Sonic harem x male human read...

By Icedemon34

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in the world of Mobius where all of the citizens are living their life as best as they can while Mobius also... More

Bio & harem
Prologue: Robotnik's takes over
Chapter 2: The Freedom Fighters secret ally
Chapter 3: Meeting With the Wolf pack

Chapter 1: the masked man

4.9K 100 28
By Icedemon34

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter. now before it begins I'm going to add some girls too the harem I forgot to and ones that I seen have recently been suggested to me. the ones I forgot to add was Lupe the wolf, Shade the Echidna and Nikol the one that was suggested to me as female silver the hedgehog, so those two are in the harem. also I've looked at the comments on female metal sonic and saw that you guys wanted Gijinka female metal sonic so instead of one there will be two one being a slightly updated model and the other being a prototype. now with that done let the chapter begin.

Sonico's pov

me, Sally, Antoine and Cat were infiltrating Robotropolis through the pipes so that we are not detected.

Sally: alright Sonico. you remember the plan?

Sonico: yes. I'm to distract Robuttnik's swat bots while you, Antoine and Cat try to extract info from one of the computers.

Sally: yes. with luck I may be able to fine anything on my father or most importantly Y/n.

I flinch from hearing that name, it's been years since we ever heard from him and we don't even know if he was captured by Robotnik or not. while I was in my thoughts I felt Sally's hand on my shoulder knowing full well what I was thinking.

Sally: I know how you feel Sonico, but we'll find him. so far from any info we've found has nothing about anything about Y/n being captured.

Sonico: right. let's get this show on the road.

I run out of hiding in front of the swat bots passing by that stopped in palce upon my sudden appearance.

Sonico: hey! why not catch me you slow bots!

I then start running making the bots chase me around giving the others a chance to extract any info from the computers.

3rd pov

on the roof of one of the high tech buildings three individuals two of them have large blades on their back, while one said individual with a large blade was wearing a coat with a hood over their head. while the other was a female with a cloak over their head and the individual with a large blade also has a coat over their head, but also wearing a mask over their head underneath the hood.

A/n: not mine.

cloaked figure1: looks like, their doing the same as we are.

cloaked figure2: yeah using the blue hedgehog as a distraction. nice plan.

masked figure: this also gives us time to do our job. you two go to Robotnik's labs and find anything on what he's working on.

cloaked figure2: and what are you going to be doing?

masked figure: to make sure the chipmunk's friends to stay out of trouble.

the three nod to each other the masked figure jumps down from where he stood to follow Sally's group, while the other two head towards the labs to find any up coming plans that Robotnik may have. 

once the masked figure managed to keep up with Sally, Antoine and Cat to a set of doors guarded by two swat bots.

Sally: two swat bots.

Antoine: what are we going to do now?

Cat: I'll get their attention and lead them away from the door.

Sally: what? no I'm not going to in danger yourself.

Cat: don't worry I'll be fine.

before Sally could protest any further Cat runs out gaining the swat bots attention and runs down the hall chasing the male elder cat mobian. giving a reluctant Sally and Antoine a chance to enter the computer room. while the masked figure goes and follows the swat bots chasing cat mobian, but then his communication device in his mask goes off.

masked figure: *answers the call* I'm here what did you two find?

cloak figure1: {Y/n this is Zeta me and Zack have been going through Robotnik's files in the labs and found that he's made two versions of Sonico.}

Y/n: what do you mean?

Zeta: {well from the looks of it. one is built to fight Sonico herself, while the other is meant to find you.}

Y/n: me? why?

Zeta: {I'm not sure, but be careful the one after you is active and could find you in any-}

before she could finish Y/n dodged out of the way as a wall exploded open creating a dust screen, but it quickly fades to reveal a robotic version of Sonico, but looked different than her usual appearance.

A/n: honestly I don't know why you guys wanted this version, but any way she won't be the only female metal sonic. also her name will be metal Sonica while the other one will be metal Sonico.

Y/n: you've got to be kidding me.

Zeta: {let me guess. she found you?}

Y/n: yup.

Zack: {Zack here. I've found something in the files called project doomsday.}

Y/n: we won't have enough time to read it here. copy what ever is on those files and we'll meet up later.

Zeta/Zack: {roger.}

robotic Sonico look alike: scanning target... subject priority one: Y/n L/n. now going into necessary capture mode.

Y/n: mind if I know who you are?

robotic Sonico look alike: I am designation Metal Sonica.

Y/n: [let's hope I have time to take her out and save that elderly cat mobian before he get's robotisized. maybe  be able to reprogram her to help me and my friends.]

Y/n reaches for his sword that has a green orb inside one of the holes while Metal Sonica's eye flashed red a bit and get's into a battle stance.

Sally's pov

as me and Antoine were in the computer room I had Nicole in my handheld device from my father plugged into the computer to find anything on my father and Y/n, along with any of Robotnik's movements. while we wait I couldn't help, but feel that I should have talked Cat out of being the distraction to lure the swat bots away. but I was cut away form my thoughts by Antoine who places his hand on my shoulder.

Antoine: princess. are you okay?

Sally: yes Antoine, juts wished I could have talked Cat out of distracting the swat bots and find another way.

Antoine: princess. sometimes things can't always go who you wanted.

we then heard a beep sound from Nicole to see that she successfully extracted what we needed, but I need toknow how Cat and Sonico is doing.

Sally: Nicole. can you show or tell me how Sonico and Cat are doing?

Nicole: of course Sally. Sonico is handling herself against the swat bots by toying with them.

Sally: of course she is. but what about Cat?

Nicole: unfortunately Cat has been captured and placed in a cell.

Sally: oh no. *calls Sonico* Sonico Cat has been captured. can you get him out?

Sonico: {I'll try if you guys have got what we needed then meet us back at the meet up point.}

Sally: got it. *to Antoine* let's go.

I then take the handheld device that Nicole is in from the computer and make our leave to the meet up point.

Y/n's pov

I was charging this robotic Sonico look alike named Metal Sonica, she was proving to be more durable than she appears to be. every time I strike with my sword and Metal Sonica blocks with her metallic arm to my surprise it doesn't break upon impact, it remains in one piece.

Y/n: [well, this is going to be a bit of a problem.]

I then see Metal Sonica break the clash making my sword over me as she charged at me with her arm going to grab me.


with a call of the spell I chose my green materia  glowed as a thunder bolt from above me and Metal Sonica, the bolt hits her knocking her back and started to twitch with electricity around her.

Y/n: [so. thunder is effective on her.] *pulls out a small disk device* [let's see if this could restrain her or make her not hostile.]

I then placed my sword back on my back and ran towards Metal Sonica who is still stunned from my thunder magic, once I was close enough I placed the bolt on the back of her head. once it was on she stands there for a bit, but then turns to me bowing to me.

Metal Sonica: Metal Sonica ready to serve you, master Y/n.

Y/n: [well I didn't think that would work.] alright. Metal Sonica do you have a tracking device on you or installed?

Metal Sonica: yes, but since I was struck by that magic based lightning it disabled the tracking device.

Y/n: okay. can you lead me to the cell of an elderly cat mobian?

Metal Sonica: affirmative. I'll lead you there.

3rd pov

as Sonico took out the swat bots she arrives at the cells of Robotnik's prisoners, she reached the cell that Cat was in after he was captured.

Sonico: Cat! I'm here to get you out.

Cat: no. you got to get back with Sally and the others. don't worry about me. I over heard the swat bots talking about Robotnik's plan to ambush Sally and Antoine.

Sonico: what?!

Cat: just go. help them, I'll be fine.

Sonico: fine, but I'm going to come back to bust you out.

she then runs out of the area through one way of the hall, while Cat sat back down and sighs waiting for the inevitable of being robotisized. but he then starts to hear foot steps outside of his cell, Cat looks up to see Metal Sonica and person with a mask under his hood with a large sword strapped to his back

A/n: Cat doesn't know it's the reader under the mask.

Cat: well that's new.

the masked man then grabs his sword and swings it down  breaking the bars of the cell, this brings confusion to the old cat mobian cause he thought it was a special swat bot.

masked man: come on. your getting out of here.

Cat: wait. your not a swat bot?

masked man: no, I am an ally to the Freedom Fighters.

this gives Cat trust and follows the masked man, but is curious on the robotic Sonico look a like, but he pushes the thought aside as they managed to get out of Robotropolis and ran into two more cloaked figures.

masked man: you got what we need?

cloak figure1: yes. *sees Metal Sonica* and what are you doing with that?

masked man: I'll explain later. *looks at Cat* can you get back to your base on your own?

Cat: yes I can, thanks for breaking me out.

masked man: no problem.

Cat then goes to where him and the others were going to meet up since they should have taken out the swat bots by now, while the group of three with Metal Sonica leave into the dense forest away from Robotropolis.

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. also sorry for not updating any other stories my old charger for my laptop started to spark around the cord part so I had to get a new one and save my laptop battery.

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