her hand

*Undyne was lost in the crowd

(At least I manage to sober her up better than yesterday)

*You let out a sigh and cleaned up some glass cups

"If you need someone to take your stress out on I don't mind giving it to you"Sans winks
"I joined this Royal Harem to stop your forward and force interaction"you replied bluntly

"Yes but you're doing it wrong.You can't just satisfy girls by just massaging their aching muscles or bones"Sans

"The rules says I can join if I manage to satisfy or please any person.I don't think I'm doing anything wrong"you replied

"That certain day is coming and I'm hoping you leave your door open this time"Sans smiles
"That's strange because when it's about you, you oddly leave Grillby's house"you calmly replied as you gave Sans a suspicious look

*Sans had blue blush

"Yeah, it's been like that since I came here too, it's strange when you only dance when Grillby is out at the bar too"you said calmly
"O-Ok So?Its not like a big deal.I leave a lot of people's houses"Sans nervously said

"Man look at the time I think it's my job to be on lookout for monster girls"you said

*Sans relaxes and you gave him and big smirk

"What's with that look?!"Sans blushes
"You look happy knowing that Grillby is coming for you"you smiled
"You better keep your mouth shut around Papyrus"Sans points at you
"Heh.Don't act like you don't know who she likes"you smiled

*You went to the kitchen and told Grillby its time for you to be station at your post

"It's hard to be at two places at once"Grillby
"I'll try better next time"you said
"I'm talking about you.Its alright having two jobs but don't let it overwork yourself.Or else I won't get to see that sweet ass in my clothes"Grillby calmly said

"You're making it weird again.Stop.Get some help.I think Sans can help you with that"You hinted

*You went to change into your clothes at the break room.Then when you were done changing you left Grillby's and headed for Snowdin's Forest to go and patrol your route

*This time it appears to be a normal day with no monster girls sleeping anywhere you see as you walked through the trees

*You eventually got to your station..but Frisk and Chara are here

"I can't keep being with you two all the time"you complained
"Wow..ok we'll just leave"Chara said looking surprised and sounding hurt
"Sorry for trying to surprise you"Frisk said looking hurt with a sad tone in her voice

*You hold their hands and entered your station while sat down on the bench with Chara on your left and Frisk on your right

"I didn't mean it in a bad way"you said reassuring their mood
"Sounded like it did"Chara looks away
"How was work?"Frisk asks
"It was fine but this is the first time you came here before me"you asked sounding surprised

"It was a surprise.But you didn't smile so I'll leave"Chara said as she starts to get up
*You hold Chara's right hand

"Don't be sad.Im sorry if I looked mad but I'm not"
"Kiss me"Chara looks at you
"But I will get mad if you keep flirting"you said looking unfazed

*Chara smiles and she sits back on your left

"We came here because we want to stay with you today.So we know what you do"Frisk said
"I told you already"you replied as they know your job very well
"I know but I just want to see for myself"Frisk said
"And it's cold so cuddle with me"Chara moves closer to you

*You put your left arm around Chara and Frisk then you slightly raise your body temperature.Chara happily leans on you and Frisk lays her head on your lap while she raises her knees so her feet can rest on the end of the bench

"You didn't bring your blanket?"you asked Frisk
"Oh.I forgot"Frisk said
*You took out your phone and got your old jacket then place it over Frisk's legs.Then you held Frisk's cold hands

"Next time come here like usual.You guys are freezing"you said holding their cold bodies
"Then Hold me better"Chara said softly

*You pulled Chara closer to you and she leans on your chest while she looks surprise to be facing you.You got your left arm free out of the sleeve and you wrap the left side of your jacket around Chara

*Chara blushes and she looks down

"At least wear a jacket"you complained to feel her cold body
"Then you won't stare at my skin like you always do"Chara complains
"I-I don't..stare"you said nervously
"Mhmmm"Frisk and Chara

"Wait I'm working so Papyrus will check on me"you said
"Then ignore her"Frisk said coldly
"We both know shes very strict on being punctual"you said

"Oh a big word for a big boy"Chara teased
"Does big boy want a big prize for being such a hard worker?"Frisk asks
"There's no prize better than you two..you two's- You two's time I mean"you said and instantly corrected yourself as you sounded nervous

*Frisk and Chara looks at you then you look to your right while you were blushing
*Chara kisses your left cheek and Frisk kisses your chest

*You looked at them
"No more flirting"you said blushing
"Aww"Chara teases
"Then I'll sleep again"Frisk said looking ready to rest on you
"Me too"Chara smiles
"..Only at the house"you said quietly

*Frisk and Chara smiles at you but you didn't look away this time

"So only hugging when we're out here"you said seriously as you were blushing
"I'll agree on that"Frisk quickly said
"Me too.So don't take back what you said or I'll get mad then sad then cry"Chara said sounding cutely serious
"I won't"you smiled

*Chara lays on you and Frisk seems to be texting on her phone
*You leaned on Chara's head
*Chara opens her eyes and she gave you her flirty eyes
"Frisk, Chara is looking at me with a certain look"you said
*Frisk looks at Chara

"Quit looking at him or he's gonna know something you did earlier"Frisk threatens

*Chara flips her body to face the opening of your post and she uses your left arm to warm up her face


"Tell me.I won't be mad"you said to Chara
"N-No"Chara nervously said
"Hey (Y/N).Do you think Chara's butt is soft?"Frisk sounded curious
"..It looks soft"you said without thinking properly

"Why don't you feel-"Frisk
"O-Ok Frisk Shut up now"Chara nervously said
"Is it?"You asked Chara
"Hun no talking now"Chara doesn't seem to be talk at the moment

*You look at Frisk
*Frisk notices your staring then she looks at you
"Is your butt soft?"You asked calmly

*Frisk looks surprise while she blushes then she smiles
"Wanna give it a good feel?"Frisk said in a teasing way
"Hun no talking"Chara said seriously

*You nodded
"Hah..maybe when we're alone"Frisk gave you a flirty expression
"So its fine when it's the other way around?"Chara asked Frisk
"I'm just teaching him.Your just being perverted"Frisk replied
"Liar"Chara complains
"What are you-"you asked

"Nothing"Frisk and Chara

"I need to patrol now"you said
"I just got nice and snug"Chara complains
"Same"Frisk said sounding tired
"Come on you two"You whined

*Frisk got off and she wears your old jacket.But Chara stays in your left arm

"You got three seconds until I kiss (Y/N)'s cheeks"Frisk threatens
*Chara gets off you and she stands up to look at Frisk

"Never"Chara looks serious
"I-I appreciate the help Frisk"you blushed

*Frisk holds up your chin
"Maybe you can give me something to know how much you appreciate me"Frisk said softly

*Chara pulls Frisk

"Hun said no flirting you sloot"Chara said looking mad
"(Gasp)Hun are you going to let her say that to me?"Frisk looks surprised

"Only I call him Hun!"Chara complains
"Hun seems to be happy to be called Hun"Frisk smiles at you

*They both look at you
*You got the heck out of your post

"Look at what you did"Chara complains
"Oh Hun"Frisk whines
"Stop!"Chara said angrily

(It's just another day with them It's just another day with them It's just another day with them)
<You said quickly in your mind>

*Frisk and Chara seemed to stay at your post which relaxed you for the moment

Next Time

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