Creation of new power

Por magee17

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Mila-Lyn Alomar Howick, born raised by her great aunt for the last 18 years as her parents were killed trying... Más

Creation of new power
News I never new
Angels and Seconds
Jasons P.O.V
Meeting the off spring
A Familiar.
The way of life
Jasons POV
My last
Mind link
Who's who
Scott POV pt2
Meet me
One two many uncles

Scott Samual POV

48 0 0
Por magee17

When i was slowly wakimg up my body was still slightly sore after Mila throwing me outta her room last night. Thank god Jason had manevored a bit so that i wouldn't get the full weight of his body hitting me.

I hurd my bedroom door open and creak close again, i didn't move one bit.

I felt Mila tickling my nose some she used to do when she was alot younger.

I opened one eye and grab a hold of her wrist, and pulled here to me and tickled her under the arm, her laughing made me smile from ear to ear. Her laugh was something that always made me happy to hear.

I stoped tickling her when i could hear her outta breath, she layed her head on my chest i couldn't help but hug her tightly as if she was sliping away.

" I havn't hurd you laugh like that in a long time.... i missed it. "

I felt Mila tense, she know we havn't even shared a warm hug like this in a long time, if i remember it was just before she shifted and i was heading of to uni.

" Im sorry about last night uncle.... I was just - so.... Angery!! "

I need to have a talk with that boy asap, i dont want him hurting Mila in any way. And i really dont want him forcing him self on her, i know from what she has told me that she isn't a inocent little girl i thought she was. Shes actually a growin young ladie.

I had to sigh, i just want her to not grow up at all.

" Well it did kinda hurt getting thrown into a wall and a fully grown teenager, who is a ball of muscle landing on top of you.... do you wanna talk about it? "

In my mind im waiting for her to just say yes, so that i can tell her to get rid of him and just be friends. She doesnt need this kind of thing to be on her mind right now.

"No.... but we should get up uncle, Mavis and the pack will be herr soon. We have a big day a head of us and tomorrow... "

I could hear it in her voice the way she said no, that she did wanna talk about it but didn't know what was going on between the two of them. So im gonna talk to that boy when i get up.

But here and now im worryed about my neice, she has alot on her shoulders as it is. But i cant push her to talk, as it may just push her to do something that wasn't thought though.

I sigh.

" We will get though this Mila, we have our Familiars, You have snow you have everything you need in this house, we have each other. "

If i couldn't say what i really wanted then maybe she may be able to solve that little riddle in what i just said.

I was caught on my own words with what she said next.

" I wish we had our aunt with us too "

Mila's words really got to me but showing them isnt something i should do when she needs me more then ever now.

I felt Mila sob, i tightened my hold on her.

She quickly wiped her tears away, and stood up looking down at me.

" Get up! Things to do people to meet. So much needs to be done. "

I groaned, i was still tierd and need more sleep. But she was right.

" Okay okay "

I gave her a smile, as she walked over to Milly and pet her.

" Meet down stairs in half an hour! "

I had to laugh, her showers took half an hour. So if she was to beat the time ill love to see her be ready and down stairs in half an hour.

I hurd Jason calling out to Mila, but she didnt responed. She called to Rusty and then a door close.

Milly came to the side of my bed and looked at me...

' When do you reckon she'll let my brother be bonded to her? '

" When shes ready, right now i dont think she is in the right mind frame to be bonded to him "

' Well...  im going to tell you this but he feels that it has to happen now, he feels something bad is going to happen to her, and - well i think hes going to force it on her -'

I shake my head at Milly, i know Rusty means well but doing this to her will put more pressure on her. I dont want more on her shoulders then what is there now.

" Tell him to hold off until after the funeral "

' But he needs t - '

" Milly just tell him to wait! "

With a nod of her head she went and layed back down, i could see she was speaking to Rusty.

I pulled myself outta bed and headed for the bathroom, and quick shower and head to the kitchen for breakfast.

Once in the kitchen Fran was fluffing around the kitchen and talking on the phone. I grab myself a cup of coffee and popped some toast into the toaster.

I needed a quick breakfast and toast was by far the quickest.

As i was finally sitting and eating my toast, My mind was taken me to all the things that i need to do for myself. I pulled out my phone and to my suprise i had a couple text messages and a voicemail.

I pulled up one of the text messages from my old uni mate Davis, who so happens to be Mavis's Nephew.

: Sorry to hear about your loss mate, wish i could be there to support you. But this daymed school has my hands tied with the sports exchange in the next couple days. Let me know if you need anything mate.

I was going to reply but i didnt know what to say, so i clicked into the next text message. It was from an unknowen number, i had to frown at it.

: C u soon lover.

The only person who would say something like that would be Lucy. I wasnt going to panic about this, or tell anyone about my secrets.

Just as i was about to listen to my voice message, Jason stormed into the kitchen. I made eye contact with him, i could see he was angery or just frustrated.

I smiled at him, i knew him and Mila had an arguement. Which made me feel a little happy on the in side.

I was about to rub it in but Fran bet me to it.

" Either you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or your having girl proplems, which is it grumpu bum.? Hmmm "

" Nan not now!!!"

Even i was a little taken back at the tone he used towards his grandmother.

" Dont you speak to me like that young man, now spill it. "

I smile stupidly at the table and grabbed the morning paper so that it looked like i was reading it. But really i was listening to what he had to say.

" Sorry nan.... i - i um didnt mean to use that tone with you. Its just shes frustrating the hell outta me. She kicked /through me outta her ro - "

I chuckled and butted in to what he was about to say.

" Though the both of us "

I looked over the paper as the both of them looked at me.

They must be ignoring me, as the look on there Faces said 'I didnt even know he was still sitting there.

I was about to say something else, but they were saved by a knock at the door. I turned to see Mavis pull open the back door.

" Morning everyone..."

I smiled as Jason stomp out of the kitchen like a little kid. My neice has really gotten under his skin.

;Wow he woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. "

Mavis pointed his head to the back lawn and i knew what he was meaning.

" The clothes you asked for are on the back porch on the swing chair dear. "

I looked between Fran and Mavis as i stood and pushed my chair in.

" Thanks Fran "

Mavis turned and left, i turned to Fran as Jason walked back in and sat at the table.

" Can you please tell Mila when shes done up stairs to have some breakfast well i brife the wolves? "

She gave me a nod, and went to the sink. I shruged my shoulders and headed out the back. Mavis was standing there with two bags of clothes.

He was giving me a concerned look, i knew i was nervous.

" Hows Miss Mila doing this morning? "

We started walking towards the tree line i could see a bunch of wolves standing watching.

" Shes doing okay i guess... shes having boy problems - any way.... before you give them the clothes i want you to reassure me that they arent going to attack, and that if i dont feel as though Mila and i are safe i will not be held responsable for mine or my neices actions. "

Mavis looked at me and then to his pack. He looked a little nervous to be showing someone Mila, it was writen on his face.

" i understand. Can you go see whats holding her up? "

I followed Mavis hand as he pointed to Mila's room.

" ill go get her now, breif your pack on what i want. Ill be back in five, to let them in. "

With one sturn nod we both went our seprite ways, i headed in side hoping to find Mila in the kitchen.

As i steped foot in the kitchen i could feel the tention in the air, it made my aura feel a little off. I looked to Fran as to what went on, her grandson was at the sink washing a pot. Her eyes flicked to him and then she looked up. I was guessing Mila was up in her room up set again because of this kid.

I was over him making her cry, she has enough going on.

I pointed at him,

" Boy look at me.... -

I waited until he turned around so he was facing me. It took him awhile to do the action as well.

; Stay away from my neice for the next couple of days! You have made her cry more times then she needs it...- actually Ill give you two options because i know how stupid silly teenage boys mind work,  One: stay the hell away from Mila until after the funeral. Two: fix what ever the hell you did to make her up set, and end it... all of it... "

" You dont even know what Mila and i have, we both are adults. Stay out of it Scott! "

The tone of his voice didnt sit well with me at all. In my house, under the very roof Mila was brought up under. A switch had been flicked with in me,

With what powers i had of my own i lefted my hand at Jason grabbed him in mid air and flung him to the wall.

Fran didnt so much as move,

I walked to where i had him he was struggeling to get free but there was no way he could get free of the hold i had on him.

" DON'T ever disrespect me in my house boy, i dont care what you are to Mila i will band you from coming here i have the power to do it as well. So dont push my limits. This isnt a threat either its a promise. -

I put him back on the ground, and looked him in the eyes.

; Sort it out or i will, And keep your dirty little hands to yourself. Or i will bring pain and torture to your body, Got it? "

I could feel my power  coming back in full force, i had to calm down so i dont lose it on a weak little boy standing before me.

He shook his head at me,

" I love Mila Scott, i cant help how i feel. She feels the same, we just have a few things to work out. "

" She has a mate! And you are not it, what happens when he turns up? Hmmm "

I seen him tense, i could see it in his eyes that he knew what the right thing to do would be.

" ill let her go be with him. -

I felt sorry for him, he just told me he loves my neice, but knows she has a mate out there. But is still willing to love her uncondtionaly even though he has to give her up when her mate shows up.

I watched as he looked deep into my eyes,

; What are you going to do when her mate shows up? "

I sigh turned and started walking away, i stoped just as i reached the hall way and turned to face Jason. Pure sadness in my voice,

" I wont be able to do anything, if and when he shows up.... "

I walked away heading to my neices room, i knocked and walked in to find her laying flat face down on her bed. She didnt even move one bit when i sat down.

" Im not ready for all this change uncle.... its all to much for me to handle and and and and i just can't. - "

Her sadness is heart breaking.

I reached forward and placed a hand on her shoulder, i use my power to left her and sit her up right, her eyes red and lifeless. I love her eyes they remind me of my sister, i miss her every single day.

My sister and i always talked about our futures and what it would be like to have a family, house and kids running around. My sister Lenny was the who really raised me to the person i am today, she was my role moddel my hero, teacher. I loved her like she was more then a sister but more of a mother.

And now im that, to her only daughter, Even though she has her fathers features she has the one thing i loved the most about my sister. Her eyes tell the turth weather she trys and hides it.

I looked her in the eyes because i was trying to read them, but all i seen was sadness.

" This kind of change takes alot longer then anything.... i dont expect you to be able to take it all in so quickly honey, but im sorry to push this on you right now. But Mavis and his pack are waiting for you. "

I show her a smile knowing it will help in some way, and to my suprise she actually try to smile back.

" Uncle can you  ome with me.... T- to meet everyone? I dont - dont want to do it by myself. "

Well i sure as hell wasnt gonna let her go by herself, she maybe partly like them but i have never really trusted wolve. My Mother Father sister were killed by wolves, rouge wolves. I know this pack isnt rouge but they are still wolves.

" Of course i will honey, come on let go do this. "

Mila shot up from off her bed and ran in fix herself in the mirror.

When she was done, i held my hand out to her.

She took it and we both headed down stairs towards the kitchen. I felt Mila tense beside me, i looked to Jason who had his eyes on Mila she had her head down focusing on the floor. Before i opened the back door i was a little conserned about her tensed possture.

I tugged on her hand,

" You right Mila "

She finally lifted her head and gave me a little smile, i so wish i had her power to be able to read other peoples minds like she does.

One nod, i pulled her out side and we walk towards Mavis.

I looked down at Mila who had her eyes on the people at the boarder line. She was snapped out of her stearing daze when Mavis spoke to her.

" You ready Mila? "

She just nodded her head, i could feel how nervous she was as she step behind me like a small child. She held my hand as if she was to being pulled away.

Mavis gave me a nod, and i waved my free hand to open an arch way for them. They all filed in, all of there eyes said to be on alert. Which caused Mila to tense and me to. My grip tighted on Mila's.

I closed the arch way and then looked at every single on of them.

I cleared my throat before i started to speake. I made sure my voice didnt sound weak, i was use to talking a crowed of people, but not a bunch if super natrual creatures.

" Hello everyone and thank you for coming here...'

Talk about tough crowed, not a single one besides Malycah im guessing made a movement.

I pointed to Mavis,

; Mr Duncan has fulled you all in on what is going on and why you are all here, My aunt past away late last night.... And it was my neice's idea to have you all here, i was against it. But she made me realize that there is more to life then making enermys and more allies - "

I was rudely cut off by a really big guy, i tensed up a little but not so they noticed. He had a voice that would scare the crap out of a poor little human child.

" Show us the girl so we know this isnt some kind of trap!! "

I felt Mila's powers bubbling, and her body slightly vibrate. But what got me was that they couldnt sense her at all, she must have masked her wolf scent.

I was nearly about to put this big guy in his place but Mavis bet me to it, his voice roared with power making me flinch.

" Ethan!! Watch your tone towards Scott.... Or you will up set Mila, and i will not hold her back. "

I was doing my best to keep Mila calm, i think it was working. But one wrong word to either her or i and this whole thing is going to go pear shape.

Before i could finish what i wanted to say, she steped out from behind me. She was still holding my hand, and still didnt want to let it go.

None of them said a word, but they were taking in Mila's apperance, they new she looked like her father.

Ethan took a little step forward, i watched as he seen my hand flex and stoped.

He looked at Mila as if she was a goddess,

" I am sorry for your loss Ms Mila "

Ms Mila? What the.... after his words, he bowed and the others all followed, i wanted to chuckle but i held it all in. They all stayed like that, as if waiting for an order to stand back up.

Mila and i both looked and shrugged our shoulders, Mavis just nodded his head at Mila.

Mila pulled her hand out of my grip, but i was loving all the affection she was showing me over the last two days. But then again she kind of needed to let go to do what she was about to.

I was watching all of them, one wrong move and i wasnt going to let them hurt her, or bring danger to her at all. Both my hands were at the ready.

She seemed so confident right now it made me proud to have her as my family.

She cleared her throat,

" Stand up please im no princess or anything.... im just Mila-Lyn Howick. "

I watched as Mila stood there with her hand out to this Ethan guy with such i growen up stance.

Ethan finally stood, but didnt take Mila's hand straight away. He looked to to Mavis and myself for the okay.

After what took for ever he finally took Mila's hand.

" Im Ethan, third in command of the northen fullmoon pack. And it is my great honor to serve you Miss Mila. "

Mila nodded her head but was having a stearing contest with him.

" You can call me Mila.... - Sooo were you and my father close? "

I wanted to laugh, but it wasn't a laughing matter.

I nudged Mila in her side, she whipped her head around to me and mouthed 'What'? I shook my head at her to say slient words,

She turned back around. I thought she got my silent words but boy was i wrong.

" Sorry how rude of me.... i mean did yous get upto to good like i do ? "

I shook my head again she complety miss my message i was sending to her, the whole pack chuckled. I could tell she was doing her famous smirk she does when ever she gets into a situation.

I covered my anoyance and pulled  Mila back towards me.

" Nows not the time to bond with them Mila, let them introduce them selves then you can go crazy with questions like that okay "

She gave me a stern nod, and focused. The Ethan guy went and stood next to Mavid, just as the next two steped forward Mila steped back so she was closer to me. I was on guard when she did so,

As the two guys started introducing them selves i could feel Milly stearing and watching us the she spoke.

' Master.... calm down, these people mean no harm to us or Mila, if anything they will put there own life on the line before anything or someone hurts yous.'

'  Ill try. Have you gotten though to Rusty? '

I was still a little bit put off about Rusty wanting to bond with Mila, she wasnt ready to do it. And i wasnt sure what will happen if Rusty did bond with her, she already has her wolf Snow and in the super natural world one power per body. I dont know what will happen if she were to have two. It could possably harm or worse kill Mila. I need more info about the whole thing before the bond.

' No. '

' Tell him to give me time to figur it all out, he might harm her.... ple '

' Ill do my best marster '

I tuned out of the conversation, just as i was about to ask the next person a question who had stepped forward, Fran yelled from the back porch with the phone her hand.

" Scott dear your uncle Blake is on the phone and wants to speake with you "

I thought nice timing, i really need to talk with him but i also didnt want to leave Mila out here with all theses wolves. But maybe Uncle will know about the bond thing with Mila and Rusty.

I held up one finger to Fran, she nodded and walked back inside with Jason following behind.

I touched Mila's shoulder,

" Are you going to be okay out here with all of them? I need to take this phone call "

She just gave me a nod the followed though with words,

" Mavis is here, And Rusty is just over there so i think ill be fine. "

I didnt really want to leave Mila out here, but i need to get answers as well. I still didnt fully trust the pack standing before me but i have a gut feeling that they wont harm Mila.

I kissed Mila on the top of her head, i really wanted to hug her as well but then thought i might embaresse her.

I walked away and headed in side. On entering Fran was still talking to Uncle, i quickly checked my Phone to see if i had any messages.

I had a message from the same unknowen number again. I frowned at my phone,

: I felt that love, and it was great!

Good thing Fran and her grandson cant read minds, as it just clicked as to who theses texts are from. I did a quick reply as it concerned me,

: Lucy? If this is you i still dont want anything to do with you! Stay away from me and my family, you evil little witch!!!

Just as i was going to put my phone in my pocket it buzz to say i had another message,

: If only it was that easy love. See you real soon!

'F**k' i said out loud, this is the last thing i need right now,

Lucy was someone not to be messed with, her and i have history. She is pure evil inside and out, she wasnt always like that though she was a lovely young woman. Until she had met someone that had changed her mine, i tryed to suport her with the way she ended up going... But she made me choose between family and her. I choose my family!

This is the first time in a long time that i have herd a peep out if her, and i know why.

'Bye Blake see you in a few hours' Fran handed me the phone, i gave her a smile and started to walk towards the sitting room.

" Hi Uncle... What's the eta on your arivil ? "

I had to be quick, i need my uncle here asap. Lucy was making a move i just didnt know who she was going to use as the pawn. Knowing uncle Blake is on his way here she could have already put her people on a stake out ready to attack.

" Neph, i will be there when i get there. Now whats this about a wolf pack? You know i dont like any wolf's but my beautiful Snowy. Who are theses wolfs? and what do they want?. "

I rolled my eyes knowing that he would say something like that. Question after question,

" Uncle i need to know when you get here its important! "

I didnt want to answer his questions until he answers me, my question was way more important then who Mila's other family is. I know and trust Mila to know they mean no harm.

" Why? Is something wrong Boy?.... Talk now! "

I knew i couldn't hide it from him,

" Uncle... She's upto something, i havn't herd from her in nearly 10years. She texted me and said she will see me soon, meaning she's planing something or organising an attack of some sort well we are all greiving.  And i - "

" And you think shes going to use me a bait? Well.... i havnt seen anything like that coming, but i do see alot of other stuff. Happy and sad, and some times the happy can mean a whole lot of sad as well. I dont know, but i guess it might have something to do with the y - "

God i didnt get a word he was saying or what it ment.

" Uncle, you went right off what i was saying.... What time do you get here? "

" Sorry boy.... Four to five hours. How is my Snowy doing? "

" She doing alot better today... "

Well i think shes doing better today, she would be a whole lot better if that daymmed boy would piss right on off. But i have already had my say, plus i dont want her mad at me.

" Well i cant wait to see my Snowy. Her cousins are going to be there the day of, they miss her very much. So are your cousins boy... they are a little ticked off with you for the lack of contact and visits. But they still love you. "

I wanted to groan, i didnt want to keep in contact because it was either them come here or nothing at all. Oviously they choose nothing at all. After all the times iv told them that Mila is wanted by meany and is a unclaimed wolf which makes her a rouge. And we would have to cross two pack lands to get to them.

" Yes i know... And as for your earlyer questions about the wolfs, they are Mila's fathers pack and her fathers brother. Her uncle, "

" Can they be trusted with my Snowy? "

" Well she thinks she can trust them, but i dont know if i can. Cause after all they kind did kill both of her parents, and mine.... "

" How did Snowy take the news about her Wolf family? Since you all thought it was a good idea to hide her from her other family in all. And now.... They have all started coming out of the woods. "

" Uncle it was for the best. "

With everything that was going on it was for the best, but i have a feeling someone has let it slip who and where Mila is.

But Fran and i thought ahead and put yet another spell on her, so that everyone she knows and has met only sees her true face. But to others she looks like a different person.

" But how did she take it? I know my Snowy, and she would of tryed to reject them on the spot, or would or tryed to kill them... "

I had to laugh, from what my aunt had told me.

" Well all of the above. "

" Thats my Snowy, Any way what are you going to do about Lucy boy? She better not cause trouble or i will have to step in if she trys to hurt my family again. Ill hurt her first and have fun doing it. "

" I just hope it doesnt come to that uncle.... "

" Me either, i know you two are still connected in a way but you know she feeds off your power, i dont know how to brake that connection without hurting you boy... but i have high hopes that Snowy can, but maybe we should bring the four of them now? They could possably be the answer to all of the strange things that have been happing. "

" Im not a hundered percent sure now is the right time to do that uncle. Lenny has told Mila that she needs to start seeking them out - "

" Wait on a second boy, did i just hear what you said? How on earth did my Snowy meet my Lenny.... shes been dead 18 years! "

Shit i forgot to tell uncle Blake about that.

" My aunt took Mila's soul with her to Limbo.... I didnt know that aunt had that power still. "

I herd my uncle breathing heverly, which i could understand. I was equally angery she did that to.

" What the hell was she thinking taking my Snowy there, she could of been killed!! Or traped there! "

Mila came into the living room all bloodshock eyes, she sat next to me and i wrapped my arm around her. I was starting to think that none of this should be happing to her right now.

; Ill be there in a few hours boy, i want a full run down on what is going on and what has happened, i also want to know the full story of who theses wolfs are and how many of them. "

I had to quickly end this call or Mila was going to hear ever bit.

" Okay Uncle Blake ill see you in a few hours -"

" And is it going to be okay that i bring Andy? "

Andy was my uncle Blakes Familia,

" Yes you can bring Andy - "

" Good, Tell my Snowy i miss her and ill be there soon. "

I rolled my eyes,

" Okay iv gotta go "

" You better! "

" Okay bye "

I put the phone down and just huged Mila, i missed just sitting with her and hugging her.

" Gosh he hasnt changed one bit. He can talk the ears off an elephant. "

The most soulful giggle came from Mila,

" I havnt seen Uncle Blake for years! "

I actually havnt seen him either come to think about it, i talked to him on the phone many times over the last couple of years.

" Well he is excited to see you. Even if it is a sad gathering."

I felt Mila let a long sigh out, then she moved closer to me as if i was leaving her as well. I tighted my hold on her to show i wasnt going any where.

" Mila.... im not going any where you hear me!"

Mila just nods her head,

" I love you uncle Scott, "

My heart skiped a beat at her words, her five words touched my heart like a hot knife cutting though butter.

" Yes i know, I love you too "

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