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Y/n was in her room dancing on the melody of "Then he kissed me". Willie knocked in her door and smiled.
"Hey angel"
She smiled back and grabbed him by his hand.
"Hi Willie, how was your day?"
"Oh, nice. I met a ghost"
Her eyes lit up.
"That's a great news! What is his name?"
"Oh my gosh, I know a ghost named Alex too, he has a band"
"Yes, his bandmates are Luke and Reggie"
She jumped on her bed.
"Yes! They are so special. They can be seen by people without Caleb's magic. That's awesome"
He bit his lip.
"Hey, don't be sad. Do you want to brush my hair?"
He giggled.

While Willie was brushing her hair, she was reading some books about magic marks.
"Today happened something strange"
"I was so sad and I changed the mood of one people around me. He become sad too"
"Caleb told you to control your emotions. We should not tell him"
She nodded.
"Do you think that it's my mark?"
"I don't know, maybe the only one who knows about your mark is Caleb"
"Yes, maybe I will ask him later"
"Oh don't worry. I will do it, I have to talk to him about... Other stuff"
She nodded.
"Thank you, you are so nice"

Willie was waiting for Caleb in his studio. Was so nervous.
"Willie, do you have good news?"
"Uhm yes. I found the three ghost"
"Nice, but why are you so worried?"
"Y/n knows them too"
"Oh, they are... Friends?"
"I don't know"
"Mh, for now is not a problem. Remember to take them to me. I need them"
He nodded.
"Before I go, I have a question"
"Y/n's is different from mine, why?"
"When I met her I wanted to gave her a gift. The mark is magic, when she finds her soulmate, the mark will color"
"That's so nice"
"Why you asked?"
"Uhm, nothing... Just... Curious"

Y/n was on her balcony, looking at the sky if the night. Someone tried to catch her attention.
"Pssst. Hey y/n, I know something about your mark"
She looked down.
"Hey Willie, what?"
"This mark is a love mark. When it colors, it means that you have found your soulmate"
She looked at the star on her wrist.
"But I met a lot of people"
"C'mon, when your mark became dark?"
"Uhm, maybe when I was with Julie in her studio and the three boys appeared"
"Maybe is one of them"
She smiled.
"I think is Alex, he is too cute and nice"
Willie giggled.
"I don't think so, I spent all afternoon with him. Y/n, he is gay"
"Oh... Well, Reggie!"
"Maybe, why not?"
Someone knocked at her door.
"I need to go, Willie. See you"

She opened her room door.
"Oh, hi dad"
"Hi dear, how was your day?"
"Uhm, nice, why?"
"I care about you and I wanted to know. Willie told me that you met three ghosts"
"What? Nooo, just only lifer"
He looked at her seriously.
"Are you lying to me?"
She bit her lips.
He grabbed her wrist angrily and saw the colored mark.
"I knew it. You will never leave this room and you will never have to see the boys again"
"What? No! You can't do it!"
"Yes, I can"
Said leaving the room.
A tear fell on her cheek. He couldn't do it. She wanted to see Julie, Flynn, and the others again. She went on her balcony and looked at the starry sky, then closed her eyes and disappeared.

Julie and the boys were playing a song for Flynn called Flying solo.
"See Flynn? You are my best friend, I never lied to you"
She smiled and hugged her but the moment was interrupted by the arrive of y/n.
"Ah! Wait... She is a ghost too? But wasn't she a normal girl? I mean... I can see her without problems"
"I think it's better if you sit down"

Everyone sat on the floor.
"I did a terrible thing"
"What?" Asked Julie
"Uhm... Maybe I ran away from home..."
"This is a bad thing for an angel"
"I'm not an angel, I'm just a special ghost. Anyway, my stepfather ordered me to stay in my room and never see you again"
"I don't know, he was so strange..."
"Well, you can stay here with me and the guys"
Y/n smiled.
"Thank you so much"
"Wait, your father can see her, it could be a problem" Said Flynn
"I can be visible to people but also I can be invisible"
"You are so cool" Said the girl with a smile.
The conversation was cut by Carlos, Julie's little brother.
"Hey, dinner is- Wait, who is she? Is your new friend? Because she is so beauty"
Y/n giggled.
"Hi, you must be Carlos, nice to meet you"
The young boy took her hand and left s kiss on her hand.
"You can have dinner with us and sit next to me"
Flynn and Julie giggled as Luke glared at the boy.

Julie's dad was so nice and said to y/n to stay with them all the time she wanted.
"Can she stay for the night?" Asked Julie
"Can she stay forever?" Added Carlos making all laugh.

When dinner was over, Julie and y/n went in the girl's room.
"Your stepdad is so bad"
"Nah, he cares about me... But sometimes he cares too much. Anyway, I found out what my mark means. It's magic and indicates that I have found my soulmate, for this reason is dark pink"
"Cool, so, who is your soulmate?"
Y/n smiled.
"It became dark when the boys appeared so... I think it's Reggie. He is so kind, funny and cute, like a puppy"
Julie put a hand on her face.
"Why not Luke? This could explain why you both felt strange and felt a connection"
Y/n blushed.
"Do you think Luke might like me?"
She smiled sweetly.
"Yes, why not? You are so kind, pure, funny and other stuffs, maybe it's destiny for you two"
"Yes, I'm going to say goodnight to the boys"
Julie nodded.

When y/n appeared out the garage smiling, she stopped, hearing the boys talking.

"How many times I have to tell you? Between me and y/n there is nothing, and never will be"
"Man, I saw how you looked at Carlos. He is just a child but you were jealous"
"Guys, I'm serious. She is just a girl, a friend, nothing more. Now we need to focus on our music"

She leaned her back against the door, sadly. A tear fell on her cheek hearing what Luke said. Why he asked to her to hang out and was so nice if he didn't care? Suddenly she felt a pain in the mark on her wrist.
She disappeared and went in Julie's room.

"Hey... What's going on?" Asked the girl wiping a tear from her face.
"Y/n, please, I see that there is something wrong"
She looked at the curly girl with wet eyes.
"My soulmate isn't Luke, I heard him saying stuffs about me..."
The conversation was cut by someone who knocked at the window.
Y/n opened it and Luke smiled at her.
"Hey, uhm, I was wondering... Would you like to look at the stars with me tonight?"
"Go to hell, Luke"
Said closing the window on his face. Luke was confused and sad at the sane time and disappeared.
In that moment, she felt the same pain on her wrist.
Julie looked at her, worried.
"It hurt so much, I don't know why"

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