Maddy's Random Writing & OCs...

By MaidenAndPirate

225 10 4

Author(s): ๐Ÿ‘‘ (maybe ๐Ÿ’Ž & ๐ŸฅŠ might add in) Hewo everyone! So, as a make-up for not being so active, I decided... More

Intro to this Book
(OS) Saber's Birthday

(OC) Kana/Break (SPOILERS(?))

100 4 4
By MaidenAndPirate

Spoilers for "Our Status?"

Face Claim: Kitagawa Keiko


"Allow me to debug you out of existence!"
"Life is like a buggy program, you can make mistakes but you learn from them in order to debug them."


Name (Ln Fn): Tachibana Kana
Name Meaning:
Kana; "Powerful". Tachibana; "Wild Orange"
Kana (Hiiro, Poppy, Ruby)
Na-Na (Ruby)
Kana-san (Emu)
Tachibana-san --> Tachibana Kana (Kuroto)
Tachibana --> Analyst --> Break (Taiga)
Pretty Girl --> Ember (Kiriya)
Break (Parado)
Masquerading Desire (Masamune)
Honey (Hiiro)

"My personal (feelings/affairs) stay out of this."

Series: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
Rider Name: Kamen Rider Break
Game Genre: Strategic/Escape + Harvesting/Farming
-Video Games
-Strategic Game

Rider/Ally Type(s):
Hero (Currently)
Support-Aid (Formerly)
Anti-Hero (Formerly, possessed by Ruby)
Protagonist (Another Ending: Break + Desire )
Deuteragonist (Another Ending: Brave & Snipe )

S.U.H Health IT Specialist (Currently)
C.R Doctor / Kamen Rider (Currently)
Seito University Student (Formerly/Graduated)

Seito University Hosptial (Currently)
Bugsters (Formerly/Possessed by Ruby)

"I'll make sure that no more lives are taken from your games!"

Physical Appearance:
Gender: Female
Age: 24 (Ex-Aid), 28 (Another Ending)
Skin Color: Slightly Pale.
Eye Color: Brown.
Hair Color: Dark Brown.
Hair Length/Style: Long, Straight Hair.
-Wears down (EP/CH. 1 - 33)
-Wears in a Low Ponytail (EP/CH. 34 - 38)
-Wears down (EP/CH. 38 - Break + Desire)

Character History:
(Will be updated soon)

Kana is someone who likes to be work-oriented and likes to leave her personal feelings out of it. She's someone who likes to stick to the facts and when she can't find the obvious answer to something, she gets into intense research "episodes", which can cause her to lose sleep or make herself frustrated if she can't find an answer and double guess herself. She may sound like a rule-stickler but she's also a kind soul but due to how much she has been through, her kind soul became twisted. If she sees a Rider get too hurt, she'll rush over to check on them, or (as a rider) she'll get annoyed and turn her anger towards the enemy. She was also patient with others, hence why she didn't rush anything with Hiiro when they first got together.
Before Zero Day, Kana was work-oriented but anti-social since she was able to read people easily and when some friends she made dropped her because she was "weird", she begun to shut people out. After she graduated High School, she met Saki at a public library, who would turn out to be a close friend of Kana. Kana begun to slowly open up to her before they became close friends. Then she was "forced" to work with Hiiro for a project to help the University, which the two were not in the mood to work together, but as they spent more time together, they realized that they each had interesting skills. Afterward, she and Hiiro "stuck" together in a sense, like they would eat lunch (more like they read to themselves but kept each other company). She was also the one who helped set up Saki and Hiiro together, which turned out successful. After Saki passed, Kana continued to push herself to not shut anyone out but she keeps her personal feelings private, even Hiiro doesn't know Kana besides from work and their history in school.
Like Hiiro, she knows when it's best to undo her henshin to prevent a possible game over. Due to both of them experiencing similar trauma, Kana likes to stick/work with Hiiro. To Hiiro, she's someone who stops from doing something risky or snap him out of it.
Also, she's the type of person that "attracts" someone (not romantically) to her as she's someone who wants to get all the information, meaning that she exposes herself to different POVs. Hence why the 4 riders could "despise" each other but not Kana, making her be the mediator.
After Hiiro betrayed CR, Kana became more unstable than usual, where she was confused since she knew Hiiro wouldn't do that. But after she realized the reason, she couldn't be mad at Hiiro since she would've done the same thing in his place. But she was still unstable in a sense to where she changed her hair and wore darker tones in terms of clothing. She also tried her best to avoid Hiiro but if she had to fight Hiiro, she was going to fight but she wouldn't beat him in case his performance causes Saki to disappear, which would break Hiiro. But when she saw that Hiiro couldn't transform into Taddle Legacy at first, making Masamune deduce that it was Kana's fault, basically making her a target, which made Kana realize that she was probably part of the bargain in a sense.
After Hiiro returned, Kana returned to normal along with her appearance before she had to deal with Ruby, who suddenly attacked her in a rage of Parado dying. Kana then defeats Ruby only to not kill her but show her how she can't throw her life away for revenge and she has to keep going. But to make sure she got the trophies, she and Ruby put on a "show" when Kana "defeats" her with the Hyper Muteki Gashat but Ruby got absorbed and she joined CR along with Parado. Afterward, she continued being a hard-working person but she became more caring towards patients and to her friends + significant other.

"Not a single detail goes past me unnoticed."

Powers + Abilities:
🍊 Natural Game Disease Immunity: Like Emu, even though she didn't know, Kana can utilize the Gamer Driver and Rider Gashats without the need of the Compatibility Surgery. But her immunity isn't absolute due to her virus being rushed, meaning she can still be overwhelmed by a large dose of the Bugster Virus.
🍊 "Cut, Copy, Paste, Merge": Due to Kana having a buggy Bugster, she has the power to make her Gashats disappear and reappear, along with copy another Gashat (But she can only do it if both sides agree upon it). Similar to Emu's Gashat Creation Powers, Kana can create a new and higher power Gashat by merging two of them together but she can only do it for her Gashats (but if she's knocked out of her Henshin, her merged Gashat will un-merge).
🍊 Dual Personalities: Like Emu, she has two different personalities but due to her Bugster not being as strong as Parado and Emu (bond-wise). Her personality will changes when she put a Gamer Driver, making her more confident in a cocky/flirtatious way, but when she's regaining her senses, she blinks rapidly for a moment. Unlike Emu, Kana can't split apart from her Bugster due to them having extended history and she's part of who Kana is today.
🍊 Increased Agility: When Kana is possessed by her Bugster, she becomes more quicker and agile than usual.

🍊 Accessible Research: Due to her role as the Hospital's IT Specialist and as a CR Support-Aid (Later CR Doctor), Kana is able to access more information, mostly around the Gashats and classified documents, hence how she figured out about Kiriya's lie about his friend along with "hacking" into security cameras.
🍊 "Holder of the "OP" Tablet": Kana's Tablet that she's mostly seen holding it in her hands. She's able to look at a patient's vital signs if she's not in the Quarantine Room by connecting to the med-bay's control panel or scanning the patient in question. Also, she's able to see the health-bars of the Riders if they entered a Game Area. She can also pull up patient records or documents on it as she likes to work digitally.
🍊 High Intelligence/Analytical Skills: Similar to Taiga, Kana has always been a smart person, meaning she's able to retain important information or is able to pick up on something to make a mental note. She's also able to read someone's facial expression or body language to get a glimpse of their potential personality. Also, (As a Rider or normal), she has the ability to analyze her surroundings and work with the things around her, hence how she was able to get her Gashat from Genm. But as a rider, she can analyze the other riders' health and figure out a Bugster's weakness but she needs to figure out that information for it to show.
🍊 Adaptation: Like Hiiro, Kana is able to learn from her mistakes by figuring out ways to make up for a previous mistake.

"I may not be a doctor, but I'm still going to fight for the patients!"

🍊 Ruby (Formerly): Due to Ruby being the Bugster created by Kana, Ruby can take over Kana's consciousness effortlessly. However, Ruby can't take over Kana if she has already transformed or if Ruby is in a Game Area created by a Proto Gashat. But Ruby can't transform into Level 99 unless she has taken over Kana. But when Ruby fights Kana and is nearly defeated, she confessed that she doesn't even know her own feelings due to lying to herself, then says that she doesn't care what happens to her. But Kana accepts her as a way for her to atone for her sins, causing her to not be inflicted by Ruby as her Disease changed into more "firepower".
🍊 Game Migraines (Formerly): Before Kana got her Gashat, if Kana was in a Game Area for a period of time (15-20 minutes), she will begin to get a blinder of migraine, causing her to become an easy target as she would get dizzy and feel uneasy. Afterward, the effects will be faint but it would still be lingering, making Kana not being able to work at her full 100%.
🍊 Intense "Episodes": Due to Kana being the type of person that needs to find the answer to unanswered questions, she will get into these research episodes where she literally pushes herself to find an answer, causing her to be mentally drained afterward and possibly lose sleep.
🍊 Hidden Heart: Kana may not show it all the time but when she sees someone badly hurt or she sees one of the riders get forced out of their transformation, she either runs over to check on them or protect them if she still has the strength too. Hence why when Kiriya got badly hurt in EP 5, she took the initiative to treat him. Along with when Ex-Aid was monkeying around when he was "Gamer M", Kana made sure to do the major fighting to risk him from getting hurt.

Rider Info.
"Analyzing Level [number]. Henshin!"
"Maximum Desire Analysis. Henshin!"
(Possessed by Ruby)
"Analyzing Hyper Levels. Henshin!!" (Using Hyper Muteki)

~Masquerade Escape - Level 1 + 2
~Giri Giri Chambara (Replicated) - Level 3
~Drago Knight Hunter - Level 5
~Harvesting of Desire (Beta) + Masquerade Escape ("Masquerading Desire") - Level X (unknown) -> Level 50
~Harvesting of Desire + Mixing Destiny ("Mixing Desire Addict") - Level 99 (Merged with Ruby)
~Masquerading Desire + Hyper Muteki - Hyper Muteki Break (Only used once)
~Blossoming Desire Addict - Level 100 (Merged with Ruby/Once used)

~Escape Gamer Lvl 1
~Escape Gamer Lvl 2
~Chambara Escape Gamer Lvl 3
~Hunter Escape Gamer Lvl 5
~Harvest Escape Gamer Lvl X --> Lvl 50
~Mixing Desire Gamer Lvl MAX/99
~Muteki Gamer
~Blossoming Desire Escape Gamer Lvl 100

~Gamer Driver - Henshin Device.
~Rider Gashat - Henshin Trinkets.
~Kimewaza Slot Holder - Carrier Strap for Rider Gashats.
~Chambara Gamer - Break's Lvl 3 Support Robot.
~Hunter Gamer - Break's Lvl 5 Support Robot.
~Addict Gamer - Break's Lvl X/50 Support Robot.
~Blossom Gamer - Break's Lvl 100 Support Robot.
~Tablet - Kana's Personal Device
~Game Scope - CR's Stethoscope-like Device.

Gashacon Chain (Frail/Spear) - Break's Primary Weapon.
~Gashacon Sparrow - Chambara Escape Gamer's Weapon.
~Drago Knight Claw - Hunter Escape Gamer's Personal Weapon.
~Full Dragon (Drago Knight).
~Gashacon Talons (Claws/Throwing Knives) - Harvest Escape Gamer's Weapon.
~Gashacon Rubislambow (Sledgehammer/Crossbow) - Mixing Desire Gamer's Weapon.

"You made me hurt my friends... Even my significant other. I won't let you get away with it!"

~Hiiro Kagami (❤): Kana and Hiiro went to University together and halfway through their 1st year, they got asked to pair up and create a program to help the medical majors in the University by Hiiro's Father and Asuna. They denied it at first before they agreed to work together. During the project, they realized that they both had their talents that they each admired/respected other in, making them actually spend more time together but either as a "Quiet place" or "Program Meeting" for an excuse, but they just enjoyed each other's company and didn't talk that much. But when she saw Hiiro take an interest in Saki, Kana helped them get together in a sense by making excuses for not being in the cafeteria. Afterward, when Saki and Hiiro started dating, Kana didn't mind but when she saw Saki upset, she comforted her only to witness her getting the Bugster virus, calling her in. After Saki's death, Kana kept her promise to her to look after Hiiro but Hiiro and Kana made a vow to each other to help defeat the Bugster Outbreak. They both got compatibility surgery but only Hiiro got her Gashat since Kana's one wasn't ready yet. Kana was always a phone call away if Hiiro needed reassurance but Kana was looking after Hiiro on her own volition as well. Kana and Hiiro kept in contact while he was in America before he came back. Kana was there to make sure Hiiro was alright along with the rest of CR but she was also there to snap Hiiro out of it/calm him down. Hiiro was also the person who helped take care of Kana from her episodes since he knew her better. When Kana became a Rider, Hiiro was nervous about it but glad at the same time. He began to see how much he liked Kana but became worried as he witnessed her make/merge her Double Gashat. When Kana's majorly hurt, he'll make sure she is okay and help support her out of the battlefield. But when Kana got kidnapped for bait by Lovelica and heard about him trying to keep Kana, Hiiro realized how much he cared about Kana as he basically called her "his treasure on the journey", basically showing how he felt as he saved Kana. They talked about it before they "started a relationship" but it wasn't a big thing since Kana was patient with Hiiro due to their past. Hiiro also found out the possibility of Kana having Game Syndrome but doesn't tell her until Ruby and Parado got reprogrammed and Ruby took over Kana since she would've been afraid of herself. But when Hiiro got blackmailed by Chronos, Kana was confused but when she figured out that Saki's data was on the line, she didn't blame him but she felt mad at herself, along with her to be angrier at Chronos for messing with her loved ones. When Hiiro, Emu, and Kana witnessed Saki's data being erased, Kana was there to mourn with Hiiro after the fight. Afterward, Kana and Hiiro's relationship grew and strengthened as they continued to fight the Bugster Virus along with working together at the Hospital.

~Emu Hojo: Kana met Emu when she had to deliver a file to her when he first became an Intern, but when she noticed that he had a few bits of game merch along with he spends his breaks playing games, she would've never expected him to be Genius Gamer M but she had suspicions. After Emu became Ex-Aid, Kana didn't mind him joining CR because she knew they needed more CR Doctors but she doesn't like it when Emu and Hiiro get into disagreements about where she has to separate them. Also, she's mostly the one to help Emu with his clumsy self. When Kana becomes a Kamen Rider after Kiriya dies, Emu gets annoyed since she used the exact Level 3 Gashat Kiriya uses and she wasn't that empathetic about it. But Kana finally snaps him out of it and tells him her true intentions, allowing them to team up when Hiiro had to perform the critical cancer surgery. But Kana was one of the first people to find out he had Game Syndrome (thanks to Taiga), but like the other male riders, she didn't tell him due to overloaded stress. But also due to her being the only one with her Gashats when his personality changed to "Genius Gamer M", she had to make sure he didn't hurt the patient. Afterward, CR continued trying to fight through KRC but when Emu and Kana figured out they had Bugsters and were able to have them suppressed, Emu would have to hold Kana back from hitting Kuroto. But when Hiiro betrayed CR, Emu would do his best not to push Kana's buttons but also made sure she didn't get hurt when she became a target. Emu and Kana were the only two who knew of Kiriya's facade since they were closest to him. Afterward, Emu and Kana had a similar plan to get their Bugsters' trophies and get them to side with CR before the big battle. Kana thinks of Emu as the optimistic doctor that CR needs and they have a deciphered bond due to their Bugsters being close.

~Poppy/Asuna: Kana met Asuna when she got asked to do the project with Hiiro but re-met her when Saki got put into CR. Asuna was a form of support to Kana due to the amount of stress and anxiety she felt for Saki. After her passing, Kana got asked to fix an odd game cabinet, which she was able to fix, but it turned out to be Asuna, but as Poppy, which surprised Kana but she thought it was interesting, even if she had a "grudge" towards Bugsters. When she joined CR and became S.U.H's Health IT Specialist, she and Poppy grew closer to where she and Kana had a very close bond and Kana would make sure Poppy's smile never faded and she was safe. When Poppy got brainwashed for KRC, Kana didn't lose hope in Poppy being completely gone and was trying to snap her out of it along with Emu. But when she returned but Kana got possessed by Ruby, Poppy revived Kuroto to help save Emu and Kana. Poppy was also someone that helped calm Kana down from Hiiro betraying CR, which helped her but she was still different. When Kana "killed" Ruby, Poppy was afraid/worried about her before she realized that she never killed her. Poppy's last words to Kana when she cured the Gamedeus pandemic were "Take care of Hiiro, and don't be afraid to open up to others." But when Kana found Poppy was alive, she immediately hugged her since she was Poppy's older sister (not actually).

~Haima Kagami: Kana met Haima alongside Asuna and Hiiro when she got asked to do the project. Afterward, Haima respected Kana due to her works and he would turn from strict to a pushover when Kana or Poppy say something. But Haima appreciated Kana for always being there for his son and claims that "I haven't seen him around another person in a while.". Haima was also someone Kana thought of as family in a sense. But when Haima got infected by Lovelica for Hiiro and her, she and Hiiro made sure he got cured. When Haima found out that Hiiro and Kana were together, he was glad that Hiiro found someone that made him happy.

~Taiga Hanaya: Unlike Hiiro, Kana was there when Saki was infected by Game Syndrome, so she knew Taiga. But she was there to witness the few moments where Taiga would vomit blood and worry about what the driver and Proto-Gashat were doing to him, but he would brush her off. The last time she saw him was after Saki disappeared and he collapsed by the bed, Kana trying to check on him but he was too ashamed. 5 years later, Kana remeets Taiga when she was helping Emu with Yuki, but she couldn't believe how much he has changed before she figured out the reason why. Kana still didn't like how Taiga acted but still believed he was a good person. When Emu fainted from his Double Gashat, Kana was curious about Taiga's actions but she had suspicions about Emu, so she allowed Taiga to get his blood to test in return to be the first person he tells about the results. She kept Emu's Game Syndrome as a secret along with Hiiro, Poppy, and Taiga. When Taiga helped in treating Hiiro, he and Kana had a sort of heart-to-heart as they were waiting for Hiiro to wake up, where Kana realizes that Taiga still respects her after Zero Day. When Kana got taken over by Ruby, he was also pissed and wanted to get her back, and when she was freed from Ruby, Taiga was the other person to make sure she was alright. Taiga would support Kana's anger towards Kuroto. Also, Kana was one of the other riders that helped fight Chronos in Nico's place. After Chronos was defeated, Kana helped support Hiiro's request to get Taiga pardoned and have his clinic opened.

~Kiriya Kujo: Kana ran into Kiriya a couple of times as she noticed him watching the riders and then he threw a bottle of medicine at her. When he shows himself as the 4th Rider, along with saying his "intentions", Kana is in shock but is also suspicious. When Kana has a 1-on-1 conversation with him, Kiriya gives her the nickname "Ember" due to her determined spirit and he realizes that she is more observant than others. When Kiriya gets beaten up to the point of unconsciousness by Level 3 Genm, Kana was the one to treat him because she knew he needed help, even if he was a liar. When Kiriya made the claim that Kuroto was Genm, Kana was suspicious but she didn't debunk Kiriya, instead, she found the security footage that showed Kuroto transforming. Then Kana looked into Kiriya to reveal that his friend died normally, which she then confronted Kiriya about it. Afterward, Kana helped Kiriya with finding out information about Zero Day. When Kuroto got revealed as the Black Ex-Aid, Kiriya went in place of Kana to meet up with Kuroto, which led to his death, where Kana was one of the people to witness it. Kana appeared to not be upset about but when she saw Genm hold his weapon, she got pissed as she transformed into a Rider. She was able to obtain his reprogramming research for Emu, creating his Maximum Mighty X Gashat. When Kiriya got revived by Chronos, Kana was shocked to see him alive but when he called Kana a "feisty spirit", she knew that Kiriya was still the same Kiriya she knew before he died. Kiriya and Kana would discuss plans from each side of the playing field before Kiriya was able to get Emu's Hyper Muteki Gashat back to him and revealed to be the same Kiriya. But when Kana saw the Proto-Gashats and realized that Saki wasn't in the Drago Knight Hunter one, Kiriya was able to comfort her when she opened up about her feelings about the whole situation. Along with Kiriya, she was one of the 6 riders that helped defeat Chronos. Afterward, Kana would help Kiriya and Genm Corp. With the Bugster Vaccines as she also helped fight the Bugsters.

🍊Genm Corp.
~Kuroto Dan: Ever since Zero Day, Kana has always been suspicious of Kuroto but she never spoke out about it due to lack of evidence. While Saki and Kana were asleep in the Quarantine Room, he saw how Kana has had a dormant Bugster inside of her, intriguing him before he infected her with a larger dose along with Saki, but with Kana, it was only speeding up the maturity of her Bugster. After Saki's death, Kuroto secretly bribed a surgeon to perform a different surgery on Kana and pretend it was the Compatibility Surgery, but instead, Ruby was taken out of Kana but due to not being matured for as many years, Ruby was a so-called "buggy" Bugster who still needed her host. When the outbreak came back, Kana realized that Kuroto was acting suspiciously in terms of the new Gashats suddenly "disappearing" along with how he was making the male riders stay at each other's throats. When Kiriya made the claim that Kuroto was Genm, Kana couldn't believe it at first but when she found security camera footage of it, everything clicked into place with her. But when Kuroto killed Kiriya, Kana was enraged to where she took his Gamer Driver (which turned out to be hers) and became a Kamen Rider to make sure he wouldn't kill anyone else. When she witnessed Kuroto die, she was horrified by how gruesome it was but she never felt sympathy for him after what he has done. But when she found out that Ruby was her Bugster and Kuroto created her from Kana, Kana was pissed off and in disbelief but when she saw Kuroto revived, she nearly lost it with him because she couldn't forgive him, but she learned to tolerate him for Poppy's sake. Kana would threaten Kuroto with the Buggle Driver if he spoke out of place or he was being too egotistical, but Kana will also warn Kuroto to not waste his lives. She also got pissed when Kuroto got the Hyper Muteki Gashat taken from his monologue but when she staged Ruby's death, she told him that the outcome of the fight would be on him due to him being the "creator" of Ruby.

~Masamune Dan: Kana never met Masamune before Kamen Rider Chronicle. But Kana was the one to suggest visiting Masamune to Kiriya about Zero Day. When Masamune got introduced as Chronos, showed off his powers, and killed Lovelica, Kana was shocked by the kind of power he had. But when Masamune blackmails Hiiro into siding with him, Kana wasn't mad at Hiiro, she was mad at Masamune. But when Masamune saw Kana as "an interference" when Hiiro tried to use Taddle Legacy, he immediately made her a target. When Hiiro was performing surgery on Taiga, Kana and Emu confronted Masamune to try and get Saki back before they were basically beaten by Masamune as he held her data hostage before Hiiro came back and helped fight Masamune. She also hated how he tried to cheap shot her, only to get Ruby and "kill" her, which pissed Kana off even more. When Masamune died, she was surprised by how he died but felt no sympathy for his death and felt Genm Corp. is in better hands.

~Graphite: Kana only knew that Saki's materialized Bugster existed but she never knew it was Graphite until Taiga told her and Hiiro. Graphite didn't see anything in Kana since she wasn't a rider but she was there to witness Graphite's first defeat. Kana was with Hiiro after they defeated Graphite and where he believed that Saki wasn't avenged, to where Kana responded and said it was a start. When Graphite got revived, Kana was in shock that he was still alive but Kana never got to properly fight him until the final battle with Taiga and Hiiro.

~Ruby: Originally Kana's Imaginary Best Friend from When she was 4 till she turned 15 when her mother died. This idea then became Kana's Bugster that got taken out of her instead of her Compatibility Surgery. Ruby was enraged that Kana forgot about her so she wanted to make sure that Kana was okay, only for her to be her only friend since Ruby is (in a sense) caught in the past. Kana briefly ran into Ruby at the Convention Center but doesn't properly meet her until Ruby gives her the "Harvesting Desire BETA" Gashat. Afterward, Kana would see Ruby lurking about before Ruby finally joined the fray with Parado. Like Parado with Emu, Ruby was obsessed over Kana but didn't want to defeat her since she wanted Kana to only depend on her. But when Kana got kidnapped, Ruby still took care of her even when Lovelica cut Kana's cheek, to when Ruby brought Kana's Gamer Driver and Gashats when Kana was forced to watch the doctors fight Lovelica. But when she saw that Kana and Hiiro started a relationship, Ruby's personality went to more "yandere-like" levels to where she begun targeting the other riders (except for Emu) but got annoyed when Kana would block her from them. But when Parado got his Level 99 form and defeated the riders, including Kana. Ruby got annoyed but also took the opportunity to take over Kana, revealing to be her Bugster. The next day, Ruby revealed her Level 99 form and helped take down the riders while Parado was dealing with Poppy. But when Kuroto got revived and the game area affected Kana and Ruby, Ruby got forced out of Kana which caused Ruby to get annoyed and literally kick Kana through a pile of crates. But when Chronos arrived and begun to target the Bugsters and Kana, Ruby ignored her rivalry against the riders and helped try to defeat Chronos. When Ruby witnessed Parado "dying", Ruby went ballistic and attacked Kana out of nowhere, but Kana was able to beat her but she realized that Ruby was still a life and she saw how much she cared for Parado, meaning that she had a heart. Kana was able to persuade Ruby into siding with her and help them defeat Chronos so she could be able to do what she wanted to do, to not be forgotten and help others. But Kana and Ruby had another plan to make sure they got Ruby's Gashat Trophies without suspicion, which caused them to fight with Kana using the "Hyper Muteki" Gashat to "defeat" Ruby but only to absorb her. Then Kana and Ruby were there to see Parado pleading for forgiveness and helped him understand the sins he and Ruby committed. When the Gamedeus Pandemic re-begun and Chronos tried to cheap-shot Kana, Ruby takes the hit which resulted in killing her but not without Kana absorbing her without knowing. After Kana saw Poppy and Parado alive after Chronos died, Ruby knew she was still alive and split from Kana, revealing herself. Afterward, Kana helped Ruby settle into the Hospital as Ruby didn't want to be "locked up" in CR, but when she saw a little boy crying because his mother was in surgery and was worried, Ruby helped the boy stop crying by making an origami, afterward, Ruby was okay being a helper in the pediatrics ward.

~Parado: Kana would only see Parado watching some of the riders fights every now and again but doesn't get properly introduced to him until she, Hiiro, and Taiga faced against him and Ruby as Riders. Afterward, she started noticing how Parado was obsessed with "playing with Emu" before she came to the conclusion that Parado was Emu's Bugster when Parado took over Emu. But after Parado got reprogrammed, Kana realized how strong he became but also begun to understand how she and Emu had an odd bond, which was because of their Bugsters. When Chronos arrived and begun targeting Parado because of Emu, which then led to Parado's "death", Kana realized that he wasn't actually dead but when she saw how desperate Parado was for atonement and forgiveness due to his fear, she was astonished but relieved. After the battle with Chronos and witnessing the deaths of Poppy, Parado, and Ruby, when she saw them alive, she was relieved and happy that they were alive. Afterward, Parado and Kana had a sort of heart-to-heart as she saw him watching Ruby helping, where he was talking about how he met her and even showed Kana the first origami Ruby made him, which was a heart but it could pull out into a bigger one, which made Kana happy to see them witnessing love.

~Saki Momose: Kana and Saki at the library during their first year of University, where she found an interest in helping others, and Kana found Saki comforting and someone who eased her stresses. They became good friends and once Kana saw Saki having an interest in Hiiro, she decided to try and set them up, seeing that Hiiro enjoyed Saki's company, which ended up successful. But when they would have rocky moments, Kana would calm Saki down and comfort her. The day Saki got infected by Game Syndrome, Kana was confused why she ran off from Hiiro and went to comfort her only to be the one witnessing her getting Game Syndrome. When Saki was in the hospital, Kana would visit her every day and be there for her, but on the day of Saki's death when Graphite became complete, Kana was filled with emotions but Saki told her to take care of Hiiro and continue helping others, and for Hiiro to continue on and become the best doctor. Kana wasn't the same after that day as she got flashbacks to her mother's death, and Saki's death fueled her determination to destroy the Bugster Virus. But when she saw her as data, she was in disbelief by seeing her but it hurt her to see her repeating her final words. After she witnessed her data getting erased, she and Hiiro mourned over her "2nd death" before they promised her that they will retrieve her smile again, while Kana continued to look after Hiiro, even if the circumstances between her and Hiiro were different.

~Nico Saiba: Kana only met Nico when she tried to transform with Taiga's things which then led to her having Game Syndrome. Kana was a bit annoyed by Nico's childish behavior and arrogance but then she realized that she was a Genius Gamer and she was wanting Emu to be defeated. She was slightly surprised when she saw her hanging with Taiga all the time but she saw the slight change in Taiga thanks to Nico. When Taiga was getting surgery. When Nico became a Ride-Player, Kana was surprised but she supported her being one because her skills as a Genius Gamer were useful and she also knew Taiga would take care of her. Kana was trying to help Nico calm down but she knew that she couldn't do much to comfort her because she assumed that Nico thought that Kana would always side with Hiiro due to their relationship, so Kana was comforting her in silence and even gave her her handkerchief. She was one of the riders that fought in Nico's place against Chronos. Nico would also like to tease Kana every now and again about her relationship with Hiiro but Kana thought of Nico as a good ally.

~Akihiko Tachibana (Father): Akihiko is one of those fathers who puts his family before him and is very caring about them. Kana cared deeply about her father but she wasn't one to show it but when she was a child, she was always asking how work was for him and show him her grades. But when Mitsuru (Kana's mother) passed away due to cancer, Kana became more distant from her father and didn't put as much of an effort to talk to him, unlike her father who would always check on her, even if she didn't pay attention. The members of CR (except Hiiro and Haima) didn't know about Kana's father until he got Game Syndrome from KR Chronicle and was put into CR. Kana was in disbelief by her father getting Game Syndrome before he told her that he wanted to try to revive her mother since there was a possibility that she had Game Syndrome before she died and he wanted to believe that she died from Game Syndrome so he could revive her. This stressed Kana out because she loved her father dearly, meaning that she was going to make sure he was cured, which she did. Kana would then apologize as she realized how distant she was from him but Akihiko told her that he was still proud of her and he still loves her. He also approved of Kana and Hiiro's relationship because he had a heart-to-heart with Hiiro about Kana when she was fighting the Bugster.

~Mitsuru Tachibana (Mother): Mitsuru was a kind and strong soul that got diagnosed with cancer when Kana was 10. She was in and out of the hospital as her cancer wasn't that big but it got worse a few years later, making her stay in hospital. Kana would visit her after school and keep her company. About 6 months later, Kana got a call about her mother being in critical condition, making her run out of school to try and see her but the doctors kept trying to push her way, only for Kana to finally push through and stay close to her mother. Her mother's final words were "I love you, my little helper." To Kana before she passed away. Kana kept those words close to her but she became distant towards others but she kept making helpful programs in school to where even the school compensated her for the programs that could be used at school. When Saki died, Kana got flashbacks from her mother's death and realized how she needed to properly keep her words along with Saki's promise, which makes her get the compatibility surgery so no one else could get killed. When Kana's father wanted to revive her mother with KRC, the non-logical side of her wanted to believe that she could be revived but she knew it couldn't be true. After she cured her father, Kana could feel her mother hugging her as she was proud of her and that she was watching over her, making Kana tear up.

~The Masquerade Escape games are based on "the Escapists" game series.
~Kana's original job was supposed to be in IT at Genm Corp. before it got changed to S.U.H's Health IT Specialist.
~Kana also has a slight sweet tooth as well and her favorite item is a triple-chocolate cupcake, which Hiiro would get for her if he goes to the cake shop.
~Kana is the first female rider to use a Gamer Driver (Followed technically by Ruby).
~Kana has some PTSD from witnessing the deaths of her mother and Saki, followed by being kidnapped by Lovelica as bait, so she will have nightmares every once in a while.
~Like Emu, Kana had a Hyper Muteki form but it was only used once.
~Kana's scanner was inspired by the Scouter from DBZ.
~Like Genm Grade-X, Kana's Rider Forms has two different color eyes.

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