Ghosts That We Knew

By gennamoon

7K 190 15

When Abby Munson left Charming, she swore she would never return. Four years later, she returns to step in a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Thirteen

201 7 0
By gennamoon

Juice stood staring at the closed door, his mind racing. Behind that door were their two prospects, Ratboy and Phil, who were suspected of taking a brick of the Cartel's cocaine. Other than one of Alvarez's guys, they were the only two that seemed plausible.

Pulling out his cigarettes, he tried to keep his hand steady while lighting one. Chibs was a few steps away, talking softly on his phone. Juice didn't want Chibs to think that he looked suspicious of anything because then he would have to admit his guilt, the guilt that he was carrying which could have prevented this mess that was happening.

Roosevelt had been using the information he knew about Juice's family to try to get Juice to bring him a sample of the cocaine. Juice knew the Feds were trying to build a case against the Sons and that the coke would tie the Sons to the Cartel, which in turn would tie all of this to the IRA's gun selling. Juice thought it was strange that it had been two weeks since he'd called Roosevelt's bluff by telling him he wouldn't steal the coke, not caring if Roosevelt let out his secret.

He should have known after a few days of not being thrown out of the Sons that Roosevelt had found a new angle. He should have gone straight to Clay and Jax to tell them what the Feds were trying to do, but he kept his mouth shut. He was banking on Roosevelt blowing smoke up his ass with the threat of information on his father. The club was everything to him so he wanted to protect his secret, so he chose to keep his mouth shut, hoping that the Roosevelt stuff would come to a halt.

If one of the prospects did this for Roosevelt, they couldn't possibly know that Juice had been approached first. He felt relatively safe that his shit wouldn't come out, but the fact that he knew this and now the life of one of his brothers was at stake made him want to throw up.

Juice looked over as he heard Chibs groan and sit down on some scaffolding. Taking a breath, in hopes it would keep his hands steady, he put out his cigarette and walked over to where Chibs was.

Plopping down on the wooden skids, Juice glanced over at Chibs. "What do you think about all of this?"

With a snort, Chibs spoke, "I think someone stole the coke, and we better find out who or we're going to have bigger problems on our hands with the Cartel."

Nodding, Juice glanced down at his feet, hearing his heart pounding in his ears. "Do you really think it was one of ours?"

"I think whoever it was is a complete asshole who will get what's coming to him."

The words echoed in Juice's ears as his mind wondered what Chibs would be saying if he knew what Juice knew. He didn't want to disappoint any of his brothers, but Chibs's opinion of him was the most important of them all. Disappointing Chibs was something that he never wanted to do.

Juice rubbed at his mohawk and then started to fiddle with the zipper on his cutte. "Do you ever question some of the rules of the club?"

"Nah, they were made for a reason."

Shaking his head, watching as his knee started to bob up and down, Juice continued, "Don't you think the rule about no blacks is a little...outdated?"

Chibs turned his head to face Juice. Juice watched as the Scot's eyes scanned over him. "Most of the rules are outdated, but they are what they are."

"I get that, but what with Fiona and all, doesn't that one bother you?"

Shaking his head, Chibs leaned back against the steps. "The Sons don't care about the old ladies; the rules don't apply to them." Raising an eyebrow, Chibs asked, "What's with the questions, Juicy?"

Juice felt a trickle of sweat run down his back as his heart began racing again. He was so stupid for asking these questions thinking that it wouldn't raise some sort of suspicion. As he started to open his mouth in hopes that he'd be able to form some sort of reasonable response to the question, Happy walked in from outside. He knew that Happy was back because time was almost up for the two prospects behind those closed doors. Someone was going to have to fess up or the worst was going to happen to them. He couldn't let that happen.

Pointing to the door, Happy announced, "We ready to do this?"

Trying to ignore his churning stomach, which was threatening to bring up the coffee from earlier, Juice jumped up. "Why don't we give them a few more minutes?"

"We don't have a few more minutes," Happy snapped. "Cartel will be here soon. We need to handle our business, or they will."

Happy turned and started heading toward the door with Chibs following closely behind. Juice dashed forward, grabbing Chibs's arm. "Chibs, come on; do you really think they did this?" Juice asked, trying to keep his cool. "What's another ten minutes going to hurt?"

With a groan, Chibs looked back at Happy. "One more smoke and then we go in there."

Juice felt his heart start to slow a bit. Pointing to the outside, Juice announced, "I'm going to take a piss. When I get back, we can do what needs done."

Walking quickly to the outside, Juice was trying to sort through his head on how he was going to keep the prospects from having their existence terminated. Knowing that he could have prevented this from happening had he told Jax and Clay was too much for him to handle. He needed to make things right somehow.

Abby grabbed her cardigan and wrapped it around her. The wind was starting to pick up, causing a chill in the air. She looked over to see if Lucas needed anything, but he was engrossed in the soccer game. Glancing over at Lyla sitting beside her on the blanket, she nudged her arm.

"Aren't you cold?" Abby asked, looking at her skinny, bare arms.

Lyla shook her head as Abby observed the sadness in her eyes. She had called Lyla earlier that day to check on her. Abby had been trying to get a hold of her for several days to see if she wanted to talk about what happened with Ima at the clubhouse, but all she got was voicemail. Abby had checked in with Opie as to whether he had talked to Lyla, but he hadn't. She had gone to Mary's the day before to take Kenny and Ellie to Kenny's soccer game. As they drove to the park, Abby asked if either of them had seen or heard from Lyla, but they hadn't either. That morning, Abby decided that she'd try Lyla one more time. Much to her surprise, Lyla answered the phone. Abby knew Piper had a soccer game that night, so she offered to join Lyla which she agreed with a grateful "yes."

When Abby and Lucas arrived at the park, she decided that she wouldn't bring up Opie. She would let Lyla lead the conversation because she didn't want to pry. As much as she had grown to like Lyla and become friends with her, she knew that Lyla saw Abby as Opie's best friend, so it might be awkward for her to discuss the situation between the two of them.

Abby cheered as Piper's team scored a goal. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Lyla smiling from ear to ear at Piper's assist on the goal. That was one of the things Abby immediately liked about Lyla; she was a good mom to not only Piper, but to Kenny and Ellie too. She hoped that as time went on, Lyla would continue to be a part of Kenny and Ellie's lives.

"Have you talked to Opie?"

Abby's attention turned to Lyla who had squeaked out the question, sounding as if she was going to break down into sobs. Abby nodded. "We had a long talk that night, but other than that, I've only talked to him about helping with the kids."

Lyla nodded slightly, as her head leaned forward. Sniffing back tears, she whispered, "I tried to love him, but it wasn't enough."

That statement hit Abby hard. She understood that feeling all too well. It was a feeling that she had over and over these past five years. She had moments where she would beat herself up over what happened with Juice. She would tell herself that if she had loved him more then maybe he would have wanted to leave Charming to be with her in Chicago. That maybe if she had loved him more, he wouldn't have suggested that she leave, and they would have lived together in Charming as happy as could be.

She moved closer to Lyla and placed her hand on Lyla's. "Lyla, you loved Opie the way a person should love another. The problem is that Opie doesn't love himself. He hasn't for a really long time. That's on him, not you."

Lyla nodded, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "I really thought he was ready to move forward with his life, but maybe I was just hoping that was the case."

"I love Ope; he's my best friend, but Opie is a complicated individual. Most of the time, I have to read between his cryptic words to figure out what's going on in that jumbled brain of his." Abby squeezed Lyla's hand. "Opie really does love you Lyla, but I think he realized that it wasn't in the way he should love you. It was a shitty way to communicate that to you, but not only can Opie be a tad impulsive, but he also shies away from emotional conversation."

"Did he tell you that I had an abortion?" she asked, sounding ashamed.

"He did."

"I guess we're both guilty of not being honest with each other," she stammered.

Abby didn't say anything. She was trying to focus on everything that Lyla was saying at the situation they were discussing, but it was hard to not let her thoughts drift to Juice. Opie and Lyla weren't the only ones that were guilty of not being honest with each other. Abby wasn't exactly being truthful with Juice by keeping all the feelings she buried inside to herself.

Clearing her throat, Lyla turned to Abby. "How are things with you and Juice?"

Laughing, she shrugged her shoulders. "Same old same old. He's been spending more time with Lucas and I've been trying to keep our interactions as short as possible."

"Not trying to pry, but have you reconciled what happened between the two of you?" She stopped and let her head fall back, her eyes drifting up to the blue sky above. "I know Opie and I aren't going to get back together, but I find myself asking if I can forgive him so we can at least be friends. I'm just curious if you've been able to forgive Juice."

"Honestly, Lyla, I've spent these last five years ignoring my feelings, but they have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass. At some point, I'm going to have to do something about them." Abby looked over at Lyla, touching her shoulder. "One piece of advice, don't ignore your feelings and push them aside; do as I say, not as I do." Abby smiled as she heard Lyla laugh, happy that she was able to make Lyla laugh.

The two ladies sat in silence, watching the kids continue to run up and down the field. Abby wasn't sure where to go next with their conversation. She didn't want to harp on what happened with Opie, but she didn't want Lyla to continue the conversation about Juice. She spent too much time dealing with all the feelings and memories that possessed her mind that she just wanted to have some peace right now.

"Thanks, Abby."

Abby glanced over at Lyla who had turned to face her. "For what?"

"I know you're Opie's best friend, but here you are, keeping me company and being a good friend to me. I really appreciate it." She stopped and smiled. "I really hope that you find someone special, whether that be with Juice again or someone else."

Letting out a snort, Abby shook her head. "That's not on my agenda right now, Lyla."

"You know, I think Chibs has a little bit of a crush on you. I thought that as soon as I saw the two of you together."

Abby froze in her spot as Lyla's observation hit her. That statement took Abby back to many years ago when she was sitting with Donna in the Winston kitchen, keeping her company while the guys were on a run. Donna said almost the exact same thing about Chibs. Coming back to Charming not only brought up all the feelings from Juice's betrayal, but also the loss of Donna. Abby never mourned Donna to the degree that she should have because Opie didn't tell her until he was standing on her doorstep in Chicago while she was trying to shush a crying Lucas back to sleep. There was more than one ghost looming over Abby.

As she began to give Lyla the same answer that she had given Donna, Lucas plopped down in front of her. Messing with his curls, Abby smiled, "Hey buddy, the game's almost done."

"We were going to go get something to eat at the diner," Lyla chimed in. "Do you guys want to come with us?"

Lucas started shaking his head yes, tugging on Abby's arm. "Can we ask daddy to come too?"

Locking eyes with Lyla, Abby hesitated as Lyla gave a nod toward her purse. Exhaling, she rummaged in her purse to pull out her phone. "Sure, buddy, I'll give him a call."

She found his contact information almost immediately and hit the call button. Abby looked over at her son who was staring up at her with the biggest smile on his face, his big brown eyes sparkling back at her. He looked so much like Juice.

After the second ring, Abby realized that she was holding her breath. She was feeling more and more nervous as the phone rang. Part of her hoped that he wouldn't answer, but there was the other part of her that wanted nothing more than for him to join them for dinner. Pushing those feelings aside, she hung up when the automated voice came across the line saying the person wasn't picking up.

Shoving her phone back into her back, she smiled at Lucas. "He must be busy with work. We can call him later."

She was glad when Lucas smiled back and exclaimed, "Okay, mommy."

She pulled him over to her and wrapped him up in her arms, kissing his cheek as they finished watching Piper's game.


Juice opened his eyes, squinting as the sun blared down on him. He winced as pain coursed through his leg. He rubbed his hand across his forehead, noticing blood as he brought his hand down to push himself onto his elbows.

"Shit," he stammered, looking over at the dead body a few feet away from him. "Shit." He held his breath as he tried to push himself back, his leg throbbing with any little movement.

He felt like he was in a dream as the events that just happened washed over him. Miles was the one who gave the cocaine to Roosevelt. Juice had walked out to the woods to take a piss and saw him pulling the brick out from under some leaves. When he realized Juice was there, he pulled a gun on Juice.

As he tried to process the rest of what happened, he heard yelling in the distance, getting louder as the voices got closer. He could see Chibs and Happy running toward the clearing where he was, trying to avert his eyes away from the corpse of his brother.

"Juicy, what the hell happened?" Chibs hollered as he came to a halt.

Juice pointed in the direction of the body, "Miles...he took the coke...I caught him." He could barely speak as the situation became even more real to him. He felt like he was going to puke as his stomach turned violently. He just killed his brother; sure, it was in self-defense, but it didn't change the fact that he took Mile's life. Not only that, but he could have prevented all of this. With that thought, he rolled over and brought up the contents from his breakfast.

He jumped as he heard more gunshots, realizing that Happy had shot Miles a few more times. As Chibs began to help him to his feet, the sound of motorcycles filled the air. The rest of the guys had returned to the warehouse to meet the Cartel who would be arriving within the next thirty minutes.

Grimacing with every step, he leaned against Chibs who helped steady him as he hopped along on his good leg, the other one dragging.

"What the hell?" Jax yelled as he came storming over.

"It was Miles," Chibs relayed to the guys.

"Miles, seriously?" Opie questioned, looking shocked at the news.

All eyes turned to Juice who Chibs was trying to steady with every move. "Yeah, I went to take a piss and saw him pulling the brick out. I yelled for him and he pulled a gun on me. I dove to try and tackle him, but he shot me in the leg." Groaning as Chibs helped him sit on a stump of wood, he took a deep breath. "As he pulled his knife out, I managed to get the gun and I shot him." The words hit him hard as his stomach lurched again, this time Juice swallowed so the little bit that was left in there would stay put.

"Good job, Juice," Clay acknowledged, clapping him on the shoulder. Their President turned to Happy and Chibs. "Hap, you take care of burying Miles. Chibs, get Tara on the phone, load Juice into the van, and get him taken care of."

Juice felt Chibs's arm come around his waist as he hoisted him to stand again. "Come on, Juicy; let's get you all fixed up."

Nodding, Juice tried to put some pressure on the injured leg, but immediately stopped. The pain was too immense for him to use that side. Leaning against Chibs again, he made his way over to the van.

Once Chibs got him settled in, he looked at Juice. "I'm going to head back into the warehouse, check on things before we leave. I'll call the doc."

Juice nodded, reaching out to grab Chibs's arm. "Thanks man."

Stretching out on the floor of the van, Juice shut his eyes. He kept hoping that when he finally opened them this would all be a big dream. He tried to distract himself from replaying things over and over in his head. As the image of Mile's dead body came into his mind, it was pushed aside with a vision of Lucas and Abby. He slowly opened his eyes, noticing that he was feeling the pain of something other than his leg, the pain of not having the two people he loved in his life.


Abby couldn't help but smile as she listened to Lucas giggle at a funny story Piper was telling about something that had happened at school that day. That giggle was one of the best sounds she had ever heard. It could brighten up her worst day in an instant.

As the waitress brought the check over to the table, Abby quickly grabbed it. Looking up at Lyla, she smiled. "My treat."

"Abby, you don't have to do that."

"I know I don't have to, but I want to. It's been fun hanging with you." Abby smiled and pulled out her wallet. As she laid the money on the table, she heard her phone ring from inside her purse.

For a second, she thought about not answering it. Whoever it was could leave a message, but as she tucked away her wallet, she had a sinking feeling that she needed to see who it was.

"Hello," she responded curiously, not recognizing the number.

"Abby, it's Chibs."

"Chibs, this isn't your number. Is everything okay?" She paused, waiting for his replay, trying to ignore the sick feeling bubbling up inside of her.

"Juice was shot. I'm taking him over to Jax's so Tara can take care of him."

Abby felt her whole body stiffen up as she let the news sink in. "What do you mean?" She stopped herself before she continued with the conversation, looking over at Lucas who was still giggling along with Piper. She didn't want to get him worked up, so she needed to watch what came out of her mouth.

"It's a long story. He's going to be fine, but I thought maybe you should come over here and check in with him."

"Sure," she squeaked. "I'll be right there." Swiftly she ended the call, turning in slow motion to face Lyla.

Lyla leaned across the table and lowered her voice. "Is everything okay?"

Shaking her head , she didn't say a word. She had no idea how to communicate this to Lyla without her son's little ears hearing the information. The last thing she wanted was to make her son aware of the dangers that came with the club.

The distressed look on her face must have been enough to signal to Lyla that she couldn't speak right there because Lyla turned to the boys and handed them some quarters. "Why don't you guys go play the claw machine? We will be right there."

She didn't have to tell them twice. The kids were up and out of their seats, disappearing to the game in a flash. As soon as they were out of earshot, Lyla whipped back around. "Abby?"

"Juice was shot. Chibs is taking him over to Jax's so Tara can fix things."

Abby felt Lyla grab her hand. "Oh my gosh, Abby, you need to go over there. I'll take Lucas with me."

She nodded her head at Lyla's offer. "Can you take him to Gemma's? I'll call her on my way over to Tara's to let her know what's going on."

Lyla stood up and put her hand out to help Abby to stand. As Abby got to her feet, she felt her knees buckle slightly. Grabbing the edge of the table, she took a deep breath in and pulled herself together. She couldn't fall apart; not here, not in front of Lucas.

She felt Lyla's arm come across her shoulders as they walked toward the claw machine. When she reached Lucas, who was watching Piper move the claw meticulously toward a bear that Lucas was pointing to, she cleared her throat. Leaning down, she put her arm around her son. "Hey buddy, I need to go help Chibs with something. Lyla is going to take you to Gemma's."

Her breath caught as those brown eyes turned to face her, a smile spreading across his face. "Okay, mommy. I can help feed the birds."

Laughing, Abby sniffed, not wanting any tears that were forming to come out. She kissed the top of his head and whispered. "I love you, buddy."

As she turned toward the front door, she was immediately pulled into a hug by Lyla. "Let me know how everything goes," Lyla requested as Abby backed away and hurried out the door.

Sliding into her car, she gripped the steering wheel as she gained her composure. The waves of emotions were whipping through her like an angry storm. She couldn't make any sense out of what she was feeling. All she knew was that she was overwhelmed thinking about what she was about to walk into. This was one of the fears that she had when it came to Lucas and Juice developing a relationship. She was petrified that they would grow closer and closer only for Juice to be ripped out of Lucas's life. Then there was the fear she was trying to ignore; the one that had her terrified of having him ripped from her life again.

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