UnderLust-True Lust Kiss[Comp...

By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

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MaleReader X Female Frisk and Chara *Warning This book contains provocative and is not suitable for Readers... More

Chapter 0- Are You Ready For A Good Time!!
Chapter 1 UnderLust
Chapter 3 Snuggles
Chapter 4 Ass Grabbing
Chapter 5 Hot Banging
Chapter 6 Satisfactory
Chapter 7 A Big Dang Kiss
Chapter 8 Threesome In The Bedroom
Chapter 9 Massaging Something Soft
Chapter 10 Dirty Little Secrets
Chapter 11 Kissing Those Soft Lips
Chapter 12 Getting Hot In Bed
Chapter 13 True Lust Kiss
Chapter: Conclusion

Chapter 2 Cuddles

5.8K 67 104
By Possibly-a-Unique_Na

All information was on the Previous Chapter

So this where the story "Begins"

Your POV

*You were cooling your head with a cold compresses on your face,after you took a cold shower.You laid on the couch with the lit fireplace and the Tv on your right


*You hear a door opening from upstairs and hear two giggling girls walking down the stairs

"Please.No more flirting"you said in a complaining tone

"But you like it"Frisk said in happy tone
*You didn't respond

"Just admit it Hun.You miss us when we're not with you"Chara said with her voice sounding closer
"..I'll admit that I don't hate it"you replied
"Such a shy boy"Chara said in a teasing tone
"Want us to make it up to you?"Frisk asks
"No"you replied coldly

"I promise it's not flirting of any kind"Frisk said sounding serious

*You put the cold compresses off your face and look up to see Frisk standing on your right and Chara standing behind the right armrest while they both look down at you

"What is it?"You looked at Frisk
"Dinner.Made by me"Frisk smiles
"I can help"Chara looks at Frisk

"You'll just put chocolate all over it again and I'm not letting you even come to the kitchen"Frisk said looking untrusting at Chara

"Come on that's..Ok I'll stay"Chara said looking at you for a moment
"Good now...Come with me you devious devil"Frisk spots Chara's hidden intent

*Frisk pulls giggling Chara to the kitchen and you were left alone being still with your wondering expression


"(Y/N) just stay there and Chara will help me"Frisk calls out in the kitchen
"Unless you want company"Chara calls out
"I'll fix my phone so you two can just focus on what you're doing"you replied

"I didn't hear a no"Chara said in a happy tone
"It's a no you thirsty woman"Frisk said in an angry tone

*You hear kitchen objects moving around as well as Frisk's and Chara's talking in the kitchen while you sat on the couch with the living room table pulled close to you.You began to repair your phone


*You sense someone staring and you look towards the kitchen to see Chara poking her head out to only see her red eyes

"Hi Hun~"Chara said in a flirty tone

*Chara was quickly pulled back into the kitchen
"Stop that already"Frisk said in an annoyed tone

*You smiled and continued on fixing your phone
*You were done fixing your phone as you put a strong screen protector this time

*You still hear Chara and Frisk talking in the kitchen so you took the melted cold compress to put them back on the fridge

*You walked into the kitchen then Frisk and Chara notices you.You smell something delicious

<You didn't read this Chapter for the details on the food and neither did the girls so, "Delicious",if you will>

"It's not done Hun"Chara said blocking the stove
"And it's supposed to be special so set the table"Frisk said as she points a wooden spoon at you then at the living room

"We eat at the counter..Unless you want to eat at the living room and watch Tv"you replied

*They think for a moment

"That Table is too short for me"Chara said
*Frisk pulls Chara and they turn their backs on you then you hear them whispering.When they look back at you, you already put back the cold compresses in the freezer

"Then just wait at the couch"Frisk said
"And we can get to talk more"Chara smiles as she walks towards you

*Chara holds your left hand and you look at Frisk
"I don't like it either"Frisk said looking mad
"You don't like me Hun?"Chara said sounding fake sad
"W-What?No I do like you"you said believing in her sad expression

*Chara blushes then she smiles.Chara pulls you to the couch and she sits on your left with the Tv on a family friendly- Christian- no swearing of any kind- show<Mental inhale if you need to>,The MTT Show.

*The right cushion was empty on your right

*Chara was cuddling with you the moment you both sat down

(Oh jeez)

"Chara I don't mind you being this affectionate but can you do it later?"You asked
"I was looking forward to cuddling alone with you.But since you like Frisk more than me"Chara said in a sad tone

*Chara was leaving your left arm but you quickly grabbed her right hand and she looks at you with a surprised expression

"Don't say that.I like you as much as her"you said looking serious
"I really like it if you like me more"Chara said looking serious with a pout

"I'm not changing my mind no matter how much you pout"you said looking unfazed by her cuteness
"Oh yeah?"Chara said looking surprised

"Yeah"you replied
"Can you lay down for me?" Chara said with a little pout

(My heart will not be swoon by such cuteness)

"Later Chara"you said looking away for a moment
"Please?"Chara pouts more

(Stay Stone cold my cast iron heart!!!)
*Chara let's out a little whine
"F-Fine"you gave in

(I can't win with this girl)

*You lay on your back and Chara lays on top of you
"Wait I thought you're gonna lay in front of me"you said blushing

*Chara looks at you and thinks for a moment
*Chara lays on your right..but she's facing you
"I also thought you'll be facing the Tv"you said looking at the ceiling for no reason

"But the best entertainment is right in front of me"Chara smiles
"C-Come on Chara.I already lost my cool when you went into my room"you said looking at Chara with a blushing expression

"And that's the entertainment I want"Chara
"(Exhale)..Chara"you said as you looked completely serious of her changing her mood
"Hm.Fine"Chara said

*Chara flips over and her back is facing you.But she moves her butt to press against the area below your waist so you hold her waist as you thought she's on the edge of the couch

*You feel Chara's body getting hot

"If you want to move closer then just say so"you said into her left ear
*Chara holds your left hand tight

"H-Hun don't whisper so close please"Chara said in a nervous voice

(Oh this is new.And I found out a way to block her physical flirting)

"Sorry.Is this better?"You said whispering into her left ear once more

"Hun I'm gonna call Frisk and tell her you're being flirty"Chara threatens you..if you call that a threat
"I am not"you replied normally
"Oh yes you are"Chara replied
*You kissed the back of her head
"S-Sorry"you said as you felt that wasn't ok

"Why are you apologizing hm?"Chara said in a questioning tone
"You know why Chara"you replied shyly
"I don't think I want to be touch by a jerk right now"Chara said in a mad tone

"N-No Chara I mean..I know reverse psychology Chara"you said and realized what she's doing

"(Giggles)Aww so close.But as long as you want me here.I'll stay to give you my warm company"Chara said snuggling closer
"The necklace was from you right?Because you're the only one who I ever said that hearts can also mean-"you suddenly said then

"N-Not now Hun..But maybe later"Chara said in a shy tone
"Oh it's "later" when "you" say so huh?"You said sounding a bit mad
"Yes now shush or I'll face you again"Chara threatens

*You hold her tight and you both watch Metatton showcase percentage of the population from now and back to 10 years ago

(That is a big jump.But I don't even see kids outside..Maybe that's a good thing.Probably the kidnappings would increase)

"Hey the food is done now get off him"Frisk calls out
"He's holding me so I can't leave him"Chara said happily

*You let her go

"Ok.Wow Hun"Chara said sounding surprised and mad
"..Maybe tonight?"you said
"(Clears Throat)"Frisk

"And of course with Frisk"you said with a shaky smile
"Always like to get his attention"Chara looks at Frisk
"Quit being a pouter and get your fatass in the kitchen"Frisk said to Chara
"Hun do you think my ass is that fat?"Chara looks at you as she turns her soft looking butt towards you

*You look at Chara's Butt then you see her smiling expression

"Your jumpsuit is in the way so I can't tell"you said looking unfazed
*Chara started to undress but Frisk quickly stops her then was drag to the kitchen

"Maybe later Hun"Chara smiles
"Can you contain yourself until dinner is done?"Frisk said in an annoyed tone
"I just want Hun to be more..relax"Chara said further away

*You went to the stove and see a hot pot filled with

<Spaghetti?Pasta? Dinner.Its Dinner.Delicious Dinner>

"Wow.It looks great"you said looking surprised and stunned
"You thought it would look terrible?"Frisk said looking hurt
"No I mean I thought it would be something normal but this looks really delicious Frisk"you smiled at Frisk
"I helped"Chara complains

"You helped yourself on the couch with him now take some and I'll take him..I mean the food"Frisk said looking at you for a moment
"Mhm sure"Chara said

*You all got a plate of dinner and you sat back on the couch.But you sat on the right cushion with Frisk happily seated on your left and Chara irritated seated on Frisk's left

"Deal with it"Frisk smiles

*Chara mutters to herself

*You tasted the spaghetti and Frisk looks at you
"It's delicious as it looks Frisk"you said as she didn't stop staring at you
"Want to taste my lips to see if that's also the case?"Frisk smiles

*You blushed
"No Frisk"you said
"Awww"Frisk whines in a cute tone
"Please only flirt when we're outside"you said looking at the TV
"No"they both said
"Why not?"you questioned strongly
"Because we like flirting with you"Frisk smiles as she said it happily
"And I like warming my cold body on you"Chara smiles and blushes a bit

"I like that too but can-"you said then you stopped yourself
(Ah why did I speak words)

"So it's fine if you like it right?"Frisk smiles
"And that means you always want me to warm up to you"Chara leans her head forward to look at you

*You looked at their smiling faces then you looked at the TV

"I don't hate it but..just keep it slow, so my heart has a chance to slow down"you said in a calm tone

*They both giggled and accepted your terms..for now

*You all ate and watched until you all finished eating.You had a bit of leftover so you placed it on a smaller pot and place the leftovers in the fridge while Frisk and Chara washed the dishes

*You looked at them while they talked
"Hey"you suddenly said
*They look at you

"..I know you might get this a lot but..w-would it be fine if we Uh, cuddle on the couch"you said with a blushing mess on your face while you feel your heart racing

"Yes!"Chara said happily
"Believe it or not no one asks us that with our consent.But you have mine"Frisk said with a gentle smile

"We can do it when we're done"Chara smiles
"Cool..I mean awesome..I'm just gonna go again"you said as you feel embarrassed again for some odd reason

*You left the kitchen to lay on your stomach on the couch as you felt your head feeling hot.Your head was on the right cushion of the couch

(Its always hard to speak with them.I don't act like this to anyone and these two doesn't have anything special about them to even worth having to be close to me..I wonder-)

*You hear running and someone heavy yet soft lays on your back
"He's mine"Frisk said as she hugs you tight

"Huuunnnnn"Chara said in a complaining tone
"Frisk can you get up so I can lay on my arm?"you said

*She does But she hugs you and made you face her happy expression

"M-Maybe I can face the Tv?"you said blushing
"Chara is over there and I'm here"Frisk smiles
"Choose me"Chara whispers
"I was thinking we would cuddle..like we do at my station"you said looking bashful
"No.I ran to get you"Frisk looks mad
"Then maybe you can lay in front of me and Chara can hug my back"you said

"No"Chara said in a disagreeing tone
"I cooked dinner so you better change that answer"Frisk looks at Chara

"..(Sigh)Ok you're right.But you're not facing him"Chara said giving in to the facts
"Do you want me to?"Frisk pouts at you
"N-No I want your back"you said looking shy

*Frisk exhales and releases you then you all went to sit on the floor in front of the Tv while Chara was happily hugging you from behind and Frisk was laying her Back on your chest and in your warmth of your arms

*Chara puts her hands under your shirt and places them on your chest
"C-Chara You didn't ask"you said with a shaky voice
"Oh..can I then?" Chara corrected herself
"Just ask please"you said feeling your heart race

"(Giggles)If you're going to say yes anyways just play along"Chara said in a teasing manner

"What is she doing?"Frisk said in an annoyed tone
"Her hands are on my chest"you replied
"His heart is beating fast"Chara said
"You wanna make out?"Frisk suddenly said
"F-Frisk please stop flirting"you said
"His heart is beating faster now"Chara said in a surprised tone
"You want us to beat something else faster?"Frisk offered
"What?"You said sounding completely clueless
"Oh Hun.I can't wait until it's your birthday"Chara said sounding a bit excited
"When is that?"Frisk asks
"I have no clue"you said
"Come on Hun~"Chara said in a teasing manner
"We won't tell"Frisk said in a happy tone

"It's not that.I just don't have a specific date.Because no one told me when I was..born.All I know what year"you replied
"So its tomorrow right?"Chara said sounding serious
"Chara be serious but (Y/N), are you serious?"Frisk said sounding very serious
"Yes"you replied
"Where's your parents?"Chara asks
"I never had parents"you replied calmly
"So who took care of you?"Frisk asks
"I was raise in a Lab so some scientists I guess.But mostly my Undyne and Alphys watched over me"you replied
"So that's why she so protective"Chara said in a realization tone

"What was it like living in a Lab?"Frisk asks
"I don't want to talk about it?"you said sounding uneasy
"Something bad happened?"Frisk asks
"Yes actually..I appreciate it if you don't keep asking about me when I was young"you said sounding very uneasy

*Chara hugs you tighter and Frisk holds your hands tight

"(Y/N)..can you just tell us a certain day your Undyne celebrates with you?"Frisk asks
"..We celebrate the day we met"you replied
"Do you want to do the same?"Frisk asks
"Yes"you replied sounding a bit happy
"We'll celebrate it at Grillby's too"Chara said sounding excited
"Ok"you replied

*You hold Frisk closer and she looks at you as she tilts her head to your left while she looks at you with her closed right eye

"I'm feeling sleepy..can you take me to bed?"Frisk asks sounding cutely tired
"Frisk I know you're not that sleepy"you said looking at the TV

"Yeah quit being so thirsty"Chara said
"I will not hesitate to make (Y/N) hug me Until I sleep"Frisk said sounding serious
"Hun~.Let her go so we can be fucking get it on"Chara complains

"I actually like this.So I'll let her go when she falls asleep"you said with a smile
"Yay~"Frisk said and faces forward while she snuggles to your chest with glee

"I hate you Hun"Chara said sounding seriously mad
"D-Don't say that"you said sounding hurtful
"Then let her go"Chara said seriously
"If you were in my arms I wouldn't be letting you go either"you replied
"(Y/N) I hate you"Frisk said suddenly
"Frisk"you complained
*Frisk puts up your arms and she flips her body to make her lay her face on your lap then she hugs your waistline

"Frisky, let him go"Chara said sounding oddly mad
*You moved Frisk's dark brown hair to see her smiling face

(She's too cute)

"Heya"Frisk smiles
"You can lay there until you sleep.Want a pillow?"You asked calmly
"No..I like it right in front of me"Frisk looks at your zipper then at your eyes

*Chara hugs you tighter and you can sense her anger

"C-Chara you're hugging to tight"you said feeling your bones being crushed by strong affection

"I want equal affection"Chara said sounding grumpy
"Then I'll make you you're favorite chocolate dessert you love so much"you said

*Chara let's you go and gave your back little kisses

(I'm glad she loves chocolate too much)

"Can I have you for desert?"Frisk asks
"No"You and Chara

"But you don't know where I'll press my lips against"Frisk said opening her red purple eyes

"If it's anywhere near my face then it's a no"you said looking away
"(Giggles)You're lucky you're underage"Frisk said sounding devious
"I would've pressed my tongue around it too"Chara said sounding devious

*You didn't understand what are they referring too

"..Not my hands or what you're thinking either"you said blushing
"Oh what do you think where I'm thinking"Frisk asks in a teasing manner
"I'll give you a cuddles if you do"Chara said hugging you tight for a moment
"M-My hands"you replied like a calm person
"Nuhuh"Frisk said
"Wrong.Too bad Hun"Chara said sounding a bit sad

"You can cuddle into me (Y/N)"Frisk offers
"I hear your saliva drops from here"Chara said to Frisk
"I don't even do that"Frisk replied
"Later..I just want this moment to last longer"You said
*Frisk happily snuggles closer to you with her eyes closed and Chara rests her head on your left shoulder


"I said that out loud didn't I?"You said as they oddly gave you affection

"What?"Frisk asks sounding like a liar
"I don't know what you're talking about"Chara asks sounding like a liar

"Maybe you should say what you thought out loud"Frisk said
"I said you both make me happy everyday despite how others think of me"you replied

"Because you're sweet"Chara said sounding happy
"And what they say are all lies, since we know you better than them"Frisk said sounding happy

"Heh..you two are honestly too good to be with me"you said sounding as if you didn't deserve to be with them

"You're not a bad guy (Y/N)..We're probably worse"Frisk said sounding honestly sad
"Yeah..so don't think we're too good for you.Because I think you're too good for me"Chara said hugging you gently

"I don't see it that way so you don't have to think like that"you replied

"And that's what I mean..That's why I wish you would touch me more"Chara complains
"You know well I won't"you replied bluntly

"One day you will remember this moment and regret not taking my offer"Chara said sounding serious
"He'll learn eventually.Lets just keep him to ourselves so he remains our innocent and sweet boy"Frisk said tiredly as she hugs you tight

"You like that right Hun?"Chara asks

"..I don't mind"you replied
"So when did we meet because I want to make sure I- We get it right"Chara asked

"We met exactly four months ago"you said
"What day?"Chara asks
"The same day as today"you replied
"Ok good..You remembered?"Chara asks sounding curious
"Yeah.It was my first time meeting humans so I thought it was worth remembering"you calmly replied

"It's not how hot we look?"Chara asks
"Or how much guys tell us how hot we look?"Frisk asks

"No..it was just the day that you two weren't interested in cuddling to me"you said sounding you miss just talking to them like a person

"And I regret that Hun.Please forgive me for not tackling you down and dragging you back to bedroom"Chara said as she hugs you closer while she whispers into your left ear

"What would you do if we did?"Frisk asked
"I'll give you the same answer I give to the other monsters"you replied
"So cold"Frisk whines
"But at least he's warming only us"Chara said sounding happy

"That makes us special right?"Frisk asks sounding curious
"Of course.I don't just cuddle with anyone and moreover than holding you..like this"you said sounding shy on the last part

*Frisk giggles as she snuggles to you again.Chara let's you go and she walks on her knees and went to stay on your left

"..I want to cuddle in front now"Chara whines
"No room"Frisk said sounding tired
"..You can get a pillow to lean on my left side..then I can hold you with my left arm"you offered

*Chara quickly took your offer as she happily gets a pillow from your room which you didn't mind she did without asking you because it's totally fine

*Chara comes back down and she did what you asked then she hugs your left arm to warm up Her cheeks

"Is this uncomfortable for you?"Frisk asks sounding concerned
"No..I like it"you said looking shy but then you smiled at Frisk's calm resting expression

*Frisk holds right hand while Chara gets relaxed
(I don't care how this situation happened..I'm just glad they don't hate me)

<**Sips Evil Coffee**.Maybe one day my boy.Enjoy yourself>

*You stayed like this until they both fell asleep on you

*You gently let Chara go and slowly left her head on the pillow on the floor.You carried Frisk to the middle room then put her to bed.You went back down for Chara and place her on the bed at the third bedroom

*You left Chara's room and you went downstairs to secure the house then you went to your bedroom to hit the Goodnight mode of the lights

<The house lights just gets dimmer only.You know.Like in the Theatres>

*You all went to sleep

Next Time

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