Jack's Return to Darkness

By Goldeon666

11.9K 367 37

What if Pitch and Jack knew each other in another life, What if there was more to Jack then anyone knew, What... More

Chapter 1- Memories. Jack
Chapter 2- Meeting Pitch
Chapter 4- I Know Who I am
Chapter 5- Nightmares
Chapter 6- Weak
Chapter 7- Planning Revenge
Chapter 8- Can we stay like this?

Chapter 3- Learning the Truth

1.5K 45 7
By Goldeon666

We return to North's workshop in silence, and I can't stop thinking about Pitch, and why I felt so at ease with him, I've never been like that with anyone. There was just something about him that made me feel relaxed and happy. I haven't felt happy in years. "Oi, Jack you ok?" I nod my head not really wanting to speak what's on my mind, we walk into a room with a large globe in it, and we take a seat in the couches, I sit alone lost in thought until Tooth flys over with a small gold box. "What's this?" she gives me a gentle, "This holds your memories Jack" I take the box looking it over, something about it doesn't seem right, "how do I open it" I try to sound interested, "simply place your hand on it and you'll remember whatever Manny needs you to remember" I look at her, "will any of you be able to see what I see" she shakes her no, I place my hand on the box and golden light shines from it and I'm taken to the world I see so often in my dreams.

I see the Kozmotis standing guard at the black door in his golden armor, then I'm walking the next to the river hearing the screams once more I run to them like always, and as always I see nothing but darkness then I see the bodies and finally I see Pitch on his horse ready to attack me, but he lowers his scythe, I expect to black out and feel myself hitting something but I don't. Instead once he's close enough he gets off his horse and walks closer to me, and I try to back away from him but he grabs me by my wrist, "well, well what do we have here," he grins and I see his shark like teeth, I try to get away but he strengthen his grip on me pulling me forward and I land on my knees. "Nope, you see little one my friends are telling me not to kill you for some reason so I'm going to listen to them and your going to come with me" fear has already begun to take over me and I try to run but it's pointless, his grip tightens more and yell out in pain a little making him grin more. And finally the darkness envelops me and I sleep.

I begin to wake and try to move but I can't my eyes shoot open and look to see why I can't move, I sit on the ground with my wrists chained above me, I try screaming but can't something must be stopping me, after what feels like hours a door opens nearby that I hadn't noticed and Pitch walks through it and starts walking towards me, I want to run but I know it's useless, he finally comes close enough and kneels down to my height placing his hand on my cheek, I try to move but he grips my chin holding me in place. "Why won't my friends let me kill you, what's so special about you" this close to him he almost reminds me of Kozmotis, he moves his head to the side not looking at me but almost someone is talking to him, after a moment or two he looks back to me with an almost satisfied grin, "now I know why I can't kill you, my friends have a special porsouse for you later on dear boy. I must take my leave now but I will return, stay here won't you," he chuckles at his own joke and gets up walking away from and leaving me in the dark once again.

It seems like forever since he left sitting here chained to the wall, I'm cold, hungry and starting to lose feeling in my arms and hands. Finally the door opens once again and he stand their something in his hands walking over to me a table forms next to him, 'how did he do that', he sets whatever it is he's holding on the table and comes down to my height once again, "I'm going to remove your gag, if you yell or scream or do anything I will leave you in here without any food or drink, understand" I simply nod, "good, I'm also going to free your wrists but put a shackle on your ankle so you can't run. And if you behave I might consider leaving your hands free, if not you will be punished and re-chained like this. Is that clear" I nod, not wanting to cause myself more trouble, from the shadows he puts a chain around my ankle and release my wrists, I immediately pull them to my chest trying to get feeling back into them, I feel his hand under my chin lifting it so he can look at before the hand moves to the back of my head and I feel whatever it was that was on my mouth come off but I stay silent, "good" he grabs my arm making me stand up, and half leads half drags me to the table and somehow two chairs form and he makes me sit one of them while he sits in the other watching. "Eat up, and be glad I'm not allowed to kill you" I nod and start to eat whatever it is he brought with him, halfway through I want to ask him something but I stay quiet eating.

After eating the try of food vanishes and a 2 cups take their place, something warm and smelling wonderful is in both of them, "have a drink, then you may speak, I can tell you want to say something" I nod a take the cup in front of me drinking it carefully so as to not burn myself I watch him do the same, I place my cup back down the contents almost completely gone, I want to speak but wait for him to tell me so I don't get in trouble. "Now what is it you want to ask", "...why are keeping me alive" he looks to me almost grinning, "not what I was expecting but ok, and to answer your question my friends won't let me, I am however allowed to punish you if you miss behave, anything else" "...who are these friends you talk about" he goes silent almost lost in thought before finally speaking up again, "my friends are the fearlings of course" I can't stop the fear rising and I want to run. "I would stop being so scared if I were you, fearlings love the smell of fear", I try to calm myself but I can't so I ask another question, "why won't they let you kill me?" he looks up smiling, "that's something you'll find out soon, now finish your drink, I need to leave and prepare something", I do as told and the cups leave as well as the table and Pitch moves me back to where I was sitting before and places the gag over my mouth once more and then chains my wrists together but not above my head, thank god, "I'll be back later, and feel free to sleep I don't care honestly." he gets up leaves once more I can't stop the sudden dizziness I feel, 'did he drug me? And what did he mean, I'll find out soon?' the thoughts I have before I drift into slumber.

I don't know how long I sleep but I slowly start opening my eyes to Pitch sitting next to me in a chair reading a book, "mmph", he looks to me, "oh good you're awake, and I was worried i would have to start the process with you being asleep" I try to think of what means when his book and chair leave and kneels at my high like before, once again he holds my chin so I don't move my head and I watch as the other starts going behind my head, "I'm removing the gag but you must remain silent understand" I nod, "good" he removes it once more and I stay silent like I was told, " now I'm going to do something if you think of fighting back..well my friends said I have the right to do as I see fit" panic start to settle in and I want to run away, but what can I do he has me chained up, he leans in towards me still holding my chin so I can't move. I close my eyes tight expecting something bad to happen but I feel something warm on my lips but I don't dare to open my eyes, I feel something brush against my lower lip, it feels wet and warm, I try to keep my mouth closed in fear of what it is that's against mine. The warmth leaves if only for moment before it returns and I feel something running up my sides and I feel it going to my chest and then to my nipples playing with them and I can't stop myself from letting a sound of pleaser out and then whatever was brushing against my lip enters my mouth and I can't keep my eyes closed any longer and find Pitch kissing me. I want to push him away but for reason I don't and then I feel something almost entering my body and I almost move my hands to push Pitch off but he grabs my still chained wrists and stops me, then pulls but the feeling of something entering me stays, "Don't worry this will all be over soon, just relax", the feeling starts to leave and he returns to kissing me biting my lower making me whimper out in pain, then I feel him start kissing along my jaw line and down towards my neck, where he starts licking and every so often biting electing a small whimper every time, I can't keep silent anymore, "please....stop...." he bites into one part of my shoulder harder than any other and feel something warm start running down my skin, 'fuck', finally he pulls away and I can see my own blood drip from the side of his mouth as he returns to kissing me and I want to stop him but how, it suddenly feels like something is entering my body again.

We stayed like that for almost 2 hours, him kissing, licking and every now and then biting hard enough to break skin, then the feeling of something entering my body before he finally pulls away and I can't keep myself from falling into his chest weak from the blood lost, I feel him petting my head a little, "easy, your going to feel better soon, don't worry", my voice is low and weak, "what...what did...you do...to me..." I can feel him chuckling, "something wonderful my dear, now rest up and regain your strength." I can't help but listen and fall asleep on his chest.

For like milleth time in the day I start waking up, but it's different this time, I'm waking up somewhere nice warm and soft, I slowly start opening my eyes and see that I'm in a bed with silk sheets,'what the', I try to move but stop from the pain in my neck and shoulder crying out in pain a little, "easy" I look to see who said that and find Pitch next to me. But I'm not scared, why aren't I scared anymore, "I see you're confused, well allow me to explain. You see the fearlings didn't want me to kill you because they believe there is something special about you so I decided I could at least play with you a bit so I don't get bored, they agreed, however I was not counting on you losing so much blood so quickly, my bad." He's bad, he killed me, "anyway, I helped patch you up and let you sleep here in my bed, you are still chained, just now to the bed. Be grateful" he gets up and leaves the room and I sit on his bed and think back to what happened and subconsciously reach my hand to all the bite marks he left and wince.

I've been Pitch's "plaything" for almost 7 month now and almost 5 years ago I developed feelings for him, so I let him do with me as he pleases because that means I can spend time with him, although he only makes out and bites me or leaves purple marks I don't mind anymore. He even gave me a nickname after I told him my name, "Jacky", and I think after 3 years from taking me he finally started letting me off chains more and now I don't have to wear them anymore, just constantly have a nightmare with me, which is ok since it's his most trusted, she likes to sleep on the bed when I'm tired and Pitch is out doing whatever. I'm pulled from my thought when I hear Pitch in another, "Jack I'm back" I wake Onyx and she follows me out of the room to Pitch, she goes to his side and stand by the door waiting to be told what to do, "come here Jack" I walk over trying to keep myself from running up to him and hugging him, he cups my cheek lifting my eyes to meet him, "did you behave while I was away," "yes sir, I stayed in the room all day unless I needed to eat", he looks to Onyx who only nods, "good, now I have to go do a job and I will be gone for awhile, Onyx will be here with you make sure you have everything you need. She will also report anything you do, is that clear" "yes sir," "good, now I must leave, but behave, wouldn't want me too punish you when I get home would you" I shake my head quickly, "that's what I thought" he lets go of me and leaves once again.

About a month goes by and I feel like I'm losing my mind, 'why hasn't he come back yet', Onyx watches me pace around the room almost enjoying the show of me being worried. Finally she gets up from where she was laying down and walks in front of me stopping me in my tracks, "I was pacing again wasn't I?" she nods, "sorry it's just I'm worried, what if somethings wrong", she nudges my arm and I start petting along her neck, "your right, he's probably fine, I just, I miss him, you start falling in love with people you stay with for prolonged times. I guess that's kinda what happened." she nudges me again and gently pushes me to the bed, "Ok, ok, I get it." I can't stop myself from laughing, I get into pulling the covers up to my chin and she gets in next to me lying down and placing her head across my abdomen and slowly we start falling asleep. I sleep for a good 3 hours before I hear a door being thrown open then slammed shut, Onyx is already up standing next to the bed in front of it but relaxes when Pitch walks in. He walks over and sits in a nearby chair, I get out of bed and slowly walk over to him, "Pitch..." he looks up at me and I can see how pissed he is, "What Jack!", "n-nothing", "then leave me alone, or else" I nod and walk back to the bed sitting on the edge and we both stay like that, sitting in silence until I fall asleep.

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