โœ“ | ๐€๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ฅ, Luke Patterso...

By pandabalena

104K 1.7K 1.4K

// Angel (n.) a person having qualities generally attributed to an angel, as beauty, purity and kindliness. More



4.5K 90 93
By pandabalena

The boys were in Julie's garage. Alex was walking in front of Luke and Reggie, frustrated.
"I think he's practicing his model strut"
"He's so nervous, he's almost making me nervous"

"Ok, look, you guys know I don't handle change well. All right? Death? That was a change, ok? Then we became ghosts, all right? Another change and... And now we can be seen whenever we play with Julie. Big freaking change!"
"Yeah, but bro, it was a good change. With Julie, we can play on stage again and be the band we never got to be"
"Yeah, I just... You know, I wanna figure out why"
"Maybe y/n can help us" Said Reggie with a smile
"Yeah but I gotta go clear my head" Said the blonde boy trying to open the door.
"Dude, you're a ghost. Just poof out"
"Don't tell me how to ghost!"

Julie and y/n were walking in the hall of the school.
"Julie is amazing. I can finally talk to you"
"What you mean?"
"Well, people couldn't see me before and I used to watch you at school or at home, I talked to you but you couldn't hear me"
"This is creepy"
She smiled.
"I help people doing good stuff. Do you remember when days ago Nick smiled at you in the corridor?"
She nodded.
"No way, was you?!"
"So you have powers?"
"It's complicated, it's like a positive energy or something. I can be visible to alive people but I need to concentrate a lot"
She nodded and walked towards her house with y/n.

"So, you are really my angel?"
"Not at all, you are not the only one I help, but I stay with you a lot. Also I'm not an angel, I'm a ghost but everyone nicknamed me angel because say I'm kind, pure and other stuffs"
"Maybe you really are"
"Nah, I'm just a normal ghost"
"A ghost that is kind, pure, nice and has powers"
Y/n rolled her eyes.
"So, how do you know the boys?" Asked Julie
"They find me in your garage last evening"
"Oh yeah, but what there is between you and... Luke?"
"What? Nothing, why?"
"Well, I saw something"
Y/n jumped.
"Really? When I saw Luke, I felt strange, I felt a connection but I don't know what it is"
"Maybe you and Luke are connected somehow"
She nodded.

When the two entered the garage, Alex passed through them.
"What happened?" Asked Julie
"Alex needed time to elaborate"
Y/n smiled at Luke
"I think he will be fine"
He smiled back.
"Well... He can't teach you how to play drums so... Do you want to learn how to play guitar?" Asked softly.
She blushed.
"Well, why not?"
Julie smiled and looked at Reggie.
"Let's go" Whispered at the boy as he nodded.

Alex was walking around the city. People who was walking through him with nonchalance made him more sad.

A boy on his skate was behind him, shouting to people.
"Comin' through. Hey!"
But he collided with someone and fell on the ground.
"Oh man! Oh you dinged my board"
Alex looked at him.
"I dinged your board? Dude, you ran me over. You're lucky I didn't..."
But he stopped seeing the face of the other boy.
"Y- Y- You... You... You ran me over. You're a ghost?"
"Mm. Yeah. Hey, sorry I, uh, smashed into you. I thought you were a lifer, and I'd just pass right through"
"Uh, a lifer?"
The boy smiled.
"I think you and I have to talk, dude. I'm Willie by the way"
The blonde smiled.
"I'm Alex"

Y/n and Luke were left alone in the studio. He grabbed his guitar and started to play a song. Y/n smiled looking at his blue eyes.
"Now it's your turn"
"What? But I don't know how to play!"
The boy smiled.
"I'm here for this"
He handed her his guitar.
"Please be careful with it, it's so important to me"
"Wait, you care more about your guitar over me?"
"W- W- What? No! I mean... I wouldn't want it to get scratched and I wouldn't want you to have any scratches or something else... I-"
Y/n stopped him.
"I get it, you are so sweet"
He blushed as she grabbed his guitar.

He arranged her fingers on the strings.
"Perfect, now try to play"
"Like this?"
She tried.
"Not bad. Now let's try a melody"
Luke sat behind her and wrapped his arms around her, guiding her fingers over the strings of the guitar.
They looked into each other's eyes and smiled.
"Well, guitar isn't like drums, but is not that bad"
Luke smiled.
"Yeah, you are right... Listen... Today I was asking you something but I was interrupted by Julie, so..."
But he was interrupted by Julie, Reggie and Alex.

"Hey guys, what's going on?"
Asked Reggie with a smirk.
Luke stood up quickly.
"Luke was teaching me how to play guitar. He is a good teacher"
He blushed.
"Hey guys, I have news" Said Alex
"Really? What?"
"I have a new ghost friend"
"For real?"
"Yes, he answered a ton of questions. I think I know why we're here, ok? All ghosts have, like, unfinished business. So, we need to do our unfinished business so that we can cross over"
"Why would we do that?" Asked Luke
"I'm just saying, this is like our second chance"
Y/n took Luke's hand.
"Maybe cross over it's not that bad, Luke. I know you like music but-"
"No. I love music, I can't leave all this" Shouted him
She did a step back, she felt really sorry.
"I'm sorry Luke..."
A tear fell on her cheek as she looked at the ground. They all could feel the sadness in the room, and it wasn't a good sign.

Julie looked at her worried, she never saw y/n sad and had a bad feeling about it.
"I think you broke y/n, man" Said Reggie crying
Alex looked at him.
"Why are you crying?"
"I don't know, I'm just feeling sad"
Julie looked at him.
"I think it's y/n. When she is sad, the energy around her change the mood of people or something"
Luke bit his lips.
"Oh, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just mad"
She looked at him.
"I'm sorry Luke"
He hugged her.
"You didn't do anything wrong"
Said leaving a kiss on her head.
She smiled and Reggie stopped crying.
"Hey, I'm fine!"

Julie looked at the mark on the girl's wrist.
"Hey, what is?"
"Oh, it's a mark that my father gave me. I think is magic because before it was light pink and now is dark"
"Woah, cool!" Said Reggie
"Yeah, but I want to know why so I'm trying to figure it out"
She looked at the clock.
"I have to go, see you tomorrow!"
Luke followed her out the garage.

She turned to face him.
"Before I said that I don't want to cross over because I love your company... I don't want this to be over"
She smiled.
"That's so sweet"
"Also, I was asking to you if you want to hang out with me... What you think?"
She blushed.
"Yeah, I would like to"
Luke smiled and left a kiss on her cheek.

A. N. I know it's boring

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