Jaune Warrior of Light or Dar...

Por KaiserDrag0n

247K 3.2K 2.5K

Jaune Arc Beacon's worst student and weakest huntsmen in training. It's not all bad for our favorite huntsme... Más

Choices Made I
Choices Made II
Choices Made III
Choices Made IV
Choices Made V
Training I
Training II
Training III
Training IV
Training V
Return I
Return II
Return III
Return IV
Return V
Test I
Test II
Test III
Test IV
Test V
Aftermath I
Aftermath II
Small Announcement
Aftermath III
Aftermath IV
Aftermath V
Hunter I
Hunter II
Hunter III
Hunter IV
Hunter V
Rematch! I
Rematch II
New Story
Rematch III
Rematch VI
Rematch V
Intentions I
Intentions II
Flames! I
Flames! II
Flames! III
Flames! IV
The warrior of Light and Dark I

Flames! V

2K 31 31
Por KaiserDrag0n

"Maybe we can help you Jaune after all we are in a game." 

Jaune: !

Jaune then quickly got up and something impacted behind him. The impacted sent him flying to the edge of the building. Jaune quickly got up and looked around and saw two figures in the sky. One was Xanxus  while the other was Byakuran.

Jaune:"Great what do you two want? Didn't you two run with your tail between your leg."

Byakuran:"Hehe well you are a bit fun. We have something to talk to you about."

Xanxus:"You waste, we need to end you. But before that how do you know our name?"

Jaune responds was a simple middle finger and that pissed Xanxus.

Xanxus:"Grrr you son of bitch!"

Xanxus then charged and Jaune blue eye's flashed orange and BOOM Xanxus impacted where Jaune had been standing and cause a cloud of dust to form. When the dust began to clear Jaune was in a stand still with Xanxus's gun in his X gloves. Xanxus a prideful man did not enjoy having Jaune stop him in his track. Jaune knew what kind of guy Xanxus was but right now Jaune could not give a fuck! Jaune threw his hands up causing Xanxus to take a step back. Jaune spun and kick him clean in the face. Xanxus was sent flying off the buliding and crashed into one about 4 blocks down. On impact people started to take notice. Byakuran slowly flew down and was looking to where Xanxus was sent flying. Byakuran hand a hand on his chin and a smile enjoying what he just say

Byakuran:"Wow, I didn't think you could send Xanxus flying."

Then he turned to Jaune with glee.

Byakuran:"Maybe this will be a great game after all."

Jaune:"I am not part of your game so fuck off before you two get hurt. I'm currently not in the mood.........No you know what sorry but for right now you two are going to be the objects I vent my anger on."

Byakuran:"Hehehe you know, you say some fun things."

Byakuran was looking to Jaune wondering how this will go. Then as he blinked Jaune was gone his eye went a bit open before a fist impacted him on the left and sent him crashing into the streets with innocent people getting scared of the impact. Back where Xanxus was, he was mad he looked to Jaune and to aim with both guns while using the building to hold him in place. He proud a lot of his flame into the twin X gun and shot out a massive flame towards Jaune. Jaune looked to the in coming shot. People below saw Jaune get in gulfed by the massive flame and thought he was dead. Byakuran shot out of the hole he was in and saw Jaune get in gulfed by the attack.

Byakuran:"Huh guess he was not all that fun."

He looked toward Xanxus.

Byakuran:"Sigh...I never get the chance to play cause this guy never just like to play. What a lame trip."

As he turned and was slowly fly towards Xanxus. Soon the attack Xanxus shot and blue shine happened to be shine through his blast. Soon the blue light was getting everyone's attention and soon a blue flame brust out of the blast and Jaune was now in his X glove from but he was using his Rain flame. His eye's blue as the sea and blue flame dancing on his head and fist.

Jaune simply looked to Xanxus and made the all famous come on gesture. Xanxus glared and then shot towards Jaune. The force he used caused the building to break and the top half began to fall. This caused many people to run for it and cars stop and some even crashed into each other so those in the car came out to run for it. Idiots a car can help them get away faster.

As for Byakuran his glee level were once again high and he want to play with Jaune and just like Xanxus he went for Jaune. Jaune seeing both come for him he knew things were about to get a bit difficult. As Jaune got ready and the other two closed in out of no where a white and black shot stopped both Xanxus and Byakuran from getting near Jaune. All three looked around and soon spotted on opposite side of two building a group of people in white and black robes.

White Robes:"You will no go near his Holiness!"

Black Robes:"Stay away from the Target!"

Then the white robes went for Byakuran while the black robes went for Xanxus.

------------Back to the others---------------

Let's back up a bit shall we....

Jaune saw his friends coming and got more pissed and shot off to get away from them.

Pyrrha:"Jaune! Jaune!"

Pyrrha had watched as Jaune was becoming a small orange dot in the sky. Oh how her heart felt like it was smashed into a thousand pieces. Then she was spun around and was smacked clean a cross her face. Pyrrha then landed on her ass and saw a very angry Risa.

Risa:"Why did you kiss him?"


Risa:"Why did you kiss Jaune?"

Pyrrha:"Why? Cause I love him."

Risa:"Well guess what Jaune dose not love you! You went and kissed my man right in front of me you cunt!"

Pyrrha got up and glared at Risa.

Pyrrha:"I loved Jaune before he meet you before all this bull shit happened."

Tears began to run down her face.

Pyrrha:"I hate myself for what I done to Jaune! Every time I look at myself in the mirror I hate it. I was there for him and cause on one mistake I made I lost him!"

Risa hateful glare went a tiny bit soft.

Pyrrha:"I should have never left him alone...." She rubs her eyes but the tears won't stop. "Jaune was the nicest and sweetest guy I meet and treated me right. I know I have no right to say he is mine but I still love him....You get to be with him but I can't." She then falls to her knees. "I just wanted Jaune to forgive me....I want Jaune to smile at me....I want him to look at me with eyes of love and care.....". Her skirt was getting wet by her tears. "Is it wrong to ask for love from the person your heart wants....I don't even care if he loves you......I......I....I just want him to look at me with care not with those empty eyes...I would rather die a thousand times over than have him look at me like that....."

Pyrrha then looks at Risa with red stain eyes and tears that just won't stop.

Pyrrha:"Have you ever loved someone to the point it hurts?"

Now Risa, Miu, and Bayonetta knew where her love for Jaune was the same level as them. Risa herself knew better than anyone how much love can hurt and how it can make you do crazy things. Risa let go of her anger and bent down and hugged Pyrrha as she cried into Risa embrace.

Risa:"Yes I know, I know how much love hurts."

Then a massive explosion far from them was heard and everyone saw the massive cloud of dust and smoke. This stop everything and everyone was looking at it. People where looking out windows cars and wondering what the hell is going on.


Pyrrha broke free from the embrace and ran as fast as she could to Jaune. She didn't know but she had been pumping aura into her legs making her faster. As the others watched her run off they soon went after her and followed.

Back to Jaune....

Jaune was watching as the two groups keep the two crazy off him. Jaune then slowly lowered himself to a random building. Jaune was looking at the fights wonder just who the hell are these people. Then the leaders of both group landed on the same roof as Jaune. Jaune took a stance ready to fight should they want to come at him. Then one other person dropped behind the leaders.

WR(White Robes):"You are Jaune Arc correct?"

Jaune:"Who's asking?"

BR(Black Robe):"This is who I'm sent to fight?"


BR:"I'm here to test you. We need to make sure you are"

WR:"You will not be getting near him while we are here."

Then they WR took a hold on the robes and ripped it off showing 2 male warriors.

"I am Miles, Captain of the holy church!"

"I am Silver Vice Captain of the holy church."

Following their lead the BR did the same thing.

"I am Rose head of these assassins."

"I am Shiva second in charge."

Jaune:"Damn it....Why are the really sexy ones always trying to kill me."

Miles:"Jaune please come with us we will protect you from them."

Rose:"Sorry but I need to test him and then bring him back."

Sliver:"That will not be happening."

Shiva:"That was not a request."

Jaune:"Sigh you guys seem to be busy so I will just go, later."

Jaune turned around and took a few steps.

Andromeda:"Brother they"

Abyss:"I know sister."

Andromeda/Abyss:"The time has come."

Jaune was then stop by blades one of Miles and the other Rose. Jaune simply looked at the blades then to each owner.

Jaune:"Look I'm really not in the mood so here is some free advice, Leave me alone before I give you hell."

Jaune:[Abyss Andromeda get ready.]

Rose:"Tch...Just like a man to think he is all big and bad. Your type is the first to be killed or end up crying."

Miles:"Jaune I wish to not cause problems but you have to come with me. I have a job and I will use force if I have to, to finish my mission."

Then behind Jaune Silver and Shiva way blocking him.

Jaune:"Last chance to fuck off."

Shiva:"He's mine!"

Shiva rushed Jaune and went for a strike and her blade was stopped by Jaune's X glove by use the back of his glove.

Jaune:"Fine...You had your chance."

Jaune then landed a kick on Shiva and sent her to the edge. From there he planted his leg and went for a second kick to send Silver away to and edge but Silver blocked with his sword. Now behind Jaune the two leader flared there aura as a warning to Jaune.


Rose:"Make a move I dare you."

Jaune simple looked over his shoulder. Then the X glove vanished and he had his regular eyes back. He could feel a presence coming off those two as if he has a link to them.

Jaune:"Okay you have my attention so make it good."

Miles:"As I said before I come a holy church and I need to bring you back. You have been selected to be part of the greater good."

Jaune:"Greater Good? You know when I hear that it always ends up bad like end of the world bad. And you sexy what's your business with me?"

Rose:"Careful Jaune was it this Rose has thorns hehehe. I was sent from a faction to test your shall we say power and to bring you back if worth. Thought I did not expect idiots of the church to be here."

Miles gave Rose a glare as a warning.

Miles:"Careful of your words women, you have no right to speak of the church. You and your cult are beyond saving."

Jaune:"Sigh great one of this crap again...."

Both leaders looked at Jaune with a confused look.

Miles/Rose:"What do you mean?"

Jaune:"Simple, if I go with him to the church it will be about the good of the church and the people. Oh but wait, what the head of the church or the second in charge are evil and are using you and the people. Now I have to fight some over the top holy monster demon and save the world. I go with her to her faction it's, we need to bring a person of legend and save the world. Wait what the person we are looking for is a evil monster and has been using the head of the faction to come into our world. Then it kills everyone in the faction and I'm left to fight it with you sexy but in the end it will be me alone and another giant monster demon trying to take over or destroy the world. Hell it can even be the other way around same shit different people."



Abyss:[It's not like that, it's has to do with us.]

Jaune:[! The hell you mean it's about you?]

Andromeda:[It's best to talk later Jaune.]

Rose:"That's the kind of thing you see in movies and games. You need to grow up."

Jaune:"You be surprised how much games and movies get right."

Miles:"I can assure you our church is"

Jaune:"On a holy mission to help the world."

Miles:"!...Yes...How did you know?"

Jaune:"Trust me I heard it a million times."

Rose:"Well we believe"

Jaune:"The system is broken and needs to be fixed so everyone is equal."

Rose:"!...Okay your not normal do you have a mind reading semblance?"

Jaune:"Shit, if I had that I run this whole city in a week no no a month. I would play around first."

Rose:"You are interesting I'll give you that and on the handsome side maybe you can help me with and itch I have."

Jaune:"Well that came out of no where, hmmmm....tell you what if you can beat me I'll be your toy."

Rose:"Looks like that itch will be gone soon."

The women had a lustful smile and was going to enjoy herself.

Jaune:"Sigh...man or women someone always think they are the shit. Till they get put in their place."

Rose took two steps to Jaune and a sword of Miles stop her from going closer. Rose smile quickly faded and glared at Miles.

Rose:"Move or I will kill you."

Miles:"As I said before you will not get near him while I'm here."

Rose:"Then let me end you!"

Rose to her sword and swiped up to remove Miles blade from her and took a stance. They both looked at one another and rushed inand thier fight began. Behind Jaune the second in commands where in a fight as well.

Jaune:"You know I thought I was going to fight Byakuran and Xanxus not this people."

Then as Jaune said that a white dragon was charging at him and he got hit cause his focus was on the two in front of him.


Jaune was sent flying in between the two leaders and Jaune soon was rolling and went right off the building. Thinking quick he went and grabbed the edge but missed it by an inch and went down. Thinking quick Jaune gathered some darkness and shot it downward and shot himself back on to the roof. Once he landed he looked ahead and the two leaders looked at where he was looking to see both Xanxus and Byakuran standing without so much as a scratch. But if you was wondering where were the other 8 of both team, well behind Byakuran the 8 white robes had a bunch of white spears going through all of them and best believe they are dead. Behind Xanxus the Black robes where turn to swiss cheese massive holes in them and burns.

Miles:"You were able to kill my team?"

Rose:"Looks like you were stronger than my killers."

Byakuran:"It was easy they where no fun. But my fun it with him." He points towards Jaune.

Xanxus:"If you don't want me to kill you move and let me kill him." He glares at Jaune.

Shiva and Sliver then regroup with their leader.

Silver:"How should we handle this?"

Miles:"As much as I hate it looks like we have to fight."

Silver:"I understand."

Shiva:"Us too?"

Rose:"Yup and here I thought it would be a stupid mission. I'm glad they sent me."

Byakuran:"Look Xanxus it seems that we have a real game now."

Xanxus:"All I'm after is him these fly will die soon."

Jaune saw that it was a stand still and not wanting to part of this add aura to his leg and jumped to the next building over. Once he landed Jaune was surrounded by all of them.

X/B/R/M/S/S:"Where are you going?"

Jaune:"Okay how the fuck are ya in sync like that?"

X/B/R/M/S/S:"Answer me!"

Jaune:"Sigh and here I thought I was going to get away fuck looks like I'm fight wither I want to or not."

Jaune to a breath in and looked at them. The winds blows and nothing could be heard. No one making a move. Then a single leaf was dancing in the wind and it went around all of them. They gripped their weapon ready their feet and was keeping watch on everyone they could. Jaune in the middle keep looking around wondering who would be first. The leaf danced around Jaune the went high up to as if to see the top view. On one building dead bodies and much damage to the surrounding area. On the street people looking up wondering what's going on. The leaf slowly danced down. Out in the distance the sound of the vale police could be heard. The leaf passes Jaune face. Everyone is ready some with a smile others with a glare and ready. Once the leaf touches the roof floor they all rushed Jaune.

(A/N:"Happy New years to you all sorry for the late update but my recovery is slow but I am getting better, better to be slow and end up at 100% right. Once again thanks for your patience and support. I hope you guys and girls have a great new year and get all you deserver. I am writing but it's slow only cause my hands are banged up and sometime the pain is unbearable and can't write so I will put out more chapter but it will be a slow process but I hope soon, once again thank you and hope to be able to write more for you guys. Once again Happy New Years!!:D)

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