Chasing Ellie

Da darlingberational

16.9K 1.3K 948

Ellie Hope loves to unravel secrets. But with each new secret she uncovers her need to find the truth of who... Altro

Author's Note
1. Phototactic
2. Silent Killers
3. Telecommunication Hub
4. Unraveling Secrets
5. The Foundation
6. Overbearing Curiosity
7. Smiles
8. Fatherless Children
9. Camel Fights
10. Good Cop, Bad Cop
11. Full Hand
12. Social Media
13. Genetics
14. Blood-Injury Phobia
15. Acute Stress Response
16. Beer Pong
17. Sapphire Eyes
18. Cut Out
19. Stress Sweat
20. Norepinephrine
21. Hangovers
22. I'm Not People
24. Regardless
25. Non-Verbal Hand Gesture
26. Predation
27. Personas
28. Friends & Denim
29. Stakeout
30. Pinky Fingers
32. Infinite
33. Kalahari Desert
34. Promises
35. The White Pages
36. The Best
37. The Speed of Smell
38. Runner's High
39. Rubber Bands
40. Thanks
41. Found Her
42. A Warehouse
43. Spiritual Connections
44. Do's & Dont's
45. Why
46. Blindside
47. A Favor
48. Spontaneous Moments
49. Anger
50. Chase
51. Epilogue
Author's Note

23. A Wave

315 31 17
Da darlingberational

Ellie Hope

By lunch Laurel's wearing Wes' denim jacket. We've moved inside to a table in the corner, the weather no longer permitting us the luxuries of the outdoor courtyard. It's loud in the lunch room and the tables nearby stare as Wes tics. As if he's new to the school and they've never seen it.

Some people, I tell you.

We sit in the same order we do outside, Laurel beside me, then Brett, then Wes but as I glance around the table the twins aren't there.

"Where's James and Savannah?" I ask Wes because I'm still not sure I'm not mad at Brett.

I had walked away from him this morning at the lockers not allowing him the chance to explain himself. A little petty I know but I'm only human.

It's Brett though that answers me. Pointing through the lunchroom to the table Sawyer and his followers sit at. And to my horror there is James and Savannah.

"What're they doing there?" I'm sure I look positively baffled.

But right behind that is the thought that they both hate me. James for accidentally outing him and Savannah for almost knowing and not saying anything.

"Avoiding me." Brett supplies.

Which is even more baffling to me because now that we all know about James and Brett you'd think they'd want to spend all their time together.

"Why?" I shift my focus between Brett and the twins, no one makes eye contact with me.

"Because Savannah hates me now." He states it like it's the absolute truth. A cold hard fact.

"That's the dumbest thing I ever heard." The words tumble out of me, fueled a little by anger.

What's the point in being mad at Brett for liking someone. I doubt out of all the people in the world he could have liked he decided to pick James solely to hurt Savannah. The idea is ridiculous.

But Brett shrugs his shoulders, dark curls a mess on his head as he picks through his lunch.

"I think she just needs time." Laurel comments.

"Me too." Wes agrees.

He shares a cute smile with Laurel before he tics, launching a French that was in his hand at me. Of all the things that Wes has thrown, French fries are my favorite.

"Sorry." He apologizes instantly.

And to ease some of the sadness that hangs over the table from this weekends horrendous events to the lack of James and Savannah I say "you can throw fries at me any time."

Wes is the only one that laughs.

Apparently we're all weighted down by our worries, none of us really keen on sharing. I'd consider it but it's obvious that I've been the only one open and honest about things. Or well almost.

My search to find my biological parents is a secret but I don't see how keeping that to myself could possibly hurt any of my friends.

Saturday night pops back into my mind just as vivid as if I was reliving it all again. The moments before I opened the bedroom door, when my biggest worry at the time was making sure I got Savannah to a bathroom fast enough. How we were all innocent and no one was hurt or devastated and scared. And how with one simple gesture, opening the bedroom door, it all changed just like that. No warning.

I realized my mistake instantly but it wasn't enough.

My gaze drifts back to the twins as they sit with Sawyer and his friends. Savannah staring off uninterested, James smiling and holding conversation because he's James.

I already miss the way we were.

And then there's Darren, sitting beside James, a green hoodie on, making his hair look more orange than it really is, oddly enough. Everything about him screams "don't notice me" from the way his shoulder hunch slightly making him look smaller than he really is. The quiet way he moves about, calm and gentle like he doesn't want to cause a ripple.

But ever since Saturday night and the time we spent in his treehouse talking, or well, me talking, I can't help but notice Darren Hannigan.

He was unexpected. Chiming in at random times with a surplus of information but also just quiet company, calm and listening and without judgement. At least that's how it seemed.

I liked his rather odd collection of facts, like his commentary on our pinky promise. I'm certain now that whenever I pinky promise I will forever more think of Darren and the meaning of it.

I never asked him why he came out on the deck or why he chose to take me to a quiet place where I could rant in peace or why he stayed so long even though it was cold outside. In a moment when I felt as though I was alone and unwanted, he reminded me that I'm not.

Through the distance that spans the lunchroom, our eyes meet. Makes sense as I've been staring at him now for a good minute or two, studying him. I'm intrigued, interested in learning more about Darren, unraveling the mystery about who he is and why.

A tiny smile tugs at the corner of his lips but it falters as he glances away. A nervous sort of gesture like he's not sure it's him I'm staring at. Or if he should be looking back. Maybe that he shouldn't have smiled. His skin flushes, noticeably enough that I can see from where I sit and a laugh wants to escape me.

But when he glances my way again, I'm ready, waving my fingers in the air. It takes him a moment, glancing around him as if I might be waving at someone else. Which is sort of ridiculous because I'd never wave at Sawyer and currently I'm not sure Savannah or James are talking to me.

He must decide that I am in fact waving at him because his smile grows and he waves back.


@Flyingfree773 I am not ignoring you. I see your requests for double updates. But I haven't been writing a lot recently and we be eating through the buffer so I'm holding off.

I also will get back to you at some point for the Darren and Ellie cast. But as always if you have ideas, let's hear them.

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