Illicit Affairs

By ftdtfilms

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And that's the thing about illicit affairs More

Make Sure Nobody Sees You Leave, Hood Over Your Head, Keep Your Eyes Down
Tell Your Friends You're Out For A Run, You'll Be Flushed When You Return
Take The Road Less Traveled By, Tell Yourself You Can Always Stop
What Started In Beautiful Rooms, Ends With Meetings In Parking Lots
And That's The Thing About Illicit Affairs And Clandestine Meetings...
It's Born From Just One Single Glance, But It Dies, And It Dies, And It Dies...
Take The Words For What They Are, A Dwindling, Mercurial High...
And That's The Thing About Illicit Affairs, And Clandestine Meetings...
And You Wanna Scream, Don't Call Me Kid, Don't Call Me Baby...
You Showed Me Colors You Know I Can't See With Anyone Else
Don't Call Me Kid Don't Call Me Baby Look At This Idiotic Fool That You Made Me
And You Know Damn Well For You I Would Ruin Myself A Million Little Times

They Show Their Truth One Single Time, But They Lie, And They Lie...

153 4 0
By ftdtfilms

Two weeks. It had been two weeks since the soldiers shipped off. It had also been one week since Elizabeth had seen or heard from Grace. She went to her home to look for her, but she wasn't there. So, she left a note and got no response. Elizabeth was worried. Grace wasn't like this. Elizabeth wanted to go and make sure she was okay, but she also knew that Grace hated when people pushed her to talk. She would always come to Elizabeth when she was upset. It had also rained almost every day since the boys had left. It wasn't helping the state of Elizabeth's mind now that she was alone. Usually, she was easily found with Grace, but since Grace was nowhere to be seen, Elizabeth was alone.

Elizeth sighed, looking around. It was her day off so she decided to write the three soldiers that she knew. All three were in France, but they were all separated. Apparently, Tommy was patrolling within the town, making sure the Germans wouldn't press on the soldiers that were on the beach. Alex was one of the men that was on that same beach. Elizabeth didn't even know where Damien was anymore. He apparently couldn't say much. He talked about small things, like the friends he made and the food that was apparently worse than his own cooking, but never about where he was in France. Every night she would hear the shots across the channel, they always seemed so loud, but the townsfolk were reassured that the Germans were not going to get to England.

As she prepared to write, a knock resounded throughout her apartment, making her jump. She placed her pen down, going and opening the door to a disheveled Grace, holding a crumpled letter in her hand and tears staining her cheeks.

"Grace? Are you alright?"

"How could you?" Elizabeth frowned, confused. "After everything I did for you, you repay me by fucking my fiance. For months, it wasn't a one time thing either! How could you."

"No. I got you a job. I found you a nice home. I comforted you when you were missing Damien. I came to you worried that Alex was seeing someone behind my back, and you, fuck, you said he loved me too muchh to even consider hurting me. All this time, it was you!"

"Grace, please just come inside."

"Fuck you. I had to hear it from my fiance who's fighting for our lives in France right now. He couldn't even do it in person, either, he had to write me a fucking letter. Writing how he was almost shot down two nights ago. Oh and, I fucked your best friend."


"No, I trusted you and you lied to me. You looked at my face and you lied. You're nothing but a fucking whore." With that, Grace was gone, leaving Elizabeth standing in her doorway, feeling disgusted with herself. Not only had she ruined a relationship, she ruined one of the best friendships she ever had. She sighed, closing her door, deciding to deal with Alex first before she tried to fix the only friendship she had.

After the few hours that she had spent writing letters to the three soldiers, she decided that it was time to speak with Grace. She didn't want to, she knew it would be upsetting and she'd probably never speak with her again after tonight, but she also wanted to explain to Grace.

She knocked on the door, knowing that the likelihood of Grace actually opening the door was slim. However, she was surprised when Grace opened the door, hand on her hip, a tea towel over her shoulder.

"I just want to talk. I'll never speak with you again afterwards if that's what you truly wish. I just want to explain to you." Grace sighed, but ushered Elizabeth into the home. She motioned for Elizabeth to sit at the kitchen table, as she poured herself a cup of tea before sitting across from her. "I never meant for it to happen. I swear it. I know that doesn't make it any better, but I promise you, I never meant for any of it to happen. It just did and then I was swept up in his charm and I really just let my lust get the better of my judgement. I'm so sorry that I even let it go on as long as it did. You didn't deserve this at all. I feel awful for being the person who ruined a beautiful relationship. Alex really does love you. He asked me to look after you when he was gone because he knew that he'd try everything to get back to you if you truly asked him to, even if it meant deserting. He wanted you safe, Grace. Yes, he and I were stupid and we probably ruined everything between the three of us, but I promise you, it's never going to happen again. I stopped it and he agreed that it had to stop. It was a moment of a lapse of judgement and I know that means nothing to you, but I truly am sorry. You were-are my best friend and I know I ruined that, but I truly do care about you." Grace sighed, looking at Elizabeth. "I'm going to go now. I just wanted to explain. I thought you deserved to know the truth. Besides, after they come home, you'll never have to see me again. Damien and I already agreed that I would go back to Ireland after the war." Elizabeth stood up, walking down the hallway to the front door before Grace stopped her.

"He told me that you were always against it."

"What?" Elizabeth turned around, seeing Grace leaning against the wall on the other end of the hallway.

"Alex wrote that you were always against you two meeting. He said that he always had to persuade you. He told me that if this affair should ruin anything, it should ruin our marriage, not yours and my friendship. I don't know if it's true, but at least he told me. I don't want to ruin our friendship, Lizzie, you're the best friend I could ever ask for. Though, it hurts to think that you laid with Alex and not once did you think of me while you were doing it."

"Oh, Grace. I always thought about how I was hurting you. I asked Alex a thousand times to tell you. I told him that it would end up with all of us hurt, but then he said a few words and pulled me back in. I never wanted to hurt you, Grace, I'm so sorry."

"It''ll take some time for me to forgive you, but I don't want our friendship to be completely over. I don't think I'll ever trust you with Alex again, though." Elizabeth smiled slightly.

"I'll be gone before he even gets back to Dover. Don't worry."

"You must go back?"

"Damien's coming home in three months. I decided to go back a month before so I can get settled back home."

"Does he know?"

"Yes. He knew before you. I told Alex that it was his job to tell you."

"Was he mad?"

"Alex? No, he was scared what you would do-"

"No. Damien. Was Damien mad?"

"He said he understood. I have a feeling it will be a while until he trusts me, but he said he understood that he was so far away and that Alex was right in front of me. He said that as long as it was over and it was him who I was going to kiss when he came back he would try to forgive me." Grace sighed, looking at her shoes as she toed her carpet.

"I just know that Alex could have anyone in the world and the fact he chose me is still unbelievable to me. I'm no one."

"Grace, neither is Alex. He carries himself so proud that it attracts everyone's attention, but at the end of the day, he chose you. He always will choose you."

"Except when he chooses you." Elizabeth sighed. "I'm sorry, Lizzie, but it's true. He chose you, even when he had me."

"I chose him too. After his persuasion. If you blame him, blame me as well. I don't want you just blaming Alex."

"I know. But he was the one who really hurt me since he was my fiance."

"He's not anymore?" Grace smiled.

"You know if he asked, I'd say yes again in a heartbeat. I love him too much to really break his heart. I told him we'd talk about it after he came home. I just want to give him a reason to get home." Elizabeth laughed, going towards the door. It was close to dark and she didn't have Tommy or Alex to walk her home. "Please stay for supper, I've been so lonely recently."

"I thought you'd never ask."

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