A Beautiful Instrument

By StellarStellaLeigh

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*** COMPLETED STORY *** Leigh gets the chance of a lifetime to join a world-renowned orchestra and realize he... More

1: My Biggest Competition
2: Flirting with Trouble
3: Audition Day
4: A Celebratory Drink
5: New Plan
6: Old Meet New
7: Stepping up My Game
8: Jumping to Conclusions
9: Spoiled Appetite
10: Show Me
11: All Over Again
12: We Have A Lot To Talk About
13: Just Some Guy I'm Seeing
14: Won't Tolerate Just Anyone
15: A Free Pass
16: You Doubted I Could Make You Beg
17: Trust Me, I'll Take Care of You
18: You Two Are Going To Be Trouble
19: Why Me?
20: I Know Just The Place
21: Emotional Words
22: Get It Done, But Be Careful
23: Power Trip
24: What We Came Here to Do
25: Not Able to Protect the People I Love
26: This Feels Momentous
27: I am Now
28: Contents May Explode Under Pressure
29: Almost Anything
30: A Great Friend
31: Love Finds A Way
32: Decidedly Not Boring
33: No Reason Why The Public Won't Love You Too
34: I Thought You'd Never Ask
36: Drawing Attention
37: Taking A Stand
38: Pre-show Ritual
39: The Debut Performance
40: Being Handled
41: Reconciliation
42: Love Ya, Sis
43: Happy Birthday
44: Hot and Cold
45: Not My First Time Being Invited
46: Auction Night
47: Listen & Respond
48: Big Day, Huh?
49: Such a Different Air
50: Under Pressure
51: If She's Around, I Don't Wanna Be
52: A Disaster of a Day
53: Stealing the Spotlight
54: Whole, Complete, Unbreakable
56: A Reason to be Thankful
57: An Intriguing Possibility
58: Ringing in the New Year in Unimaginable Ways
59: Do What Feels Good
60: Aren't These Supposed to be Good Luck?
61: How is This Even Possible?
62: You are Enough
63: Reconciliation Tour
64: Back & Forth
65: Shattered
66: Endlessly
67: Duets & Trios

35: An Awful Human Being

146 24 1
By StellarStellaLeigh

Jeremy and I shared a dance. It felt good to have him hold me in his arms and not feel like we had to hide it. We went back to his and made love. I decided to save tying him up for another time. Maybe his birthday.

Wednesday was a good day. At practice, Friedrich actually complimented my progress on my debut piece and had fewer complaints aimed at the strings family. After practice, Jeremy and I had lunch at home and then headed out for a volunteer food-distribution event. Afterwards we were trying to figure out how to spend our evening.

"Do you want me to see if Alexis can get us tickets to Krystal's show?" I offer.

"Really? Why would you want to go?" Jeremy asks me with a curious expression.

"Despite my disdain for her personally, I appreciate her craft. And I think some of Alexis's dancers may be involved. Remember Noah?" I ask.

"Fine, but only if Alexis and Manny can go too. It's risky for..." He starts to say.

"Yes, I know. It's risky for you and me to be seen together outside of work events downtown." I grumble.

"Hey, I know it's not ideal, but everything has settled down for once. Let's not jinx it, okay?" He kisses the frown on my lips, running his thumb over my scrunched forehead. I relent. He's right.

Leigh: Hey Alexis. Any chance you can get four tickets to see the Synced Cyphers tonight? You and Manny up for it?

Alexis: Funny you should ask. I have tickets for me and Manny already and he's fighting me on going. Said something about one of the dancers trying to hit on him at the donor dinner last night. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?

Leigh: She's Jeremy's former fiancée. Krystal Mayors.

Alexis: Jeremy was engaged to Krystal?! We do need to catch up! Are we still on for tomorrow? I'll see what I can do on the tickets. Manny will be less resistant if it's the group of us. Dinner too?

Leigh: Yes, we're still on and yes we need to talk! Do you know Amar Kourhy?

Alexis: Cuddly, Lebanese guy? Yeah, I know him. Why?

Leigh: That's who brought Krystal to the dinner.

Alexis: Ew. Seriously?

Leigh: Yep. If you get tickets we're in for dinner, but save gossip for tomorrow. I have something to tell you about Marcus too.

Alexis doesn't answer for awhile. I hear Jeremy practicing in the other room and smile as I lounge on the couch. I could totally get used to this sense of feeling at home with each other's company. Okay being separate, but together under the same roof.

I pop open an email from Jay with some of the picture proofs. I gasp at the pictures. The one of me running in barefoot is comical, but human. Several beautiful pictures of me with my instrument. A picture of me, Jeremy, Derek, and Merilyn at the bottom of the stairs when I was introduced. He says there are a few more he'll include in the story.

I'm about to send a reply and ask him when the story will be available, but Alexis is calling so I slide the button to answer. "What up, Lexi?"

"We are good for tonight. I was having problems at first, but then I called your buddy, Amar. Apparently you made quite an impression. He miraculously came up with the seats." She sounds amazed.


"Yes, really. B and B for dinner?" She suggests.

"Six? I'll probably come home and get a change of clothes." Our plans are coming together quickly.

"I thought you took most of your closet with you already." Alexis teases me.

"Yes, but this calls for something special." I stress.

Alexis catches on. "Oh I get it. In case Krystal sees you and Jeremy together."

"Yep. Plus, I think we need to travel together. Jeremy is paranoid." I comment.

"Alright, I'll see you around five. We can get dressed together and gossip a bit." She suggests.

"Sounds good. See you soon."

"That sounds promising." Jeremy responds when I hang up.

"Yep, dinner and a show. You need to come pick us up with Manny." I tell him.

"Wouldn't it make more sense for them to drive here to get us?" He asks, furrowing his brow at the logistics.

"I'm going home to change." I announce.


"Trust me, you'll like this." I convince him.

It's 5 o'clock and I'm enjoying a glass of wine, lounging on the couch after a shower. Alexis comes in the front door, looking frazzled. She looks at me enviously. "You look relaxed."

"I'm happy and I'm ready to make Krystal eat it." I retort.

"Let's work it, Leigh! I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick. Pour me a glass." She requests.

I change into my dress and set to work on my hair, twirling it up off my neck. Alecis walks out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Her mouth drops open. "Holy hell, Leigh! I'm gonna need to replan my whole outfit just to ensure Manny keeps his eyes off you."

The black dress that I am wearing is cut literally down to my navel with a short flirty skirt. "I'm sorry. This is serious business."

Alexis eyes me. "Was it Jeremy's idea to go to the show?"

"Nope. Mine." I respond as I apply lip gloss.

"Why?" It's a simple question.

"I'm curious." I give a simple answer.

"About?" Alexis prodes.

"Whether she has any hold over him anymore." I admit.

Alexis gives me a sympathetic look. "Girl, how are you this insecure? He loves you."

"You should see her. She could be a model." I say with disdain, thinking about her Barbie-shaped figure and long legs.

"I do know her. She's an awful human being regardless of how beautiful she is." Alexis reveals.

"You know her?"

"Believe it or not, I knew her when she was looking for work here. She sabotaged herself. She never wanted to stay in this city. I didn't know Jeremy was her fiancé, though." She mentions.

"Wait, what?"

Alexis is getting ready while she talks. "I saw her audition twice. She's good. She was offered the first spot. She stuck her nose up at it. The second audition was for a better company, more money, prestige, and she purposefully screwed up to avoid getting it. She made some comment about how she needed to break the news to her fiancé and see if he would follow her where she could actually make it big."

"She could have stayed? They would be married. And..." I am reeling from this news.

"I told you she's an awful human being. There's other things, but I think you hate her enough already." Alexis teases.

"Tell me." I insist.

"She left that night with another guy." I'm speechless and now I wish I hadn't asked. Alexis realizes she may have revealed too much. "Do you think Jeremy knows any of this?"

I shake my head. "I don't know. That bitch!"

"Maybe it's best if we just keep this on the downlow. He has you now. He definitely got the better part of this deal." Alexis stresses.

"Does Manny know?" I ask.

"No. Should I tell him?" She wonders.

I bite my lip and shake my head. "I don't know. Wow."

"Alright enough drama. What do you think?" Alexis is wearing a blue and red romper. It's cute, but no where near the level of sex kitten that my dress hits.

"Oh, that's fun, Alexis! It's so you. Maybe I should change..." I start to second-guess my intentions.

"No way! You are going to show that man just why he is so much better off with you." Alexis insists.

The doorbell rings. She flashes me a smile and trots down the hallway. I smile back, but it's phony. I don't want to keep secrets from Jeremy, but does he really need to hear that his former fiancée's betrayal was so much worse than he knows? I walk into the living room, lost in thought.

"Leigh!" Jeremy's voice says with shock. I look up and smile shyly. Alexis has her hand over Manny's eyes and Manny is smacking at Jeremy's shoulder in a playful "dude, you are gonna get some" manner. Jeremy is staring at me, his mouth agape.

I walk up to him and lean in for a kiss. "Do you like it? I don't get much opportunity to wear it."

"Oh, baby. You in this dress is what fantasies are made of. Are you sure we have to go?" He kisses me hungrily. I laugh against his mouth as his arms encircle me and he pretends to drag me towards my room.

"Let's get going before these two self-combust." Alexis remarks to me.

"What makes you think being in the car, at a restaurant, or in a dark theater with you two looking all sexy is going to change our likelihood of self-combustion?" Manny asks, gesturing at Alexis and me.

"I don't, but you'll be well-behaved in public, right?" Alexis retorts.

"No promises, babe." Manny says with a wink.

Jeremy hasn't taken his eyes off me during this whole exchange. I look up at him through lowered lashes. He leans in and whispers to me. "I want nothing more than to bend you over the end of that couch like I've done before and just bury myself deep inside you."

I feel myself blush as I exhale slowly. Jeremy watches my tongue as I lick my lips. I whisper back. "Promises of things to come?"

We walk down the stairs and climb into my car. We'll drop Alexis and Manny off at his place afterwards and then go home to Jeremy's.

Dinner is great. It's a gastropub with great food and a selection of house brews and guest-taps. The theater is a doable walk, but in our heels we decide to drive over. At will-call, Alexis gives her name and the clerk smiles and picks up the phone saying, "one moment."

"Odd. I've never had to wait before. Usually they just hand over the tickets." Alexis notes.

I have a sneaky suspicion as to who that phone call was to, and sure enough, Amar appears from an employee-only entrance door. "Alexis and company! Welcome."

Amar kisses Alexis's cheek and leans towards me for the same. I stiffen and blush as his rough stubble scratches my cheek. "We meet again, Analeigh. Hello."

"My name's Manny. I believe we talked briefly at the donor dinner. I'm Alexis's boyfriend. You may also remember Jeremy?" Manny interjects.

"I'm Jeremy Connors. I'm Analeigh's boyfriend." Jeremy says firmly.

Manny, Alexis, and I all whip our heads around to stare at Jeremy, our mouths falling open. To add emphasis, he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me close to him.

Amar smiles tightly. "Ah. I see. Good to meet you all. Let me show you to your seats."

Alexis and Manny fall in immediately behind Amar. I spin on Jeremy. "What the hell was that about?"

"I'm just making sure he knows to keep his lips and his hands to himself. Plus, do you know how damn good it feels to tell people the truth about us?" He charms me.

"I enjoy it, too." I say quietly. "But you were so adamant about being cautious earlier."

He shrugs. "Yeah, well nothing like a little jealousy to make me throw caution to the wind."

I step into him and put my hands on his shoulders. "Do I need to threaten to tie you up again?"

He smirks. "Don't be a tease."

"I'm not. I just thought I'd wait until you were least expecting it. Or maybe your birthday. When is that, anyway?" I inquire, curious if he'll tell me the truth.

But we're interrupted by Amar. "Excuse me. Are you two coming? Right through here."

I turn and smile at Amar and we follow him to our seats. They are good because there's no one else in front of us, but they sort of put us on display. I'm surprised when Amar sits down with us. Jeremy frowns and I can sense his mind going into overdrive. I put my hand on his leg to calm him. He smiles and takes my hand, but he remains tense.

Amar leans forward to peer at Jeremy. "Your ex, Krystal, sure is a handful, Jeremy. She came out swinging yesterday. You're girl here carried herself incredibly in the face of it."

Amar seems to be slowly disarming Jeremy, who smirks. "Leigh's always incredible."

I laugh. "I assure you, I'm not."

"Let us be the judge of that." Amar murmurs and I feel myself blush under their gazes.

The show starts shortly thereafter. The dancers are amazingly talented. Even Krystal, who I want to hate, is killing it. I feel eyes on me. I expect it to be Jeremy, but he's watching the show. His face is expressionless. I glance over and see Amar, turning his attention back to the stage.

I cuddle into Jeremy's chest, surprising him. "Hey, you okay? Are you cold?"

I don't know why, but I need to feel close to him. I plead. "Kiss me."

"We're kind of in the open here, Leigh."

"I know, it's just..." Sensing my need, Jeremy drops his chin and I lean up to meet his lips.

A loud crash startles everyone. Jeremy and I break apart and see a dancer collapsed on stage. One glimpse at her blonde mane and I know it's Krystal. She is grasping her knee and screaming in pain.

There is a commotion on stage, Amar is up and out of his seat, disappearing. Someone comes out on stage and asks for the audience's patience, offering a brief 15-minute intermission and free beverages.

"Oh shit. Maybe I should go see if I can help or at least distract the other dancers. If this gets in their heads, they won't make it through the rest." Alexis disappears to see if she can help.

Jeremy, Manny, and I make small talk. I ask Manny if mine and Jeremy's attraction for one another is obvious.

"When he proclaims to the masses that he's your boyfriend, I can surely tell. What was that, man?" Manny calls him out on earlier.

I laugh. "A show of dominance. How about otherwise?"

Manny shrugs. "You two have chemistry. That's what I see."

Jeremy clarifies. "So not drool?"

"Nah, plus you wouldn't be the only guy to ogle Leigh. It might be more unnatural if you were to ignore her all together." We laugh and Jeremy pushes Manny playfully.

"You better not be part of that ogling, dude. Alexis will kick your ass." Jeremy reminds him.

"Don't I know it?" He looks up and smiles. "Speaking of my woman, hey babe. Everyone handling themselves okay?"

Alexis looks supremely uncomfortable. "I hate to do this, but Jeremy, you're needed to ride with Krystal to the hospital. You need to come with me."

"What the hell?!" I snap.

"What? No!" Jeremy exclaims simultaneously.

Alexis looks nervously between the two of us. Manny wraps an arm around her waist and looks into her eyes. "Care to explain what's going on, baby?"

"Jeremy is still listed as her emergency contact and she's refusing care unless he takes her. She's in excruciating pain. You have to help her, Jeremy. None of us may like it, but the longer she waits the more damage she's doing." Alexis explains.

I scoff. "She's doing this on purpose! Jeremy, don't play into her games."

Alexis says quietly. "Analeigh, he has to."

Jeremy takes my face in his hands. We are very much in plain sight of whoever is watching. "What do you want me to do, Leigh?"

Alexis is staring at me. I can tell she's trying to play the moral angle. I look back to Jeremy and sigh. "Go help her."

"I love you, Leigh. You have nothing to worry about. It's just the right thing to do. I'll see you back at home." He kisses my forehead and follows Alexis into the back, leaving Manny and I watching as our significant others scurry to aid an awful human being.

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